Harry Potter

and The Lights Of Creation

By: Teressa Luminos & Shineh Megami

Chapter One -

"Platform 9 ¾?"

Zai Leah Daisai sighed angrily. She snatched the ticket from the woman next to her and scowled. "There are muggles everywhere Laura. If they see the platform location. Oh nevermind."

Laura Scanti frowned. Her eyes on the provocatively dressed teen before her. "Did you have to wear that?"

Zai nodded. "Yes I did." Zai's red rimmed black eyes glanced around nervously. "I didn't get much of a choice in the matter."

Laura sighed. Zai's outfit was outrageously inappropriate and probably all of them in her packed suitcases were just as bad.

A red and black plaid skirt that stopped at the middle of her thighs. A netted pair of stockings and knee high laced black boots. A tight zip up tube top over a red long sleeved tight shirt that had no neckline and fell past her shoulders.

Zai pulled out a mirror from her pockets and checked her make-up. Her lips were painted a dreary green that matched her heavily eye shadowed eyelids. Her mascara and eyeliner were heavily done and with her eyeliner she had drawn five lines dropping from her eye.

"Zai you're going to miss the train. Wherever it is." Laura wondered what she had done to deserve an uncontrollable child like Zai. "Why did I ever adopt you?"

"You thought I was adorable remember?" Zai smiled sadistically.

Laura shook her head. "Go along now. Wait!" Laura's hand dove into her purse and she pulled out a comb.

Zai flinched as Laura ran the comb through her hair. Zai's hair was layered. The upper layer was dark green hair with silver streaks. The bottom layer was a hypnotic black that shone beautifully. That layer being her original hair color. When Laura finished she smiled at the teen.

"Hurry up now. You don't want to miss your first year at Hogswarts." With that Laura walked off.

Zai didn't budge though. The moment her adopted mother vanished a familiar face appeared to her. It wasn't a face she enjoyed seeing however.

Skin that was whiter than a skull, with wide, livid scarlet eyes and a nose that was flat as a snake's with slits for nostrils. Lord Voldemort.

"Zai." He hissed in a cold mirthless voice.


"That's no way to address me." He replied lazily. He reached out and held her face.

Zai involuntarily shuddered and backed away in a frightened manner. "Sorry Voldie. I'm not up for formalities. Not am I okay with you feeling me up. I'm here to do what my parents wanted from me. To fulfill their life debt. So what's the job this time?"

Lord Voldemort smiled. His slitted eyes glimmering sadistically. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a long chain with a large amulet on the end.

Zai reached out for the trinket only to have it yanked out of her grasp. She scowled and pouted. "I'm going to miss my train." Her eyes were on his long white fingers.

He placed the amulet around her neck and smiled. "When it starts vibrating go to where no one can follow you. I'll give you instructions then. For now you're to go to school and interact with the students."

"And what of Harry?"

"I'll emphasize the interact bit." Voldemort hissed. He dragged her to face the platform entrance "I'll contact you within a month."

Zai stumbled slightly as she was pushed forward. She turned to complain to find Lord Voldemort gone. She scowled and turned to leave. She hoped there was an empty compartment.

She hated Voldemort. She hated the life debt she had been left to fulfill.

But most of all. Zai hated everybody.


Aurie Terese Edwards sat silently in a compartment on Hogswart's Express. She adjusted her long turquoise turtleneck sweater and smoothed out her knee high black skirt. Her buckled dress shoes and studded hat each shone nicely.

Her black rimmed silver eyes stared out at the King's Cross Station. The platform 9 ¾ was bustling with other magic folk as students boarded the train to the unknown school. She pulled a strand of her black hair past her face. Her tips were red at the moments. She'd change them when she felt like it though.

Five years ago she had lived in America. She had nothing now. She once had a mother and a father but now both didn't exist.

She closed her eyes and frowned.

She remembered a darkened kitchen and a lot of yelling. Scrambling to get somewhere. A cabinet falling open and knives spilling in front of her. Then.

"Excuse me?"

