**A/N OK sooo I've read tons of stories that have to do with gangs or Inuyasha and Kagome getting reunited. Well, seeing as I like those kinds of stories, I decided to merge them together….this is gonna be one heck of a story.
Disclaimer: I'm going to say this and I'm going to say it only once. I do NOT own Inuyasha……as much as I try with my bribes.
One Hell Of A Ride
Author: lady-of-the-darkness
Editor: Martinixbabie
A five year old girl with raven black hair and brown eyes stood outside of an elementary school staring at the doors. She looked back at a car behind her which contained a man with black her and gray eyes. He waved his hand for her to walk in but she shook her head no. Reluctantly the man parked his car and walked up to the little girl.
"What's wrong Kagome?" the girl hugged the man's leg.
"I'm scared daddy." She mumbled into his leg. Kagome's father brushed her silky raven hair out of her face as he pulled away.
"What are you so scared of?" the girl waved her hand for him to get closer.
"What if there are monsters in there?" the girl whispered. The man chuckled and picked the girl up on placed her on his shoulder.
"They can't you see, the walls are magical and they won't let monsters in. Now are you ready for your first day of kindergarten?" Kagome nodded and her father placed her down and was about to walk away when Kagome grabbed his hand.
"Daddy, come with me!" she tugged his hand with a strong grip and walked in. She turned a few corners and stopped in front of a door. She squeezed her dad's hand looked at him. "Daddy, I don't want to go. I don't believe you about the magical walls! And what if no one likes me?" the girls said.
"Kagome, who ever doesn't like you would be crazy to not like a pretty girl. I mean you look really pretty in the dress you're wearing." Kagome giggled. She was wearing a puffy pink skirt and a white tank top with a blue jean jacket to cover it. "You ready?" he asked. Kagome nodded and let go of his hand and walked into the room. There was a lady in the room, the teacher, and lots of kids.
"Class, we have a new student in our class today. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher asked Kagome. She nodded, some how she got in her regular bubbly form.
"My name is Kagome Higurashi and I just moved her from Tokyo and I live at the local shrine with my daddy, mommy, my new baby brother, and grandpa. And I have a cute kitty that my daddy gave me yesterday!" Kagome grinned.
"Cats are stupid." Someone mumble. Kagome stared at the person who said that. It was a boy with black hair up to his ankles and violet eyes he was wearing a red tee-shirt with blue jeans.
"No, they aren't, they're cute and cuddly and soft and sweet and nice and prettyful!"
"Yea-huh!" While they were doing this they got closer and closer together until their were inches away from each other. (A/N their not gonna kiss, you perverts.)
"NU-UH!!!!" The boy pushed Kagome so hard she fell to the ground. Almost everyone started to laugh and point at Kagome. Kagome widened her eyes and tried to fight off the tear so that everyone wouldn't laugh harder, but she couldn't it just hurt so badly. She had fallen and cut her knee. She covered her face and let the tears fall. She got up still crying and ran out of the back door which led to the playground.
"Inuyasha! This is so not like you. You go and apologize to Kagome right now!" the teacher ordered. Inuyasha lazily walked out of the room to the play ground.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Kagome's father*******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome's dad drove up to an ally in the middle of Kyoto. He was a very rich man. He had made the right choices a while back and was now one of the top five riches people in the world. And now he was in this trouble. He just had to be so stupid and get his nose in a bad situation. He had been caught snooping around a drug deal for one of the top gangs. He had been trying to prevent the deal to happen but instead he had been caught. He looked around the ally for signs of the meeting. Out of a corner came a man. All Kagome's father could see was the business suit the man wore. His head was covered by the shadow of the ally. (A/N if you're wondering how an ally can be so dark let just imagine that there's a roof on this ally. LOL)
"Hello, Keiji." The man in the shadows said.
"What do you want?" Keiji asked.
"Now is that a way to start a conversation. Now you see you had snoop around someone else's business, i.e. me, and now you see I have lost an important deal."
"A drug deal at that! I hardly consider that important." Keiji shouted.
"Well, it isn't easy to make money anymore. You bastards wouldn't know that meaning of struggling." The man clenched his hands into fists before relaxing again.
"I don't know the meaning of struggling? I had to struggle to get enough food for my family to eat before I got a job! Now what is it you want from me or I will leave." Keiji yelled.
"I want you to pay me back the money I would have gotten with two million dollars interest by Friday of next week." (A/N BTW it's Monday if you're wondering.)
"And if I don't?"
