Disclaimer: Disney owns The characters of Gargoyles. The characters of Mummies Alive are owned by DIC. The character of Joshua Blade, Eric Spellburg, Samuel Hawkes Jade and Chris Claw are my characters, and means no harm to the show. Sharon Lewis, Keith Polasky, Carlos Garcia, and Lucia Dominguez all belong to Trynia. Corryn belongs to Lacey please e-mail her before using her character.

"Claws of Shadows"

By Jade and Trynia Merin

The family kept moving. They were on the run from the Vikings. The man was pulling his wife along as well as two children. The woman was holding a baby. "Hurry, before they find us." One of the children fell down. The woman turn and grab the boy by the arm. "Hurry, please hurry." They ran throughout the night to a cave, and hid themselves inside of it. The family froze in fear. Red eyes glowed in the darkness. "What do we have here?" A tail twitched and wings flapped. A woman figure came out of the shadow of the cave. Her eyes glowed as red as her hair. The gold crown on her brow glistened. "So what are you doing here, humans?" It was the boy that spoke up. "Please miss. We are running from the Vikings. Can you help us?" The strange woman looked at the family.

The tail twitched again. Her fangs showed as she grinned. "So what are you willing to pay for my help?" The baby wiggled. The family gathered together to talk. "I do not have all night to wait for answer." The father stood forth. "My life is meaningless as well as my wife's. It's our children that we would do any thing for to live." The little girl tugged at her mother's dress. "Well now, that sounds interesting. So you would give your lives for these children." Both parents nodded. The kids gripped their parents. "Now here is the deal. Then if you don't like it then leave and don't come back." The deal was made, one of blood and evil. Screams ran out into the night as bodies were changed for killing. As time past there where rumors of begins that where not human but of shadows and claws.

Joshua was at LAX. He was not happy about this, any of this. He was leaving everything he love behind. His friends that he called family, but he could not endanger them not now. He had to go to the source of the trouble. He got his plane tickets to go to Kennedy, New York. Dark green eyes watched everyone walking around him. He thought to himself. ~What little did people know about the real world. The powers that ran it for real were not the governments but laws of...~ He shook his head. ~No don't think like them Joshua your better then them.~

"Final call for flight 345 to New York city, Kennedy air port! Please report to gate 11C!" Joshua took hold of his carry-on bag and ticket. He got on the plane and fell to sleep.

There was pandemonium at the Magic Coffee. Samuel was looking in the book part of the shop, Jade was looking outside, Chris was in the restaurant, and Eric was looking in the living quarters. They gathered at the bar. "He's not here." Samuel was holding Eric, who was upset. "Did any one find a note or something to tell where he has gone off too?" Corryn walked into the shop. "Hello Corryn. Sorry to ask but have you seen Joshua?" Corryn looked human for the most part, only her green cat-like eyes showed. "Hello Samuel. Sorry I haven't seen your shadow friend." Eric moved over to a table as Jade went over to comfort the boy. "He's gone missing Corryn. Is there any way you think that can help us find him?" Chris was watching his sister with Eric. "Well, there is the Magic Pyramid. It might say where he has gone."

Eric was half way out of the shop as the other raced after him. "Thanks Corryn, see you later." said Samuel as he ran out the door. The three of them entered the Sphinx to see Eric dragging Rath to the Magic pyramid. Of course it was a scene to laugh at, but of course no one was laughing. "Eric calm down. Rath are you okay? Sorry about this, but Joshua is missing." It took some time to calm down the Mummy Wizard but he then asked the Pyramid where the young shadow man had disappeared to. The pyramid glowed and turned. It stopped and Rath read the message. "Yanks vs. Giants!!!"

Then the Magic box said. "Today's game New York Yanks vs. the San Francisco Giants in New York." The group sign!!!. "New York?"

"Well if I recall right Joshua got family in New York." Samuel stood still for a time. "Well it looks like we got to make a decision. Go to New York or wait for Joshua to come back." Then suddenly the pyramid turned again. Rath read it. "Danger hangs over a faraway friend." Rath scratched his head. Jade just had that look on her face that drove Samuel to sigh again. "Time to take a huge bite out of the Big Apple." said Chris, his teeth gleaming in the light. Samuel didn't like where this was going. He was the only one that knew Joshua's family. It wasn't a family that you would like to meet. "Eric maybe you should..." Eric glare at Samuel. "One thing then Eric, if you come you must listen to me and do what I say okay?" The boy nodded. "Okay we best be going." The group headed to the airport and hoped they find Joshua safe.

He didn't like this at all. He didn't want to be here at all but it was that time. That Time! He gripped his fists. He didn't like this at all. Then he saw her, his older sister, Becky. She came up to him. Black hair and those cold blue eyes looked right through him. "So the lost sheep has come home."

"Don't start with me Sis. I'm not coming with you. I have other plans." He walked past her. She grab his arm. "You silly. I'm not taking you to see father. I have been majoring in history at NYU. I want you to come to meet some of my friends. Please Josh." Joshua sighed. His dark green eyes looked at his sister's dark blue eyes. "Okay, but I am not going to see father. I'm here because of the past, not the present." She nodded and led him to her car.

She was looking out onto the city. If she played her cards right the city would be hers. All she needed was the strongest of her special children. They would be gathering in the city in the next couple of days. They would not have any choice. If they did not come they would die. She wanted to go back to where the main part of this pact was made but Castle Wyvern was owned by Xanatos and of couse Goliath and his clan was there now. She tapped her human fingers on the table. She didn't all like the idea of being a human in the daylight but it was better being stone. As well she been adapting through out the centuries. She thought. The grin formed on her face. "As I am the maker of the Claws of Shadows, so I command only the strongest will go to the place of their birth." The energy built, her eyes glowed red and then she laughed.

The small group on the plane. Eric was a sleep as well was Chris. Jade was watching the in-flight movie. Samuel though was deep in thought. He was the only one that knew any of Joshua's past. How they had first met the boy of shadows. They were in N.C. when they had some trouble with the van. Chris was arguing with the Machine about what was wrong with the van. Jade was taking in the area's beauty. Samuel had just taken his eyes off Eric for a second. "Samuel!!! Jade!!! Chris!!!" Eric's voice cried out. The three friend ran toward where the shouts came from. Eric was on the ground as a wolf was heading for him. They knew that the wolf would get to Eric first but then from out of no where a staff hit the animal. That when Samuel looked into a pair of dark green eyes for the first time.

The young man was holding a staff. He seen better days. His clothes were dirty and it look like he haven't eating in days. The wolf was gone. The boy back off a bit. Eric spoke up. "Thank you."

"Would you like a ride or something to eat?" Samuel held his hand out to the boy. He looked at the group in front of him. "Y...e...s... I would like something to eat and if it's not any trouble to drop me off some where, I would be grateful." It was the start of a good friendship and many adventures. Joshua took some time to tell Samuel about his past but he was glad the young man trusted him and for what he was about to do he hope he wouldn't lose that trust. He thought as the plane came into Kennedy Airport.

Joshua looked around the Collage. He pulled his jacket up. His body was acting up a bit. It had been some time since he was in his hometown. It was bring up old memories and other things he didn't like. "So Sis, what is the reason for bring me here?"

"Joshua!!! I want you to meet some of my friends and they have nothing to do with our family."

"Oh I see and what else is on your mind?"

"I'm worried that Paul will do something that...."

Joshua knew what she was trying to say. Paul didn't like him and there was bad blood between them when he left.

"Don't worry too much Sis. I'm going to try my best to stay away from the family. I am glad to see you and there is only one other person in our little happy house hold I wish to see."

"Jeff, that's who your talking about right." Joshua nodded. Jeff was the only other person in his family that he could almost trust. Almost!

The pair walked down the hallway to a classroom. Rebecca told him to sit in the back of the class for a time. He couldn't believe this, she was making him sit in one of her classes. He sighed and sat down. She sat down with some of the other students. One of them looked back at him. Dark green eyes met Light Blue eyes. She waved to him to come over. He shook his head and sank down into the seat.

"Who's the cute guy that's hiding in the back, Becky?"

"Oh that's my little brother Joshua. I'll introduce you after class okay?"

"So is he dating?"Becky nudged her friend. "I can't believe you asked me that. Aren't you dating Keith?" She nudged Becky back. Then both of them giggled. Joshua wanted to disappear at that moment. ~What have I got my self into~

He noticed that a dark curly haired girl with caramel skin sat in the row ahead of him. She was very quiet, and smiled nicely at Josh."Hi, I'm Lucia... are you new here?"

