**Yyayyy!! Hehe ^_^ okay, unlike what I said in the last chapter… this isn't that last chapter, I mean I supposed it could be but it's not lol… I haven't started the next chapter but it shouldn't be too long, I'm working extra hard to do Akeru lol but it's just not working for me. Oh yes, and I edite this -_- I get so impatient with my editors lol. I read a bio, of someone who I think I'm on thir author alerts list and they said if you need a Bata reader to give them a shout… but I can't find the bio!! _ *fumes* lol… and while I did send this to my editor like 5 days ago… well I'll re-update it when she edits it ^_^ till then…**
Serenity stopped and looked around and noticed an old news paper stand. She wandered over to it and frowned, only able to read half of the title on the front cover because of porn stickers littering the glass. Boy- eet, investigators confused. As her curiosity managed to get the best of her and she rummaged through her purse for a loonie and popped it into the machine, opening it and pulling it out, reading the rest of the title and the article preceding.
Boy Murdered on 8th Street, investigators Confused.
Late on the evening of April 13th a scream was heard from down town 8th street, follow by two shots. Investigators arrived outside the Circle and 8th mall shortly afterward to find the Body of Mokuba Kaiba. At first investigators believed it to be suicide until further investigation revealed two bullet wounds, one in his shoulder, the other in the back of his head. They believe him to have died on contact with the ground due to several spinal and brain injuries. Why the shots were fired as well they can't be sure. When found he was clutching a locket which was believed to have formally been tied around his neck. In opening the locket it revealed a picture of his brother and his sister in law along with a photo of his late mother beneath. No information has been discovered of his murderer's yet but Seto Kaiba is currently in the midst of having every detective ever good enough to write about hired to discover the killers. What he plans to do with them when they are caught no one can be entirely sure but knowing Seto Kaiba, Mokuba's murderers will probably be wishing they'd robbed a bank instead.
Story continued on Page 6
Serenity threw the paper to the ground, furious that anyone would dare write that. It was not the publics concern what had happened to Mokuba. She stared down at the paper as the water droplets fell and the ink began to smear. The Tokyo Star… she made a mental note and swore to sue them for everything they were worth and get them put out of business first free moment she got. With that she continued to walk towards her brothers Apartment before she began to think of Kaiba again.
Why am I doing this? Why am I doing this to him? Why am I putting my personal feelings before him? How can I abandon him at a time like this? She didn't understand why she was doing what she was doing. She didn't know how she could possibly be abandoning him at a time when he needed her most.
An ackward feeling, deep within her stomach was trying to tell her something, and though she tried to ignore it as best she could, she couldn't help but feel that something was wrong, something was really wrong…
Finally, making up her mind she turned down a street towards Kaiba's house rather than Joey's. Thankfully, they were both in the same general vicinity so she hadn't just steered herself right across town from him. She was beyond angry at him for missing his brothers funeral, but she couldn't bring herself to allow her anger to make him be alone when he needed someone he knew and loved around most.
She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, something had happened and she couldn't help but drop the umbrella, picking up the front of her dress and running the three blocks left to the Kaiba Mansion. She quickly walked in the front door, stopping for only a few moments before heading into the large entrance hall.
"Maria…" Serenity said to the maid that was dusting the chairs. "Is Seto here?"
"Yes Mistress, he passed by about an hour ago," the maid replied. Serenity smiled and went dashing up the stairs two at a time. She silently cursed Kaiba for never installing an elevator. For some reason he had always insisted that the exercise was good for her. So what, she was skinny and had a high metabolism, she didn't need exercise.
Serenity slowed as she reached the fifth floor and entered the bedroom she and Kaiba shared. The room was empty. Serenity looked around, allowing her sopping wet dress to drag on the floor. She noticed Kaiba's shoes and coat lying on the ground and then looked up at the bathroom door. She slowly walked towards it and turned the knob opening the door. She coughed slightly as the steam filed out of the room. She gasped as the air thinned and she was able to see what was going on. The shower curtain was half fallen off of the rail and something red was smeared all over it. Serenity's eyes widened as she walked quickly over to the tub. She screamed when she saw what lay skewn in the tub.
