Disclaimer : I don't own nothing, well, except maybe the base behind Kay and Fei. But be free to use them as you like in your own story.

There's gotta be more to life

Chapter 1

17 year old Mimi looked out of her bedroom window excitedly. She still couldn't believe that she was back in Odaiba.
Her mother had laughed when she had playfully noted to her father that they'd be broke if they went back to the USA.
She stood up and whirled around in her room, a big smile caressing her features. "It's good to be back!"

Mimi walked into the kitchen, where her mother was happily making dinner. "Hey mom. When are we going to eat?" She asked, snatching a mushroom from the frying pan in the process.
Her mother smiled and slapped her hand. "Don't do that, dear. We just have to wait for your father to come home. I thought you'd have some of your friends over."
Mimi shook her head and sighed. "Nah, they were busy… Call me when dad's home, okay."
She took a glass of water and walked back to the privacy of her room.

The truth was, she hadn't told her friends. Well, except Sora that is. She remembered her surprise.
"What do you mean, I can't tell the rest? Are you mad at them or something? Why don't you want them to know?"
Mimi searched through her stuff and found the group picture, made on the last day they where all together in the Digital world. Her finger caressed the picture as she focused her mind on every smiling face separately.

Joe, handsome in his own way, always worrying over pretty much every single thing.
Izzy, his trusty laptop by his side as always, since he'd always had difficulties with expressing his emotions.
Ken, handsome and intelligent, was she glad he wasn't their enemy anymore!
Miyako, her cheerful friend who reminded her so much of herself yet was so different at other times.
Daisuke, loudmouthed but still cute in a funny way.
Cody, shy and small, but wise beyond his years.
Tai, wacky and at times a complete idiot, still sweet and fun, not to mention extremely handsome and a guy you'd just die for.
Kari, kind and sweet, always a listening ear and a friend for life.
Sora, the most loving and tolerant person she knew.
T.K., so sweet and nice, really a girl's best friend.
And last…Matt, stubborn and closed, cocky and seemingly so cold, yet with the most warmth of them all. Mimi's eyes lingered on his handsome face.

"God, he's so hot…" She mentally kicked herself. "I'm getting of track here," she thought, "Why didn't I want them to know? Why didn't I want HIM to know…?"
Mimi snorted at her own thoughts. Like she didn't know why… What a joke!
She just had to look at his face, hear the low, sensual voice that came out of those perfect lips and she was of to lala-land.
But he couldn't know. Not now, not ever.

Her eyes wandered back to her friend's face. She was the reason why Matt couldn't find out her true feelings about him. He was in love with Sora… Mimi's eyes became misty as she thought about that phone call more then two years ago.

Mimi stared at the floor in shock. "Mimi-chan, I'm so sorry! I know how you feel about Yamato, and you know how I feel about Taichi. But…"
Soft sobs where heard on the other end of the line.
"But I just can't keep waiting and hoping. He'll never love me. And, well, Yamato does. And I don't want to hurt him either. He's one of my best friends in this entire world. And I'm really fond of him too. You understand, right?"
Still in shock, Mimi managed to whisper a soft "of course" in the phone.
Her hand trembled as she brought it up to her face, trying to stop the tears before they came. She wanted to yell, to scream that Sora was cruel and mean, that she couldn't believe how she'd ever considered her as a friend and that she couldn't understand, that she'd never would.
But it wasn't like Sora wanted this to happen, nor that she could change it.
At that point, Mimi decided to just forget about it, forget that there was a boy named Matt Ishida and that she loved him with all her heart and soul. And that he couldn't know.
After that, she returned to reality and she realised that Sora had been talking to deaf man's ears.
"Um… Sora-chan," she managed to say, "Not to be mean or anything, but I really don't want to know the details." Her friend gasped. "I'm such an idiot! I'm so sorry, Mimi-chan. But I'm sure you'll get over it, and so will I."
Mimi had to fight the urge to laugh at that, because she knew she'd never be able to get over it. "It's alright. Goodnight, Sora." "Bye Mimi-chan."
Mimi slammed down the phone and ran to her room. She broke down in tears the minute she'd closed her door. She fell asleep crying that night, the first time she had ever done that. And it wouldn't be the last.
They had grown apart after that. She couldn't bring herself to be 'Mimi' when she talked to Sora. She was glad to see that her friend didn't suspect a thing and that she thought that Mimi was absolutely fine.
This was another hint to Mimi about how badly Sora really knew her.
She felt herself disliking Sora with every conversation they had, until almost all interactions stopped. Mimi hadn't wanted it to come this far, nor did she want any of the feelings she felt for Sora. But she couldn't help it. And besides, it wasn't completely her fault.
Sora had changed this past year and so had Mimi.
But while Mimi thought her change was good because she'd grown up and cared more about everyone, was more sincere then she'd ever been, Sora seemed to ignore every aspect that used to be part of her, part of her crest.
She was turning into a self-absorbed, egotistical girl that cared only about her image and clothes. "Just like I used to be…" Mimi thought.
She sighed again and plopped down on her bed, knocking over a frame, which stood on her nightstand; in the progress. She smiled as she picked it up and caressed it fondly.

One good thing had come out of all off this. Few days after Sora's call, she received another one, this time it was Tai that surprised her.
"You know, since the two persons we love are now a couple, I thought we could sulk about it together. That's better then crying alone, you know." Mimi had dropped the phone in surprise.
She asked him how he knew that she loved Matt. "I don't know, I just do. Now, let's just wallow in self-pity together, okay?" Since that day, not one day passed without a call.
Sometimes they didn't talk at all, just sat there with the phone in their hands.
Other days, neither of them could shut up and they'd talk till 4 in the morning.
And then there where these days when Tai was just sad and he just wanted to hear her voice.
Then he'd ask here to sing a song, and she'd do that while making her homework or something.
They'd grown so close that they didn't even have to ask each other what was wrong. Mimi had really had a hard time not telling him about moving back to Odaiba.
She knew he'd be excited. But she'd just said that she had a surprise and that she'd be away in the weekend, and that he'd hear from her on Monday.

She heard her mom calling from the kitchen. "Be there in a sec."
She put the frame back in place, looked out of the window one last time, nodding to the school building on the other side of the street.
"I'll see you in the morning." She smiled and walked out of her room, hoping for tomorrow.

To be continued...