Okay first off we don't own Legend of Zelda, Link, or Dark Link though if we did...*just smiles*. Anywho they belong to Nintendo.

Second we'd like to point out that this entire fic was written by two people over a IM. Andi Maxwell and Kasandara Yuy. Inspired by a picture and our own yaoi/hentai imaginations this fic came about. Now for the warnings....

This fic DOES contain NCS (rape), Blood, Gore, Link Torture, Yaoi, Eventual Lemon, POV, and a number of other things. If you don't like it don't read it...we don't need the flames and if you send us any you WILL be mocked. If you send CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM we will on the other hand appreciate it greatly.

We'd also like to stress that in this fic it's slightly non-canon because Sheik and Zelda are two different people for purposes of plot. And with all of that said here are the pairings..

Dark Link x Link, Shiek + Link, POSSIBLE Sheik x Link.

Read and we hope you enjoy....


I entered the room and blinked several times at the vision before me....a lake stretched out before me, and a lone tree stood gnarled and bent, in the middle. I could barely make out the door on the other side through the mist and cursed that the distance to the tree was to far for my hookshot.

"Damn...how the hell am I supposed to cross this...?" I looked around and noticed that I was standing in the water already..the fact that my boots were already soaked preventing me from noticing. I gazed thoughtfully the perfectly reflective surface of the water glad once again that'd I shaken Ruto off - but this time for purely vain reasons. I looked like a half- drowned rat after all that swimming. The tunic may have been imbued with the Zora's magic to help me breathe underwater, but it didn't make me waterproof. My honey-blonde hair hung limp around my face and I was grateful for the hat that hid the rest...it couldn't have been pretty.

Taking a deep breath I took a tenative step forward, encouraged when I found that I wasn't going to sink into the smooth water. I took another step and another until I reached the tree in the middle. It seemed ordinary enough as I gazed at it, inspecting it and finding nothing amiss. Nonetheless, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. For all the trouble this temple had given me so far...this seemed FAR to easy. I gave up on the tree, finding nothing, and made my way to the door on the other side. "Surprise, Surpise..." My voice sounded tired even to MY ears as I realized the door was sealed and no keyhole in site...which meant something in this room - World? - held the answer. I turned around slowly as my awareness that something was out of place here increased the magic of the room tingling over my skin as my gaze fell again to the tree.

If it hadn't been soaked and sticking to my skin, I would have sworn that my hair was literally standing on end instead of just feeling like it was. I couldn't see anything specific by the tree, but something felt...dark. Wrong. I began making my way slowly back over to it, wanting to get a better look at it. Somehow, the two-inch deep water at my feet caught my attention, and I froze.

My reflection had vanished. I wasn't sure when it happened, but the mere fact that I could no longer see myself reflected in the mirror-like water beneath me set my heart to racing. I could feel something watching me. It wasn't, however, until I reached the gnarled little tree in the center of the misty room that I felt the real darkness of the second presence in the room. Something pricked at the back of my neck and I ducked just in time to see a tarnished sword dig into the tree's trunk as it went whistling past my head. I scrambled backward and got to my feet to keep myself from getting beheaded, and couldn't keep from staring at the person that had nearly assassinated me.

It was me.

Or at least it looked like me. Except where my hair was blonde, his was black. Everything about him mirrored me, but in darkness. A Warrior of Shadow...my shadow. I gulped as I drew the Master Sword from it's sheath at my back and held the Hyrulian Shield, not that I thought it was going to do much good, in front of me as I watched him standing there, smirking at me as if daring me to come at him.

Drawing upon my courage I lept at him, a powerful blow meant to cleave him in two and be done with it...but to my surprise he parried and knocked my sword from my fingers at the same time. As it was, my hand went numb from the shock of his blade meeting mine and I felt my first real bout of panic since I had entered this place. Then I felt fear as I heard his voice. My voice.

"Don't tell me that's the best you can do...."

