Disclaimer: I, Goku's Daughter, do not own Dragonball/Z/GT.
Author's Note: Originally chapter 21 was the previous chapter and this but that was just too long. So I broke it in half. And it's still too long. Baha. But I guess it's okay since I'm not too sure when I'll update next and for the long wait for this chapter. My apologies! Please enjoy. And of course, thank you everyone for the wonderful reviews!
Special super thanks to Rara for edits and again, beefing up the chapter. You are da bomb!
Written by the somewhat infamous Goku's Daughter
Chapter Twenty-Two: Final
1 a: not to be altered or undone all sales are final b: of or relating to a concluding court action or proceeding final decree2: coming at the end: being the last in a series, process, or progress the final chapter3: of or relating to the ultimate purpose or result of a process our final goal
"You should rest, you know," Chichi told Videl, eyeing her stomach. She handed the girl a cup of tea and sat down beside her.
"I feel somehow responsible for all this." Videl looked down at the steaming cup and frowned. "Maybe I could have learned something else about them, or…I don't know…I just feel like I should have done something."
"Just because you were with him, does not make you responsible for the sins he committed." Chichi said firmly. The sins her son committed. No matter what she did, she could not escape that knowledge. This was her son. She sipped her tea, trying to ignore the sudden ache in her chest that she always felt whenever she thought about the son she wasn't given the chance to see grow up. "Can I ask you something?"
Videl looked up at the older woman, a questioning expression on her face. "Sure."
"Why do you trust us?' Chichi was rather abrupt but Videl took no offence. However, it took a moment for the young woman to respond. It didn't take her long to find an answer.
"Well, Gohan told Goku to protect me and I trust Gohan." Videl's face faltered on the name but Chichi didn't notice.
"My son said so?"
Videl nodded, almost imperceptibly. "And Goten's another reason; he's a really good kid. He must have really good parents."
The older woman smiled warmly. "I see." When all of this was over, she would slowly pick out the details of her firstborn son who she did not know.
Then suddenly it came.
The walls vibrated.
The ground shook.
A loud hiss was heard along with the crackle of an electric current.
Chichi and Videl immediately rose from their seats. "What was that?" Videl asked.
The door broke down and when the smoke cleared, Eighteen stood at the door. Videl's blood froze but her fingers curled for a fight.
For a long moment there was stillness. Time itself seemed frozen as Videl once again came face to face with the woman who had tried to kill her. She stared into the cold, blue-grey eyes, which gleamed with a predatory malice. Videl swallowed hard, her thoughts straying to the child in her stomach, the child she would fight to protect no matter what. Her jaw became slack with shock when Chichi took a fighting stance before her. It seemed the grandmother-to-be had the same idea – protecting the child above all else.
"State your business," Chichi challenged flatly. Her stance was tight as she crouched with the air of an animal ready to spring.
Eighteen's thin lips twitched into a small smile. A smile of condescending amusement. "We androids are designed to kill and destroy."
Chichi's face held opposite emotions. Anger, annoyance and deep discontent. "Not here you won't." Then with a speed one would not expect of a woman of her years, Chichi aimed a flying round-house kick at the Android's chest, intending to finish the machine off with one blow.
Videl knew it wouldn't be that easy.
The Prince did not speak so Goku spoke on his behalf, his voice heavy. "Final Flash."
The words clearly held no meaning for Videl. "What?"
Goku said it louder, his hands balled in tight fists. "Final Flash. That's what it was, wasn't it?" He turned towards Vegeta, his shoulders trembling with righteous anger, "When it suddenly became bright?"
Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes closed as he ignored the two angry and emotional people. "You heard him, Kakarott. He wanted to die. He was begging you to finish him off. I was doing him a favour!" A vein throbbed in his large forehead; he was clearly annoyed.
"Liar!" the human girl suddenly exploded. "Gohan wouldn't say something like that!"
Black coal met indigo. "I am not lying." He jerked a thumb in Goku's direction. "Ask him."
Videl, like a desperate child begging for food, looked over at Goku with a hunger for the truth.
And how it hurt to know that the Prince of all Saiyans was, indeed, speaking the truth..
Ever since this "war" had started, Goku and his friends – or rather those that remained – tried their best to ward off the androids, tried their best to stop the bloodshed and destruction.
It had to end someday, that's what Goku kept telling himself. It had to end and until then, they would fight.