"Kind of..." he whispered."Nice to meet you," she smiled. At least she seemed friendly. Then a man came into the class. He drew attention to Joshua.

"I see we have some new faces in class," Professor MacDuff remarked, setting down a leather briefcase. He was a powerfully build man with a gray beard and silver hair. Steel blue eyes fixed on the class with sternness and a bit of mirth."Oh, this is my brother, he's visiting. Is it okay if he sits through class?"

"Everyone who wants to learn is welcome, lass," he remarked, leveling his gaze on her. Josh smiled a bit. There was something about this man he felt he could trust. As if there was nobility about him. He stood with very upright posture, almost like royalty. And he didn't tolerate funny business either, like Rath.

Sharon giggled. "Young lady, do you have a question?" MacDuff asked, as he went to write up on the chalkboard. "Er... no..." she stammered. Nearby a young dark haired woman looked at the professor closely. Josh could tell she had a liking for him, for she didn't keep her eyes off him for one minute. Most of the girls in class seemed more interested in glancing at the Professor's backside then listening to what he had to say.

"He's handsome looking for someone in his fifties! Just look at how firm those shoulders are!" Josh's sister commented. Sharon grinned, and Josh rolled his eyes. "Shh, I want to hear what he's saying!" Josh hissed back. The dark haired Cuban girl near him whispered a thank you. Josh smiled. She seemed to be very interested indeed with what Prof. MacDuff had to say. Did she like him, Josh wondered.

"Today we will learn more about the Vikings presence in Great Britain..." MacDuff began. He pulled down a map of great Britain, particularly Scotland. "There were many successive waves of invasion that swept across the British Isles, and post the Saxon occupation, the Vikings made their presence known. In the ninth century,

many of the Danish and Norwegian Vikings pushed across the English channel and up along the coast..."Josh perked his ears up. Vikings in Scotland. "Today one case in point is the occupation of a fortification established 878 AD in northern Scotland. It is known as Castle Wyvern. Many of you know that this particular fortification now resides atop the Eerie Building, and is the corporate headquarters of Xanatos Enterprises.

Many forget that this particular castle was subject to many a Viking attack. The last in 994 AD ended in the total sacking of the castle by a raid, and the flight of its peoples. At that time, the ruling family consisted of the ailing Prince Malcolm, and his daughter Princess Katharine.

Katharine was only 16 when the hordes belonging to Hakon the Devourer assaulted her castle during evening. This attack failed, but a betrayal by the captain of the guard making a pact with Hakon secured the doom of this kingdom. He attacked during the day, for it was feared that a curse protected the castle, and this fear had driven his men off the previous night.

The Magus in his records wrote that bowstrings were found cut the day before... and the drawbridge lowered... The Princess was in danger of being held for ransom, but escaped and fled to the court of King Duncan..."

"What happened to Hakon?" asked Lucia, holding up her hand. "He and the captain of the guard were said to have plunged to their deaths fighting over who would kill the Princess...

for a shock party had surprised the camp at nightfall, dispersing the Vikings..."

"They deserved what they got," Josh muttered. He had a very queer feeling at the name Hakon. Slowly he raised his hand, and MacDuff called on him, "Yes, gentleman in the rear..."

"Er, did Hakon have any relatives... that carried on the leading?"

"Good question. Vikings were often known to carry off women for war booty. I suspect he had many such offspring...

but from what historians have gathered, Hakon had two sons that battled for leadership once news reached of their father' death. In fact his elder son, Malakon was every bit the conqueror his father was, and more. Thirty years after the raid on Wyvern, in 1030 AD, a Viking party attacked along the coast, challenging the Scottish forces. A number of coastal towns were decimated. By the time word reached Castle Moray, and Edinburgh, a party lead by the succeeding king Macbeth successfully routed his forces and drove him off.

The survivors were few, but Malakon thought twice about challenging the unified armies of Scotland..."A flash of pride seemed to come into the Professor's eyes at the mention of this bit of history, Josh noticed. He got that very odd creeping feeling of the shadow, as if it were telling him that this Professor wasn't telling all the truth. For a very good reason. The name Malakon made him feel even more uneasy.

"Are you all right?" Lucia asked him, and he felt rather faint. His skin paled, and he began to slip to the floor. Lucia thrust his head between his knees. Sharon too noticed this, and tapped Becky's arm. "Young man..." Prof. MacDuff suddenly stopped his lecture. "Are you... quite all right?"

Concerned, he moved over to the back of the room, and stood over Josh. "He's pale..." Lucia glanced up at him. "I'll take him to get some water."

"I thank ye lass..."

"Brother..." Becky asked, feeling very embarrassed. Lucia helped MacDuff raised Josh to his feet and helped him to walkout into the hall. He sat in a chair, Lucia with him. Sharon also moved out into the hall. "Sit here, lad," MacDuff patted his shoulder.

"I must get back to my lecture. Lucia, be a dear and call the infirmary if he still looks faint..."

"Sure..." MacDuff moved back into the class, and soon his voice was heard again in the background. Sharon and Becky had come out to see if he was okay. "What is the deal with that?" Becky hissed at him. "You made me look like an idiot fainting like that..." Joshua looked up at his sister and then lower his head again. "Shh!" Sharon chided. "Are you okay?"

"He's kinda pale," Lucia said. "No I'm okay," he sighed, and looked up at them. "Maybe you should go back to the room and lay down," Sharon said. "I think you need to see the doctor," Lucia shook her head. "We'll go with you..."Becky flounced back into the class as Sharon and Lucia helped Josh to stand.

Xanatos was working on his computer. Owen came into the room. "Mister Xanatos?"

"Yes Owen."

"Mister Blade called again. He wishes to rent the Castle for a night. He willing to pay any price." David though for a time. "Owen try to find out why Mr. Blade wants to use my Castle for a night. If he doesn't give you a good enough answer. Tell him no deal at all. Now if he does give you an answer you like please tell him to make an appointment to talk."

"Right way sir." He left the room. Xanatos wonder why would the Blades would want to use the Castle for a night.

Got got up and walked over to the window. He thought he should talk with Goliath about this frist. The sun would be down in two hours. He hope to have all or most of answers by then.

"I cannot believe that your sister was such a.." Sharon began, but shut up when Lucia shot her a sharp look. It wasn't helpingJosh feel better."Sorry but my sis is kinda like that. She's obsessed with image and stuff."

"Sounds like my little brother," Sharon giggled. "Can you take me to see Prof. MacDuff? I want to ask him some questions"

"Sure, but what?" Sharon asked.

"Please it's important," he asked. Dark green eyes looked at her.

"We'll go there with you," Lucia said quickly.

MacDuff wondered to himself about that strange boy in the back of the room. There was something magical about him, and the ancient Immortal King knew magic when he felt it, because he had learned a smattering over the years. Just as he was grading a stack of papers for another class he heard a knocking.

"Enter!" he said, sitting at his desk. All around him rose bookshelves piled high with many thick tomes. A sofa sat opposite the desk, with a coffee table before it. He liked students to feel at ease when they asked him questions or wanted advice.

"Professor it's us. Can we see you?" Lucia slipped in a bit nervously.

"Ah, Miss Dominguez and Miss Lewis. Do come in. ah, are you feeling better lad?" he said when he saw Josh.

"Thanks sir, yes," Josh said. "But I wanted to ask you a question. I know you're busy and all"

"Come in and sit down" he waved invitingly with his hand. They moved in, sitting down on the sofa.

"I wondered about that curse you mentioned in the lecture" Josh said. "The one that stopped the Vikings from attacking again at night what kind of curse was it?"

"Yes, what was it?" Lucia and Sharon asked.

"Hmm, well that is an interesting question" MacDuff folded his hands, glancing at them. Sharon closed the door. "Apparently the men were frightened for there was a legend that the stone gargoyles could come to life"

"Wow," Lucia muttered, and listened. Josh was equally interested.

"And the vikings were so frightened because Castle Wyvern had at least thirty gargoyles on the parapets. Quite an intimidating sight, and during sunset I imagine they were so terrified they were scared off."

"I thought Vikings didn't know the meaning of fear,"Sharon said.

"Hmm, Vikings, despite what some may think were human," MacDuff smiled ruefully.

"Gargoyles," Josh muttered, eyes growing dark. He didn't like how his body was feeling again but at least it wasn't as bad like last time. He also could not keep his eyes off of MacDuff there was some thing that didn't feel right about him.

The young shadow man got up."I wish to thank you for you time Mr. MacDuff. I hope to talk more about this subject but first I have some privte business to take care off."