I took a step backward, swallowing hard as I tried to work the feeling back into my hand. My eyes darted away from the shadowy figure before me and to where the Master Sword lay in the water several feet to my left. My opponent laughed wickedly. "If you THINK you can get to it before I do, by all means, try. It's more fun for me if I get to chase you." His crimson eyes were gleaming with malice...and something else. Something I couldn't quite read, and something that made me shudder.

I squared my shoulders, braced my feet against the ground, and dove.

I rolled, my fingers closing around air and water. "Dammit!" I barked, near to snarling when I realized that my double was laughing. Cold, mocking laughter. I lifted my head to see him holding the Master Sword, MY Master Sword, in one hand, hefting it as if testing how it fit in his hand. Ruby-colored eyes as soulless as those of any child's doll came up to regard me calmly as he threw it away from himself to splash and clatter along the ground.

"Looks like I win..."

I went into a crouching position, pulling my bow off of my shoulders as his smirk widened, sauntering closer and closer. With one fluid motion I had pulled the arrow from the quiver at my back, nocked it, and released it into the air assured that it would reach its mark...until he batted it carelessly from the air with his blade. "Shit."

I turn and ran at that point, hoping to lure him away from the blade, but turned to look over my shoulder to see him standing there looking merely...amused? The fucking bastard KNEW I wouldn't leave that sword. It was my ticket home. "Dammit...."

Stopping I stood panting slightly as I summed up my odds. They weren't good...and he still hadn't left that damn blade more than a few feet from him. My eyes grew wider as he picked up the blade, MY blade and walked over to the tree. He threw a smirk over his shoulder at me as he placed it's tip on the bark of the gnarled tree and lunged forward, embedding it into the wood there. I could almost hear it scream in agony and I had to resist the urge to cover my ears until the ringing subsided in my head. "If you want your pretty sword back..." his deep voice sent shivers down my spine, "...You'll have to come get it...."

I fought down the twitch at my eyelid and stood straight, glowering at my opponent. The bastard was just standing there smirking at me like he'd won something. The way he'd challenged me moments before was still making me shudder at the chills running up my spine, and I ground my teeth, one fist clenching.

Finally, I settled on a strategy.

I was just going to beat the hell out of him until he said uncle.

That could work, right?

I launched into the air at him, one fist swinging, headed for his jaw in a blow that would have shattered the bone.

Had it connected. As it was, he sidestepped it, caught my arm, and twisted it around behind my back. I went up on my toes trying to keep the bones from snapping. "Dammit," I growled again. He shoved me forward and I went sprawling on the ground, scrambling to get back onto my feet. It was then that I noticed that he'd shoved me toward the Master Sword. I could almost reach it.


It was then that I made another mistake in a long series of mistakes...I turned my head to look back at him and found a hand on the back of my neck shoving me into the ground, my chest pressed into the invisible surface of the water. I felt his knee press into the small of my back as he leaned over me. I expected the tip of his blade next and made a silent apology to Zelda wherever she was...I'd failed her. Imagine my shock when it was not the point of a sword, but his hot breath against my ear instead. "I could kill you right now you know..." his voice sent that annoying shiver along my spine again as I clenched my fist in anger and tried to gather my strength and buck the arrogant bastard off of me. I heard him chuckle...except it didn't sound as if he were amused, more like he knew what I was up to. "I could cut off your beautiful head and watch as your blood splattered on the floor and think nothing of it. I may still....but," and this is when I felt true fear..and maybe something else..what I felt I couldn't put a name on it because his tongue lapped out to lick at my earlobe, I shuddered. I'd like to think it was in revulsion, "For now...you belong to me..."