"Seto!" she shrieked, climbing into the tub and propping him up slightly, already tearing strips off the bottom of her dress, tears were already streaming from her eyes as the steaming hot water poured over the two. "Seto, Seto wake up!" Serenity said, frantically tying the material over his bleeding wrists. She placed two fingers on his neck, feeling for a pulse. It was very, very faint. Serenity quickly turned the taps off and went dashing back into the other room, grabbing the telephone and dialing 9-1-1.
"I need an ambulance at the Kaiba mansion as soon as possible," Serenity said hurriedly. "Quick!" She shrieked glancing at Kaiba's limp body again. "Please hurry he's bleeding to death and… and I don't know what to do!"
"Ma'am please calm down, an ambulance is on the way. I need you to apply pressure on the wounds with a clean cloth, try to slow the bleeding down, as well as levitate the cuts.."
"I've already done that!" Serenity said frantically.
"Good, now can you tell you me the cause of their wound?" the woman asked. Serenity was silent for a moment, just looking down at Kaiba. "Ma'am, are you still there?"
"A Suicide attempt…" Serenity replied quietly as it dawned upon her. Kaiba had been committing suicide… slitting his wrists, because of her. Because she had abandoned him… when he needed her the most.
"Okay, an ambulance is on the way," the receptionist replied and then hung up the phone.
Serenity climbed back into the tub, raising Kaiba's arms above his head and more or less setting them on her shoulders, wrapping her own arms around his limp body and hugging him tightly against her. "Please don't die…" Serenity begged quietly. "Please, please don't leave me here all by myself."
"Ser-ren…" came Kaiba's voice, very weakly in her ear.
"shhhh, shhhh" Serenity said, smiling slightly knowing that at least as of now he was still alive. "Just… just listen to me Seto. I've got something to tell you, that I should have as soon as I found out… but I couldn't because it was right after…" her voice trailed off and her grip on Kaiba's limp body tightened. "You may think, that now because Mokuba's… gone and because you thought I didn't want you anymore that you have nothing left to live for… but I- I can't raise our baby all by myself… don't leave me, please don't leave me."
Kaiba's eyes opened and he looked at Serenity's tear streaked face. She was pregnant… with his child. If he- if he died now he would never see his baby, he would leave Serenity alone to raise his child, alone… with a newfound strength Kaiba tried to sit up.
"No, no, no," Serenity said pushing him back down. "The ambulance is coming… your going to be fine…"
Kaiba's eyes rolled into the back of his head once more as his lack of blood began to over run him and everything dimmed. I can't die… I can't leave her… he told himself, the words slow and hard to come up with. The blood was taking longer and longer to get to his brain, his heart was beating quickly, trying to reproduce the blood he was loosing, to keep him alive. I can't die… he just had to keep telling himself that. He couldn't leave Serenity alone, he hadn't even considered it earlier. Consumed by his own pain. I have to stay alive… he opened his eyes, at least he thought he'd opened his eyes but the light wasn't there and then it slowly lit up and he could see Serenity's tears streaked face through the blurriness of his vision.
Kaiba tried to move his arms but stopped quickly as blinding pain shot through his body and they were seemingly stuck wherever it was they were. He could hear Serenity speaking but wasn't able to decipher what it was she was saying. I love you… the words formed in his mind, but he couldn't say them, he couldn't find his voice. Everything was quitting, his body wouldn't move, his eyes wouldn't open, his lips wouldn't speak and slowly his mind stopped and he was consumed by blackness.
Serenity sat curled up beside Joey, awaiting news from the doctors. The doctors had been very hesitant to take any blood from her because of her current situation, all that had happened so far, with Mokuba's death and Serenity's sudden depression wouldn't have been very good for the baby either. So she was weak, and fighting the sleep that called to her, she had offered as much blood as they could take without killing her, or even more if they'd needed it. The more she thought about it the more she knew that she couldn't possibly live without Kaiba… she'd rather die than live without him.
Everyone had gotten their blood tested to see if it was the same type as Kaiba's, only Serenity and Tristen had passed the test, Joey got a bit angry about that because he'd really wanted a cookie.
Kaiba had gone into surgery to sew up his cuts and fix the veins that he had sliced. 8 hours ago he'd been rushed into the hospital and still they were awaiting news from the doctor. one doctor had come out and explained the procedure to Serenity, making sure it was alright that they perform it and to inform her that it wasn't going to be cheap.