"Later then lad. I would like to continue this chat as well."He watched as Joshua left the room.

Joshua felt very weird indeed about all of this. Gargoyles. Could it be possible? He had heard many urban legends about gargoyle sightings in NYC. Now they seemed to be true from what Prof. MacDuff was telling him. But why was he getting the feeling the professor wasn't being honest? What secrets did MacDuff hide? Josh had a bit of an idea, but he wasn't all together certain. He remembered something about the legends in his family. Something about the Mother of Shadow. She who had made the pact of blood and evil that let their ancestors survive, bred to kill with the shadow. There was another legend about someone who was once bonded to the Mother of shadow, a Timeless King who shared her pain. Only he kept her on the run for centuries. Both lived for centuries and centuries bonded by magic. Josh's head reeled as he tried to remember these things he had kept buried for so many years.

"I wonder if he knows about the legends?" Josh asked himself, looking out over the campus. "Since he seems to know about the Vikings, and the 'curse' on Wyvern. I gotta get to that Castle and see for myself if those gargoyles are still there, and if they do turn alive at night... but how?"

The boy of shadow failed to notice his sister calling to him. He was leaving the hall of history where Prof. MacDuff's office was when he saw Becky rushing towards him. If he glanced behind he could see that girl Sharon also walking casually after him. She was cute, but did she really know what she was getting into if she tried to get to know him better? Josh felt a bit guilty. She was innocent, even if she was Becky's friend, did she know about his family and what they did? She could get hurt...

"What took you so long, bro?" Becky asked. "I want to know if you can come to a party with me tonight..."

"No thanks sis, I have got someplace else to go!"

"Oh come on, live a little! You've been a stick in the mud all the time I've known you! Have some fun for a change..."

"Don't you think about anything except popularity?" he demanded. "All you care about is how good you look and stuff. When are you going to think of something else besides that?"

Sharon walked up to them, diffusing what could have been a big verbal fight. "Oh, excuse me... I was wondering if..."

"Sharon is going, aren't you?" Becky grinned.

"Yes... of course. Please will you come, Josh?" she asked him, her light blue eyes glancing into his dark green ones. Inwardly Josh thought very dark thoughts about his sister. Of course now he had to come! This Sharon might be in danger if he didn't, judging by the look in his sister's dark blue eyes.

"Okay. But I won't drink or smoke or anything," he said. "And I will leave when I want to, okay?"

"all right. See, you can have fun for a change..." Becky laughed. But that happy look hid a very odd one of mischeif and scheming.

Meanwhile the Professor was closing his door, locking it for the evening. The dark haired girl Lucia was near him, asking him a question. "I just wonder a little bit about that curse..." she said. "Vikings believing that gargoyles would attack them if they attacked the castle by night..."

"Yes, lass?" he asked her, turning to face her as he picked up his breifcase in one hand.

She caught her breath, and continued. "Well, I've been hearing all these rumors about gargoyles in New York City... and I remember you saying something on television about them... and that they should be protected..."

"Aye, I did," he nodded.

"If there are Gargoyles here now in the city, then were there gargoyles back there then..."

"Ye are a quick one..."

"Then why didn't you tell that boy the truth about them?"

"I didna know if he was for or against Gargoyles," MacDuff said to her. "That is why I was cautious."

"Is that why you didn't talk about gargoyles in class, then?" she asked.

"Exactly. Some of the faculty on campus are possibly Quarrymen," MacDuff whispered to her, as they walked down the hall together. "And one must be very careful not to upset them, for innocents might be harmed..."She shivered, even though it was a mild day. "Those Quarrymen scare me. I can't blame you for not talking about gargoyles in class, because I could swear some of the students there believe in what the quarrymen say..."

"And what do you think of gargoyles, lass?"

"They aren't harming anyone if they protect, right? And they are an endangered species... so the Quarrymen hunting them are breaking the law... I remember there was only 6 on the pictures of the Castle Wyvern when Xanatos bought it, so there are not very many..."

"Too bad the city doesn't have more sense then ye, lass," he laughed, patting her shoulder as they walked. She noticed Sharon and Becky were walking with that strange boy all of a sudden.

"Why was he so interested in gargoyles then?" she said.

"That's what I would like t' know," MacDuff nodded.

Samuel was thinking where to look for Joshua in this huge city. The group was eating a late dinner. Eric was eating light but at least he was having something. Jade and Chris had to eat. Their bodies had to have food. They burn up protein up fast. He wasn't eating much either. He had talked to Joshua a while back about his family. He knew he had a older brother and sister. Then only one member of the family he talked about was a cousin name Jeff. "Okay this is what I figure what we can do. First we can try to track Joshua's scent, which I think would be hard to do in a city this big. Second I know where his older sister could be found." They talked about what they could do. Jade and Chris would try to find him by tracking him. Eric and Samuel would go find his sister at the school where she was at.

Jade was trying to find her friend's scent at the airport. It was hard but she found it. It was joined with a second scent of family. "Bro over here."

"Ya sis what did ya find?"

"I believe Samuel had the right idea about going to find his sister. I think she pick him up." Chris sniff. "Ya I think your right that a woman's scent with Joshua's and it does smell like him too. Best to met the other at the school and fast. It's all most night. If I recall right it's a full moon tonight."

"Bro that doesn't bother us any more."

"True sis but there might be other weres out there and they might come looking for us."

"Okay I get it ya worried about trouble." He grined. Both of them headed toward the school.

Green fliers all around campus advertised the Journalism Club Spring Mixer. It was the first year Becky had helped to organize it, and already students were lining up before the student Union, each clutching wadded rolls of ones or five dollars bills to pay admission. For five dollars you could dance to the latest tunes, and have a free buffet. It was casual, yet dress to impress.

Josh simply wandered in wearing his black pants and black shirt that he had worn to class that day. Loud music filtered in among the dancing college students and few adult chaperones. He was thankful they were there, because that meant there would be no alcoholic beverages to worry about whether or not to consume.

"You came!" Sharon laughed, wearing a spaghetti strap minidress with pale blue flowers on it. Becky was already moving among the crowd of sweating dancers, her long black skirt clinging to her long legs. She wore a white pullover blouse with it, her silver necklace flashing at her throat.

"Yeah, I guess so. Look, would you mind if I go get something to eat first? I'm famished..." Josh asked. "And do you want something to drink?"

"Sure," she laughed.

"I'll be over at the table collecting money! Don't take forever!" she laughed, and moved into the dancing throng. Josh sighed, moving over to the refreshment table. It was then he saw a familiar face. Professor MacDuff was there, sipping a glass of punch as he watched the dancing students. Nearby he was talking to a woman wearing brown overalls and a green puffy sleeved blouse. The woman wore hiking boots and had round framed glasses. Her long brown hair was pulled into a french braide, and Josh could see a few white streaks in her hair. She probably was in her mid thirties. She waved goodbye as she moved off to stand near Sharon and a tall blonde guy with yellow lense glasses and a green bowling shirt.

"Ah, lad, are ye enjoying yerself?" he asked as Josh came up to speak to him. "Yes, a little bit. I wanted to continue our talk..."

"Certainly. You did intrigue me with your questions. What makes you so interested in Gargoyles?"

"Well, I kinda want to know if there really are any in New York or is it just an urban myth?"

"It is a reality. Some are very uncomfortable with," MacDuff sipped his punch, thoughtfully regarding Josh. "I'm not against gargoyles if that is what you mean, sir," he shook his head. "A relief to know. There are those who hate them and would stop at nothing to destroy them..."


"Have ye never heard of the Quarrymen?"


"Best be ware. They would stop at nothing to destroy them at all costs... to them Gargoyles are a blight upon mankind..."

"That's terrible. But is that why you didn't tell me about the gargoyles on castle Wyvern in class?"


"Well, I was wondering if you knew any legends about garogyles in the past..."

"What particular legends?"

"Well, I mean... about female gargoyles. I mean there is this legend about a gargoyle demoness in my family... who helped my ancestors... and I was wondering..." MacDuff's eyes widened. "What did you say?"

"She was a demon who helped my family survive the Vikings... and I was thinking since you knew about medival history you might have heard similar legends..."

"There are many such legends," MacDuff folded his arms.

"There you are!" Sharon laughed, moving over to Josh. "I was wondering if you forgot about the punch..." Exasperated, he moved away from her, blushing. "I was just talking to the Professor..."