I shuddered at that and closed my eyes. I'd never felt helpless like this. Not even when I learned of Ganon's plans, witnessed the fate of the townspeople of Hyrule in that city of undead. I'd always had the knowledge that I could prevent it. Something told me that this time...something was going to happen, something I didn't like...something that made my skin tingle with awareness, almost crawl. I could almost see the boy child inside me whimper with fear as my Shadow Warrior slid the hand that was still holding me down around to grasp me by the front of my throat, the fingers bruising the skin and almost cutting off my air supply as they slid up to grip my chin from that angle and lift my head. Sparks of pain lanced through my abused body as he arched me back, his knee still holding me down. He slipped all of my weapons free from the various pouches under my tunic - I should have known that he would know where each and every one of them was - before letting me settle back down his hand returning to hold me down by the back of my neck.

I felt myself being flipped over onto my back and that's when I got my first close up look at the other me. His crimson eyes seemed to glow and he smiled down at me, slow and purely menacing.

I think that was the first time I really realized I was terrified. Defenseless, trapped by a being that probably knew the back of my hand as well as I did...a being that would, most likely, slit my throat the moment I so much as twitched.

I was screwed, and I think he could feel it. His grip on my neck tightened ever so slightly, and I found my eyes drawn back to the burning crimson gaze, feeling like a trapped animal there. The feeling was only intensified when he shifted his weight against me. I stiffened, eyes widening in absolute shock at the sudden presence of...oh, Goddesses. It hit me like a ton of bricks what the look in his eyes had been. My heart started pounding again...and I was uncertain if my apprehension stemmed entirely from fear. I knew, however, I wanted out of that room.

And suddenly, I started wondering if attempting to get out from under him and the possibility of getting my throat slit was that bad after all.

I decided to tempt fate. I couldn't let that hardness pressing into my stomach and the look in his eyes as he ground me slowly into the water happen. I pulled together the last shreds of my strength and arched my back since he was straddling me and hooked my ankle's around his neck to push him down and off. I heard his yelp of surprise but didn't take the time to analyze it as I scrambled back and towards my sword.

And it would have been perfect...had he not grabbed hold of my ankle to send me again face down into the water. This time when I was flipped the eyes were still burning, but now they were pissed. His dark hair hung limply around his face and his hat had fallen off somewhere. and I winced as water dripped from it down onto my face. "Nice trick, pretty...not going to work twice I'm afraid..."

I spat out the water that had gotten in my mouth when I'd been slammed into the ground again, tasting blood with it. Must've split my lip. "Can't blame me for trying," I muttered hoarsely, breathing harder with the effort of my escape attempt.

He laughed once, short and cold. Just like the burning eyes. I wondered briefly what black magic had been used to create this dark mirror image of myself, but the thought was banished when he leaned down closer to me. "You know, I ought to tell you..." the blood-red eyes were gleaming fiercely now, "you're cute when you struggle."

I sneered up at the face that mirrored mine, "Excuse me if I don't feel flattered by that..." I almost snarled. He smirked again, the anger in his eyes quickly being replaced by that darker, much more dangerous emotion as he brought his lips closer to my own, licking at the seam of my clenched mouth. He lapped at the blood on my split lip and I shuddered again. He laughed, the bastard. "You taste sweet..." I could see my blood shining on his lips.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked the question I probably should have asked long ago...funny how it had just now occured to me.

"Because...I told you," he paused as he leaned down his chest brushing against my own my eyes widening as the heat of his body penetrated the water breathing tunic, "You belong to me."

Any witty or acidic retort I might have made died on my lips at the sudden heat I could feel radiating off him. This situation could go nowhere good. And it was getting there fast. Damn fast.

The Master Sword lay agonizing inches away. I could reach it, I swore I could...if I could it would all be over and I could get on with this accursed mission in this waterlogged temple.

His crimson eyes grew curious for a moment, and then he followed my darting glances off to the side where I was slowly reaching one hand out toward the sacred blade. And then he grinned, a feral, malevolent grin. "Oh, go ahead, pet." He leaned down over me, his next words whispered in my ear. "I like the thrashing..." and he nipped at my earlobe, making me shudder involuntarily.

