Summary: Kagome is betrayed by Inuyasha and she goes back to her time and meets the spirit detectives. Will Kagome find new love or will she stay alone. Read and find out.


~Sengoku Jidai~

Kagome came back to the group after she took all the shards of the shikon no tama, put them together and purified them.
"I am so happy," Kagome squeaked with delight, "the shikon no tama is complete and the jewel is whole again, now we can all live happy lives." Kagome said while hopping about.
"Sorry bitch but I will take the jewel now to bring back Kikyo," said Inuyasha in a monotone voice.
"I can't let you do that Inuyasha," whispered Kagome as her bangs covered her eyes, "Inuyasha I can't believe you, I thought you were my friend."
"Kagome give me the jewel," said Inuyasha while Kikyo came out of the forest. "Never," hissed Kagome as she turned and ran for her life.
"Bitch get back here," yelled Inuyasha as he raced after her to get the jewel and destroy the well.
"Iron revere soul stealer," yelled Inuyasha as he pulled his claws up in the air to strike, but instead of hitting the well it hit Kagome right before she went into the well. Tears ran down her pale cheeks at the pain and because she felt so betrayed because Inuyasha promised to protect her.
"I will never come back," Kagome whispered as she jumped into the well and the well sealed itself for all time and no one could get through anymore.

~Yu Yu Gang~

Botan had come into school to get Yusuke for another mission.
"Yo, Watcha want toddler," yelled a very pissed Yusuke. "Yusuke I'm no toddler! And you have a new mission it's to kill a few demons near the Higurashi shrine," said Koenma (toddler).
"Isn't that the place that one girl lives that keeps getting sick," said Kuwabaka. "Ya I believe so," said Kurama. "Well get a move on you must kill those demons their S class demons," said Koenma while opening a portal to the forest around the Higurashi shrine.


When I got home I went shopping and picked all black clothes and I became gothic. My hair had grown all the way down to my butt and it was wavy and black. I felt strong demon aura's near the forest so I went to check it out (she didn't now how to use any weapons beside a bow n' arrow, dagger, and whip). I found out there were three very powerful demons hanging around.
I got my bow n' arrow and shot them all down they immediately died when my purifying powers touched them.
Then I went home and brought out all the weapons that I needed dagger and whip for practicing with. I started all the procedures that I learned from my sensei (teacher).
I felt strong auras from the forest and went to check it out but when I got there they were gone and I realized that they were at the same place the demons were.

~Yu Yu Gang~

When they all got there they noticed that all the demons were dead and that each demon had an arrow in his back. We couldn't find any energy in the arrow or around here and the arrows were not poisoned. So we all wondered how they died and who killed them.
"Koenma all the demons were dead when we got there," Kurama said when we got back to the office. "We brought the weapon that was in there back, it was an arrow and it didn't have energy on it at all," said Kurama again.

"Well it seems to be that a miko did it," Koenma said when he had a close examination at the arrow. "What the heck is a miko," yelled Yusuke!
"A miko is a person with a large amount of energy that if the magic touches a tainted soul, demon or human who purely hates, then they immediately die," Botan explained in a very cheery voice.


When I couldn't find a trace of whoever was here I went deep into the forest and pulled out a sword after Inuyasha had made it through the well once I decided to start using practice using a sword.
I started like all my training I learned the basic swings and movements then I repeated it till I fell down half dead drained both physically and mentally.
I started swinging my sword over and over again and just my luck I'm getting scratched and bruised. I kept muttering over and over "I won't be weak." Then they had to come four people they were the people I sensed in the forest earlier.
They walked out of the forest while I was practicing swordsman ship.

~Yu Yu Gang~

"Go back and find out more information about this miko if she can kill a demon with one arrow she is very powerful we must ask her to become a spirit detective," Koenma yelled (I could of sworn he was wailing like a baby).
"Ok, ok, but shut up," yelled a very pissed off Yusuke.
So they went threw the portal which took them to a clearing and they could hear swishing of a sword nearby so we went to investigate. It was a young girl.
To tell you we they were past surprised and she pretended not to notice us. Then everyone noticed all the bruises and cuts that were all over her body we also noticed that she kept muttering "I won't be weak" over and over again.


Who is that girl and she seems to be very caught up in her sword technique. She also, even though human, seems to be over doing it. She now's she's over doing it but she keeps going on and on thought Hiei as his eyes enlarged a bit in realization.


What the heck this girl is gonna kill herself if she keeps this up I mean it she is. Darn she just keeps going and going will she ever stop I don't think so.


Hot babe (drools, eww gross yelled a grossed out Al) (sick) (starts running to the bathroom) Kuwabaka thought over and over again.


This girl won't stop I think she will only stop once she runs out of energy.


Why won't they stop staring its getting ridiculous I'm really getting pissed off I mean it I am darn it. "Will you people stop staring darn it," yelled a very mad Kagome while she kept swinging her sword.


Okay so this is a new story I'm still doing the other one and in the front of the story Sango, Miroku, and Shippo are in Kaede's hut and don't know what happened until after Kagome left. And I think this will be a Kurama/Kagome or Hiei/Kagome pairing okay. Also some of those stuff that are quoted are what I said okay.
Sorry about the cliff hanger but I just like cliff hangers sometimes and I love suspense. I wrote this today cause I'm sick okay so it might not be that good. And if you want to IM me its EmilyFMageAvalon while my e-mail is okay so e-mail of IM me if you want to, I promise I will update soon.