"You are talking to the wife of the richest man in Japan! JUST PERFORM THE DAMN SURGERY!" Serenity shrieked, attracting the attention of everyone on that particular floor.
"Oh course Mrs. Kaiba," the doctor said, running down the hallway and then moments later a nurse came back with more information for them.
"What they are doing is generally just doing what will probably be thousands of little incisions in his wrists. He did a lot of damage to himself and chancese are it may scar fairly badly. He will probably never regain the same use of his wrists, especially the left one. There aren't many risks to the procedure, but he'll be on life support for the majority of it because pumping more blood into him at this point would be pointless because it would all just come right back out. We'll come and inform you when we have news for you and if anything goes wrong." The nurse explained. Serenity just nodded, tears forming once again in her eyes. "It's going to be okay Serenity," the nurse said, placing one arm on Serenity's shoulder and smiling supportively. "Doctor Saminari is one of the best in the country, he won't let anything happen to Seto."
Serenity's eye lids drooped, she hardly heard the swinging door finally squeak at the end of the hall. It was actually Joey who tapped her on the shoulder. Serenity glanced in the direction he was pointing and then quickly stood up and rushed over to the doctor, her eyes frightened, though slightly re-assured by the doctors smiling face. The doctor placed one hand on her shoulder and then whispered in her ear.
"He's awake… and he's asking for you, why don't you go on in?" he said, smiling as Serenity jumped enthusiastically and went running the rest of the way down the hall as Doctor Saminari went to talk to everyone else. "The surgery was a complete success and while, his wrists are going to be out of action for a couple of weeks, maybe even months depending on how well he takes care of them, he should be fine and back to his," Saminar smiled slightly. "Normal self before too long…"
"And I was hoping maybe he'd be smarter," Joey said, a broad smile on his face.
Saminari smiled, "He's awake and despite our protests insisted to see Serenity nearly as soon as he woke up. I've never seen the anesthetic wear off that quickly, but he was very insistent. I'm afraid I can't let any of you in though because he is still in intensive care and only strictly family is allowed in there. I can't let her stay long though, but she's got an ultrasound scheduled only shortly afterwards so you may as well all go home for awhile."
Everyone was giddy now, and rather than leaving they all went to the cafeteria, for whatever reason Joey was insistent upon eating hospital food.
Serenity slowly pulled the curtain back to see Kaiba propped up with a stack of pillows, the bottom part of both of this arms wrapped tightly in huge wodds of white gauze. She smiled when he looked at her and walked over, sitting on the edge of his bed. Neither of them said anything for the longest time until Serenity couldn't stand it anymore.
"Never thought I'd see you in a dress…" she said, smiling at the look Kaiba gave her before moving closer to him and then kissing him gently. "Don't you ever and I mean ever do anything like this to me again do you understand?" Serenity then demanded, almost angrily.
Kaiba smiled, a genuine smile believe it or not and then nodded, wrapping one gauze wrapped arm around his wife's slightly swelling stomach. "You know…" Kaiba started, looking at Serenity's stomach. "I didn't even notice…"
"I can't decide weather that's good or bad…" Serenity said, raising one eyebrow at him.
"I wouldn't have said anything even if I did," Kaiba added. "I read once that you aren't supposed to ask a woman if she's pregnant unless you can actually see the baby coming out of her."
Serenity started down at him and then burst out laughing. He was still drugged, that was a joke, from Seto Kaiba. No, the drugs were definitely still contaminating his mind. Serenity leaned in and kissed him again, this time longer, more passionately. She'd almost lost him, she never wanted to let him go again.
"Ahem…" came a deep voice from behind them as the doctor cleared his throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt and I realize that you two are only four months into your marriage but I need to look over my patient and then you, Miss. Serenity, are scheduled for an ultrasound in 20 minutes. Have you forgotten?"
Serenity smiled innocently, yes, yes she had forgotten. She placed one hand on her swelling stomach and then frowned slightly. "I dun wanna get fat…" she pouted slightly. The doctor stared at her, almost in disbelief before throwing his head back and laughing.
"Well, unfortunately that is one of the down sides to have children. Though I certainly hope you don't get to big because my dear, you are a very little girl."