And perhaps today was the day they had all been working towards. Because on this day, he could feel two intense energy signatures headed right towards him. His eyes opened as he registered the power… and the familiarity. Something in his stomach lurched, his heart screaming that something wasn't right, and yet he still hoped his senses were fooling him.
But they weren't.
It was at the point he told his son and Trunks to go home. Goku knew it was not Raditz, and he knew it wasn't Gero, although he wished it was. Within minutes, Goku came face to face with the people who had been headed towards him and he almost cried out when he recognised two of his oldest friends.
"Yamcha? Tien?" Goku's face sagged with fatigue but his eyes were alight with curiosity and hope.
But they seemed not to recognize him. They took fighting stances across from him, their ki billowing out around them. Their power levels kept rising, passing Goku's current level and then abruptly, without warning, they attacked.
Goku almost stumbled in the air and just managed to block their blows, but the sudden onslaught was so unexpected that he did not gather his bearings quickly enough and he was struck by a few blows. The smack on his jaw and the upper cut to his stomach hurt, but willingly hurting his friends in combat… That's not something he could bring himself to do.
"Stop it!" he sputtered out. Goku's eyes narrowed in frustration, unable to fathom why his friends would want to hurt him.
His friends that were supposed to be dead…His heart seemed to plummet low in his chest with cold dread as he began to contemplate that conundrum in earnest. His eyes widened as the puzzling facts seemed to come together and point to a most morbid and horrible truth.
It can't be…
Tien threw a ki ball at the Saiyan.
Yamcha hid in the puff of smoke and emerged swiftly, knocking the Saiyan to the ground.
They are not themselves, he reasoned. "What happened to you guys?!"
Goku continued to dodge, refraining from transforming. They were some kind of androids now, he was sure. They did not have this power before… They were dead!
Then suddenly Krillin appeared before him. His eyes were void, as if possessed. His power had increased incredibly and his stance was serious.
"Krillin!" the Saiyan cried out, his face alighting with hope but Krillin didn't even seem to hear him. Instead, his beloved friend attacked him, sending the Saiyan's body towards the ground again. Goku was caught off guard by the mere fact that even his best friend did not recognize him and he couldn't defend himself when he was ploughed into the earth. Krillin's force was so great that he created a crater with the Saiayn's body, with many cracks spreading from the hole. As the debris settled, Goku's eyes shifted to the sun and then to his bald friend. Krillin hovered over the Saiyan, waiting and frowning. Goku wondered if he really could fight his friends.
This wasn't at all like the good-natured spars they usually fought; this was to be a battle to the finish. It was either him or them. As much as it hurt him to admit it, he would have to eradicate these androids, his friends. Krillin suddenly unleashed a volley of ki beams at him, before Yamcha and Tien followed his example, each putting a deadly amount of energy into their attacks. It was then that Goku realized that whatever they were, they were no longer his life-long comrades. Just empty shells.
Was this the brilliancy in Gero's plan? The thought of killing what you loved hurt more than words could relay. He would have to kill or let them chip away at him till he met his own death. Then they would kill his family…
Goku's eyes snapped open and a feral snarl rose up in his throat. Whatever happened, he would not let it come to that.
Goku was lenient towards his enemies, unassuming and willing to see the good in everyone. Many would say he was not at all a bright man, but even he understood the difference between a friend and a foe.
The smoke cleared and Goku rose, lacerations marring his flesh. His breathing began to accelerate as he fisted his hands and powered up. Krillin released a destructo disk, Tien fazed out before reappearing somewhere behind him and Yamcha launched himself headlong towards Goku, aiming a lethal kick at Goku's head.
If Gero was truly responsible for doing this to his friends, for making them into mindless freaks of destruction, then, Gero had insidiously exploited Goku's biggest weakness.
But as Goku dodged, evaded and counter-attacked his friends, Goku realized that there were two things Gero failed to consider.
One was Gohan's divulgence of their plan which afforded them some time to prepare. The other was the certainty that his friends would be wished back when all of this was over.
She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked at it carefully and lamented that it looked so much like Gohan's, large, calloused and powerful. Videl could not meet Goku's gaze.
"I'm sorry." He could tell her how he would have tried to stop Vegeta, had he known what was to happen in time, but it would make no difference.
"How did you find out?" she finally asked, unmoved by the sentiment.
"Find out what?"
She sniffed once. "That he was your son."
Oh. "Gohan told me."
She was curious to know how much had Gohan told his father. "Was that all he told you?"