"You and you're family will die." The man said slipping back into the darkness. Keiji sighed and walked to his car and drove away back to his business.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******With Kagome*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome ran passed the swings and slides. She ran until she reached a giant Sakura tree. She climb up the tree to the first thick branch where she clutched her knees to her chest. Her skirt was now ruined with the blood stains. Tears still falling down her face she pounded to branch she was on.
"That stupid boy! I hate him. I hate him!" Suddenly she heard some branches shaking.
"I have a name you know!" Kagome screamed and smacked the boy in the face, accidentally knocking him off the tree. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" Kagome climbed down the tree and looked at the boy.
"I'm fine!" the boy said swatting away the helping hands.
"I just wanted to help you! You stupid boy!" Kagome yelled.
"Inuyasha." The boy mumbled.
"What?" Kagome asked.
"My name it's Inuyasha."
"Mine's Kagome!"
"I know stupid." Inuyasha spat.
"I'm not stupid you idiot."
"BOOGER HEAD!!" they both yelled at the same time. They both laughed at what they had done. (A/N whoa…it took me a while to think of word to make fun of each other without using cuss words….Hehehehe. HEY I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY IT!)
"Inuyasha? Do you want to be my friend?" Kagome asked helping him up.
"Umm…ok I guess, but no girly stuff ok?" Inuyasha asked.
"OK!!" Kagome hugged Inuyasha and grabbed his hand walking him back into the class room.
*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*****Next Friday*****!*!*!*!*!*!*
Kagome skipped to school while Inuyasha trialed behind her. She picked a flower and place it in her hair then grabbed another and put it in Inuyasha's hair.
"See now you look pretty!" Inuyasha snatched the flower and tore it up. "INUYASHAAAA!" Kagome whined. "That's the elevanity one today!!"
"I don't like girly flowers!!"
"Then what do you like?" Kagome asked placing her hand s on her hips.
"Mud." Kagome grinned.
"You mean like this!" Kagome threw a hunk of dirt to Inuyasha and it splattered on his shirt.
"Kagome…RUN!" Inuyasha grab some dirt and Kagome ran for her life to school.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Kagome's father*******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Keiji was in his office making some paper work. He had worked hard for the past couple days. He had told his wife to go into the secret bomb shelter with Kagome and Souta, his baby boy, so that they wouldn't be in harm. What he didn't know was that Kagome was spending the night at her friend's house and that she wasn't in the shelter with her mother. He refused to give the gang the money and was going to die at the price. He had already finalized his will and everything else he needed. Just when he was about to close his lab top the mail clerk came in and handed him package while opening it he received an email. Still opening it he opened the email and read it.
Keiji, you have not complied with what we had made a deal with. Unfortunately you and you're family will die from the expenses. As you open that package I hope you realized that you're daughter was sleeping over her friend's house. You may have saved your wife and son but she will surely die.
At the end of the message was a smiley face that with each second it turned into an angry face. Keiji gasped when he read it and right at that moment the package exploded in his hands.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******With Kagome*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Bye Inu-chan! Remember to meet at the oak tree in thirty minutes. Promise?"
"Promise! BYE!!" Kagome walked up the steps to her home and opened the door.
"Mommy! Daddy! I'm home I'm going to the oak tree in thirty minutes to see Inu-chan! Daddy? Mommy?" She began to run around her house and found there was a message on the answering machine. She clicked it on and listened to it.
"Hello, Kagome. You're probably wondering where your mother and father are at this moment. Well, your mother's hiding and your father, well I killed him. And it won't be long before you're dead too. And it was all Inuyasha's fault. So eat, drink, and get married, for today is your last day."
The man began to chuckle evil. Kagome gasped and looked out side it was raining. She began to cry horribly as she ran to the oak tree to find Inuyasha. She stood in the rain not caring at all waiting for him to come.
"Inu-chan I need to talk with you! Please come! You promised." Kagome whispered as she rubbed her arms to get warm. After three hours of waiting. Kagome final knew he wasn't coming like he had promised. She began to walk home. "Inuyasha I hate you. You killed my parents. I hate you so much. I wish I could just forget about you." Just at that moment a car came speeding down the road. Kagome screamed at it hit her and threw her to the side. The car sped away leaving Kagome unconscious on the paved road.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Inuyasha******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Inuyasha ran home and opened the door when he came in he dropped his book bag and ran though his house to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and ate it.
"Mom, Dad? You home? I'm going to meet Kagome in thirty minutes at the oak tree." Inuyasha didn't get a response. "That's funny their always home." He walked to the answering machine and saw there was a message on it he clicked it and listen intently.