"Oops, sorry..." she held up her hand. Both men were a bit annoyed that their conversation was interrupted. "I would like to continue this conversation yet again," MacDuff said. "If you wish to contact me, here is my business card..." he handed it to Josh. Awkwardly Josh grabbed some punch and handed it to Sharon. "Sorry I forgot to give you this," he said sheepisly to her. "Thanks," she smiled, taking it as her hand touched his. He flinched, blushing himself. Becky came up in line for punch, and nudged Josh.

"So, having fun, loverboy?"

MacDuff had moved off from the table, folding his arms over his chest as he caught sight of someone. Lucia and Carlos had just come up in line for punch, and said hello to them.

"So, how's the party?" she asked him.

"Oh... I'm not complaining," Sharon smiled at her friend, and tossed her head towards Josh, who wished he was anywhere but here.

"By the way, Josh, this is Carlos, another friend..." Carlos smiled at Josh, and got punch for Lucia. She smiled. Till suddenly Becky moved over and made a wink at Carlos, "Hey there! Want to dance with me, tall dark and handsome?"

"Er... uh..." Carlos was blown away as his eyes admired her outfit. Forgotten, Lucia drew in her breath sharply. Just then a slow love song came on.

"Come on, show me some Latin rhythm," she urged, and pulled Carlos onto the dance floor. "but... I promised..."

"She can wait!" Becky laughed. Lucia looked like she wanted to strangle Becky, but Josh stopped her. "She's not worth it..."

"But we came together..." Lucia muttered. Already people had pretty much moved into position, slowly swaying to the music. "She always takes what isn't hers," Josh muttered. "I'll just wait this one out anyway," Lucia sighed, leaning against the table. "Have fun you two..."

"But..." Josh protested.

"Dance with me?" Sharon asked. She gripped his hand, and he felt himself dragged onto the dance floor. "But your friend..."

"Won't be alone for long..." Sharon laughed. For MacDuff had moved up to Lucia, seeing her without a partner and asked her gallantly to dance. At least she wasn't without a partner, and as they moved onto the floor they were perhaps the only people who had a clue how to dance anyway!

The song Oh Angel drifted through the air, and the couples swayed in unison to the music. Josh nervoulsy felt Sharon slip her arms behind his neck and stand close. He put his hands on her hips, but kept distance between them.

At the entrance, Eric and Samuel had just paid their five dollars to get in. They sensed Josh was there. "Oh no, how are we going to find him with all these college students?" Eric groaned. "We wait till the song is over then we wander in and find them..."

Sharon felt Josh slip his arm around her waist, and the other clasped her hand from his neck. "Let's really dance the right way," he said to her. She shivered as his feet moved gracefully with hers, in a slow two step. He was strong and slender near her. "I can't believe she did that," Lucia grumbled as she moved easily along with MacDuff. He had patiently explained the process of a real slow dance, an old fashioned box step with some modifications. The movement was rhythmic, and nice.

"Young people nowadays," he chuckled. "Dinnae take it personally..."

"Thanks for asking me to dance," she looked up at him gratefully. "My pleasure lass," he said, slipping a strong arm around her waist as his hand clasped hers. She felt her anger subside as she followed the pattern of his steps. It was easy to follow him, he moved so surely. Even though he towered head and shoulders over her. They moved past Sharon and that new boy Josh, who moved just as fluidly as MacDuff and she.

Sharon lay her head on Josh's shoulder, a contented look in her light blue eyes. She glimpsed up into his deep green eyes, which fixed softly upon her. His hair fell gracefully down one shoulder, and she ran her fingers through it. "You're such a good dancer," she smiled up at him. "Ya, I know," he said. "It's nothing... really..." She pressed closer, swaying so her warm was moving into him. Josh felt a lump in his throat, and his knees turning to water. An odd feeling washed over him, and he let him self drift away even if it was for a moment.

Then it hit him. A familiar sensation of darkness. The song slowed down, a loud song coming in over it. He saw Sharon's eyes closed, her head leaning on his shoulder gently. When she next looked up, he was nowhere to be seen. "Drat," she shook her head. "Just when it was getting interesting!" MacDuff saw the young man leave, and tensed up. "What's wrong Professor?" Lucia glanced up at him. "I didn't step on your foot did I?"

"Not at all. It's just that there is something I must do shortly..." he said to her, as he glanced over to where Josh had dissaperared from.

Samuel and Eric moved threw the crowd. Samuel looked around for his friend or Becky. He scan the room like a hunter. Eric took was looking when suddely the Twins show up. "Hey Samuel! Eric! Did ya find him yet?"

"No Jade but he here some where."

"Sorry to say this but Joshua as left the building."


"His scent is fresh going out of the building."

"Nuts well let's go after him then." The four friends quickly ran out side to find Joshua.

She hated the pain of this change. Once again she was her true form. Talons, wings and tail. She moved over to a table which has old books and papers on it. She looked at old birth records and moved to a new ones. One caught her attion. It was one of a male child. She pick it up and place it in a bag with some other pages. She moved the window. It open, she open her wings and took off. She flew over the city.

A Mansion came into view. A group of people were on the roof. She landed and they bow to her. "Greetings lady. Please come this way. Our father is waiting for you." The group headed into the building. They walking into a huge room which had a meeting table in the center of the room. A man was at the head of the table a long with a other one younger man standing beside him. "Welcome to my home. Please have a seat and we can work out any problems that are troubling you."

She toss a birth record and a picture of a young boy. "Where is this person. How come I have never met him. My dear Mr. Blade." The man picked up the picture. Then toss it away. "That child doesn't believe in his family's ways. He disappeared 5 years ago. He broke rules my dear and if he comes back..."

"Fool this is the one I need. I look at all of you and it's this boy that has the gift that is needed for my plan."

"Calm down. He's been seen in the city. It must be the call of pact you made with our family eons ago. He will be there at the castle. Why him he be too much trouble. He doesn't like our ways of life he wants to do... the right thing." The Demon's eyes glowed red.

"Well then who do you think should have the power to help me."

"I am his older brother." He moved towards the Demon that gave his family it's power. The power that flow threw his body but it was Joshua that some how gotten the real power.

~Why him? That little brat didn't seem to want it. So why did he get the greatest power.~

She watched the young man come towards her. He had little fear in his eyes. She liked that. "Paul come back here at once!"

"Silence. Come here Paul." Her taloned hand reached out to him. His father had stood up his hand had slam down on the table. Paul looked at the Demon Gargoyle. Her beauty was deadly. "Father I am old enough to take care of my self and to make my own choices."

"Not when I am the head of this family, Paul. You will come back and sit down."

"I will not. I want this family to become the most powerful Mafia Family again. We lost every thing when the Blades came to the Americas many centuries ago. Now it is time we show that we aren't a small crime family that can be laughed at."

"Now this is what I want to hear. Someone that will bring fear back into the night. Only thing is your young sibling. He has what we need doesn't he."

Paul lowered his head. "Yes my lady. Joshua's crime against this family was three things, first he read the books of the leaders, which is not aloud, second he ran away from us and the last and most serous is he took your goblet." A low growl came out of her. Paul remain still. "So what was done to find your brother."

"One thing that has cause us trouble in finding him was that..." Paul grip his hands into fist. "That little brat cast a spell of hiding. Joshua seem to have a nack of casting magic and how to steal things. Of course he doesn't like to take things that aren't his but he stole the goblet and ran."

"Well it seems that your little brother as courage as well as you do. Tomorrow night we will see who will have the powers of Shadows and Claws.

Talks went throughout the night.

The twins where sniff the air. They were having trouble picking up their friend's scent. "Nuts I think Joshua doesn't want to be found. He trying to mix up his scent." Samuel was watching his friend try finding a trail to follow. Then he got an idea. "Eric do you think you can home on in to Joshua's amulet?"

The half elf jumped up for the challenge. "I hope I can. Well let's see." Eric stood still for a time. His hands slowly bill up with an light glow of red and black. He tried to focus on his friend's amulet's power. Then the boy eyes blink open. "Samuel he been talking to some one that..." Eric looked up at Samuel. "Some one that, well he been around for a long time I think. It's weird I see so many images from this person."

Samuel looked at his young friend. "Do you think ya can find him?" Eric nodded and then he moved by him. The group followed the boy. Eric hide behind a tree as man came out of the party. Jade gave off a low growl. Samuel looked at her. "What that for Jade?"

"He doesn't smell right Samuel. He reminds me of Scarab in some ways. There is just something not right about him."

"Okay I don't want to make to much of a scene okay. So we follow and then corner him." MacBeth was concerned about Joshua for a reason. What he said about a Demon Female Gargoyle. It had to be Demona. Only that Gargoyle could do something that evil. Then there was some else about Joshua. He knew the boy had some magic power but what kind of power. Evil, good or something that he hasn't seen in a long time.

