Title: Halloween, Episode X(ander)

Author: DhampyrX2

Genre: Halloween remix

Rating: PG-13, just to be safe

Summary: Xander wears a different costume, yadda, yadda, yoda.

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. Don't sue me, I'm poor.


The next morning found the self-proclaimed (at least by Xander) Scooby Gang sitting around the table in the school library discussing their various experiences. They were also lamenting the sadly prolific abilities Spike had for escaping with his pasty hide intact.

"I still can't believe I fell for 'Angel, what the bloody 'ell are you doin', ya poof', and Spike looking behind me.", Buffy said with an embarrassed blush.

"Well, it is a unique variation on the old 'Look out behind you' school of running away like a little man bitch. As a master of that school where jocks are concerned, I can safely give old Billy Idol points for originality.", Xander quipped, his grin causing infectious giggle between Buffy and Willow.

"Still, the rest of the night was just bizarre. I can't imagine what you two went through being different people. It must have been horrible. Especially for you, Xander. I mean being trapped with Darth Vader all night.", Willow commented with a shudder.

Buffy replied with her view of the experience. "Well, other than being mortally embarrassed at screaming every time I saw a car, or a rat, or anything that would scare the common house cat, I can't complain. And on the plus side, proper ladies knew how to speak French, so I have a good chance at passing now. Yay me."

Xander's response was surprisingly, for Willow at least, sedate as he said, "I was kind of lucky. With Vader being all Mr. Psychic Strong With the Force guy, I could at least talk to him. That's how he knew to go after Spike. He decided he owed me a favor for bringing him here, whether I meant to or not."

"But still he was so scary Xander. How did you take being in his head like that?", Willow asked with doe-eyed concern.

Xander merely shrugged as he replied, "Remember the end of Return of the Jedi, Wills. He wasn't totally evil. Actually he was just royally PO'ed, and not without good reasons. Obi-wan in real life wasn't nearly as nice as the movies portrayed him. At least not from where Anakin stood. The emperor just knew how to manipulate all that anger."

Buffy looked thoughtful as she asked, "So you remember everything about his life?"

"Yep. From his earliest memories as a slave on Tatooine, to where he was pulled from just before the start of Empire Strikes Back.", he answered solemnly. His voice brightened as he added, "On the plus side from school, though, was that he was an engineering genius. He was literally building droids from junk at the age of nine, and designed half of the advanced Imperial fighters in use in his time. That means math and physics should be a breeze from here on out. Got to love those Hellmouth study methods, eh Buff? Saves us from having to be super geniuses like Willow."

Willow snorted indignantly as Buffy laughed and agreed with Xander. They then heard the first bell, and broke up to get to their individual homerooms.


As Xander sat in homeroom, his mind drifted back to his final conversation with Vader, as they confronted Spike...

As they reached a warehouse district Vader easily heard the commotion that Spike and his minions were making breaking into the Slayerette triage.

Once he saw what was going on, Xander shrieked in his mind, *Master, that's Buffy and the others. Spike has them, you have to save them.*

*Calm yourself, Padawan.*, the Dark Lord Instructed. *I intend to.*, he said as he announced himself and began to intimidate Spike.

As Vader chased William the Bloody around the warehouse, he continued to speak with Xander through the Force.

*I feel a great disturbance building in the Force, my apprentice. I fear our time might soon be at an end.*, the Dark Lord said.

*Already?*, Xander asked sadly. *But we were just getting to have fun. I mean, look at how Spike is jumping and shrieking...it's hilarious.*

*I know Xander. But we knew this would most likely be temporary. And as fun as this is, I must return home, and return your body to you. You have much to do in the coming years. I only hope what I have showed and given you will serve you better than it did me at your age.*, Vader replied, his tone surprisingly soft, as he used Xander's preferred nickname for the first time.

*I'll...miss you, my master.*, Xander said after a moment.

*And I shall miss you, my Padawan. I know that you will make me proud.*, returned Vader.

*Will I ever see you again, or mind speak you, or whatever?*, Xander asked, his voice quiet and childlike in its hope.

*I don't know, Padawan. I would like to hope so. You just have to trust in the Force, and see what happens.*, Vader answered.

*I will, my Master.*, Xander replied humbly, as Vader prepared to make his final cut at the vampire's throat.

Just as the lightsaber came down, Vader and Xander felt a huge, chaotic surge of power in the Force, followed by Vader's presence rapidly fading away. Just as he lost purchase on this universe, how shouted over the bond, *This is it Padawan, May the Force be With You.*

Xander, feeling suddenly alone, replied in a normal tone, *May the Force be with you as well, my Master.*, followed by a whispered, *Good Luck, Anakin.*


Xander was brought out of his memories by the bell ringing for first period. He had been so caught up in his musings that he was the last out of class, including the teacher. As he rose, and headed for the door, he realized that he had left his backpack at his seat.

With a small bit of concentration, and a gentle mental tug, the back rose from the ground and floated to Xander's hand. He smiled at the small application of his true power. He had the means to make a real difference, now. All he had to do was figure out how he wanted to use those means.

And with that, Alexander Harris left the room and headed toward Chemistry, jauntily whistling the Imperial March the whole way.


END, for now

[cues overly loud trumpet intro to Star Wars theme]