The semester seemed to fly by for the combat training class and their instructor. Before anyone would of guessed it, the last day of the semester drew near… Amelia´s last day as a teacher.
"Attention!" called a cadet, and the class snapped up straight and waited for Amelia. She moved into the classroom where everything suddenly became deafeningly quiet.
"At ease, all. Well, I've got two last things to say to you all," Amelia declared. "The first thing being that this is my last day as your instructor."
She waited, so that the inevitable hubbub that revelation caused could run its course. Once the murmurings quieted, she continued on, a bit more subdued. "Now, then… the second thing I have to say is this: Stand to, you lot! Let me see what's I've made of you all."
"All right then. Ms. Luden. Ju-jitsu, Lunge of the Tiger," she said. The girl complied expertly with her command, and Amelia worked hard to hide her proud smile. The feline Captain then ran each her cadets through their skills and moves. The last cadet to be tested was Alan Longtooth, who had grown considerably from his bullying days. He bowed politely before Amelia, and began his attack sequence against Amelia. He was vastly improved, but yet again Amelia managed to lay him out on the floor. She helped him back to his own two feet, and as he stood up, he whispered quietly into Amelia´s ear, "We're all going to miss you, Captain."
Alan didn't linger, and hurried over to where his fellow clasmates stood. The assembled class then all saluted sharply to their proud Captain, who had done so much for them in the past three months.
"Three cheers for Captain Amelia!" cried Jim Hawkins, flinging his cadet cap into the air.
"Hip hip, hooray!" cried Alan Longtooth proudly.
"Hip hip, hooray!" yelled Marie Reynard, Jim's pretty friend, her eyes shining with her admiration for the Captain.
"Hip hip, hooray!" they all called out at last, dissolving into cheers and laughter.
"All right, you lot! Dismissed!" Amelia called, shooing them out of her classroom. She collected her files, and her bag, and then looked fondly out of the door, her heart swelling with pride in her cadets…