Videl's patience was wearing thin, but she waited for him to elaborate.
"He said there a war coming with the androids and Gero." And Goku inhaled sharply before continuing. "He also said you're pregnant."
Videl could only stare at the barren land, her mouth agape and a look of incomprehension and shock crossed her face.
As Trunks and Goten flew home, they saw the vast destruction before their eyes. For the past couple of weeks they had not attended school, but had opted to stay home and destroy the android scum. It was fun at first, to miss school and all, but a nauseated feeling came over both of them to see...death, especially at this scale of violence.
Trunks never mentioned Gohan before, but he was curious now to know what the man was like… now that things were starting to get under control. "Tell me about your brother."
Goten pursed his lips together. "He was not as mean as we thought he was."
Trunks nodded and dipped low near the water, dropping his hand to feel the cool liquid flow between his fingers before once again reaching the altitude that Goten was flying at. "So you're saying he's nice?"
Goten looked up at the sky and then back at the purple-haired boy. "He's nicer than your dad." He stuck his tongue out quickly in jest before returning it in his mouth.
Trunks rolled his eyes. "At least my dad would not release these killer androids on us."
Goten stopped in mid-air. It took him a moment to respond to his friend and, surprisingly, there was a soft smile on his face. "Yeah but he gave us the dragonballs too."
That was true. And Bulma's radar was found in his brother's house.
"So. He abducted Videl." Trunks had seen the newspapers and television broadcasts of Hercule weeping for his lost daughter.
Goten quickly countered. "So. She's having his baby." Goten heard his parents talking and in his innocent mind when a man and woman loved each other, they had kids together. That must mean Gohan loves Videl and Videl loves Gohan.
Trunks refrained from rolling his eyes. "Geez Goten, sometimes you're so naïve."
"What!" He watched Trunks speed on again and, when he caught up, he told the boy, "Gohan isn't what I thought he would be." He had had a slightly more idealistic vision of what his older brother might have been like.
Trunks listened and waited.
"But he's still my brother."
The son of the Saiyan Prince snickered lightly. "You really do like him, don't cha?"
Goten nodded. The memories of ice cream, games, and conversations were still fresh in his mind. The fact that Gohan was curious about his family showed he cared.
Goten had an innocent countenance, but he wasn't stupid.
The fact that his brother took him and spent time to get to know him, even if Gohan initially captured him to gain the final dragonball, meant something...
Suddenly Trunks stopped. "Goten, do you feel something?"
The younger boy shook his head. "No." They waited for a bit and then lowered themselves to the ground. Goten's eyes widened when he felt his mother's ki drop tremendously. Without another thought he powered up and headed to Capsule Corporation.
"He said you're pregnant and I had to protect you."
She shouldn't have been surprised but she wast. Then, as if she couldn't contain all the shock from the day, she collapsed into the arms of a man she didn't know and let the tears flood down her face.
Videl's jaw clenched with fury when Eighteen struck Chichi hard. She watched the woman who had so unrestrainedly welcomed her into her family fall to the ground, unconscious. She heard the android mutter, "Stupid woman." And Videl's hatred for the cyborg rose.
Videl knew she was supposed to attack. She knew she was supposed to fight. But her hand went to her stomach and she dithered, afraid and hesitant. The human was fully aware that if Eighteen knocked her down hard enough, she could lose this child.
And then what would happen? If she lost this baby, then…would life proceed as it was before Gohan?
Those negative thoughts were forced aside when she told herself that she must survive. She will survive. And she will see that this baby is born.
"So, we meet again but this time Gohan isn't here to save you." Eighteen's grey eyes examined the human thoughtfully but she made no movement towards her. It was in that moment that Videl regretted telling Gohan to spare her. Did this arrogant android even know why she was alive?
Eighteen's lips curved upwards in a cold smirk. "You shouldn't have stopped Gohan from killing me, you know, because that means I'm still alive to kill you. I guess I should thank you for that." Now, Eighteen floated over to Videl and was hardly surprised to see Videl make the first move and attack.
The human had improved much since last time but she was still not quite good enough, although she pummelled the android in the face on one occasion. Her speed and reflexes were excellent, especially for a human, but she was still not strong enough to equal the android. But she supposed that's why Videl honed her speed and dexterity. She was an intelligent fighter too, capitalising on Eighteen's every miscalculation. When Eighteen would punch, Videl would use the momentum to pull her arm and slam Eighteen into the ground. The android then stopped trying to prolong the fight and began using her previously suppressed strength. Videl was not the same human from that night before. She didn't know what caused the dramatic change but the line was crossed when the Earthling was able gash her right cheek and made her bleed.
