I'm getting older, I think, as I crawl into bed between Mama and Souta. Soon I'm going to sleep in my own bed, and after me, so will Souta. When we get older, they take away things we want, and give us different things, that we grow to like. I snuggle to Mama, and I can hear Souta's protests.

"Sleep on the other side then," I say, falling into a sleepy comfort.

He mumbles, and wraps his arms around me, and snuggles to me instead.

I love going to bed. I don't ever want to sleep in my own bed. Mama says kids in America do it all the time. They're weird though . . . I always want to be lying next to someone when I go to sleep . . . .


I smile gently as Shippou crawls into the sleeping bag with me. We never even discussed it. I'm his mother now, and so he sleeps with me. I run my fingers through his hair and grin.

"This reminds me of when I used to sleep with my mother and my younger brother." I say out loud, addressing everyone.

Sango grins, "Yeah, Mother, Father, and Kohaku and I . . . we always slept together," she trails off, memories of her lost younger brother flooding her mind.

Miroku picks up the conversation, "Yes, I remember sharing a cot with my father also. We only stopped when . . . " he too, doesn't continue as he retreats into his memories.

Inu-Yasha had a small smile on his face, "Mother and I always slept with Father when he was around, but usually it was just the two of us. I hated having to go into my own bed."

I laugh, thinking of my own unwillingness to leave the comfort of my family's cocoon. Now, now I run back, so I can sleep in my own bed, without everyone else, and rely on the warmth of my duvet as opposed to the warmth of fire and body heat surrounding me . . . it makes me sad, really.

Tonight, we're going to sleep together. Our bags are a bit closer together, and Inu-Yasha sleeps on the ground tonight instead of his tree . . . I know, even before I fall asleep, that when I wake up tomorrow, it'll have been the best sleep I've ever gotten.

I always want to be lying next to someone when I go to sleep . . .

- - -

Co-sleeping. It's a good thing. XD