So this is pretty much exactly what the chapter heading says it is- An Interlude. It's been a long time since I updated, I know- more reasons than I can name for that...the main one being, COLLEGE. And the accompanying time commitment. To answer a question I have been asked several times now, YES, I do want to finish this story, as I know exactly what it supposed to happen from here to the only issue is exactly HOW it's all going to happen. I've kind offallen out of the SM fandom, also, and taken a very active interest in the HP fandom- specifically the Hermione/Draco ship (lol, don't ask, my mind works in strange ways) so I feel even more alienated from this story. Also, because of my more than a year-long hiatus, I'm kind of out-of-sorts where this story is concerned, and while I still remember what was supposed to happen, the methods I was going to employ to make those things happen seem very flimsy now, and so until I iron out all that stuff, this is all I've got- but it's substantial-- may not seem like it, but there is stuff going on here to think/wonder about...this interlude IS here for a reason, remember, it's not just filler...I assure you, I don't usually appreciate filler at all, and so I certainly wouldn't intentionally put in my own work. As to whether I will in fact finish this story or not...well, that has yetto be determined.With summer coming, and the ensuing boredom that usually accompanies it, there's a greater likelihood I will continue this, but nothing's certain- it's mostly contingent on 1) If I can figure out this main obstacle that's completely preventing me from writing the next chapter, 2) If I can actively re-interest myself in the S-D romance long enough to see this thing through to completion. Hopefully it'll happen, but there's a chance it won't. That said, here is the poem that ties this whole story together...enjoy! And tell me how you like it too!
I won't tell you not to love some vagabond,
but for the sake of your soul, don't ever trust one…
Neither thought nor understood
The first time my body wished, yearned
You must know every moment
the memory of me will make you burn
I'll keep a nightly vigil
And sleep will not come to you
My love, I speak only the truth.
Beautiful stranger, my stranger, don't go and leave me
Wanderer, I beg you, keep your promise that is mine
Remember me, wrap memories of us in lavender
Don't forget me in the winds of time
What sickness of the heart is this?
It's punishment from heaven above
Though it be strewn with thorns or rosebuds
It is still that cursed road of love.
Cut open my heart and look within
It bears in blood only your name
I dance within this fire of passion
The fire for which you were the flame.
Beautiful stranger, my stranger, don't go and leave meWanderer, I beg you, keep your promise that is mine
Remember me, wrap memories of us in lavender
Don't forget me in the winds of time
It seems only those in love
Know what madness truly means
And indeed, you are within my sleep
The reflection of a thousand dreams
So cold, such a mystery are those,
The emotions you never seem to feel
Yet your eyes are filled with the
Scars of love, and they can never heal.
Beautiful stranger, my stranger, don't go and leave me
Wanderer, I beg you, keep your promise that is mine
Remember me, wrap memories of us in lavender
Don't forget me in the winds of time
It was you who grabbed my hand in jest
Now don't spare me, hold it, clasp it for life
Don't fly away, leaving only wispy memories
Lest I take for my lover a knife
Having cast me aside, what will
you do, where will you go?
Who will gather the broken pieces
of me, who will ever know?
Beautiful stranger, my stranger, don't go and leave me
Wanderer, I beg you, keep your promise that is mine
Remember me, wrap memories of us in lavender
Don't forget me in the winds of time
You swept into my life so suddenly,
A flower to mark the advent of spring
Then the season passed away, and you put
Endless tears in eyes that were laughing.
The fate of lovers, after all, is
Loneliness, nothing more,
Desire's closest companion is loss
And together they've left me lying on the floor
Beautiful stranger, my stranger, don't go and leave me
Wanderer, I beg you, keep your promise that is mine
Remember me, wrap memories of us in lavender
Don't forget me in the winds of time…