Then he felt like he was being followed. ~Mmmmm... Not bad. Who ever was following him was good at this. Well there was more than one that was following him. One was the expert, another was not as good and the third was just a beginner.~

"Who ever ya are come on out I know ya are there." Then the surprise came in the form of four people. One was just a kid. "Now what do we have here."

"Some people that is worried about a good friend."

"You got his scent all over you." The girl said and the boy beside her looked at him. "Please tell us if you know where Joshua has gone off too." The boy was looking at him with amber eyes that seem to be glowing.

"Why should I tell ya where the lad has gone off too. For all I know you might mean him harm."

"So your a friend of Joshua. If you are then you know he got a lot on his mind. About his family and a past that has..."The young man in a long black trench coat and long blond-strawberry hair spoke. "a demon that saved his ancestors."

"What kind of demon lad? If you know the right answer I might help you."

"Red hair, eyes that glowed red, talons, tail light blue skin with wings and a woman if you would call that demon that at all. Do I have to say any thing more."

"DO ya know the demon's name boy?"

"I asked Joshua about that. He would not tell me but he said a king of Scotland name her." Samuel stood like a king him self it was his other spirit that was bubbling up in side him. It was trying to tell Samuel something about the man he faced.

Jade didn't like the scent in the air. It was reminder her of Scarab for some reason. It was Chris that spoke up.

"Now ya might be thinking that we might mean to harm Joshua but we are his friends."

"Is there something wrong here?" A woman in a red jacket, black shirt and blue-jeans. Jade and Chris moved back a bit. Eric remain still.

"We are looking for a friend officer. He been seen here."

"It's good to see you Elisa Maza." MacBeth kept his eyes on the tall young man in the coat. "So who is your friend?"

"His name is Joshua Blade Miss Maza is it. As my friend said we where just asking around if any one seen him. His sister goes to this collage. Her name is Rebecca Blades." Samuel stood between Elisa and Eric. MacBeth was still watching Samuel. He couldn't shake a feeling about the boy. "Forgive us for bothering you. We have to find his sister now and ask her if she knows where he gone off to."

"Why are you looking for him?"

"Now, Miss Maza. We aren't going to hurt him or do any thing that agaist the law. He is our friend and he in bad trouble."

"So you are just worried about your friend."

"That right. So now we have to go look else where now."

Samuel and his friends turn to go. It was Eric that grab MacBeth's jacket. "Please if you know where he when too. Tell us."

"Eric come, it's not nice to do that."

"But Samuel he knows something I can feeling it. Please who ever you are tell us where Joshua is, his life, his humanity is..."

"Eric!!!" Amber eyes were in tears. Samuel had taken hold of the small boy by the shoulder. The twins where waiting for their friends.

"Lad ye must be calm," Macbeth patiently looked down at him. "I'm still trying t' get the gist of what's happening here myself. I know ye want t' help yer friend, but I must know the name of the gargoyle. I have no idea where your friend is, but believe me I'm just as anxious to get to the bottom of this as you are."

"I think we'd better go someplace different," Elisa suggested. "Like Castle Wyvern..." Eric and Sam looked at her, and knew that she was wishing to help. Also, Eric sensed she was connected in some intimate way with the Garogyles there. "All right,"Macbeth nodded. "I'll meet ye there..."

"You guys better ride wiht me," Elisa suggested. "My car's big..."

"Thank you..." Sam nodded, glad that they had found allies at last. he felt he could trust this policewoman. She seemed friendly with Macbeth, so perhaps they could trust him too, even if the Twins thought he smelled a bit funny...

Lucia and Sharon emerged from the dance, a little confused as they saw the assembly of people near Professor MacDuff. Just what was he doing with these people. Both girls seemed anxious to know what was going on, and just why Dectective Maza had showed up. "It must be pretty serious," Sharon whispered. "Who are those kids?"

"And what do they have to do with Prof. MacDuff. You don't think he's in trouble, do you?"

"I dunno. But I wanna know what the heck happened to Josh... and I have a hunch those guys know..."

"So what do we do?"

"Catch a cab and follow them. You go after the Professor, and I'll tail Elisa..."

"I don't know if this is such a good idea..." Lucia shook her head. "Oh come on," Sharon pulled her arm. "You're as sick of that party as I am!" Lucia clicked her tongue as she set off with Sharon. The two girls quickly rushed off after the Fairlane, and Sharon rushed to her motor scooter. Quickly she hopped on, pulling on her helmet as she rolled away. Lucia moved off in the direction of where she saw Prof. MacDuff had gone.

"Miss Maza I think someone's following us," Eric Spellburg told her. "Oh, it's just your imagination," Sam sighed, a bit annoyed at Eric. He rode in the front seat, while the others were in the back. Elisa was right about the car being big. Elisa knew however there was someone following. Yet she didn't want to alarm the children, as she noticed how nervous the readhead already was. "We're almost there," she said. "Get ready to meet some friends of mine. They might be able to help find your friend..."

"Thanks Miss Maza," Eric gripped her hand. Elisa smiled. Already the sun had slipped below the skyline.

Slowly, stealthily she picked her way across the campus. Only to see him vanish into thin air. What on Earth... Suddenly she felt something grab her from behind, and she shrieked. A leather gloved hand pressed over her mouth, and she desperately struggled. Her elbow jerked back, connecting with something rigid that bruised her funny bone. "Calm down lass, tis only me!" came a familiar voice. "Professor!" she shrieked. "You scared the life out of me..."

"And what are ye doing out here in the middle of the dark..."

"You should ask," she turned to face him, but saw him in the oddest outfit. It was difficult to see in the dark, as the sun had set, and she was in a rather dark part of the campus. Something like armor gleamed under the long black trenchcoat. "What's with the costume, and what were you doing with those people? You aren't in trouble with Det. Maza are you?"

"Heavens no lass," MacBeth laughed. "But ye shouldn't be out after dark..."

"I am a big girl, professor..."

"It's a dangerous city..."

"Look, if that guy Josh is in danger... Sharon just went after him..."

"What, the ijdet!" Macbeth clapped a hand ot his head. He muttered something very unflattering in Gaelic as his fists clenched. However that angry flash in his eyes gave her the jist of what it was. "I think she has a crush on him," Lucia shook her head. "I tried to stop her... but I'm worried. Is she in trouble then..."

"Best get after her now. I'll drop ye off at the dormatory..."

"Wait, i'm coming too, if Sharon's in danger..." Lucia grabbed his hand. Macbeth sighed, and shook his head. "All right, you can come along. But stay close, and dinna take off on yer own.."

The same night...

The sun went down. Stone began to crack and the roar of waking was heard. Xanatos was standing near Goliath. "Good evening Goliath."

"Hello Xanatos why the greeting tonight. You are usaly with your wife and son."

"Well Goliath something has come up. That we must talk about." Owens came up the stairs. "Mister Xanatos. Someone to see you. It's one of the Blades but he has nothing to do with that phone call earier and of couse about that call Mr.Blade told me that he need the castle for," Owen though for a moment. "He said his family has a tie-in with it and it's seems it been about a thousand years sence their family has seen it. They wish to has a reunion tomorrow night,"

"Don't believe my father Mr.Xanatos. If you know any thing about my family it would be their twisting of the truth." Joshua didn't want to wait any longer for Owen to come with Mr. Xanatos. He had listen to what Owen said about his father.

He didn't like it one bit. So he decided to say something but the one thing he didn't know was that Owen and Xanatos weren't alone. Joshua stood looking at Goliath for a long time. Then the boy of shadows spoke again. "Well I didn't mean to cut in Mr. Xanatos but I had to warn you about my family. They are not what they seem and they don't all ways tell the hold truth. Don't worry about me seeing your friend," Joshua bowed to Goliath. "My family has a tie with a Gargoyle at this very castle. One of blood and..."

Joshua felt the power in his body. It was over loading him.

"No not now..." Joshua grip his stomach. Angela had flow up to find her father. Her eyes met Joshua's dark green eyes. With out warning the area around Joshua glowed and a bolt of light cracked the sky. The boy of shadows and claws bow to her. His voice wasn't his own. "I have come as you conman my lady. As you called only the strongest of us should come as I have." His eyes glowed as if he was a Gargoyle. "I have bought the goblet to renew..." Joshua had taken out a silver cup as he talked but he shook and dropped the cup. "I didn't think... forgive me..." His body shook again. "It's this place it got me to...." Joshua was on his knees now holding his head.