I didn't want to do what HE said, but I wanted him off me. My arm stretched and strained toward the sword, but I couldn't reach it. And during all this, my dark twin sat atop me, watching in deep amusement my vain struggles, seeming to be enjoying himself immensely.

Oh good. At least one of us was having fun.

Guess what...it wasn't me. The part of me that wasn't struggling for it's survival, was painfully terrified at what this being was doing to my body. It was almost as if my body was detached from my consciousness. Another inch toward my sword gained as he watched in amusement. Yeah, I wanna see that smirk there when I get it in my hands, you dark bastard. Then I'll show Ganon where he can stuff his creations. Right up his red headed as- "Dammit." he caught my hand, obviously tired now of my antics, and pulled it above my head along with the other one in a surpising strong one handed grip.

"You let me hope on purpose..." I accused, almost childlike in my anger and frustration. He grinned, and it almost reminded me of me that time as he raised an eyebrow looking down at me. "I'm impatient for my reward..." Reward? Interesting choice of...why was his mouth on my ... oh goddesses...I couldn't help the groan of frustration, fear, anger and something else as I felt his lips caressing my throat, settling on the place where my corded neck muscles met my shoulder, sucking hard and deeply bruising as his teeth came into play.

My eyes shot wide again at the bruising pressure, and I started pulling at his grip on my wrists, growling in further frustration and fear while part of me watched in that same detached horror. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. And yet there I was, stuck beneath some crazy, twisted version of myself that had plans for me that I really didn't want to picture in my head let alone experience.

I couldn't get him off me, and to my further horror, it seemed that there was a tiny, miniscule part of me that wasn't afraid. Something inside me was curious, wanted to see what he'd do next. I fought it with everything I had, and yet felt the futility of my struggles - physical and mental - finding myself unable to remove my captor from his current position. I stiffened sharply when his teeth grazed my throat again, conjuring all sorts of unwanted sensations, and gritted my teeth together, muttering a few choice obscenities at the entire experience. He lifted his head to peer at me and gave me another one of those wild, feral grins of his. "You're feisty...and you're still cute when you're struggle...don't stop thrashing, pretty, it'd take all the fun out of it.

"I like my toys wild..."

I started struggling in earnest as his lips neared mine again, trying to headbutt him, tug my hands from his grip, anything to give me enough time to come up with a plan to get out of this situation alive. He merely laughed at my antics and then his fingers finally digging painfully into my scalp with his free hand his lips crashing down hard on my own. I could taste the blood as my teeth were ground into the tender inside skin. "Open for me pet..." I did open but only ask what the hell the idiot was talking about and that's when he tongue slid past my lips into my mouth. I think I was to shocked or something or I probably would have bitten his damn tongue off.

As it was I sat there, completely stunned my eyes opened wide. The bastard must have taken my shock as acceptance because then he slanted his mouth over mine lapping again at the blood from my teeth being mashed against the inside of my lips. I could taste the coppery, metallic taste of it on his tongue. It repulsed me.

I think he got a little too involved then, because I could feel his grip on my wrists go slack by just a fraction of an inch. I wrenched my left hand free and shoved myself up onto it, pulling one foot free and planting it against my twin's chest to push hard and send him falling backward right onto his ass.

The shocked look on his face almost made all of it worth the trouble.

Almost. My skin was still trying to crawl out of the room without me.

I darted over to the tree where the Master Sword, MY sword, was still stuck deep into the wood and hauled it out just in time to clash it against the blade of the Shadow Warrior to keep him from taking my head off. "Stupid move, pet," he growled at me, eyes burning with an almost homicidal rage, and something else that made me shudder; barely concealed lust. There. I'd finally put a name to what I was seeing. What made my blood run cold. "You must not want to get out of here alive."