Aurie looked up startled. "Can I help you?"


Harry Potter stared blankly at the Hogswarts Express. The whole summer he had looked for this moment. The moment he'd see his friends again. Returning to the one place that felt like his home.

Somehow the moment had arrived and he wasn't satisfied.

Then it struck him. The pain and the grief he dealt with throughout the summer.

Sirius was gone.


Harry smiled at the voice and turned to see his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermoine Granger run towards him. "Ron. Hermoine."

"The order wouldn't let us contact you this summer. Things were bad this summer at the ministry. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has been busy."

Harry frowned.

So things had been bad in the wizarding world. He didn't know much about the problems since all the Daily Prophets delivery halted. He owls were being attacked during their delivery runs. Even Hedwig came home to Harry with a singed wing.

"We'll talk about that later Ron." Hermoine said. She smiled at Harry. "How have you been Harry?"

"Fine." He replied hastily. He turned to the Hogswarts Express. "So our sixth year."

"Did you hear the rumors?"

"Rumors?" Harry frowned. "About what?"

"Two transfers from America will be here this year in our year. Two girls." Hermoine smiled. "That's all anybody's talking about."

"They'll be sorted at the ceremonies." Ron smiled. We might get new Gryffindors."

"Or Slytherins." Harry muttered angrily. So far he had avoided one Slytherin in specific since his arrival at the platform. He had the feeling that on the train though they'd encounter one another. They always did after all.


Harry frowned. "Let's find someplace to sit so we can talk."

Hermoine nodded.

Ron looked around and frowned. "Sure. Didn't the Order say they wanted to speak with Harry, Hermoine?"

Hermoine frowned. Ron was right. She looked around and shrugged. "Something must've came up. Let's go guys."

Harry followed Hermoine and Ron onto the train. He reached up to the scar on his forehead. It wasn't hurting anymore like it was when he was in King's Cross. He wondered if he should tell Hermoine and Ron.


Harry's attention returned to Hermoine.

"Hurry up! The train will be pulling out soon. We need to find seats."

Harry nodded.

Hopefully things at Hogswarts would be better.


Zai stepped into the compartment slowly and managed a shy smile. "Can I sit here? Too many people in the other compartments."

"Sure." Aurie managed a smile. "You attending Hogswarts?"

Zai looked curiously at the train. "If I somehow ended up on the wrong train then. No I'm attending Hogswarts. My first year."

"Mine too! I'm a transfer student from LAAS. Liberty Academy For Advanced Sorcery." Aurie smiled.

"Ugh. Um. Let's see. Too many schools. What year are you transferring into?"


"Me too." Zai sat down on the opposite side of the compartment from Aurie. My name's Zai Daisai."

"Aurie Terese Edwards."

Zai frowned. She suddenly felt guilty for omitting her middle name. It had been her mother's name.

"Do you play Quidditch?"

Zai shook her head. "Never tried it."



"I spent four years on the interstate Quidditch team. Three as a seeker and the last one as a chaser." Aurie smiled. The wizard sport being one thing that calmed her down.

"Lucky you." Zai stared blankly at the floor. "I never got the chance to even learn how to fly."

"Why is that?"

"I was adopted by a muggle family. My parents. My real ones. They were murdered when I was about five." Zai was glaring at her left hand as she spoke softly. "I've been shuffled around from school to school. I spent a year at DAT, Detroit's Academy of Transfiguration. I barely passed that course. I spent the next year at TACMC, Tallahassee's Academy for Charms and Magical Creatures. I spent the year after that at MAHAD, Manhattan's Academy of Herbology, Astronomy, and Divination. I scraped through with horrid grades. I flunked Herbology though. I did however do well in Divination. Then I had to transfer once more this time to SADA. Sacramento's Academy for the Dark Arts."

"No Defense?"

"Some courses focused on the defense bit." Zai smiled. "My Dark Arts knowledge is as good as my divination. What about you Aurie?"