Goliath had jump down off his perch and kneel beside the boy. "Now please tell us what that was all about and who or what are you?" Dark Green eyes looked up at Goliath. "It all about a pasts. A past with the demon gargoyle." Joshua was breath heavily. "One that change my family's past and I'm hoping I can change it's future."

Elisa Maza showed her Badge to the front door, and bustled the kids after her. They all clambered into the elevator. Eric felt an uneasy feeling creep down his neck, and shivered. "What's wrong?" Sam asked him. "Something terrible is happening to Josh, I just know it!" he wailed. "We're almost there..."

Sharon pulled up to the Erie Building, her heart pounding. Elisa had parked the Fairlane in the parking garage, and gone right in. Pulling her scooter into the garage, she pulled off her helmet. Where in the building was Elisa going with those kids? They had bustled in as Sharon walked out after them. She didn't notice the fellows in neat black suits watching Elisa, or her for that matter. As she made her way across the cement floor, she saw two men moving alongside her. They were dark complected, and well dressed. Sharon walked faster, her high platform shoes clopping at a faster pace. "Excuse me ma'am, but you dropped this..." one held up a cigarette lighter. "I don't smoke," she said. Then noticed them on either side. She swung her purse, hitting one in the jaw as she ran quickly screaming. "Uh uh, little girl," the other grabbed her. "Very naughty."

"Fire!" she screamed. A hand clamped over her mouth, and they dragged her away into a van, kicking and screaming.

Elisa rushed in, as Owen lay eyes on the new arrivals. "Ah, Det. Maza... who are these?"

"They say they're looking for a Josh..." Eric fixed his eyes oddly into Owen's, and the two shared a silent look of understanding. He said, "Right this way. Mr. Blade seems to have a difficulty..."

The black jaguar rolled down the streets, threading in and out of traffic with little difficulty. Both occupants kept their eyes open for anything unusual. "So where to?" Lucia asked him, still a bit in awe of the technology packed into the vintage car. Just where did this Professor suddenly have access to such technology. Sure he was rich, but why the need for the body armor, and the strange pistol at his hip? "Castle Wyvern, t' find out what's going on with that crew... first..."

"And waht is going on? I know it has something to do with Gargoyles if you're going to Wyvern..."

He cast her a shocked look, as she continued, "Oh come on, Prof. I know that's where they roost! I mean I watched the news a few years back when the broadcasts said Xanatos' helicopter came and took them away..."

"Ye watch too much television, lass," he muttered. "What?" she asked. "What is going on here..."

"Something very sinister..." Macbeth turned ot her. "And it involves yer young friend. I only hope we can get to him in time before..."

"Before what?"

Eric kept behind Samuel but his eyes where on Owen. The group walked on to the towers of the castle. Jade and Chris looked up at the moon and then to a group coming towards them. The twins suddenly stood right to fight. Samuel gave them a stern look. Eric then saw Joshua in between the two creatures. "Joshua!!!" The boy leapt past Owen and ran up to his friend. "Eric? What? Samuel, Jade, Chris. I didn't think you come after me."

"My friend you should of know better. We care a great deal about you." Samuel had crossed the floor to his friend. Eric by this time was hugging Joshua. Samuel looked then to Gargoyle that towered over him. "Hello. I'm Samuel Hawkes. This young boy is Eric Spellburg and those two are the twins Jade and Chris. Forgive us for crashing in like this but Joshua is our friend and we have been worried about him."

"I see that Samuel forgive me for not asking for help but..." Samuel put up his hand. "Don't worry about it Joshua, you had your reasons and no one is blaming you for your actions."

"Samuel..." Samuel found his young shadow his arms. "It's okay Joshua we work this out together."

"Yes together would be the right course in this. I am Goliath and this is my daughter Angela."

"Hello Goliath. Now that the small stuff is out of the way maybe we should plan the next move."


Sharon was being tied to a chair, in a dark room. A single bright light was beamed onto her face. She could only see the suited torsos of the men and women around her. Slowly the heat burned into her skin, heating her brain cells behind her blonde hair. "Look Miss, what were you doing with that young man. Just answer our questions and you won't get hurt!"

"Why are you doing this? I'm just a college student! I haven't done anything!"

"That remains to be seen, young lady..."

"Now, miss, why were you talking to that man, and where was he going?"

"I don't know! He just danced with me and disappeared!"

"Disappeared? How?"

"Like he was there one minute and not the next! That's all I know!"

"You are quite sure that's all that it was?"

"Yes! I only danced with him because he was cute!" A pair of red eyes glowed in the dark. "Even so that doesn't mean you don't know any thing else. What was that young man doing there in the first place."

"He was talking to Prof. MacDuff about a castle's history. I can't remember the name please, I don't know any thing else."

"If you don't talk..."

"Stop I believe her let her go but make sure she drop off any she doesn't know." Sharon thought she saw a tail disappear into the shadows. The one gentleman glanced to the other, and she saw the motion of whispered conference.

Macbeth parked the jaguar in the parking garage, stopping only to get a ticket from the machine. Both of them exited, glancing around the lot. It was Lucia that saw the abandoned motor scooter. "That's Sharon's!" she pointed to him, grabbing his black sleeve. "Ye sure?"

"Yes, but here's her purse too..."

"Damn," Macbeth muttered, and stopped her hand from touching it. "Wait a minute lass..."

"I know. I forgot. Disturbing evidence and all."

Joshua, Jade and Eric were talking about what the young shadow man had been up too. Elisa was looking at Samuel and Goliath talking. "I hope that Joshua didn't cause to much trouble when he showed up, Goliath."

"No but he has rasied some questions that needs answers."

"Yes I know. Joshua took some time to tell me what I do kmow about this. The thing we been so worried about is if this Demon got a hold of him."

"The demon you speak about her name is Demona." Owen came back with David Xanatos.

"We have a problem..."



The young shadow boy back off as a group of men came out of the shadows.

"I tried to have your father wait inside, Joshua but when he demanded to see you."

"I'm not going any where with you father I'm staying here."

"You're coming and your coming now."

The suddenly all heck broke lose. As a Werewolf faced the group. Only Samuel, Eric, Joshua and Chris didn't react to the creature.

"What in the world?"

"Stand back Mr. Xanatos."

"Angela beside me now." Coolly Samuel walked up to the Were-Wolf. "Jade you know better. So please stop it."

"Grrrr!!! But Samuel?"

"No but's Jade."

Then suddenly there was Jade standing where once the Were-Wolf was and she wasn't happy.

"As you see Mr. Blade we will fight you for Joshua's safety. Who says we all have to be human to do so."

"I see brother, you have made some special friends."

"Just leave we don't need this to get out of hand as it is." Samuel was facing the Blades, his hand twiched, ready to bring his sword to life.

"Let her out here!" the one gentleman said to the other. A blindfold was wrapped tightly around Sharon's eyes, so all she could sense was the movement of the vehicle, and the sounds of traffic. Once or twice they turned her around, overloading her sense of balance as they kept a hand on her bound wrists. Unfortunately they had used plastic cord instead of handcuffs, and the plastic chafed her wrists. She had felt the car seat under her bottom, and the presence of two bodies bracketing her shoulders. After an indeterminate amount of time she was pulled to her feet. The movement forwards had stopped, indicating that whatever vehicle was no longer in motion. She was nudged out, not too roughly, but firmly, stumbling onto what felt like flat asphalt under her shoes.

"Last stop, chick," said that same voice. The blindfold was pulled from her eyes. "How on earth do I get home?" she asked. "Here's a token. Now keep your mouth shut, and be a good little girl..." A wad of cash was thrust into her hand, and she was spun with her head to the wall as they took her restraints off.

Before she could turn, a gun was pressed to her shoulder blades. "Uh uh. count to ten... or you'll have a hole in that dress.. Miss..." She shivered, feeling the cold metal of the gun muzzle. Whispering a prayer she counted. "Out loud, honey!" came the voice again. "All right already," she muttered. Her eyes squeezed shut she did as they asked. Seconds later she spun, and saw nobody. Except the pedestrians in a quiet ally. She glanced around for bearings, but only saw tall apartment buildings. Slowly she unrolled the wad of cash, and saw hundred dollar demarcations. "Holy... moley..." she shook her head. "How am I gonna get change for a hundred at this hour?"