"Hello, Inuyasha. You just came home did ya? Well, it just so happens I was there earlier to see your parents. And I made sure that you'd see what I did to them go up stairs to their bed room and see. I'll wait,"
Inuyasha followed the instructions and went to their room. He opened the door he gasped. There was blood all over the room everywhere. It was like someone grabbed a hose of blood and let it loose in their room. And on the bed was his mother and father with their stomachs open and all their insides out. Inuyasha ran back to the answering machine and growled.
"You like the sight, it was all Kagome's fault they died. It was all her fault. And you know what? You're next." Suddenly Inuyasha felt a pain in his neck as he collapsed on the floor.
'Kagome, this was your entire fault. I hate you. I hope I forget about you.' Inuyasha thought before he blacked out.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******At A Hospital*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome woke up groggily. She hurt all over body and she winced as she looked around the white room. She saw her mother in the corner of the room with Souta in her arms crying. Her mascara running down her face and her lip stick smudged from rubbing her face.
"Mommy?" Kagome's mother hugged her and sobbed hysterically. "Mommy," Kagome sniffed before balling. "Daddy's dead!" There they were in a room crying. Kagome couldn't help to notice her brain nagging at her that she had forgotten something. Or some one important.
Inuyasha grabbed his head as he got up. He looked around the room and found his brother seating on a chair reading a magazine.
"Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha asked. Sesshomaru looked at his brother disgusted.
"What?" he asked.
"Are mom and dad dead?" Inuyasha asked. Sesshomaru nodded and went back to his magazine. Inuyasha gripped his sheets as he searched his mind for who could have murdered them. He couldn't remember much. All he could remember was school and his family. He couldn't remember having any friends whatsoever. 'I will kill whoever killed my parents. If that's the last thing I do.' Was what Inuyasha thought as he drifted back to sleep.
Martinixbabie: What the fuck was this?!?!?!**Points at screen at misspelling**
lady-of-the-darkness: Well I was trying to...um...herm...see...uhhh...I..
Martinixbabie: No. Dear god why did I sign up for this?****.Waves hands in the air***
lady-of-the-darkness: Because you wuv me!!!
Martinixbabie: Run.
lady-of-the-darkness: Oh dear god a pink possum***points at air then runs*
A/N so what did you think??? Review please!!! I mean I need to know if I should continue this or not. Well, I gtg bye!!!!!!!!! *BTW REVIEW!!!!
Disclaimer: I'm going to say this and I'm going to say it only once. I do NOT own Inuyasha……as much as I try with my bribes.
One Hell Of A Ride
Author: lady-of-the-darkness
Editor: Martinixbabie
A five year old girl with raven black hair and brown eyes stood outside of an elementary school staring at the doors. She looked back at a car behind her which contained a man with black her and gray eyes. He waved his hand for her to walk in but she shook her head no. Reluctantly the man parked his car and walked up to the little girl.
"What's wrong Kagome?" the girl hugged the man's leg.
"I'm scared daddy." She mumbled into his leg. Kagome's father brushed her silky raven hair out of her face as he pulled away.
"What are you so scared of?" the girl waved her hand for him to get closer.
"What if there are monsters in there?" the girl whispered. The man chuckled and picked the girl up on placed her on his shoulder.
"They can't you see, the walls are magical and they won't let monsters in. Now are you ready for your first day of kindergarten?" Kagome nodded and her father placed her down and was about to walk away when Kagome grabbed his hand.
"Daddy, come with me!" she tugged his hand with a strong grip and walked in. She turned a few corners and stopped in front of a door. She squeezed her dad's hand looked at him. "Daddy, I don't want to go. I don't believe you about the magical walls! And what if no one likes me?" the girls said.
"Kagome, who ever doesn't like you would be crazy to not like a pretty girl. I mean you look really pretty in the dress you're wearing." Kagome giggled. She was wearing a puffy pink skirt and a white tank top with a blue jean jacket to cover it. "You ready?" he asked. Kagome nodded and let go of his hand and walked into the room. There was a lady in the room, the teacher, and lots of kids.
"Class, we have a new student in our class today. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher asked Kagome. She nodded, some how she got in her regular bubbly form.
"My name is Kagome Higurashi and I just moved her from Tokyo and I live at the local shrine with my daddy, mommy, my new baby brother, and grandpa. And I have a cute kitty that my daddy gave me yesterday!" Kagome grinned.
"Cats are stupid." Someone mumble. Kagome stared at the person who said that. It was a boy with black hair up to his ankles and violet eyes he was wearing a red tee-shirt with blue jeans.
"No, they aren't, they're cute and cuddly and soft and sweet and nice and prettyful!"