The crimson liquid was enough to make Eighteen double her efforts. In response to the ferocity of the onslaught she was faced with, Videl appeared to hesitate, choosing to dodge rather than to attack. The android took quick advantage of her opponent's aversion.
Eighteen caught her fist in hand. She squeezed hard, bringing Videl to her knees. Her other hand gripped Videl's ebony locks and she tugged at her head roughly, forcing Videl to look up at her.
She gave a small cry at the android's first vicious tug but then Videl struggled to refrain from vocalising her pain. She really was a prideful warrior, the android observed and her smile became a grin. One that Videl didn't like.
Videl's eyes held the android's gaze and she couldn't stop herself from spitting in the blond woman's face. In response, Eighteen pulled on Videl's hair more roughly, almost tearing the strands from her scalp. Videl gasped at the pain, but her hateful gaze did not waver.
"You're a—ahh!" Name calling failed when the android suddenly dragged Videl across the floor by her dark tresses. The human still struggled and managed to yell, "You're…holding back!" She tried to distract the android as one of her hands was groping for the small blade that had previously cut the androids cheek.
Eighteen didn't say anything at first. She wasn't quite sure where she was taking the human either."I'm just thinking how I'm going to torture you if I can't kill you."
Videl touched the hilt as she said, "You're not…going to kill me?"
Eighteen shook her head. "Nope. Gohan spared me so I can't kill you, but—"
And it was then, in one fluid movement, that Videl sliced through her raven hair to escape the android's clutches. Ebony tresses billowed around her like gleaming feathers and shredded petals. As soon as she no longer felt the android's hold on her head, Videl rolled away. For a second, her eyes flickered to Chichi's motionless body and she almost held in a breath.
"Try to torture me."
Eighteen stood up straight then, brushing the hair from her fingers. "You're still tough," she muttered. The blond took a step forward, but halted, and a frown was etched on her face. She appraised Videl for a moment before her frown suddenly became more austere. "You're pregnant," she stated like a fact, her voice monotonous.
The human nodded, forgetting it might be better to lie to the enemy. "You sense it?"
Eighteen nodded. She did not know why but she was fascinated. The smoke outside was fading as well as the flames that had been licking away at the threshold to the room. "Yes. Barely." And the fascination seemed to show in her eyes and her body as she relaxed.
Then without another word, she turned. As if she knew a big secret, she said, "I owed him," and left, leaving Videl dumbfounded.
"He gave you another chance," she spoke, her words muffled against his shoulder. She pulled away from the warmth, the safety net, the haven, and she repeated her words. "Gohan gave you another chance."
Goku's body tensed. "Another chance?"
She nodded, sniffing hard. "He told you. He trusts the care of his child in your hands. He gave you another chance."
His son… even after all this…
"Are you sure about this, woman?" Vegeta asked Bulma when he let her out of his arms. While Goku, Trunks and Goten were flying about cleaning up the mess around town, Bulma and Vegeta had been looking for Gero's lab in an attempt to stop all the maidbots once and for all.
"Yes. I am. I was examining one of the bots and noticed a transmitter of some sort and I found the same chip in each one. I deduced that they have the capacity to take higher order from another computer, or from Gero himself. But since Gohan was involved making them, I'm hoping Gohan had some sort of power to control these things. Especially when he sold them himself."
At first, they almost found it impossible to locate Gero's lab. It was then Videl informed them it would be a better idea to investigate Gohan's "home", the abode where she had been abducted to. Without hesitation, Bulma had done just that.
The first thing the blue haired woman did was search the vicinity for hidden locks and doors. Vegeta trailed behind her, keeping a close watch out for any foe.
"Vegeta!" she yelled loudly, "I think I found what Videl was talking about!"
Vegeta followed the sound of her voice to a door that was easy to pass by if you weren't paying attention. Without breaking in stride, Vegeta fired a ki beam which blasted the door right of its hinges. Then, he walked ahead and led his wife down and allowed the woman to explore the room. Vegeta strayed from her a bit but always made sure she was somewhere close.
Bulma was excited, he could tell, as she explored Gohan's work, fascinated by his sketches, models and electrical wiring. She quickly scanned through the pile of papers in his office-like room but found no clues to what she was searching for. Then she turned on the computer and was met by a window requesting a password. The blue-haired woman banged her fists on the table. "Argh! I wish we could blast these things sometimes!"
