"James! Stop we're in public!"
Lily Evans rolled her eyes and continued to butter her toast. For the past half hour, she had listened to James Potter and his Ravenclaw girlfriend, Ashleigh Simpson, play 'Touchy Feely' during breakfast that Friday morning. Lily Evans was a 14 year old Gryffindor student at Hogwarts. She was a smart and pretty girl with flaming red hair and bright green eyes to die for. Then there was James 'pretty boy' Potter. A very good-looking 4th year Gryffindor with jet black hair that was as messy as possible and beautiful hazel eyes.
"Lily? You're over-buttering your toast." A gentle voice said to Lily as she absent-mindedly used the butter.
"Huh? What?" Lily said looking around. Her eyes wandered to her hand. "Eww I can't eat that. Tollere."
Lily turned her head and looked at her best friend , who watched her curiously.
"What's the matter, Jennifer?" Lily asked slowly.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. You're spacing out too much and it was almost as if you were trying to hurt the toast you just got rid of. Is something ticking you off?" Jennifer asked. Jennifer Richardson was Lily's long time best friend. She was one of the most popular girls in school and she was pretty too. Her long, shiny blonde hair and ice blue eyes were definitely one of her best qualities, but it was her generous attitude that made her well known at Hogwarts.
"Well actually if you look to your left, you'll see why I almost murdered my toast." Lily replied bitterly as she neatly cut an apple into eight pieces.
Jennifer leaned over and watched Ashleigh kiss James passionately on the lips.
"Ohh I see what you mean. Well we could just go to the library and wait for the first bell or we could just stay here and listen to Ashleigh moan."
"Let's go."
Lily got up with Jennifer and picked up her books. She walked by James and Ashleigh, ignoring them completely.
"Hey Lily!"
Lily stopped and turned around. She looked to see James waving cheerfully at her.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Lily replied coldly and turned to walk to the library with Jennifer.
James stared blankly as he watched Lily go.
"Why do you continue to try and become friends with that girl, James?" Ashleigh said as she ran her hand through James' hair.
"I dunno Lily seems like a nice girl. I just want to be nice because it seems as though Jennifer is her only friend." James shrugged.
"Oh puh-lease, she's more popular than you think and I've heard that she's been around quite a few times. Besides she's a total bitch to you, I don't even know why you bother with her."
"Hey you never know. People change and that means Lily can change her attitude towards me too."
Meanwhile in the library, Lily and Jennifer talked about James.
"Why do you hate him so much? He doesn't seem that bad, Lily. In fact he's a pretty nice guy if you ask me." Jennifer said gently as she held her portable mirror to her face and put lip gloss on.
"Well nobody asked you, so there. Besides he's made my Hogwarts life miserable for the past three years and all of a sudden he's being nice. What the bloody hell is going through his sick little mind?!" Lily said bitterly as she doodled on a scrap piece of parchment.
"Well Lily, if I didn't know any better I'd say he fancies you." Jennifer paused to take note of Lily's surprised expression. "Either that or he's gotten bored of you and has found someone new to torture."
"Jennifer, I'm the last person on James' mind. Besides he still manages to humilate me. Remember last week?"
"Oh come on, he said he was sorry, didn't he? Anyway he was aiming the slime at Lucius Malfoy not you. You just got in the way somehow."
"But do you know how long it took me to get that slime out of my hair. My hair was as green as my eyes. People fucking sat on me outside because they thought I was grass, even though I was wearing a uniform and you could clearly see that I was a human being. I will never forgive James Potter for that one."
"Oh come on Lily. Forgive and forget, besides you and I both know he fancies you. No matter how hard you try to deny it, it's obvious either way. Anyway he's adorable, how could anyone resist that cuteness?"
"Do you like him, Jenny?"
"Did I say I did?"
"No, but-"
"Then no. I don't fancy him. I just think he's cute. Besides he's not my type."
"Whatever you say."
"Speak for yourself. You flirted with him earlier anyway."
"I flirted?"
"'I'm sorry, do I know you?'"
Lily give Jennifer the finger and rolled her eyes. The bell rang and they got up to go to Divination.
Jennifer and Lily chose to sit in a spot near the window so it would easier to breathe in a room full of perfume and incense.
"I'll be right back Lily, I left my book in library." Jennifer got up and ran out of the room.
Lily stared into space until James appeared with his best friends, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Remus Lupin looked really tired, but still managed to look cute with his sandy hair and warm blue eyes. Sirius Black, on the other hand, looked as though he had been entertained and his uniform looked slightly ruffled. His black hair looked as messed up as usual and his light brown eyes looked dazed.
Lily tried to find a book and hide from James' view, but it seemed as though he didn't notice her so she sighed in relief and daydreamed about being back in her house with her loving parents and even her annoying sister, Petunia.
"Um Lily?"
Lily shot up like a rocket and looked around. She felt someone behind her, so she turned around slowly and raised her head.
"James? What are you-"
"Can I sit with you today?" James asked quietly.
Those words didn't seem to getting through Lily's head, but somehow she responded.