"I'm excellent at charms and Transfiguration. I suck at Defense Against the Dark Arts though." Aurie smiled at Zai. It was so easy to speak to this girl. "So you take Divination. I was always told how bogus the class is."

"Bogus? You hurt my feelings." Zai smiled. She pulled off the glove on her left hand and using the now uncovered hand she pulled out a handful of colored stones. Aurie noticed something strange on Zai's hand. Zai dropped the colored stones next to her and waved her hand over them. "In a little bit we'll have company. Some are good while others are bad. Also we'll face an ordeal when we reach the school. A test of our friendship."

Aurie smiled. "Aw. So we're friends?"

"If I'm talking to you then we're friends." Zai said solemnly. She put the stones away slowly. "Nice hat by the way."

Aurie flushed.

"You seem withdrawn. And secluded. Like you've seen something you want to forget." Zai frowned as she whispered to Aurie. She was staring at a golden stone strangely. Almost trance like.

"I've seen death." Aurie said sadly.

"So you're like me. You've seen death. Cool." Zai smiled strangely.

"And I've caused the death. I killed the person I saw die." Aurie muttered sadly. She looked at her hands and shuddered.

Zai frowned. "So you know anything about this school?"

"Nope. It's a complete mystery to me."

Zai suddenly tensed up and turned to the door. "Still think Divination is bogus?"

Aurie curled up and turned as the door opened.

"Uh Hello."

"Hermoine Granger isn't it? Along with Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter." Zai muttered. She stood and smiled. "Come on in."

The stunned expression on Hermoine's face was replaced by a grateful one. "Thanks." She walked in and sat next to Aurie who recoiled away.

She mouthed to Zai silently. "I don't like people."

Zai smiled in agreement and moved to the side. "Sit here Aurie."

Aurie sweetly switched places as Ron and Harry sat down. Ron next to Hermoine, while Harry sat next to Zai. Aurie noticed Zai stiffen slightly. Zai's fingers clutching the amulet around her neck..

"So the famous Harry Potter." Zai muttered softly. "You and your companions grace us with your presense."

Aurie frowned. "I don't get it. Why is he so famous?"

Ron frowned. "How do you not know who he is?"

"I just don't!" Aurie retorted.

"He removed Voldemort from the world about 16 years ago and was left with the lightning scar on his forehead. Voldemort's returned though and he survived up against him on countless occasions." Hermoine said matter-of- factly.

"Oh." Aurie nodded as the information sunk in. She suddenly noticed Zai's sudden annoyed expression.

Zai stared angrily at her amulet. She wouldn't have had to be there if Harry died. Her parents would still be around. She wouldn't be doing Voldemorts bidding if Harry died.


Zai looked up at Aurie and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

"What's that amulet thingy?"

Zai panicked. "Uh... Um. It was. My mom's. She was holding it when she died. I've had it since then. I never take it off."

"Your parents are dead too?" Harry asked.

"Not as happily as yours. My parents Ministry killed'em." Zai fidgeted uncomfortably. "So you've been at the school for five years now. What's it like? And what are the rumors about different houses?"

"Oh there are four houses here at Hogswarts. Each are different and each house is very competitive. The three of us are in Gryffindor House." Hermoine pointed to an ensignia on the Hogswarts Emblem. "This is the symbol for Gryffindor."

"We're the best house."

Hermoine frowned at Ron. "Anyway. There's also Ravenclaw who are very smart." She pointed to the blue portion of the Emblem. "There's Hufflepuff who are very."

"-rejected. They're whoever didn't belong in the other three houses." Ron piped in.

Harry frowned at Ron this time. "The last house is Slytherin wh."

"Where the best purebloods are."

"Malfoy." Harry stood angrily glaring at the new intruder. "Get out."

"Potter with the weasel and the filthy mudblood." Draco Malfoy drawled. He stood at the compartment doorway watching Aurie and Zai.

"The bad company." Zai smiled at Aurie.

"You can be creepy." Aurie giggled.

"Along with the newest additions to Hogswarts." Draco smiled wickedly at Zai and Aurie.