"Woman," Kaiba corrected. "My woman, are you hitting on her?" he demanded.
"No I most certainly am not," Saminari replied, smiling as he pulled Kaiba's eyelid back slightly and shone a light into it. "Look up," he instructed. Saminari did a thorough check before scribbling a bunch of notes down and then looking at Serenity. "Well my dear, I believe it's your turn. Usually the fathers come to these sort of things but I'm afraid to say for right now he's out of order. Though if you have any questions, please feel free to ask."
"Hey, Doc I do got one question…" Kaiba said, obviously still not himself. "When she's pregnant… we can't have sex can we?"
"Seto!" Serenity said, blushing deeply.
Saminari laughed, "Actually, yes, but between your condition and hers, I don't suggest it. You may rip your stitches open."
"What if she's on top and she does all the moving?" Kaiba asked.
"I suppose…" Saminari shrugged and Serenity stomped out of the room, her face bright red.
"Looks healthy to me…" Saminari said, moving the ultrasound thing on her stomach.
"How pregnant do you figure I am…?" Serenity asked, watching the black and white monitor, not seeing much other than black and white fuzz.
"Between 3 and 3 and a half months. You've got a long way to go Serenity," Saminari smiled apologetically.
Serenity just smiled, "So how come I didn't really know I was pregnant? Shouldn't I of gotten sick and that?"
"Not necessarily, there are many signs in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, some women get few or none of them. Just because you weren't sick every morning for several weeks doesn't mean anything is abnormal, simply means you were lucky." Saminari was about to remove the cold pen like gizmo from her stomach when he stopped and squinted at the screen. "Is that…?"
"Is that what?" Serenity asked, her eyes widening she stared at the doctor.
"My goodness Serenity…" Saminari looked back at her, his eyes wide and mouth slightly agape.
"What?!" Serenity asked urgently.
"I think I've got some, well exciting news for you," Saminari smiled broadly. "I think you have two little Kaiba's growing in side of you…"
"What?!" Serenity shrieked. "Two?! AND THEY'RE BOTH BOYS?!"
"Actually, I can't be sure if they are boys, but I am fairly sure there will be two of them…"
Serenity's bottom lip quivered, "I'm gonna get so fat!" she wailed miserably.
"Oh Serenity aren't you happy about being pregnant and having kids with Kaiba?" Saminari asked.
"Well yes… but I don't want to get fat," Serenity sniffed loudly.
"Oh I don't think you have much to worry about, yes, you'll swell, that's what happens when you're pregnant but you are much to small to stay fat. You'll probably go right back to where you are now when it's over so long as you don't binge to often while you pregnant…"
"But… what about stretch marks," she wailed loudly again.
"Serenity, Serenity shhhh," Saminari attempted to hush her. "This is a hospital, people are sleeping."
Serenity hunched her shoulder slightly and looked innocently up at the doctor, "sorry," she mumbled apologetically.
"Honestly Serenity, I have never met a pregnant woman so obsessed with how she was going to look after it was all over," Saminari looked at her, almost disapprovingly.
"I have a very hard to please husband," Serenity defended herself. "I'm willing to guess that half of the reason he likes me if because I'm pretty and at the beginning, that was probably the only reason."
"That may be so, but your pregnant now and your body is going to change and he is simply going to have to get over it because with his income he'll be paying a fairly large sum of child support."
"That's a horrible thing to suggest," Serenity pouted.
"Yes, well you brought it up. Now then Miss. Serenity, You are having twins and because of such I ask that you come back in two weeks and between now and then I suggest you tell Seto or he'll be very surprised next time your in and he hears a clash of heart beats." Saminari said as he wiped the goop off Serenity's stomach.
"Oh dear…" Serenity mumbled, climbing off the hospital bed and her dress back down. There's something she wasn't looking forward too. What if he decided he didn't want twins? Well he wouldn't have much of a choice but what if he made her put one up for adoption or something…?
He wouldn't do that, with his past… would he? Of course he wouldn't, I'm just being paranoid. Serenity told herself, though not entirely sure of her words. It was all together possible that Kaiba would be less than pleased with the results of Serenity's ultrasound, but then again, he might be okay with them to…
"Do you have any other questions?"
