Scary Movie; YGO Style!
By: GodessesOfTwistedFate

Mavelus: -_- Damnit, nothing from Derek. The bastard. Well, we begin chapter three.

KaibaPuppy: I'm lazy, I dun wanna do notes. Or this.

Mavelus: Me too, but every fifteen reviews we do this shit. -_- Meh, well after this we'll take a break for a couple of days.

Kaiba: Weeks.

Bakura: Months.

Yami: Years.

Mavelus: Centuries.

KaibaPuppy: Decades.

Everyone: -_-

Mavelus: Well, maybe not THAT long. ^-^;; Maybe a month.... or two.


Chapter 3:


(at the Miss Ugly pageant)

(ugly ppl come on stage)

(up on the balcony)

Tristan: (sees Tea) THERE'S MY WHORE!!

Random dude from audience: YEAH! THAT'S MY WHORE TOO!


Tristan: HEY!

YGO! Peeps (accept for Tristan and Tea) : Uh.. I think we're gonna leave now..

Bakura/Malik/Marik/Ryou: We'll be in the closet! (run in closet)

Everyone: (leaves)

Announcer dude: And now here's Tea and her Bay Watch impression!

Tea: (comes out on stage, is extremely hideous)

Crowd: (winces) (applaud)

Tea: (looks at crowd, sees Tristan on balcony and Scary Killer Dude behind him) (gasps, screams) OH MY GOD! HELP!!

Crowd: (is amazed)

Random person: Whoa, that girl can act..


Scary Killer Dude: (stabs Tristan repeatedly)

Tristan: (dies) X_x

Tea: (runs back stage) NO! HE'S KILLING HIM!!

Crowd: Wow! (applaud and cheer)

Announcer: And the winner is: TEA GARDENER!!!

Tea: (runs to lesbo friends back stage) OH MY GOD! TRISTAN! HE'S DYING! I HAVE TO SAVE TRISTAN!!!

Lesbo friend 1: Tea, you won!

Tea: TRISTAN- wha?

Lesbo friend 2: You won!

Tea: I won? I won! I WON!

Yugi: (comes from nowhere) But what about Tristan?

Tea: Screw Tristan! I WON! (runs on stage)

Announcer dude: (sings winning song) Here she is, Miss Ugly, such lopsided tits-

Tea: (goes up to former Miss Ugly, snatches crown) Like, gimme the crown bitch. (puts it on)

Former Miss Ugly: (rolls eyes)

Announcer: (still singing) make any old lady go blind anytime, oh Miss Ugly! She's not so fine!

(Back on the balcony w/ Yami, Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, and Tea)

Yugi: I can't believe he actually killed Tristan!

Everyone: (starts conversation on Tristan's death)

(in the back round)

Scary Killer Dude: (drags Tristan bloody body over to a closet) (grunts) How can you eat so fuckin' much? You weigh a ton! (opens closet) What the fuck?!

Malik/Marik/Bakura/Ryou: (are in closet smoking weed)

Bakura: Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt son! (is really high)

Malik: 'sup motha-fucka? (takes a puff)

Ryou: (smokes) I'm horny (sighs)

Marik: Hey, Killa! Want one? (holds up a bud) It's HIGH quality shit!

Bakura: And we mean HIGH.

All: (laugh hysterically)

Scary Killer Dude: (takes bud and takes a puff) Good shit. Now get outta my closet.

Bakura: No need ta be hatin'.

All: (leave closet)

Scary Killer Dude: (tosses Tristan in closet) (locks closet and gets a mop)

(at the conversation)

Yami: I think it's best we just go home and sleep on this (looks at Yugi suggestively)

Yugi: (doesn't notice) Good idea.

Scary Killer Dude: (mopping up the bloody floor)

Everyone: (leaves)

Scary Killer Dude: (tosses mop, dusts off hands, walks off whistling)


(at Yugi's house)

Yugi: (is in the bathtub shaving... his legs) Lalalalala! (shaves tongue) Lalalala-? (sees lots of hair on razor) Ew.. (rinses off razor, relaxes in bathtub) Ah..

Phone that is conveniently next to tub: (rings)

Yugi: (picks up phone) Hello?

Person: (sounds scary) Hi Yugi.

Yugi: O.o Who is this?!

Person: (is Yami) Yami, y'know, your boyfriend.

Yugi: Oh.

Yami: Yeah, I was just wondering- y'know- after what happened today, do you want me to come over. (sounds hopeful)

Yugi: (giggles) oh, no Yami. I'm okay, I promise. You don't have to come over.

Yami: Are you sure-? I mean-

Yugi: (giggles) No really, it's okay.

Yami: Okay, bye.

Yugi: Bye! (hangs up)

Phone: (rings)

Yugi: (giggles) (picks up phone) Oh Yami-

Person: (scary voice) I'm not Yami....

Yugi: O.o WHO IS THIS?!

Person: BWAHAHAHAHA! (click)

Yugi: (quickly jumps out of tub and changes) (runs down stairs)

Phone: (rings)

Yugi: AHH!

Phone: (ring)

Yugi: AHH!

Phone: (ring)

Yugi: AHH- oh, screw it. (picks up phone) H-hello?

Person w/ scary voice: Hello, Yugi...

Yugi: Who are you?!

Person w/ scary voice: I'm watching you...

Yugi: Where are you?!

Person w/ scary voice: You'll have to find me..

Yugi: ??? (looks around room) Huh? (blinks)

Little feet: (are wiggling behind the couch)

Person w/ scary voice: (snickering) You can't find me, you can't find me-

Yugi: Uh- Mr. Caller, sir- you're behind the couch.

Person w/ scary voice: (jumps up from behind the couch) DAMN! (is Scary Killer Dude) How'd you know?!

Yugi: Um- I saw your feet.

Scary Killer Dude: Shit. Turn around, shut your eyes, and no peeking!

Yugi: O-okay. (turns around and shuts his eyes)

Scary Killer Dude: (looks for a place to hide, looks at Yugi) No PEEKING!

Yugi: Eep! (shuts eyes tighter)

Scary Killer Dude: (tries to hide under the carpet) ... Wait... (gets up, hides behind curtain instead) (hook is sticking out) Okay, I'm ready!

Yugi: (turns around and opens eyes) Gee, Mr. Killer, I don't know where you are.

Scary Killer Dude: (jumps out from behind curtain) BOO!


Scary Killer Dude: (chases Yugi around the couch) I'm gonna KILL ya!

Yugi: EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! (runs into kitchen) (looks at table) Gotta think fast!

On table: (has a choice between a gun, a knife, and a banana)

Yugi: Uh- uh- think quickly Yugi- BANANA! (grabs banana and runs upstairs)

Grandpa: Hello Yugi.

Yugi: Sorry Grandpa! (tosses him down the stairs)


Scary Killer Dude: Out of my way you old fart! (tries to run up the stairs)

Yugi: AAAAHHHHHHH! (pushes piano down the stairs)

Scary Killer Dude: ACK! X_x (gets hit with piano)

Yugi: (runs into room and blocks door w/ a dresser)

Scary Killer Dude: (stabs the door violently w/ hook)

Yugi: (calls 911) HELP! THERE'S A KILLER AT MY HOUSE!!


Mavelus: Dun, dun, dun. Cliffy. (yawns of boredom) Wow, what crappy update.

KaibaPuppy: HERE, HERE!

Bakura/Yami: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........

Kaiba: (reading a magazine) Hn.

Mavelus: Review. Don't review. No, review. Yeah, review. NO FLAMES!

Kaiba: Just R/R this piece of crap already.