I could feel my courage returning with the Master Sword in my hand, it's weight something familiar in this warped reality. I frowned and quickly scanned the room for the trigger that would finally open this damn room but the only thing that was here besides me was....HIM. So he was the fucking trigger, it would figure. So I had to fight him...kill him and get the hell out of here in one piece.

Sounded good to me.

We circled each other for a few moments, he seemed to just be waiting for me to decide to attack...who was I to deny him? I leapt at him, bringing the Master Sword straight down - a move that usually didn't fail me unless it met air, like it did now. I whirled and brought up my blade just in time to block the blow that would have taken my head from my shoulders, and knocked his blade to the side. He didn't give me the time to bring up an attack though instead throwing me into a defensive stance as he started raining blow after blow on me.

Then it happened and we locked swords, hilt to hilt. His face was mere inches from mine, and then I gaped at my again empty hand as my sword went flying to land off to the left. I felt him grab my hand and twist it around my back, forcing my body into his, pressed chest to chest, and cursed. I was better than this!! It was like he could predict my moves before I even knew I was going to be making them. How the hell did you fight something like that?!

I found myself inches away from his face, the dark olive skin flushed from anger, or battle, or...well, let's not think about that. He was glaring furiously at me, and I could sense the instability in his temper that was radiating off him. He was close to snapping, and I was fairly certain I wanted to be on the other side of Hyrule when that happened.

He threw his own sword to the ground and snatched my wrists in the same moment, twisting me around so my back was to him, my arms crossed around my chest with his hands still holding their vice-grip around my wrists. He wasn't letting go this time. There would be no easy escape.

"I told you I wasn't going to let you get away so easy," he growled low in my ear, hot breath making me cringe yet again. Dammit, I shouldn't be so afraid of this freak! By all rights, he should have been dead by now! Why couldn't I get rid of him? "Just be a good little toy and quit arguing with your master, hmm?" He bent his head and bit my ear again - and part of me wondered just what the hell ear fixation he had - and I ground my teeth together trying to figure out a way out of the situation. Before I could, however, I found myself slammed to the ground once more, with no time to get my bearings back before he was upon me, flipping me over onto my back to straddle my stomach once again. "You keep fighting me like this and I can't promise I'll be gentle," he growled softly. "Of course, you kind of strike me as a boy who might like the rough stuff..."

I didn't bother wasting my energy struggling right now, waiting until he tried something again, maybe he'd loosen his grip. That theory last all of two seconds until he ripped a long piece of material off of his tunic and wrapped it around my wrist tightly. I could feel my fingers tingle and go numb, loosing feeling there. The bastard was a quick learner.

He picked up the sword he'd discarded and buried the blade into the ground underneath above my head and looped my hands around the hilt. I felt like a lamb upon the sacrificial alter as he looked down upon me that dark cold smile back on his lips as he removed a dagger from his belt sheath. "I like you like this pet...now...let's get a look at what my prize is..." he placed the dagger at my throat running small circles there, and I had to use every ounce of self control not to squrim or gulp. As it was I clenched my eyes closed, expecting the sharp point to pierce my skin.

My eyes snapped open immediately as I felt the dagger catch in the material of my undershirt and pull downwards slicing cleanly through the white shirt and the blue tunic that covered it.

I couldn't keep my jaw from dropping open in shock, the material falling away from my shoulders and chest and left me feeling rather vulnerable and bared to his gaze. The crimson orbs looked me over and I felt suddenly like I could use a good, LONG bath. Preferrably somewhere really cold. The frozen domain of the Zoras should work well for that.

My aggressor grinned that feral grin again and advanced on me again, the dagger swiftly cutting my tunic and undershirt away from my body without ever coming in contact with the skin. I had a sneaking suspicion, as he began undressing me, that the dagger wasn't going to be used for just removing my clothes. He didn't seem that nice. His eyes went slowly over me, and I had to fight the urge to shudder again. "Beautiful," he murmured, and came toward me again, knife at the ready.

