Dominance - #15: Epilogue

Disclaimer: Digimon, Ken Ichijouji and Daisuke Motomiya aren't mine (**sniffs sadly**) and neither is anyone else. Nothing's mine except the fic and everything's borrowed and no profit's been made. So don't sue.

The first thing Daisuke heard when he came back to awareness was the gentle pattering of the rain that fell across the Digital World. The constant, repetitive sound became a drone for him, annoying him enough to fully wake him. He groaned inwardly. He wanted to sleep.

Then he remembered everything that had happened and his eyes snapped open.

He found rising too quickly from a who-knew-how-long unconscious streak did not do your head any favours. Groaning as he rubbed his head, Daisuke tried to make the spinning stop, and quickly realised he wasn't alone, as something small and blue and very hyper barrelled into him, crying, "Dai-chan!"

He grunted as he opened his eyes again and found a sobbing Chibimon clinging to him, refusing to let go. Shocked, he eventually managed to prise the little digimon from him and held him close. "Hey little guy, what's wrong?"

Tears pooling from his eyes, the digimon looked up at his partner. "We were all so afraid that you'd never wake up! Ken hasn't slept in days and -" He cut off, looking shameful, as if he'd said something he shouldn't have. "Are you all right now Dai-chan?" Even Daisuke wasn't stupid enough not to see the deliberate change of topic. Oh well, he'd discuss it with Ken when he saw him.

He nodded. "Of course I am! It'd take a lot more to take me from you after all!" He hugged Chibimon and scratched behind his ears, just at the right spot. Chibimon squealed happily, much to Daisuke's amusement.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you, but we couldn't get in," the digimon apologised. "It was only after everything was over that we reached you. Ken himself looked after you -" Again he broke off, looking as if he had said something he shouldn't. Daisuke was becoming very suspicious.

"Where is Ken anyway?"

"Uh ... around." Chibimon was very embarrassed by now.

"How is he then?"

"Uh ... I promised him I wouldn't say." Both partners looked up as the door opened and Ken stepped into the room. Glancing at the small digimon in Daisuke's arms, a silent message passed between the two, and Chibimon quickly squirmed out of his friend's arms and went off to investigate something or other. Whatever In-Training digimon found fascinating, which was practically everything.

Daisuke found himself only able to stare in dismay at Ken as he approached the bed he was in. Ken, to be blunt, looked terrible. Dark circles smudged under his eyes and his skin was even paler than usual. His movements were slow and stiff. What had happened to him?

Ken smiled slightly as he sat on the bed gingerly beside Daisuke. "Let me guess - I look terrible?" Daisuke, without thinking, nodded, and immediately went bright red, regretting it. Ken only laughed, setting his love at ease.

Daisuke looked solemnly up at him, eyes serious. "How did you get that bad?" Reaching up and trying to ignore the pangs of pain that stabbed through him, he tenderly stroked Ken's cheek, smiling at him.

For a moment, Ken didn't answer, instead staring at something distantly that Daisuke couldn't see. Finally he answered. "When Veemon and I found you, either of us could barely recognise you."

That brought Daisuke to his next question. "How long have I been unconscious?"

Ken looked away for a moment, but he reluctantly answered. "A week."

Damn. Daisuke eyed Ken critically, things finally beginning to make sense. "And you spent the entire time healing me." When Ken nodded slowly, Daisuke inwardly winced. No wonder Ken looked so terrible then. "Thank you," he whispered.

Ken shrugged. "I couldn't let you die could I?"

"Did I reach my power?" Daisuke questioned, hauling himself up to a sitting position and wincing.

Ken nodded. "The pain should be enough to convince you," he added dryly. "No, you reached it all right, and managed to destroy our enemy." Hopefully, he added silently, but Daisuke didn't need to be told that. "The cavern was basically crumbling, but you unconsciously sent your power out and mended everything." He stopped there, deciding not to try and explain the amazing sights he and Veemon had seen. Daisuke's power was unimaginable. But he'd soon learn that himself. No need to tell him yet.

"That link," Daisuke blurted out suddenly, eyes widening. "What was that?"

Ken wordlessly pulled off his left glove and held his palm out to Daisuke. He stared silently down at the thin, pale scar that stretched across the skin. "Look at your own hand."

Daisuke wordlessly held up his own hand. An identical scar was on the palm as well. "I don't remember cutting myself."

"You didn't - I did." At Daisuke's confused look, Ken sighed and continued. "Remember our agreement? I added hidden clauses onto it. If the victor spilt his own blood to help the loser, the victor would be giving some of his own strength to the other. I helped you concentrate, and ..." He trailed off, avoiding his eyes.

"And what?" Daisuke pressed, leaning forward slightly.

Ken sighed, meeting his eyes straight. "Upon spilling my own blood to help you ... I had to pay the price, by giving a sacrifice. I - I gave up my dominance over you Daisuke. I no longer have control over you. You're free again."

Daisuke was stunned to say the least. He was free? Meaning Ken couldn't tell him what to do anymore? Neat. Maybe. He had got used to Ken ordering him around. This was confusing. Did it mean -

"You are free to go of course," Ken added dully, looking away purposely.

As he stared at the Kaiser, his once enemy and his love, Daisuke felt something incredibly powerful surge through him. His power, he realised, marvelling inwardly at it. He felt so strong, like nothing could defeat him. It was definitely something he could get used to. In that moment, he gripped Ken's hand slightly, so the other boy turned to look at him. "I think I'll stay a little longer, if that's okay with you?" Daisuke decided, eyes twinkling. Ken smiled in return. "So what happens to us now?" Daisuke asked.

Ken shrugged. "You tell me. It's not like I'm the one in control anymore."

It was then it really, really hit Daisuke what had happened. Black fire snapped over his hands for an instant, as he leaned in and kissed Ken softly.

Things weren't going to be easy, he knew that. No one was going to be happy either of them were gay, never mind that they were considering being together. There was still the problem of Ken being the Kaiser - Daisuke certainly didn't feel evil, that was for sure. Plus the fact they still had to face Digidestined Old and New in the real world. That wasn't going to be fun. Speaking of which ...

"Hey Ken - how 'bout going to a movie next week?" Daisuke couldn't help but burst out laughing at Ken's incredulous look, as a grin spread across his face. Nope, things definitely weren't going to be easy. There was his family to face as well, and a lot of new things to get used to. As well as the fact he had a feeling trouble wasn't completely gone for them.

But they had each other. And for the time being, that was enough.

Dominance was one thing.

Life was quite another.

~~ Owari ~~

On a note: thank you so much to everyone who ever sent me feedback on this fanfiction. It was so much fun to write and was just a joy, that it was a pleasure to know people enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. ^_^ Thank you!