A/N: This is my first DBZ fic. so please go easy on me. It will be a Prince Trunks/Pan fic.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

"talking" 'thinking' (me buttin' in)

Ages: Trunks-19 Pan-17 Bra-16 Goten-18

Chapter 1: Meet Pan

Prince Trunks was lying on his bed trying to think of something to do. 'This shouldn't happen, I mean I'm the prince. I don't have anybody to train with or anywhere for that matter.' His thought were referring to the gravity room being broken. He laid there for a few more minutes until one of the slaves knocked on the door. "Come on in." She opened the door and stepped in a little.
"The king would like to see you you highness."
Trunks looked at her a moment "Tell him I'm coming." She nodded and walked out. He began walking down the hall. 'What could he possibly want this time?' he wondered as he came to the large golden double doors of the throne room.
As he entered he was going to say something but desided against it when he seen his father's face. "Have a seat." was the first words out of Vegeta's mouth. "As you know your nearing your 20th birthday. Your mother and I have been talking and as you also know you must have a mate by you 21st birthday. So we have desided to find one for you."
"What? How can you do that. You Can't! I should have the right to choose who I want to spend the rest of my life with! Mom, you can't let him do this."
"I'm afraid that he's right, Trunks. You knew that you had to have a mate and you ignored it. So now we have to put our foot down. No more playing around. You have to have a mate."
"I can't believe this! You and Dad was in love before you got to choose why can't I find someone to love."
"Because you take to long, brat." He father had stepped back in the conversation. "Be ready tomarrow at 1:00 pm to meet your future mate." At that Trunks just turned around and headed out of the throne room.

(Next Morning)

Trunks was still asleep and it was 11:00. A maid , Sarah, stepped in and woke Trunks up to breakfast in bed. Trunks said his thanks and dug in. Sarah come back about 30 minutes later and had to wake Trunks up again. One she got him up she made his bed, told him to get ready to meet his new mate, and left the room.
After she left it dawned on Trunks what she had said and he figured if he had to go through with this he might as well make a good impression so he jumped in the shower and when he got out he found some of his best spandex and saiyan armor. His spandex was blue and his saiyan armor blue and white with the royal crest on the left side. He combed his hair and slipped his boots on before he headed toward the throne room.
As he made it there it was just turning 1:00, so he walked on in and found his mother talking to some girl........a very pretty girl at that. He walked over to his father "Is she here yet?"
Vegeta looked at him, "Who said it was a she?"
At that Trunks' face went pale. "What are you talking about?"
Vegeta started laughing, "Its not a boy, brat, but nobody ever said it wasn't before now though did they?"
"Hahaha that was soooo funny. Now honestly is SHE here yet?"
"She's sitting over there talking to your mom, I would go meet her now because there's no telling what your mother will tell her about you."
Before Vegeta ever got that out of his mouth Trunks was over there, "Mom?"
"Oh Trunks, I'd like you to meet Pan, her dad and I grew up together, and they were going through a hard time so we figured it would be best if you two became mates, and I know what your going to say but I don't want to hear it. OK?"
"I wasn't going to say anything." was all he could get out as he looked at her, she was more than pretty to him she was like VERY pretty on those terms.
Bulma smirked at her son's reaction, "Why don't you go show Pan around."
Trunks snapped out of his trance then. "Huh...oh, sure. This way." he said as he led Pan out of the throne room.

A/N: I know there is some grammer and spelling mistakes but oh well I suck at both.