Vegeta opened his hand and almost released a ki ball until she yelled at him.
"Don't DO THAT! I was joking!" She slapped his burly arm in her aggravation.
He replied with a scoff and left her to think of passwords. But within thirty minutes, she grew frustrated and she couldn't do anything else but call Videl.
"I don't know, he never tells me those things," Videl said.
"Are you sure there are no other words that he may use?" Bulma asked, desperation lacing her tone.
It would be easier if she was there. "Okay, I guess we can try some. Saiyan." She waited for Bulma to type in those letters.
"No. Try again."
She tried it, but it failed.
"I guess that wouldn't work; he didn't know what he was. Uh, Kakarott."
She tried it but spelt it with one t. Incorrect.
"Try it with another t. K.a.k.a.r.o.t.t."
"No." Bulma typed the name in again. "Try again."
She sighed. "My name."
Bulma's frown deepened. "I already did that. And Earth, Vegeta, Super Saiyan. Food. Fighting. Training. Power. Anything Saiyan related."
"I'm sorry I wasn't any help," she muttered, and then she closed her eyes. "Try any of these words: confident, amazing, spitfire, courageous." These were the set of words he had used to describe her.
They all failed.
"Can't you hack into the system without a password?"
Bulma scratched her head, realizing she hadn't tried too. "You think Gohan would allow his system to be vulnerable enough for that to work?"
Videl almost laughed. "Maybe, no one else here knows how to operate computers that well. Try it."
It took Bulma twenty minutes to bypass the login screen. Maybe Gohan wasn't so bad after all, or he was too complacent and thought his personal work was well protected. Bulma shook her head at the situation as she began pounding away at the keys. In between sifting through multitudes of files, the blue-haired woman asked Videl for an update on the situation back home.
"One of the androids was here and she knocked Chichi out. I think she knows this is the safest place for people. She blew up the West Wing, but fortunately most heard the destruction and evacuated before it was too late. She almost killed me but, at the last minute, didn't because she owed Gohan…something."
Bulma interrupted, "Because you're his girlfriend."
"No, I don't think it's that," Videl quickly continued before Bulma could butt in again. "Goten and Trunks came back right after she left and they're here with me. Chichi is still unconscious so Goten is keeping an eye on her." Then suddenly she whispered into the phone, "He's scared," – at that Bulma heard a cry of "I am not scared!" in the background – "because he feels Goku's power rising to Super Saiyan."
"So, you mean Goku's fighting…again?" She looked at her husband, who had appeared tense during their whole time here. Vegeta nodded at her in confirmation. He knew.
"Yes. And the amount of time he's spending there suggests they are powerful opponents."
Bulma nodded, still pounding at the keys and she hated to admit it but she felt her shoulders getting sore. "Okay, well things are starting to cool down. I'm going through some stuff here so I'll talk to you later. Bye."
The dial tone sounded.
Bulma looked at Vegeta for a moment and then back at the screen. "Why didn't you tell me Goku was fighting? He could use your help."
Vegeta shuffled through Gohan's things and told her, "Kakarott can handle it."
Then Videl began to cough violently. So violently she had to pull away from those strong, warm arms, and choke out a green-yellow substance from her stomach. It was vomit.
When she realized what it was, she cried harder. And this stranger, Gohan's father, held her again.
He remembered that Gohan gave him the dragonballs.
Goku ascended to Super Saiyan two. The hardest thing he had to do was to kill his friends. The first was Yamcha. Such an execrable thing was difficult to accomplish since it was three-on-one, but he managed to blind the other two with the Solar Flare, before he blasted the scar-faced warrior with a particularly strong Kamehameha wave until there wasn't a trace of him left.
He kept telling himself that he would not be able to hurt his friends, but the other part of him reminded him of the fact that they were just empty shells.
Something akin to hatred filled Goku's heart again at the man who would pit him against his closest allies.
But it was his son who had done the dirty work, he heard.
Goku did not think anymore, focussing on the battle ahead. He took any shot he got to get them off guard, but they were so skilled and much more powerful than before.
The only good thing about them being his friends was that Goku knew their weaknesses.
Tien had three eyes. Goku played dirty and poked one eye with his finger. Tien doubled back leaving Goku to fight one-on-one with Krillin. Goku's blonde yellow hair swayed in the wind and the golden aura engulfed his body.