Serenity turned, opened her mouth and nodded before closing her mouth thoughtfully and nodding again. "When I get pregnant and Kaiba freaks out and I have to get the maid to bring me in… you're going to be here right? I'm not going to have to wait 10 hours for you to be flown in from across the country like in all the movies?"
"No, Serenity," he laughed. "I live just down the street. Though I can almost guarantee you this… you will still be in labor with or without my help after ten hours."
"I'm going to pretend I didn't even hear that," Serenity said, crossing her arms and shaking her head before turning towards the door. She stopped in the doorframe and turned back, thanking the doctor before going back to see how Kaiba was doing.
"I'm not taking therapy!" Serenity jumped slightly as she turned the corner and heard her cranky husband shout.
"Master Kaiba, you must understand, all people who attempt to kill themselves must take Therapy.
"I'm not fucking insane you moron," Kaiba said angrily. "I'm not taking therapy and I swear to god if you don't get out of my sight right now I'll make sure you never get a job in all of Japan again."
"Seto…" Serenity said softly, walking into Kaiba's new room.
"What?" Kaiba snapped, turning his head and glaring at her. "Oh, Serenity," he said, his glare disappearing as well as the slightly cranky tone in his voice.
"Settle down," Serenity instructed him.
"I'm not going to settle down, I am not taking any stupid therapy classes," Kaiba grumbled like a little kid. Serenity laughed, brushing his bangs back slightly and kissing him on the forehead. "Stop it," he mumbled. "You retreating me like a little kid."
"Yes well your acting like one. No one is going to make you take therapy," she assured him.
"Yea? Tell them that," Kaiba cocked his head toward the two very scared looking nurses.
"I think they already know…" Serenity said looking at them and smiling apologetically. "I have to go, I'll be back in an hour or so."
"Where are you going?" Kaiba demanded.
"To feed Hikari."
"The maids can do that."
"She isn't at home Seto…" Serenity's voice trailed off.
"Where is she then…?" Kaiba's eye narrowed.
"With Mokuba…" a sudden awkwardness seemed to appear in the room as both of their thoughts returned to earlier that day. The nurses seemed to sense the tension and excused themselves from the room. Serenity didn't look at Kaiba, she just stood, her fists and teeth clenched tightly as she once again tried to hold back the tears the threatened her eyes.
"I'm sorry Serenity…" Kaiba voice came from within the silence. Serenity didn't say anything. She turned and walked towards the door, not looking at Kaiba.
"I've got to go…" she said as she closed the door behind her.
"Oiy Ren, how's money bags doing?" Joey asked, walking over to meet her, not at all expecting her to collapse crying in his arms. Joey didn't say anything, just wrapped his arm around her small shoulders and held her close to him. He picked her up, just like he would some little girl and carried her over to a chair where he sat, silent, just cradling her in his arms.
They just sat there until Serenity finally cried herself out and fell asleep in Joey's arms. Joey picked her up once again and went into Kaiba's room, still holding her. "She's exhausted, I figure I'll take her to my place… less stairs you know," Joey told him. He was doing it more to show Kaiba how much of an ass he was for doing that to her, causing her even more pain.
Kaiba just nodded and watched them leave again. He felt like shit, he hadn't been thinking of how it would affect Serenity… or anyone else for that matter. Just decided that he didn't deserve to live anymore. He couldn't believe that he'd actually done it now that it was over and he was fine. He was fine, yes, but she wasn't. Despite the fact he was alive once more, alive and well the fact that he'd been willing to kill himself, willing to leave Serenity alone… she probably thought he didn't love her…
Joey brought Serenity into his apartment, laying her on his bed and then closing the door and going out to talk to Mai. "She's got a lot going on…" Joey explained. "With Mokuba… and then Kaiba and now being pregnant and all. She'll probably sleep till tomorrow afternoon sometime," he bent over and picked up Gemeia. "Which means you have to be a really good girl, you gotta be really quiet and let Auntie Serenity sleep alright?"
Gemeia nodded soberly and when Joey put her back down she tip toed very quietly to the couch were she got up onto it and turned the TV, turning the volume all the way down and only watching the pictures flash across the screen.