"Yea-huh!" While they were doing this they got closer and closer together until their were inches away from each other. (A/N their not gonna kiss, you perverts.)
"NU-UH!!!!" The boy pushed Kagome so hard she fell to the ground. Almost everyone started to laugh and point at Kagome. Kagome widened her eyes and tried to fight off the tear so that everyone wouldn't laugh harder, but she couldn't it just hurt so badly. She had fallen and cut her knee. She covered her face and let the tears fall. She got up still crying and ran out of the back door which led to the playground.
"Inuyasha! This is so not like you. You go and apologize to Kagome right now!" the teacher ordered. Inuyasha lazily walked out of the room to the play ground.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Kagome's father*******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome's dad drove up to an ally in the middle of Kyoto. He was a very rich man. He had made the right choices a while back and was now one of the top five riches people in the world. And now he was in this trouble. He just had to be so stupid and get his nose in a bad situation. He had been caught snooping around a drug deal for one of the top gangs. He had been trying to prevent the deal to happen but instead he had been caught. He looked around the ally for signs of the meeting. Out of a corner came a man. All Kagome's father could see was the business suit the man wore. His head was covered by the shadow of the ally. (A/N if you're wondering how an ally can be so dark let just imagine that there's a roof on this ally. LOL)
"Hello, Keiji." The man in the shadows said.
"What do you want?" Keiji asked.
"Now is that a way to start a conversation. Now you see you had snoop around someone else's business, i.e. me, and now you see I have lost an important deal."
"A drug deal at that! I hardly consider that important." Keiji shouted.
"Well, it isn't easy to make money anymore. You bastards wouldn't know that meaning of struggling." The man clenched his hands into fists before relaxing again.
"I don't know the meaning of struggling? I had to struggle to get enough food for my family to eat before I got a job! Now what is it you want from me or I will leave." Keiji yelled.
"I want you to pay me back the money I would have gotten with two million dollars interest by Friday of next week." (A/N BTW it's Monday if you're wondering.)
"And if I don't?"
"You and you're family will die." The man said slipping back into the darkness. Keiji sighed and walked to his car and drove away back to his business.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******With Kagome*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome ran passed the swings and slides. She ran until she reached a giant Sakura tree. She climb up the tree to the first thick branch where she clutched her knees to her chest. Her skirt was now ruined with the blood stains. Tears still falling down her face she pounded to branch she was on.
"That stupid boy! I hate him. I hate him!" Suddenly she heard some branches shaking.
"I have a name you know!" Kagome screamed and smacked the boy in the face, accidentally knocking him off the tree. "Oh my god! Are you ok?" Kagome climbed down the tree and looked at the boy.
"I'm fine!" the boy said swatting away the helping hands.
"I just wanted to help you! You stupid boy!" Kagome yelled.
"Inuyasha." The boy mumbled.
"What?" Kagome asked.
"My name it's Inuyasha."
"Mine's Kagome!"
"I know stupid." Inuyasha spat.
"I'm not stupid you idiot."
"BOOGER HEAD!!" they both yelled at the same time. They both laughed at what they had done. (A/N whoa…it took me a while to think of word to make fun of each other without using cuss words….Hehehehe. HEY I WANT TO SEE YOU TRY IT!)
"Inuyasha? Do you want to be my friend?" Kagome asked helping him up.
"Umm…ok I guess, but no girly stuff ok?" Inuyasha asked.
"OK!!" Kagome hugged Inuyasha and grabbed his hand walking him back into the class room.
*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*****Next Friday*****!*!*!*!*!*!*
Kagome skipped to school while Inuyasha trialed behind her. She picked a flower and place it in her hair then grabbed another and put it in Inuyasha's hair.
"See now you look pretty!" Inuyasha snatched the flower and tore it up. "INUYASHAAAA!" Kagome whined. "That's the elevanity one today!!"
"I don't like girly flowers!!"
"Then what do you like?" Kagome asked placing her hand s on her hips.
"Mud." Kagome grinned.
"You mean like this!" Kagome threw a hunk of dirt to Inuyasha and it splattered on his shirt.
"Kagome…RUN!" Inuyasha grab some dirt and Kagome ran for her life to school.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Kagome's father*******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Keiji was in his office making some paper work. He had worked hard for the past couple days. He had told his wife to go into the secret bomb shelter with Kagome and Souta, his baby boy, so that they wouldn't be in harm. What he didn't know was that Kagome was spending the night at her friend's house and that she wasn't in the shelter with her mother. He refused to give the gang the money and was going to die at the price. He had already finalized his will and everything else he needed. Just when he was about to close his lab top the mail clerk came in and handed him package while opening it he received an email. Still opening it he opened the email and read it.