"I'm sorry, Krillin."
He rushed towards his best friend in the world with a combination of punches and kicks, knowing Krillin would not be able to counter, dodge, or block. Then Goku increased his speed to grab Krillin's large head and drive him in the ground.
I'm sorry.
"Kamehameha!" he cried out, and a blue wave of energy was released from his palms. When he was sure Krillin was eliminated, Goku felt Tien coming after him.
He was almost drained, both physically and emotionally.
I'll bring you all back.
Goku released a final Kamehameha and fell to his knees afterwards. He wanted the death to be quick so it didn't hurt so much. Goku coughed several times before rising to his feet again and he had a sudden urge to go to Capsule Corporation and make sure those dragonballs were still there.
"I want you to come to Capsule Corporation. I want to protect you." Goku's eyes were tired but he was stating the truth. "When it happens, if what Gohan says is true… I need to protect you."
Because he wasn't able to protect his own son.
"You heard me, he's really gone." Eighteen moved a stray strand away from her face. "He's not here anymore." She sat inside the car.
Seventeen frowned. "Goku killed him?"
"I don't know." Eighteen stuck her head out of the window as her brother sped off. The red car zipped through the dirt road and the sun beat down on her skin. "I'm getting bored of this."
Seventeen glanced at her and shook his head. "This is too much fun."
His sister did not look happy. "The others are all dead or deactivated."
"So, what do we do now? If we go after Goku, we'll be killed. I don't want to die."
"Will he find us if we stay quiet?" Seventeen did not want to die either, but he didn't want to stay quiet if he didn't have to.
"He can't sense us." Eighteen sighed and her eyes looked bored.
"Then we'll be safe if we don't catch his attention."
She nodded.
But what were they going to do?
Party. Live. Go out drinking. Beaching. Surfing. Do the normal human activities that they used to do…
Then she asked her brother, "Where are we going?"
"I don't know."
"Then just drive. Gohan said to wait anyway."
Tires screeched on gravel and tarmac while two androids drove off into the sunset.
Because he wasn't able to protect his own son…
But he could protect his grandchild.
"I'm sorry." He had to say it again, apologize to her. "I'm so sorry."
And her tears ceased . "I'm sorry too."
"Hi this is Seia Wiyo reporting. I'm here at the Romwall city where the maidbots have ceased their destruction."
The camera panned across the destroyed city, where desecrated bodies and detached limbs were scattered about amongst the wreckage. The grizzly bloodbath wasn't too ostentatious as there were so many collapsed buildings and miscellaneous debris to capture notice as well. The camera suddenly zoomed in on a severed arm. Judging by the dainty size of the hand and the polished, manicured nails that still glistened in the sunlight, it had belonged to a woman.
Wiyo wore a tired but relieved expression. It was the kind of expression that knew of good news. "This could be the end of this electronic war and we're here with Hercule to shed some light."
The camera then focussed on Hercule, who stood on the left of Wiyo. He wore his brilliant smile which the camera loved so much. Rather, it was the practised smile that everyone trusted and believed in. "People of this country and around the world, me and my allies are working hard to get rid of these monsters that have been released upon us. Justice will be served! No other life form or electronic imitation shall triumph over us humans!" His speech continued on but Videl quickly changed the channel. She sighed loudly as she closed her eyes.
Her father hardly helped but he was good at giving people hope. He was their hero and a good public figure. But she knew who the true heros were even if they did not want the fame or credit.
Videl's breathing escalated as her thoughts turned towards more distressing topics but before she could think about her pregnancy or the loss of Gohan, Bulma sat beside her and distracted her with the dragonballs which she placed by her feet. All seven of them rested on a deep purple pillow. This gave the balls a look of splendour which, she supposed, was appropriate. They were going to be able to undo a lot of the damage that had gone on for much too long.
"He left those to you, huh." It was not so much of question but rather a statement.
Videl nodded and frowned at the images of destruction on the screen. Buildings collapsed. The surviving hospitals were full far beyond capacity. The repercussions were immense as people were still suffering. And though the terror has stopped, the scar it left on the face of the earth would take a very long time to heal.
"Where will I live now!" a woman cried. Such was the case for so many people and the survivors had to build their lives over again.
"Yeah, I guess he did," Videl answered. She brushed her fingers through her short hair. Slowly, she was getting used to the change in length. "I think he left them for Goku. An apology, I think."