"We'd better call someone, don't you think?" Lucia asked him, as he was examining the purse thoughtfully. Something was making her hair stand on end, icy fingers of dread creeping into her senses. "Yes... of course. Come on..." They rushed into the building, and headed up the elevator. Macbeth quickly reached for something on his belt, pressing it into her hand. "Ask for Elisa..." he urged. As the elevator whooshed them to the top floor she dialed in the number. The thought occurred to her how could she be getting a signal when they were indoors. "I'd like to report a friend missing..." she spoke into the phone. "Can I speak to Det. Mazza... no she's not in... Rats..."

Macbeth glanced out the door, and fortunately Owen Burnette happened to be on the phone with someone else. "HAve ye seen a young man... dark hair..."

"Yes, Mr. Macbeth.." he said, before the fellow shot him a warning look. Fortunately Lucia was still on the phone, not hearing Owen's blunder on the name. "My apologies... I did not realize you had brought someone with you..." Lucia cliked off the phone, and regarded them. "I got Matt Bluestone. He's going to try and send someone to find her..." Just then a scuffling sound reached their ears.

"What's that?" Macbeth asked, ears pricking up at the sound of gunshots and gargoyle roars. Lucia's eyes widened discernably. "Seems to be a difficulty with our guests..." he said. "Stay here," Macbeth pointed to a spot on the floor near Owen. Hardly believing her ears, she numbly obeyed.

The sounds of battle rushed into the night. Goliath and his new allies fell upon the blade men, narrowly avoiding being shot by the laser weapons. Jade Claw and her friends had unfortunately met the bluff. Jade and Chris had transformed being the moon was full and it strength their power. Samuel had drawn his sword of Ra. It's power flashed with light. Eric wasn't sure what to do at first, to get out of the way or fight.

"With the Strengh of Ra!!!" The flash of green and red light blinded the group at frist then with the surprise of Eric in dragon armor was the next. The boy then threw a fire ball and then used his daggers. Demona watched with all interest at the people that where trying to stop the Blades from taking the young shadow man. She then grin and swoop down to grab her prey.

Macbeth saw Demona out of the corner of his eye. Quickly he reached for his lightening gun, bringing it to bear. Blue electricity crackled, singing her wing. She snarled, and was rather startled as she remembered he could not feel her pain! Goliath swatted aside a set of blade men who trained their pistols on the young man. Josh nodded his thanks to the black armored warrior who had just joined the fray.

"Who are you to interfere..." Demona snarled, then leapt onto Macbeth with a roar. He kicked her easily aside, tumbling over as he righted himself. She crashed into the wall, and shook her flame haired head.

"I might ask what designs ye have upon this man?" Macbeth gritted, and aimed a shot towards the Twins, who were buisy scything away two warriors with their claws. A net shot out, crackling around their adversaries. Demona leapt, slashing the gun from his hand. Over and over they rolled, her claws raking his armor.

"We gotta help them!" Lucia has rushed to see the battle, even though Owen placed himself before her.

"You will not assist them by your interference. Wait here..."

"Caramba!" Lucia snapped.

Owen saw Xanatos slammed into a wall by a Blade assassin. Quickly he slipped off his glasses, launching himself into a karate kick that knocked the man flat. Macbeth shoved Demona off him, grabbing his gun to bear. Her tail flashed out, tripping him as he struggled to stand. The gun whisked away out of his reach. Angrily he threw himself on her, landing a punch on her stomach. She flipped, pinning him down with a talon.

"Let's see if you're still immortal, betrayer!" she laughed.

"Leave him alone!" Lucia snapped. she had slipped off her one shoe, creeping stealithily to see if she could help in the battle. Her heeled shoe slashed at Demona's face, giving Macbeth the distraction he needed to punch Demona in the jaw.

"I thought I told ye t' stay put!" Macbeth scolded her, as he pulled her out of the way, thrusting her behind him. "Good thing for you I didn't, Professor," she said."Look out!"

She threw him to the floor as Demona's kick lashed out. He countered with a sweeping kick that sent her staggering. Flapping her wings she righted herself, claws gleaming as she advanced. Macbeth shoved his young charge aside, and she rolled over to where his discarded gun lay. Grabbing it she puzzled over the strange mechanism. It looked like something out of star trek. Macbeth and Demona circled, the professor seemingly unarmed. Lucia held up the gun, training it on a blade warior that was sneaking up behind Macbeth. She took a deep breath, squeezed the trigger, and shot back with the force of blue lightening. Sizzling sparks slammed into the man, felling him. Goliath and the new allies were making progress. Already many blade gang members had been put out of commission. Suddenly Mr. Blade reached under his jacket, and slowly began to chant something.

Demona cackled, leaping over Macbeth's head as she caught Lucia around the waist. The gun dropped from her hand as she gaped towards the professor.

"Let her go!" he growled.

"Oh no... not just yet..." she laughed. Everyone stopped as Lucia writhed in Demona's grip. "Now, Mr. Blade. I do believe it's time!" The incantation reached fever pitch. A black miasma crept from a strange box he slipped out of his pocket. Thick smoke spewed, concealing everyone's vision. It blocked the moonlight, sapping the Twin's strength. "I can't see to fight!" Eric cried in fear. Worse yet, the darkness seemed to cling to them.

Demona backed away towards Josh, still holding Lucia. "Let her go!" Josh Blade shouted.

"Oh no... not till you surrender yourself to me!" Suddenly Owen pulled off his glasses, spinning around. To everyone's amazement he swelled and burst into a floating white haired figure. Silver light shot out as Puck chanted,

"Shadow spell that would offend, Puck shal hasten to amend... that which mortal men blot out, shed some light to help us out!" Fireworks shot out, exploding from his fingertips. Red, white, and blue startled everyone. Fizzling streamers cascaded, melting away the shadows. Demona hissed, and Lucia used the distraction to kick backwards. Yet it was like kicking a brick wall.

Macbeth moved just as quick, grabbing the discarded lightening gun Lucia had dropped. Neatly he aimed at Demona. She hurled Lucia aside with a disgusted snarl. Grunting she landed in the immortal king's arms as he rushed forwards to break her fall.

Samuel looked around the area as the fighting was going on. He hated this kind of thing but it was his other spirit that was screaming out for action. The sword swing cutting guns in the hands of men that where after his friend. Eric too was now casting fire at the box which Mr.Blade used to cast his spell. The box exploded. The wind picked up.

Brother faced brother. Joshua had pulled his magic staff out. He turn it around in his hands. Paul had drawn a normal staff. "Weapon of couse eh, brother."

"Yes brother it is the family weapon."

"Why are you doing this Joshua, why?"

"You don't understand, I'm fighting for humanity of our family."

"What are you taking about?"

The staffs hit one another. Everyone looked on in wonder and amazement at the power. Even Puck stopped, folding his legs in anticipation of the battle to come.

"Oh ringside seat to battle royale!" he clapped.

"Puck aren't you serious for a minute?" asked Eric. Everyone was fighting the Blade warriors again, but couldn't help but keep an eye on them.

"Nothing but," Puck pouted.

Macbeth backed away, a frightened Lucia in his arms.

"What in the name of sanity is going on here?" she asked, as he held up his gun against a laughing Demona.

"Miserable Human, you have no idea of the forces unleashed…" she taunted. Lucia clung to his neck, and Macbeth held her protectively close to him.

"What is your purpose…" Goliath demanded. "Is this your fault, Demona?"

"An ancient pact… as ancient as yours and mine…" she pointed to Macbeth. Lucia wondered what that meant!

"Professor... what is all this?" she asked. "What does she mean?"

"An ancient pact with my ancestral clan, Moray," he said mysteriously, and from across the fight. "Which you betrayed, Demona!"

"Only because of your fault!" she spat back.

"He's just a boy," Macbeth shouted. "Why?"

"You can stand there and ask me that?" she laughed, bringing the laser to bear on him. "As if you are innocent yourself! This is my affair, and since all of you are stupid enough to become involved, you will perish for it!"

"No!" Goliath shouted, leaping on her. She was caught off guard, focusing all her attention on Macbeth and the trembling young human in his grasp. Easily Goliath swatted the gun from her hand. Snarling, she slashed at him.

"I will not be stopped now!" she exploded, and pulled a tapestry from the wall down on him. Macbeth tracked her with his lightening gun, loosing off a shot which narrowly missed her. She approached the feuding young Blade Brothers.

Joshua felt the power grow with in him. It had to be Demona's presence. He tried to not look at her. He once again swung his staff at his older brother. "Listen to me brother. The demon only wants to use us in her evil plans. She doesn't even want us to be human she wants to change us into Gargoyles."

That stopped the battle cold. Paul stared at his brother. He then looked at his father for answers. The man lowered his head. "Tell me he lying TELL ME!!!!"