Lily Evans rolled her eyes and continued to butter her toast. For the past half hour, she had listened to James Potter and his Ravenclaw girlfriend, Ashleigh Simpson, play 'Touchy Feely' during breakfast that Friday morning. Lily Evans was a 14 year old Gryffindor student at Hogwarts. She was a smart and pretty girl with flaming red hair and bright green eyes to die for. Then there was James 'pretty boy' Potter. A very good-looking 4th year Gryffindor with jet black hair that was as messy as possible and beautiful hazel eyes.
"Lily? You're over-buttering your toast." A gentle voice said to Lily as she absent-mindedly used the butter.
"Huh? What?" Lily said looking around. Her eyes wandered to her hand. "Eww I can't eat that. Tollere."
Lily turned her head and looked at her best friend , who watched her curiously.
"What's the matter, Jennifer?" Lily asked slowly.
"I was about to ask you the same thing. You're spacing out too much and it was almost as if you were trying to hurt the toast you just got rid of. Is something ticking you off?" Jennifer asked. Jennifer Richardson was Lily's long time best friend. She was one of the most popular girls in school and she was pretty too. Her long, shiny blonde hair and ice blue eyes were definitely one of her best qualities, but it was her generous attitude that made her well known at Hogwarts.
"Well actually if you look to your left, you'll see why I almost murdered my toast." Lily replied bitterly as she neatly cut an apple into eight pieces.
Jennifer leaned over and watched Ashleigh kiss James passionately on the lips.
"Ohh I see what you mean. Well we could just go to the library and wait for the first bell or we could just stay here and listen to Ashleigh moan."
"Let's go."
Lily got up with Jennifer and picked up her books. She walked by James and Ashleigh, ignoring them completely.
"Hey Lily!"
Lily stopped and turned around. She looked to see James waving cheerfully at her.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Lily replied coldly and turned to walk to the library with Jennifer.
James stared blankly as he watched Lily go.
"Why do you continue to try and become friends with that girl, James?" Ashleigh said as she ran her hand through James' hair.
"I dunno Lily seems like a nice girl. I just want to be nice because it seems as though Jennifer is her only friend." James shrugged.
"Oh puh-lease, she's more popular than you think and I've heard that she's been around quite a few times. Besides she's a total bitch to you, I don't even know why you bother with her."
"Hey you never know. People change and that means Lily can change her attitude towards me too."
Meanwhile in the library, Lily and Jennifer talked about James.
"Why do you hate him so much? He doesn't seem that bad, Lily. In fact he's a pretty nice guy if you ask me." Jennifer said gently as she held her portable mirror to her face and put lip gloss on.
"Well nobody asked you, so there. Besides he's made my Hogwarts life miserable for the past three years and all of a sudden he's being nice. What the bloody hell is going through his sick little mind?!" Lily said bitterly as she doodled on a scrap piece of parchment.
"Well Lily, if I didn't know any better I'd say he fancies you." Jennifer paused to take note of Lily's surprised expression. "Either that or he's gotten bored of you and has found someone new to torture."
"Jennifer, I'm the last person on James' mind. Besides he still manages to humilate me. Remember last week?"
"Oh come on, he said he was sorry, didn't he? Anyway he was aiming the slime at Lucius Malfoy not you. You just got in the way somehow."
"But do you know how long it took me to get that slime out of my hair. My hair was as green as my eyes. People fucking sat on me outside because they thought I was grass, even though I was wearing a uniform and you could clearly see that I was a human being. I will never forgive James Potter for that one."
"Oh come on Lily. Forgive and forget, besides you and I both know he fancies you. No matter how hard you try to deny it, it's obvious either way. Anyway he's adorable, how could anyone resist that cuteness?"
"Do you like him, Jenny?"
"Did I say I did?"
"No, but-"
"Then no. I don't fancy him. I just think he's cute. Besides he's not my type."
"Whatever you say."
"Speak for yourself. You flirted with him earlier anyway."
"I flirted?"
"'I'm sorry, do I know you?'"
Lily give Jennifer the finger and rolled her eyes. The bell rang and they got up to go to Divination.
Jennifer and Lily chose to sit in a spot near the window so it would easier to breathe in a room full of perfume and incense.
"I'll be right back Lily, I left my book in library." Jennifer got up and ran out of the room.
Lily stared into space until James appeared with his best friends, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Remus Lupin looked really tired, but still managed to look cute with his sandy hair and warm blue eyes. Sirius Black, on the other hand, looked as though he had been entertained and his uniform looked slightly ruffled. His black hair looked as messed up as usual and his light brown eyes looked dazed.
Lily tried to find a book and hide from James' view, but it seemed as though he didn't notice her so she sighed in relief and daydreamed about being back in her house with her loving parents and even her annoying sister, Petunia.
"Um Lily?"
Lily shot up like a rocket and looked around. She felt someone behind her, so she turned around slowly and raised her head.
"James? What are you-"
"Can I sit with you today?" James asked quietly.
Those words didn't seem to getting through Lily's head, but somehow she responded.