Bulma nodded, sipping her tea. She wore a somewhat smug look on her face as she was able to find the control to deactivate all of the bots without physically fighting with them. The higher levels were also defeated. Except for two who had disappeared. Videl remained wary of their whereabouts, but if they could not be detected by ki, then there would be no way to find Eighteen and Seventeen.
"I feel… lazy and fat," Videl suddenly complained. "I'm not doing anything."
Bulma laughed lightly at that. "You're not fat, you're pregnant! And your father and Chichi have both ordered you to stay here where it's safe."
"You also forgot Goku in that list," Videl told her, which made her frown.
Bulma almost choked. "Goku?" Her eyes strayed from the television and onto the young woman, who nodded.
"Yeah. For someone who seems carefree and childish at times, he's been keeping tabs on me."
The blue-haired woman lips rose in an amused smile. "You are carrying his grandchild."
"And Gohan asked him to," Videl added immediately. Then there was silence between the two women, sans the noise of static from the television, until Videl said, "I don't know why, but he sometimes reminds me of Gohan."
Bulma did not say anything for a moment. "Because Goku is his father."
The smart woman was right. So, she said, "Yeah, but it's sometimes strange." She did not elaborate further. The television program attempted to evoke a happier mood because the terror was over. Yet the rainbows and sunshine still seemed far away.
Vegeta scoffed at them. But since Goku wasn't going to do anything in retaliation to what he had done, he had no business here. He never apologized to the human girl but before he left, he looked at her crying on Kakarott's shoulder. She was attractive, she was definitely pregnant, and he was almost sure she was not going to forgive him for what he had done.
Not that he cared.
"Why am I alive?" His voice was soft and he felt as if he had just awoke from a dream.
"The dragonballs."
Krillin nodded, slowly, his eyes drifting to his best friend. "Goku? What happened?"
Someone in their crowd of friends laughed nervously. Goku hugged his friend and simply said, "Too long to explain. Let's go home."
The bald man rubbed his eyes and once he felt the solid arm of his long-time Saiyan friend coil around his shoulders in a friendly embrace, he truly knew he was alive. Oh, he had so much questions but his gaze caught the sight of Roshi, Oolong, Puar…and Tien?! There was also Chiaotzu and Yamcha! They looked happy, smiling, but upon further inspection of the crowd, he saw that he did not recognize everyone. There was a pretty, pregnant girl watching him but upon realising that he had noticed her staring, she shifted her large, blue eyes to Goku. Her eyes were a bright cerulean colour, and her clear, ivory face was complimented by short, black hair. The bangs came close to her eyes from the top of her head, which gave her an edgy look. The bump of her belly was quite large so Krillin knew she was quite far along in the gestation period. Later, he would find out who this young lady was for when he turned his attention back to Goku, he heard a loud cry.
The pretty, dark-haired girl clutched her belly and crouched down so much that many thought she fell to her knees. It was Goten who asked, "Videl, are you alright?"
And then within a mere matter of seconds, Krillin saw Goku appear before the young woman. His arm wrapped around her as they exchanged words. She nodded a few times. And then Goku placed two fingers on his forehead and they were gone.
Shortly after, Krillin would learn that this was Gohan's "girlfriend" – Gohan?
"Yes, Gohan," Bulma said, "Goku's son." The child who had went missing sixteen years ago. The same child who he had first seen on Master Roshi's island. He had looked so innocent and so gentle… it was unbelievable!
Krillin also learned about the destruction and chaos that happened shortly after his death. Gero was not caught. And the blond that kissed him before ripping out his heart was never to be found.
But it's over now, someone said to Krillin. Reconstruction was almost ubiquitous, people were hurrying to restart their lives and move on.
Videl felt the same way too. She was moving on. She had won over a new family. She was going to start a new life with her child who was waiting to be born into the world.
But deep, deep down, Videl had a feeling that all wasn't over. Not just yet.
And somehow, Goku knew it too.
Author's Note:
So the chapter was called Final because it's the end of this part erm, arc if you will. This is one of the longest chapters so I hope I am forgiven for my lack of update!
New poll
A cooler villain __________________
A) Just wants to destroy everything! Like the joker in Batman!
B) Take over the damn universe!
C) Wants to screw over Gohan, Goku, or anyone we love
D) your response
Thanks for reading and please review! I amazed I started to post chapters in 2003 and it's now 2009. Six years. Wow. Those who were reading since the beginning, major thank yous!