Chapter 2:

"I don't know what to do!"
Nakoma's voice came through the leather flap of the longhouse as she
shouted to Pocahontas who was standing outside, "about what?"
"What to wear."
Nakoma said flattly, walking out wearing a long deer skin dress with beads
in her hair that held it up.
"You look..."
Pocahontas began, than stopped
"I look like what?"
Nakoma inquired, Pocahontas turned away and began walking to Jamestown; and
to Diana's home where the two friends would start the plann of there own
Halloween trick.
"Have you seen Pocahontas?"
John Smith inquired as he looked at Nakoma;
"No, the party's begun and I haven't seen her."
Nakoma smiled as Thomas walked by; then her smile faded as he ignored her
and kept walking. John however, didn't seem to notice.
"Thanks Nakoma," he said as he walked away.
He continued walking towards the back of the room, well hidden in shadow
and waited for the woman he loved. He hoped she had forgiven him for what
had happened in the morning; it was after all a joke, would she understand
that? He and Thomas had little trouble convincing Nakoma, who seemed to be
more strict in the indian ways than Pocahontas. The blond captain was so
wrapped up in his thoughts that when a equally blond woman brushed against
his arm, he moved back farther against the wall and payed no atention.
"Me name's Sarah," the woman said, her english acsant thick and once John
heard her speak, 'a lower class way of speaking' was his first thought.
Not wanting to be rued, but getting a little impatient for Pocahontas's
arival he nodded at her and said, "hi."
"What ye be doin by yourself?"
"I'm waiting for someone," John replied moving farther back in the shadows,
his way of trying to hint that he was in no mood for a conversation.
"What your name?"
"John," he replied.
"Aye, I have seen ya around and if I may be so bold as to say that you are
handsome," Sarah said, "to say the least."
John blushed at this woman's forwardness with him.
"Thank you."
He met the woman's blue eyes, then traveled down to the rest of her. Her
face was pell and her eyes were slanted a bit. Her dress was long, and
long sleeved at that with a high lace neck line.
"Would you like to dance?"
Sarah inquired as she stepped closer towards John.
"Why not?"
John retorted; after all, he was tired of waiting for Pocahontas to show
up. A fast song was being played by the intertainer for the evening and
John found himself, twirling the young woman around the floor. He stopped
and looked at her, now that the light was brighter.
"Ya dance well," he commented.
She nodded as a strand of hair escaped from her wig, a strand of dark hair.
She moved as if to ajust it but before she could get it propperly
straightened, John raised his hand and pulled it off.
"Well well, Sarah," he laughed, staring down at the pell woman with
ravenlike hair. She gasped as he stared at her.
"haha, nice joke Pocahontas," he said, laughing as he placed it back on her
head. The woman stepped back, then flung out her hand and slapped his
John gasped, 'what the hell?' he thought;
"How dair you!"
Sarah yelled as she stepped back and raised her hand as if to slap him
again, then decided to put it down.
"Who is Po-Pocahontas?"
Sarah stumbled out, "do you mean that, that, savage woman?!"
It was John's turn to gasp in shock, "she's no savage!"
"Who's not a savage?"
John turned to see Pocahontas, standing behind him, a look of wonder on her
"This," he looked back at Sarah, "woman called you that."
"You are so one! Just look at ya!"
"Come on John, lets go," Pocahontas said.
"Thank ye for the dance!"
Sarah shouted, making everyone stop what they were doing and look at John,
Pocahontas was shocked.
"You danced with her?"
"He kissed me to!"
"I did not!"
"John!! I thought you loved me!"
"Darling, I, I do!"
"Than how could you kiss her?!"
She was yelling at this time, causing Thomas and Nakoma, who had been
watching to walk over.
"I didn't see him do that," Thomas defended John.
"Aye but he did, over their, in the shadows where no one would see."
"She fancied me," John said, than realized his mistake.
"What I mean is...."
Nakoma placed an arm around Pocahontas's shoulder, trying to comfort her
crying friend.
"I really loved him!"
She sobbed as she leaned against Nakoma.
"Pocahontas, darling, please believe me when I say i did not kiss her!"
Sarah stood, her face placid as she nodded, yes.
"I loved you! I trusted you; well John Smith, I do not trust you anymore;