"I gotta go feed Mokuba's dog…" Joey said, grabbing the keys to his motor bike and smiling slightly at Mai before closing the door quietly behind him. It was the least he could do for Serenity.
"Mommy, is Auntie Ren still sleeping…?" Gemeia asked in probably the loudest whisper she could muster.
"Yes Gem, be quiet honey," came Mai's voice.
Serenity rolled over, groaning slightly as she opened her eyes, staring at the room. And then she bolted up, her eyes still stinging slightly and she looked around the room. Joey's room… how had she gotten here? Where was Kaiba… and who fed Hikari? The previous events of the day before started to come back to her. She crawled to the end of the bed and slid off it, immediately hit by a wave of dizziness.
"Oh my god…" Serenity mumbled, a hand going to her stomach subconsciously. "Oh yea…" Serenity said glancing down at her slightly swelled stomach. And she was pregnant… so much had happened within the last 2 weeks that the entire rest of her life seemed very insignificant right now, like it had gone by in the blink of an eye and her real life was starting now.
Serenity wandered out into the hall and then into the kitchen where Mai, in her usual mini skirt and belly shirt had Gemeia sitting at the table playing with pudding.
"Hey Serenity…" the 28-year-old mother smiled at her.
"Auntie Ren!" Gemeia squealed and ran over to her. Serenity smiled and picked the 3-year-old girl up into her arms. "Did you sleep good?"
"Yes, you're a very good girl for being extra quiet for me," Serenity smiled sleepily at her. Serenity turned back to Mai. "Where's Joey…?" she asked, suppressing a yawn.
"He just went to feed Hikari…" Mai said, hoping and praying the young pregnant girl wouldn't burst into tears. "I can give you a ride back to the hospital if you want me to…" Mai offered.
Serenity nodded, "I'm just going to shower first… can I borrow clothes maybe…?" Serenity asked.
Mai laughed, "You can try, I'm afraid to say you are lacking in one of my departments."
"Oh, they've gotten bigger," Serenity assured her, smiling and wandering into the bathroom where she showered and then wandered back into Joey and Mai's room. Picking out one of Mai's shirts, unfortunately all Mai really had was tube top belly shirts so despite Serenity's current situation she was forced to wear one. She grabbed a vest as well as a pair of jeans before heading back out into the living room, seeing Joey had returned.
"Serenity," Joey said, walking over and hugging her and then looking down at her clothes and frowning. "You shouldn't ought to be wearing that in your condition, or ever if I know Kaiba. He's fairly protective of his things ain't he?"
"That'd be implying I'm his…" Serenity said in a dull tone.
"You know what I mean," Joey smiled stupidly. "You wanna ride over there?"
Serenity slowly opened the door to the room Kaiba had been in when she'd left the previous day. Kaiba was sitting on the edge of the bed speaking with Saminari, at the sound of the squeaky hinges they both turned too look at her. Kaiba was wearing his long white trench coat once again but rather than the long sleeved black shirt he wore more of a muscle shirt and had his stitches wrapped in black gauze so that they looked more like cuffs, and of course the essential buckles wrapped loosely around them. Then of course the normal black pants that no one but Serenity ever saw him out of on a regular basis and black shoes.
His eyes wandered down to her swelled stomach and he frowned before looking back up to her eyes, though decided to keep quiet for the time being. Serenity blushed and walked the rest of the way into the room, leaning in and kissing him before sitting beside him and offering the doctor a weak smiled.
"Your feeling better I trust?" Saminari raised his eyebrows and peered over the rims of his glasses.
Serenity nodded, "Much better thank-you," she smiled.
"Well that's good, I was just informing Mr. Kaiba how to care for his incisions, but I suppose you're the one I should probably be telling since I can see applying ointments and re-bandaging being difficult by ones self," he smiled and held up a circular container. "You'll need to apply this every morning and put on new bandages. Kaiba has been very insistent on have black gauze however, so what you'll need to do it apply two layers of white on the entire bottom half of his arm and then two more layers of black. The buckles were something else he insisted upon though do make sure he doesn't apply them too tight." Serenity nodded, that was simple enough. "If the incisions happen to open again we ask that he comes in immediately so we can fix them, for starters and also make sure that it was only his skin and not his veins because should the incisions in his veins open we'll be right back at square one. They might bleed a bit from now and then but there's really nothing to worry about there. Here," he help up a transparent brown bottle, "These are for the pain. Oh yes and one more thing," he began rummaging in his pocket. "I took the liberty of snatching this from the medicine room. It's just lotion, for those stretch marks you were so worried out," he winked at Serenity who just blushed, taking all three objects and then stood up, bowing slightly.
