Disclaimer: Come on guys. After three brilliantly written masterpieces called the matrix, you think I still own it?

Author's Notes: If you've seen Revolutions, you'll know where this begins. If you haven't seen Revolutions, get your but off the computer, be a true matrix fan, and go see it.

Everything that has a beginning has an end. Every reality meant to be blends into other realities. And if you don't let go, the future lies in our forgotten past only to be condemned to repeat itself.

Let Go

I'm never letting go.

"I love you too damn much," Neo echoed as his eyes snapped open. He could feel Trinity's presence, but even amongst the code, he couldn't see her. He rolled over to deflect Smith's powerful punch.

"I'm supposed to say something, Mr. Anderson. I don't know what exactly, but everything that has a beginning has an end. What did I say?" Smith represented the perfect picture of confusion as realization dawned in Neo's eyes. Nothing could have prepared Neo for this moment more than the hold on his physical body. He let it go. Smith transformed his matrix self into another Smith. He hovered on the aether as he gathered energy from the matrix around him. The jolt from machines brought him back into awareness abruptly.

"Everything that has a beginning has an end," Neo whispered as he slammed his power into Smith. His power. His essence. His being of light energy. It no longer mattered whether he survived. His reason for living was forgotten. The code around him expanded to form the deletion program.

He could feel every ounce of his energy running through Smith. He could feel its judgment on the evil lying there. There was nothing more he could do to fulfill his purposes. The light bent outwards of Smith, destroying every physical hold Smith had on the world. Agent Smith screamed in frustration as the deletion program ran wildly throughout his system. Neo let go of the pain the deletion program was forcing on him as well.

Something held onto him. It wasn't in this world; this world wasn't real. The realities shifted to form his existence on a much higher plain. No power was lost on him, but a tiny flicker of hope rested inside his being. His form was shifting once again. His sense of sight heightened as his eyes became whole once more. His body regained human form, but something kept him detached from both the matrix and the real world. Someone was with him, but only light prickled at the edge of his vision.

Neo could feel something changing around him (or was he the one changing?) He slammed hard down upon the ground. Was this ground he was laying on? He didn't feel the metallic taste of blood on the tip of his tongue. The cold, rough metal transformed to accommodate his figure. He groaned as clutched his hands into fists.

Someone, or rather something, was shaking him into awareness. Expecting to still find holes where his eyes once were, Neo was surprised to find his eyes completely healed. Had the matrix healed him? Looking up, he was surprised to find his body in front of him where he had left it. He jumped when a hand was laid on his shoulder. He whipped his head around, and choked on his words. "Trinity?" he whispered in disbelief. She nodded mutely.

He threw himself into her arms, and sank to the metal floor of machine's army. He thought the last drop of tears had left him when he left Trinity's body. Her homecoming brought a fresh onslaught of tears to his eyes. "Why are we here again, Neo?" she whispered into his hair as she stroked his back. Her inner peace did little to calm his fiery storm of emotions. Her acceptance broke the damn he had walled up for so long.

"I couldn't let go of us, Trin. I had to hold on," his cracked voice brought silence with it as the steady buzz of machines moved away to give them some privacy.

"And you let go of your body in the process?" Neo could now see tears burning at her eyes as well. He didn't feel detached to his body; he was still here in the real world in essence. He could have survived if he had held on a little longer. They weren't living any longer now.

"I let go of everything but this," he answered in awe as dawning preceded his words. He clasped his hand to hers in a powerful embrace. They would never let go. Maybe they couldn't be apart of the living anymore, but they were together again.

"I held on to this world, you know," she murmured as she stroked his hair.

"Then why do we have our matrix bodies?" Neo teased as he gazed approvingly at Trinity's choice black leather. It suited her much better than the wool shirts they were usually forced to wear. They were mysteriously missing their trademark glasses. Smith might have had something to do with that. Well, at least they were comfortable with what they were wearing. They died with some attachment to a world.

"It was because you both were in the matrix last," the machine rumbled underneath them. Trinity nearly slipped in shock as Neo rose to his feet. His body had been brought aboard in the process of them reuniting. He grimaced as he gazed at Trinity's old body as well. They were still apart of this world. How? They were nothing short of dead.

"You are still able to see us?" Neo asked as he went to check on the two bodies. He could sense the emptiness in them, but he was afraid to touch them. The dead were better left undisturbed.

"Yes. Why are you still here?" It asked as Neo flinched at the sight of the machines. Many of the sentinels looked as if they wanted a human snack, but the machine beneath them somehow protected them.

"I couldn't let go. We've fought too hard to let our people die without any warning." Neo could feel Trinity's nervousness as she spoke these words. He couldn't really blame her for it. The machines made most Zionites and fighters alike run like hell as it was. He only needed her, but if she wanted to stay in this world, he would as well.

"The war is over," it rumbled as it lowered them down onto the Logos. Trinity visibly relaxed, but they could still see the damage done by the machines on Niobe's ship. Neo shuddered as he gazed at their bodies.

"How are we going to get home? Our ship was destroyed…" Trinity trailed off as she moved to her dead body. They could feel the machines, but could they feel human flesh? Apparently not. Trinity's hand passed right through her own body. They would have to leave them here.

