Disclaimer: I do not own Gambit or Storm they belong to Marvel.

A/N: This is my first Ororo/Remy fic so please go easy on me. I've never tried pairing them and thought it might be fun and wanted to try something new.

By the Light of the Stars

The smoke from his cigarette drifted back to her. She could barely see his dark form up ahead. She began walking towards him.

" Evenin' 'Ro."

He said it without turning. She smiled slightly.

" Good evening, Remy."

Storm sat down beside him.

" Wut brings ya' up here dis time o' night, Stormy?"

He still hadn't turned to look at her.

" Same reason you're here."

Remy didn't reply. They sat in silence for a long moment.

" Dat ain't de real reason ya' came up here, is it?"

His question came unexpectedly. Ororo coloured slightly.

" Maybe not. Why do you think I came up here?"

" 'T spend time wit' me, right Stormy?"

He finally turned to look at her. She knew the mischievous glint was in his eyes even though she couldn't see it and felt his smile more than anything else.

" Don't call me that. You flatter yourself, Remy." She replied, teasingly, turning to look out into the sky.

" Do I really, 'Ro?" Remy's voice was suddenly quiet.

Storm turned, slowly, half afraid and half exhilirated at what would happened if she faced him.

He was suddenly very close to her. She could smell the smoke from his cigarettes on him and, faintly, his cologne. His face was inches away from hers. His hand, gently touching her neck, sent shivers down her spine. Remy's flaming red eyes stared into her own ice blue ones, as if asking for permission.

Very slightly, she nodded. A moment later, she was enveloped in his arms, his lips pressed against hers.

It lasted for one blissful moment, sweet and tender. Slowly, he pulled back, still holding her.

" I love you, 'Ro."

Ororo smiled.

" I love you, Remy."

A smile touched his lips as well. Silently, he looked up at the stars and she did the same.

" Dis de best night o' my life, Stormy."

" Mine also, Remy."