"Thank-you Doctor Saminari…" Serenity smiled at him. "For everything…" she glanced at Kaiba who just looked at her, but said nothing.
"It's no problem at all, I get paid for what I do. Though it's really great when the people seem to really appreciate it. Oh, and you," he pointed at Kaiba. "I need to see you in a week, just pop in whenever it's convenient for you and I should be here and if I'm not then get them to give me a call," Kaiba nodded but again said nothing. "And you, Miss. Serenity, I'll need to see you again in two weeks, I've got you scheduled for your second ultra-sound on the 21st at 2:00 in the afternoon."
"Perfect," Serenity smiled brightly before waving and walking out the door, Saminari followed quickly, wincing as Kaiba bent to pick up his bags.
"Kaiba, I'd really… rather you didn't," he said and reached for the bag, which Serenity quickly intercepted and picked up. She knew her husband particularly well, one of the things that really irked him was when people touched his stuff, his personal stuff.
"I'll carry it," she offered cheerfully, wandering halfway down the hall before the ever-silent Kaiba decided to follow. He didn't even protest… Serenity noted, glancing up at him as he walked beside her, staring forward, his eyes deep in thought. It wasn't like him at all, to let her do any sort of lifting whether it be a feather or a concrete block. Then again… he doesn't usually have thousands of tiny stitches in his wrists either… she shook her head slightly. She was being silly, of course he didn't protest, even Kaiba knew when too much was too much and doing anything with his wrists for the next while would be too much.
They bid the doctor farewell, thanking him again before climbing into the back of the limousine and driving home. Once reaching their destination they climbed the five flights of stairs to the bedroom they shared. Serenity carried the bag over to the dressed before setting it down and pulling out the medication, placing all three bottles on the ledge in front of the mirror with the rest of her creams and such. She gasped slightly when Kaiba came up behind her, wrapping his arms loosely around her neck and shutting his eyes, resting his head gently against hers.
Serenity didn't move, she just stared into the mirror before her, watching Kaiba's chest rise and fall while listening to his steady breathing before his mouth finally opened and his brow wrinkled slightly.
"I'm a man of pride and admitting my weakness' is not something I do willingly so listen closely because I'm not going to repeat myself… You know I love you Serenity…" he began to speak, his voice low, yet determined. "And that I would never intentionally do anything to hurt you," here he paused, raising his head and staring into the mirror and thus, into her eyes, his own slightly glazed. "But I couldn't go, I couldn't see my brother like that. I know it hurt you, me not going to my brothers' funeral but I need you to understand that I didn't want to see my little brother lying in a coffin. I know he's gone Serenity, I know, but I didn't want to remember him like that. I've always told myself that I's be the first to go because I knew better than to believe I could ever live with out him, hence my pervious actions," Kaiba paused, allowing all of this to seep into Serenity's mind. Giving her a moment to protest, to argue if she felt she must. He secretly wished she would, so to give him a reason to stop. But she didn't, she stayed silent, staring into his eyes by means of the mirror.
"And then I met you," he finally continued. "And without realizing it… fell in love with you, so in love that sometimes I would almost consider myself blind to everything but you. I hurt you, by not showing up and for whatever reason all logic was gone, all I could think of was how I'd lost both of you now, and I blamed myself for everything. How I should have been there to protect him, like I always said I would be. How I should have been here to help you, like I always say I will. I've made many mistakes in my life Serenity but I want you to understand that there will be none that I will ever regret more than leaving you alone during the last week. Missing Mokuba's funeral however was not a mistake, I intended not to go, I couldn't do it, I simply could not go." Kaiba's jaw tightened as a single glistening tear trailed down his face.