Aurie hid behind Zai. Zai glared.

"I don't like him." Aurie hissed.

Zai nodded in agreement. "He is good looking though." She whispered with a smile.


Draco had stopped talking his eyes on Zai's amulet. Her frowned then smiled. "I think we have a Slytherin in the making."

"A Slytherin?" Ron stood up. "These two girls are not as low as you to be Slytherins. They aren't the losing lot."

"You'd be surprised." Draco smiled sadistically and turned to Zai with a knowing smile. He muttered to her softly. "Enjoy the train ride. It's the last time you'll be in the companionship of mudblood lovers."

Zai clutched the amulet as Draco walked off. Crabbe and Goyle, who had been unusually passive, followed him.

"A Slytherin in here?" Ron laughed. "Who's up for a game of wizard chess?"

Zai smiled. "I'll try. I hear you are quite the chess player."

Ron nodded. "Yup."

Zai pulled out a bag and poured some figures on the board. "In America it is said our chess pieces are different from yours. More beautiful too."

Aurie grinned. She picked up Zai's Queen. "That's because all chess pieces in America are custom jobs. Wow your Queen is pretty."

"The Queen and King were designed after images of my mother and father." Zai picked up the King, which smiled at her, she started arranging them on Ron's board.

Aurie placed down the Queen. "I'll watch."

"It won't take long. Ron has yet to lose a game of wizard chess." Hermoine watched in interest. "But it is true. American custom jobs are much better than here in England."

Harry nodded in agreement. "Yours have a very new century look to them."

Zai nodded. "Well you start Ron."

Aurie spotted a newspaper near Hermoine and lifted it up. "Lord Voldemort spotted at King's Cross."

Zai frowned. "Daily Prophet? Your Newspaper?"

Hermoine nodded. "Yes."

"I knew he had to be there." Harry scowled.

Ron moved his first piece. "Don't worry. He can't get into Hogswarts. We'll be safe there. The stories around him have been rather lousy. Hey!"

Hermoine giggled. Zai had removed one of Ron's pieces from play.

Ron decided to concentrate on the game. "Queen to E5."

"Knight to E5." Zai smiled.

Ron frowned. "How are you. Everytime I move you're waiting for me!"

"That isn't possible." Hermoine's attention was on the game.

"For Zai it is!" Aurie said cheerily.

"Knight to F6."

"Pawn to F6."

"How in the. Tower to H3."

"Queen to H3. Check."

Hermoine gasped. The Queen had been in one position till that moment. Was it possible? Zai knew exactly what Ron was going to do before he did it?

"Knight to H2."

"Bishop to G2. Checkmate." Zai grinned. "Sorry. I should've warned you that you'd lose."

Ron replayed the game in his head. "You were always anticipating me!"

"Do you take Divination? Aurie asked Ron knowing exactly how Zai had won. "Zai's excellent at seeing the future."

"Wow. Then she's quite the seer." Harry said. Thinking of the 'seer' he'd have to see at Hogswarts.

"She predicted all of you guys coming here." Aurie said proudly.

"Are you. And you sadi Divination was bogus!" Zai teased. She stood and brushed some strands of her hair away from her face. "We'll be at school soon." She trailed off and her eyes went red. "THE DARKNESS IS COMING. LORD VOLDEMORT WILL BREAK THE WALLS. THE THREE WALLS ARE UP AND THE LIGHTS ARE IN PLACE. DUMBLEDORE CANNOT SAVE THEM. WISDOM. STRENGTH. AGILITY. THE WALLS WILL FALL. THE DARKNESS WILL SWEEP OVER US ALL. LORD VOLDEMORT WILL RISE." Zai's eyes rolled back and she dropped.



(A/N: This story is written by two people. Teressa Luminos and Shineh Megami. Hence the penname. We understand that Harry Potter books only focus on harry but we have different POVs throughout the story so don't review saying a HP "fan-book" should be all Harry POV because we know that. Well see the button in the corner that says review? Push it and give us your opinion.)