A f f e c t i o n

Summery: This crazy pair had chances in their Hogwarts years to get to know another, but will they take these opportunities? Will Lily finally give in and see the real man inside of James? And will James finally see that if you lay off a little, the girl will come to you. But will their romance last through all the pain their world has to offer? Find out..

Chapter 1

The smooth red autumn leaves danced on branches of the trees, like actors in a musical on Broadway. Vanilla colored clouds grazed high above the streets of London, as busy parents and children rushed to their heart-warming homes. The sweet September aroma floated mistily in the air, as a family of four walked over to the train transportation system. Yes, the Evan's were taking their second daughter, Lily Evans, to her Private school.

To attend her fifth year in Hogwarts School Of Witch Craft and Wizardry, of course.

For she was a witch, that's right, a witch. Not the kind with green warts and ugly hair you dress up as at Halloween. But the kind of talented Victorian lady who knows charms, defense against the dark arts and even magical creatures.

She had gotten her letter too when she was only eleven years old; her family was grateful to have a witch in their family. Her sister Petunia wasn't thrilled and turned her back upon her sister, they made no comments or any figure of speech to each other since her Hogwarts letter (unless you counted "Pass the salt, freak."). Lily didn't mind, she met new friends in her beloved school and got over the fact that it wasn't a dream but reality.

A reality that opened her eyes to things she never saw before.

Lily smiled and waved to some students who were going back to Hogwarts, the same as her.

Lily kissed her parents on their cheeks goodbye and attempted to smile sincerely at Petunia, who just glared and mumbled something about 'freaks'. She rolled her eyes and walked over to platform 9 ¾, took a deep breath, and ran full speed into the brick wall.

Petuina said this was her favorite day of the month: seeing her sister run, head first into a wall.

The loud noise of conversations and crying parents filled the air, as she looked around the platform. She smiled and walked over to her friend, Airsha Yor a beautiful Chinese girl, who was leaning on her trunk and cat cage while trying to flatten her curly golden brown hair.

"Air, why do you keep trying to impress him? He's just as much as a prat as Potter."

Airsha rolled her eyes "Why hello to you too." Lily smiled and hugged her best friend.

" I'm so glad to be back at Hogwarts again," Airsha said, while shuffling around in her trunk.

" Yeah me too- Whatcha looking for?"

"A letter. "

"A letter? From whom may I ask?"

"Potter, he wanted me to give it to you."

"Burn it, it will save you the time."


"Because Potter utterly disgusts me."

"Why does he utterly disgust you?" Her friend asked smirking.

"For the millionth time Air: He's such a prick, all he ever does is hex everyone for no bloody reason, mess his hair to look good (which completely doesn't work) and he seems to think he can get any girl in this school. Most of all, he hasn't gave up on me for the past four years, and I think am going to curse his nose off!"

Airsha raised an eyebrow " Don't forget to breathe now, Lily, I don't need you dying on me. I bet Potter wouldn't like that. Plus, his nose is sexy."

Lily rolled her eyes " Well he just disgusts me, in everyway possible. His nose is not sexy-- and am never going to give in to the obnoxious little oaf, so he can forget about it-"

"- I don't think I can." Came a mysterious voice behind her; Lily whipped around and frowned.

" Oh great.. you."

"Ouch. You're grouchy, you should be happy. I'm back again."

"Go away Potter," she said while grinding her teeth.

"I've only asked for a chance, why don't you just go out with me?"

Airsha was right about the nose.. James Potter was very attractive, and only Lily could deny this fact. Chin-length soft silky yet messy and tangled jet-black hair, a pair of strong hands, arms, and legs, a charming ear to ear grin, twinkling rectangular manly glasses.. lets not forget the enchanting gorgeous hazel eyes, that almost looked amber when the sun hit them the right way. How was this fifteen-year-old teenager not attractive?

"Because you're a prat who can go suck on some stinksap-- now, sod off."

Potter shrugged his shoulders and walked up the staircase protruding out of the train. Lily turned back to Airsha to make a comment on what just happened, when a window opened. Looking to where a sound came from, Lily's eyes dulled.. What an idiot.. James had blew her a kiss and shut the window.

Lily had her arms straight down and hand her fists clenched and ready to kill death stare.

"I'm going to kill him. What's his deal; can't he get the point that I don't want to date him? Let alone to be near him for that matter!"

" I don't know, I really don't know," Airsha said, shaking her head.

'Lily you just don't understand yet, but don't worry.. You'll see one day.'

Lily sighed, " Let's get on the train before he ruins the my day-- Wait, he always has.."

The girls grabbed their books they brought along for reading and climbed onto the train; they went to the back of the train (pushing and practically climbing over others to get there), found an empty compartment and sat down with a huff. Airsha, being a girl from a wealthy family, automatically started babbling about her summer. She pulled out some pictures of her trip to France for the summer; Lily's favorite one was Air standing by the Eiffel tower and had her hand underneath it, as if she was holding the tower.

After the train had loaded everything and everyone aboard, it started to steam and away they went. The green hills and open ranges passed by, and the girls soon lost their interest, when the Trolley Lady came by with goodies.

Halfway their pile of junk food, the compartment door slid open with a bang..

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