Keiji, you have not complied with what we had made a deal with. Unfortunately you and you're family will die from the expenses. As you open that package I hope you realized that you're daughter was sleeping over her friend's house. You may have saved your wife and son but she will surely die.
At the end of the message was a smiley face that with each second it turned into an angry face. Keiji gasped when he read it and right at that moment the package exploded in his hands.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******With Kagome*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
"Bye Inu-chan! Remember to meet at the oak tree in thirty minutes. Promise?"
"Promise! BYE!!" Kagome walked up the steps to her home and opened the door.
"Mommy! Daddy! I'm home I'm going to the oak tree in thirty minutes to see Inu-chan! Daddy? Mommy?" She began to run around her house and found there was a message on the answering machine. She clicked it on and listened to it.
"Hello, Kagome. You're probably wondering where your mother and father are at this moment. Well, your mother's hiding and your father, well I killed him. And it won't be long before you're dead too. And it was all Inuyasha's fault. So eat, drink, and get married, for today is your last day."
The man began to chuckle evil. Kagome gasped and looked out side it was raining. She began to cry horribly as she ran to the oak tree to find Inuyasha. She stood in the rain not caring at all waiting for him to come.
"Inu-chan I need to talk with you! Please come! You promised." Kagome whispered as she rubbed her arms to get warm. After three hours of waiting. Kagome final knew he wasn't coming like he had promised. She began to walk home. "Inuyasha I hate you. You killed my parents. I hate you so much. I wish I could just forget about you." Just at that moment a car came speeding down the road. Kagome screamed at it hit her and threw her to the side. The car sped away leaving Kagome unconscious on the paved road.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*******With Inuyasha******~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Inuyasha ran home and opened the door when he came in he dropped his book bag and ran though his house to the kitchen. He grabbed an apple and ate it.
"Mom, Dad? You home? I'm going to meet Kagome in thirty minutes at the oak tree." Inuyasha didn't get a response. "That's funny their always home." He walked to the answering machine and saw there was a message on it he clicked it and listen intently.
"Hello, Inuyasha. You just came home did ya? Well, it just so happens I was there earlier to see your parents. And I made sure that you'd see what I did to them go up stairs to their bed room and see. I'll wait,"
Inuyasha followed the instructions and went to their room. He opened the door he gasped. There was blood all over the room everywhere. It was like someone grabbed a hose of blood and let it loose in their room. And on the bed was his mother and father with their stomachs open and all their insides out. Inuyasha ran back to the answering machine and growled.
"You like the sight, it was all Kagome's fault they died. It was all her fault. And you know what? You're next." Suddenly Inuyasha felt a pain in his neck as he collapsed on the floor.
'Kagome, this was your entire fault. I hate you. I hope I forget about you.' Inuyasha thought before he blacked out.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~******At A Hospital*****~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Kagome woke up groggily. She hurt all over body and she winced as she looked around the white room. She saw her mother in the corner of the room with Souta in her arms crying. Her mascara running down her face and her lip stick smudged from rubbing her face.
"Mommy?" Kagome's mother hugged her and sobbed hysterically. "Mommy," Kagome sniffed before balling. "Daddy's dead!" There they were in a room crying. Kagome couldn't help to notice her brain nagging at her that she had forgotten something. Or some one important.
Inuyasha grabbed his head as he got up. He looked around the room and found his brother seating on a chair reading a magazine.
"Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha asked. Sesshomaru looked at his brother disgusted.
"What?" he asked.
"Are mom and dad dead?" Inuyasha asked. Sesshomaru nodded and went back to his magazine. Inuyasha gripped his sheets as he searched his mind for who could have murdered them. He couldn't remember much. All he could remember was school and his family. He couldn't remember having any friends whatsoever. 'I will kill whoever killed my parents. If that's the last thing I do.' Was what Inuyasha thought as he drifted back to sleep.
Martinixbabie: What the fuck was this?!?!?!**Points at screen at misspelling**
lady-of-the-darkness: Well I was trying to...um...herm...see...uhhh...I..
Martinixbabie: No. Dear god why did I sign up for this?****.Waves hands in the air***
lady-of-the-darkness: Because you wuv me!!!
Martinixbabie: Run.
lady-of-the-darkness: Oh dear god a pink possum***points at air then runs*
A/N so what did you think??? Review please!!! I mean I need to know if I should continue this or not. Well, I gtg bye!!!!!!!!! *BTW REVIEW!!!!