"We will feed your ship power. I suggest you leave now to warn your city to stay away from here. We can be at peace as long as we can avoid one another." Trinity floated down to the Logos. Neo laughed as he did the same. Were they just spirits now? He hoped not. Zion really needed to see them one last time.

Power surge into the ship as it jumped back to life. The parts damaged seemed to be repairing themselves as Trinity and Neo moved missing pieces out of the cockpit. Neo made a wide berth of the bloodied wires. He was too close to death to be able to deal with Trinity's now.

Their bodies were placed in the back carefully by the sentinels. Trinity tried to make the chairs stable enough to hold them for a ride home. "Can you drive back?" Trinity asked as she sagged in the chair. The longer they had to leave, the faster her strength was leaving her. She didn't have the power Neo had to keep them stable in this world.

Neo gazed at her in concern. "We're only human," he said softly. They weren't invincible, and they sure as hell weren't able to stay this close to the machine city with Trinity holding them down. "We can only go on for so long like this," she answered ruefully as she started up the power. It sputtered a few times before jumping to life in a steady beat. Its power reassured her they were going to make it.

"Transfer your energy to me." Trinity glanced at him in confusion. He smiled in respite. "I could anchor us here instead of you using all your energy on it. It would be easier on you," he added quickly as they moved above the machines. He wasn't so sure the peace treaty was entirely secured. The Logos hummed around him as he sat back in relief. It wasn't going to be an easy journey back to Zion, but they would deal with it.

"Here," he whispered as he clasped hands with her. Focusing on Trinity alone, he could read the coding that had once been her. Now, there was mostly green light instead of the usual running numbers. He focused on her power, and reached inside himself to withdraw from his. The light in both of them glowed as he intertwined their powers. Trinity gasped as she felt his power coursing through her. Their inner light joined together, and it left both of them breathless. Neo felt the weight of the anchor pull only slightly down on his power. It would be enough. "Hold on to my spirit, and I'll keep us here in the real world. We're lingering because you kept us here. We can always let go and move on when you're ready."

"Rest," he murmured as his hand grazed her cheek. "I'll take us back from here." He could feel her about to protest, but he laid a finger across her smooth lips. Since they were anchored here, they would once again feel the bitterness of mortality. All the diseases and illnesses could be felt once more, but all they had to do was let go. They were half dead anyway, and all that was keeping them here was the need of the world.

She sighed against his finger and kissed it once before succumbing to sleep. Neo fell into an easy pattern as the Logos loftily made its way out the city. Lowering it slowly into the tunnels, he sighed in relief as no sentinels attacked the ship. He was sure he couldn't die again, but they couldn't really float by themselves to Zion very fast. It might even take years if they floated to Zion. Besides, he didn't want to leave his body and Trinity's body to a machine graveyard.

When they reached the edge of the tunnels, he sped up ever so slightly. Turning the machine on autopilot for now, Neo watched Trinity. She turned and muttered something under her breath. He rubbed her warm cheek, and she leaned into his touch in her sleep. Smiling affectionately, he stroked her short locks with his other free hand. Her heart rate decreased as she entered a deep sleep.

He now knew how he survived the fight with Smith for so long. Trinity had been there the entire time watching over him. Every ounce of added strength he owed to her. Her death spurred his momentum on to fight his feared enemy. In a way, he did lose to the agent. When he let go of his bodily form, Smith took control for those few precious moments. Only his hold on Trinity fed his desire to put up one last stand.

When he lost his will to live, she gave him one more reason to survive. Her love of him carried them throughout their ulterior motive. They might have just let death take them. True fighters would never have given in as long as there was something to fight for. How many fighters were left in Zion? How many of their dead still floated on the edge of life because of their need to protect their homeland?

He wasn't ready to face the consequences of his actions. He defeated Smith, but Zion was left nearly unprotected in the process. Would they welcome him back with open arms after they counted their dead? He could have stayed on the ship to fight. Was there even any of Zion left to save, or was he too late? I fought so hard, and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter.

They would see Zion again. They would be pressed for answers, and answers would not be given. The only thing they owed anyone was Niobe for banging up her ship, and Morpheus for worrying him so much. Whether Zion wanted them or not, they would stay until Trinity wanted to move on. He had no connections left with the world, no real desire to stay. She wanted to help clean up Zion and seal the treaty, so he would stay.

He pushed a little at the light now tying them together. He smiled in pure bliss as she unconsciously moved towards him. They were one now. Trinity shared his power, and he shared hers. Zion had better be ready for them because they were coming home. Nothing would stand in their way.

Author's Notes: This will not be a Mary Sue. If there are other stories out there like this, I hope I have deliberately changed the plot enough to be different. No new girl characters will enter my story. I can guarantee at least that. Oh, and I don't own Linkin Park either. They kinda own themselves. This might be cowritten in later chapter. In any case, I will inform everyone of this in later chapters. Review please, and please no flames. Constructive criticism is highly welcome. Ja ne ~Insane Pineapple from Naboo

Centaur: I fixed what I could. Hopefully, it was enough to your satisfaction. I'll add the next chapter tomorrow.