and, when's there is no trust there's no relationship!"
Pocahontas turned and began walking out of the room, Nakoma following.
"Pocahontas, wait!!!"
John shouted but Pocahontas had already left the room.
"Oh Thomas," John sighed as he leaned against the wall, "what am I going to
do? She's only been gone for ten minutes and I already miss her!"
"Tell me about it," Thomas replied, "Nakoma went with her, now I'm stuck
with you on Halloween."
"Yeah, I hate this, why won't she believe me?"
"You know, I hate to see people fight, on the one holliday that brings
loved ones together."
John was about to reply when a horible scream was heard followed by the
sound of a gun firing.
Someone screamed as the body of Sarah slumped to the floor.
"Oh god, she's dead!!"
Another person screamed as John and Thomas rushed forward. They saw Sarah,
lying motionless on the floor, blood flowing down her chest.
"Pocahontas, noooooo!!!!"
John heard Nakoma scream as he glanced up, horified to see the gun pointed,
at him!
"My god Pocahontas, you've, you've, gone mad!"
"You will never cheat on me, again!!!!!"
She shrieked in his face.
"Pocahontas, P-P-Pocahontas please, don't do this, I love you, I always
will, always have!!"
"Pocahontas come on, don't do this!"
Nakoma exclaimed, "i mean, i mean;you k-killed som-someone already!"
Nakoma was frantic, pleading, begging with her best friend to stop her
"Please darling, I'll never look at another woman as long as I live!"
"Wich won't be long," Thomas murmured.
"You promise me this?"
Pocahontas fumed, her finger on the trigger, her eyes burning with rage.
"Yes," John whispered.
"Okay," Pocahontas said and dropped the gun.
"Can I get up now?"
Sarah's voice came from the floor;
"Sure, thanks Diana!"
John and Nakoma stared, wide eyed and shocked in to silance
"Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Pocahontas yelled as she, Thomas, and Diana burst in to fits of
uncontrolable laughter.
"You, you, should've, you should've, seen you're faces," Pocahontas gasped,
landing on the floor beside Diana, tears of laughter streeming down her
"You mean," John spoke.
"That this was all," Nakoma began.
"A joke?"
They finished together.
"Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!"
Diana, Pocahontas, and Thomas yelled in unison
"But," John began, "but, when I lifted off your wig, you had dark hair
"I had two wigs on," Diana explained, taking the wigs off and taking her
light brown hair out from it's pins.
"Pocahontas I can't believe you!"
Nakoma exclaimed;
"You let Diana call you that!"
John said, walking to help the two women off the floor.
"Well," she began, "I figured that if Nakoma can pretend to have her hand
cut off than I could handle the totally untrue word."
Thomas laughed, "yeah well, you got to admit, she did good for her first
Halloween prank!"
"Yes dear," John said as he leaned in for a long kiss. When he reluctantly
broke away, Pocahontas spoke, "I could never harm you; not after what we've
been through in order to be together."
"Thanks Diana," Pocahontas said.
"Anytime," Diana said and smiled as she saw her boyfriend Luke across the
All through the night, Pocahontas, John, Nakoma, and everyone who had to do
anything with the prank ignored the whispers of the other people at the
party. Some of them were disgusted, others just shook there heads, while
still others said that it was the best acting they had seen in years; or
ever for that matter. While walking back towards there village, there
boyfriends walking behind them, Pocahontas leaned over to whisper something
in Nakoma's ear.
"I know what you were for Halloween."
Nakoma asked;
"You," she stopped and smiled, "are a woman in love."
All Nakoma did was look at her best friend, and smile.
"You two already planning for next year?"
John said laughing
Pocahontas just quirted a eyebrow
"We'll see," she retorted smiling, "one never knows."

*~*~*~*~End of, "Who Says Halloween and Pocahontas Don't Mix!*~*~*~*~*~*~
A/N: Like it?
Hated it?
If you think anything about this story; leave your thoughts in a review
here!! Go ahead, the button won't hurt you!!
Or, will it?!?!
*evil laugh*
P.S. That line Thomas says, "I hate to see people fight, on the one
holliday that brings loved ones together," was taken from a TV show, "Boy
Meets World," I don't own that show ither!!

Happy Halloween to all at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S. If you don't celabrate Halloween, have a awesome