His father turned his face away from his sons. "It's the truth, Paul it's in the journals. The ones that we were never aloud to read. That why I ran away."

"No it's a lie. The power is shadows..."

"And claws, brother. Why it's called Shadows and Claws. You tell me that."

Demona had enough of this, she would love to see who would win this battle but there was no time for this. "It's time boy you are going to do as I say or death to your little friend." Demona pointed her laser at Eric. The elf/boy eyes widen. His armor's tail twitch. Demona was facated with strange armor but it was the shadow boy she wanted more. "He's telling the truth," Macbeth called. "I know all about Demona! And I had heard rumors that she had created a pact with the darkness!"

"No!" Josh gasped. Yet he knew Macbeth was telling the truth.

The Twins looked to Samuel, and then to Josh. Sam nodded quietly, and they began to creep up behind Demona. "We have to do something to save him," Lucia whispered to Macbeth.

"I agree lass," he nodded. "But yon friends are taking that matter into hand already…"

"Hey chicha! I bet ya feel really brave bossing a kid around eh?" Lucia suddenly shouted.

"What was that, human?" Demona asked, caught off balance by the spunky Cuban girl's crack. "You're a regular big time bad girl now right? So is this where we grovel in fear?"

"I don't have time to listen to your prattle, weakling!" Demona spat back. Suddenly Macbeth realized what Lucia was doing. "So yer hiding behind a child now, Demona?" Macbeth laughed, taunting her now."Have ye lost yer edge?"

"Shut up, you fool!" she snarled. "I am not in the mood for games…"

"What's the matter, Demona?" Macbeth continued to taunt, setting Lucia on her feet as he pushed her protectively behind him. "Afraid to face a lad without yer guns?"

"I fear nothing!" she roared."Least of all from you!"

Suddenly the Twins jumped, grabbing Demona in their claws. Jade grabbed her gun while Chris held her wings and arms. Snarling she struggled agianst them. Josh's staff whacked into Paul's, disarming him. Eric pushed away, exploding a fireball in Demona's face.

Elisa Mazza held her gun to Mr. Blade, saying, "Game's over pal. You're under arrest…"

Demona tossed Jade and Chris Claw away, and leapt to the window. "I will have you sooner or later, boy! If not today… then soon! Dream of me, Joshua! Dream of me!" Joshua sank down on to the floor. "I know I will Demona, I know but I don't want too." It was Angela that came up to the shadow boy.

Elisa told the Blades if they left then, there be no charges but if they ever went after Joshua again there will be next time. Paul glared at his brother as the elevator closed.

"Will you be all right?"

"I just don't know. At lest the nightmare has been stopped for now." Dark green eyes looked into Angela's.

"I hope to dream more of you than that demon." Angela blushed at that remark.

Sharon sipped coffee near Matt Bluestone's desk. "Thanks for saving me..."

"Well, it's not over yet..."

"I've answered all your questions... and you're a lot nicer then those bums that grabbed me."

"I had best take you to see Det. Maza, my partner. Prof. MacDuff just called to say that they've found Lucia and your other friend. He's going to take you back once we get this all sorted out..."

"Is Josh okay?"

"He's fine..."

"Let's go! What are we waiting for!" Sharon perked up at the chance of seeing the young man she had her eye on.

"What do we do now?" Josh asked, glancing at his friends. A lot of horrible truths had been brought to the surface, and he feared his friends would not see him the same again. "You're still our friend," Eric rushed up, and hugged him. "Thanks for your help... Professor," Samuel Hawkes crossed over to Macbeth, who was standing with a protective arm around his student. She was still reeling from the shock of all that had happened, and leaned on him heavily for support. "My pleasure. I only hope that you can live with what you have learned..." Josh came over to the immortal king, and said, "I am glad that you fought at our side. But who are you really?"

"That is a question lad, for another day. Demona has been enemies with Moray for centuries... an ancient pact. And the details must not be revealed lest innocents be harmed..." and Josh noticed he was glancing at Lucia when he said this. "I can help, if that's what you mean..." he said knowingly. Just then Owen came in, with Matt Bluestone and a young girl. They all sat in the lobby, the Gargoyles speaking quietly among themselves as they exchanged their congratulations with their new allies.

"Josh!" Sharon cried, and ran up to him with her arms open. "Where the heck were you! I was worried sick!" He was at a loss for words, and the Twins exchanged a grin with Sam when they saw what she did next. "I'm sorry... but I had my hands full..."

"I don't know whether to hit you, or... do this..." she said, hands on her hips. Throwing her arms around his neck, she pressed a kiss to his lips. Surprised, Josh didn't know whether to pull away, or respond. Shrugging, he put his arms around her waist and held her close. When they pulled apart, Sharon had a dazed look on her face.

"Whoah... I feel a bit... funny..." she said. Eric and Puck exchanged a knowing wink, as Puck held Alexander. "What happened to her?" Lucia asked, a bit suspicious. Sharon, the boldest of girls, fainted into Josh's arms. "Oh no... you didn't..." Sam groaned, then looked accusingly at Eric, who shrugged. "It's best she don't remember anything... except meeting me at the dance," Josh said. "Right Eric..."


"And as for ye, lassie..." Macbeth looked to his student.

"Oh no, if you think you're going to zap me with some spell of forgetfulness or something, forget it!" she pulled away, glancing suspiciously at Puck. "I'm too far into this adventure to..."

"It's for your own good," Josh said. "I never meant to drag you into this... and it's safer if you do forget..."

"Besides, little lady, you will discover things out on your own time..." Puck giggled.

"No way!" she backed away. "Uh uh..."

Macbeth caught her about the waist, and she gasped with surprise. "And what makes ye think ye have a choice, lass?" he cast her a mischevous glance, his hands clasping her upper arms. "You never did tell me what this was all about," she leveled her gaze at him as she ran a hand over his armor.

"And why the heck you're all dressed up for battle like them! What did Demona mean when she said it was your..."

"Normally, I encourage my students to ask questions, but this is one occasion where it's bothersome," he shook his head.

"Hey now," she looked at Josh's friends, who were beginning to grin at her. Especially that guy who claimed to be Puck.

"I think I know a little spell just for you… young lady…" he grinned.

"Don't even go there... enough hocus pocus..." Lucia warned him.

"Not quite enau," Macbeth cast a sidelong glance at Puck, who was whispering to Eric Spellburg. "Although I do thank ye fer saving m' life in battle... lass..."

"Well it was nothing..." she said, and he pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. Shocked, she nearly fainted then and there at the thought of the Professor, even if he was not quite what he seemed, had kissed her! Dazed, she returned with a tentative peck on his bearded cheek, and a nervous giggle. She clenched his long black coat as if this were some dream that could slip out of her fingers.

"Shadows come, and shadows go..." Eric chanted the spell Puck whispered to him. "Cloud the minds of those we show. Let them forgetfulness kiss, that this frightening night they'll miss..." Josh held Sharon in his arms, carrying her over to Det. Maza.

"I think that's one spell you can really benefit from," Puck giggled to Eric.

"Let's go home," Josh said to his friends.

Oddly Macbeth seemed a bit dazed by the spell as well, rubbing his silver hared head. He collapsed on the floor next to a slumbering Lucia.

"Uh oh, I think you hit him a little too hard," Puck scolded Eric.

"Ah rats," the boy sighed.

"What a night," Sharon woke up on the dorm sofa, Lucia nearby. Both girls looked at each other in confusion. The last thing they recalled was the dance. "I remember you... and me... dancing... and then..."

"Boom, lights out," Sharon shook her head. "How could we forget an entire night?" Lucia giggled, "Well maybe you were so caught up with Mr. Right, you fainted when he kissed you!"

"You should talk! I saw you almost pass out when Prof. MacDuff asked *you* to dance!"

Josh suddenly stood there, looking at the two girls who just woke up. It was a new day, in Sharon and Lucia's dorm, and he stood with his friends around him. "Uh Sharon..." Lucia pulled her sleeve. "Speaking of..."

"Why did you go away when things were getting interesting?" she asked him. "I had some stuff i had to sort out," he apologized. "And my friends were looking for me. I'm sorry if I was rude..."

"That's okay," Sharon grinned. "It was a ball..."

"We've got some sightseeing to do now," Josh said, shaking Lucia's hand.

Sharon pressed a kiss to his cheek. "Don't be a stranger..." Eric grinned. This was the second time in two days Josh had been kissed. Josh smiled at his young friend. He sure hoped it wouldn't be the last!