Serenity looked at him, tears threatening her own eyes before she turned around and placed her hand on either side of his face, wiping his tear away with her thumb and watching as he bit down viciously on his bottom lip in an attempt to keep the others at bay. A quiet sob escaped his lips and his arms tightened around Serenity. Serenity placed her forehead against his, tears running silently down her cheeks as she continued to stare at him, her loving stare did nothing to assist him in keeping his composure and before long he collapsed to his knees. He wrapped his arms tightly around Serenity's waist as she cradled his head, another sob escaping his lips.
"Oh Seto…" She whispered quietly, gently brushing his chestnut bangs from his face. "It's okay, we're gonna be okay," she promised him. She knew it was true. While nothing would ever be the same without Mokuba they would adjust and one day when their babies came into the world they would be happy again.
**Okay, once again, not that last chapter, I'mma go into detail with Ren's (SeRENity… I luv it ^_^) pregnancy and then I got another rather cruel heartless thing I wanna do to Kaiba and Ren before I finish this fic off lol… at least another chapter, probably two, possible three and then it'll be done lol. I'll try and get those up for you guys ASAP… but I really do have to work on Akeru, my inspiration just isn't there lol. I was so pumped too write it Thursday after school after a presentation on drugs and stuff but… I had to work -_- but it's Easter break now ^_^ so I promise to get it done!! Oh yea, and should be another update on Abaku (that's the other one, the Egypt one) before too long here, that next chapter is almost done lol. See I told you updates would get normal again ^_^, my buddy (the one who I was having technical difficulties with earlier) is coming up this week and… if all goes well then they really should get normal ^_^ oh yes, but if I never update again it's because Riss-chan's Yami (screen name being Jasper_Sable) has killed me… which she is seriously consider doing so if it happens go yell at her… lol sing at my funeral?? Ask reana1, divineangel143, Phoenix firerose or Visions of malice for the end of the fic lol… Anyway, thank you sooooo much to all you guys who read and review this story, you guys are awesome!! And just because I literally NEVER have done this before I'mma do them personal thingies lol, I always feel so special when ppl do that and I'm one of them ^_^
S'not the last chapter! See?!!! Hehe… what I meant was this was supposed to be the last chapter… but it's not anymore lol oh yes, and I'm glad you like it and it was supposed to make you cry so I'm glad for that too ^_^ thanks for reading/reviewing!!
Erm- thanks? Lol… I'm glad you like it ^_^
Thankie kindly on the name thing… didn't Senna change that part where it said insert Kaiba's dad's name in there?? She shoulda… I haven't gone through to check yet lol now that I'm thinking about it maybe I will… of yes and thankie kindly on the compliments too! I do try but to please you ^_^
-snickers evilly- yyeess… gozoboru did lol… at least he was muchly assistive… lol the fic wouldn't be nearly as good without Kaiba being like he is though… you like my description of Mokuba's death?? I can't believe I wrote that -_- I swore to myself I wouldn't and I'd leave you guys wondering what had actually happened to Mokuba in the end but I was feeling malicious lol… I'm glad you like it though ^_^ and I know what you mean about concrete angel -_- I'm so sick of that song now lol but it made an awesome chapter dun you think??
Shadow Ishtar:
^^ I like your screen name… lol okay anyway… yes!! Kaiba is naked!! -drools- actually, I'd prefer him simply lacking a shirt –is scared of the penis- lol… and yea… he did it!! He wasn't successful thanks to Ren and of course the doctors, but he tried anyway. Did you listen to the song and read it at the same time?? That's like deadly lol, I go back and do that now and I'm all teary eyed, it's a truly sad chapter when it can get the writer going lol
It's like… erm-… 007, who is that?? James bond!! There you go lol… yes ^_^ I am evil, and I have a really awesome nother evil plot to finish the fic off lol… I hope you enjoy the rest ^_^
Princess Chaos:
Ur gonna screw me alive….?? I'm gonna assume that means something like ur gonna pummel my ass with a pointy stick and simply carry on. I'm glad your crying lol, that sounds kinda evil, but that was the idea. And no, don't worry about Serenity, she's stronger/smarter/saner than that lol… although she gets her fair share of pain, both mentally and physically in the end (come on, she's having twins) lol
-_- yes ma'am
Yyayy!! I did it!! This chapter was extra long by the way guys, did you notice?? Like 9 and a half pages *cheers for self* I luv it… anyway, I hope you liked it and thanks again ^_^!**