"You think I was rough before? I'm just getting started, pretty..."

I recoiled as he ran the cold steel of the blade running down the center of my bared chest, leaving me only covered by the tights and my boots. I shivered as he ran it down my stomach and over the material covering the part of me that didn't want ANY sharp pointy objects near it. My fist clenched and unclenched wanting to be around his throat and I wondered if I could get my feet up enough to kick the bastard in the jaw. As he started cutting away the material of my tights I swallowed in abject horror.

His crimson gaze lifted to mine as he bared my unwanted erection to the misty air, his gaze mocking as he ran the steal blade lightly over it, making it...me twitch away. I hated my body's reaction to this. I wanted to go crawl inside of a cave and hide away from the light...right after I scrubbed my skin off for the feelings this evoked within me. I felt dirty already and I hated him all the more.

"I think I'm going to enjoy this pet...looks like you're going to even if you don't want to." He laughed cold and low, "Even if your mind hates it, your body doesn't lie..." and his hand ghosted over my erection making me yelp and kick my legs feebly. I began to struggle at the bindings that held me. I could feel blood running down my arms from the bindings cutting into my wrist. I didn't care as I struggled more. I had to escape, to get away from this. I didn't want this.

Body doesn't lie my ass. I felt disgusted with myself. I wanted nothing more than to disappear into the ground at my feet. Drops of crimson the same color as his eyes fell from my arms, dissolving into the water as my wrists continued to bleed. I clenched my jaw, fighting to keep control over myself as his free hand drifted over the sensitive skin again, making me twitch despite my best efforts. This was worse than any nightmare I'd ever had, than anything I could have ever imagined happening even in Ganon's twisted world.

He grazed the knife's tip right down my stubborn, unwanted erection, and I clenched my eyes shut, struggling harder than ever against the ties at my still-bleeding wrists. This had to be stopped...but, much to my terror, I didn't know how to stop him. And that was what was terrifying. "Get AWAY from me," I growled, but the disappointing tremor in my voice betrayed me.

"Get away from you?" he laughed harshly, the knife drifting along my skin again. "You don't want me to. Like I said before," he said, and leaned close to my face, whispering in my ear, "the body doesn't lie..."

I felt the rest of the material being sliced away from my body before the blade was back and that hand. My boots had disappeared too. He ran his hand up and over my erection more firmly this time the pad of his thumb running over the tip gathering the moisture that had gathered on the tip rubbing it around in a circle. I couldn't help but moan in frustration. I wanted to use that damn dagger to slit his throat and hoped that'd I'd get the chance eventually.

"You're beautiful my pet. But then I knew you would be..." and he stood looking down at me from my own towering height and stripped off his tunic and the undershirt. I had seen that body a dozen times in a mirror but never ever had I hated it as I did at this moment. The hard planes of his stomach. The faint line of dark hair that ran from his navel into the tights that poorly conceal his own straining erection. I shuddered in revulsion seeing the evidence of his lust. I had to close my eyes as he began pulling the garmet down over his hips and shuddered when I felt him crouch over me again his erection brushing against my own as I felt the dagger against my chest again. I took a deep ragged breath and my eyes flew open as I felt the sharp prick of the dagger on my chest right above my right nipple blood welling up from the flesh wound.

His gaze captured mine as his mouth covered the wound and the nipple and began pulling at it with his teeth biting cruely on my nipple making me whimper in pain. Then he started suckling and the tingle that shot from my nipple and straight to my erection almost made me physically ill. How could my body do this to me?

I was still afraid, but part of me was angry now. Angry at him, and angry at myself, angry at my body, my instincts, for betraying me. I clenched my jaw shut, refusing to say anything or respond to his efforts. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. His tongue swirled around my bleeding nipple again, sending another jolt of heat through me, and I shuddered.

Damn him. I wanted nothing more than to send him to hell...but it didn't look like I was being given the opportunity. He ground his hips against mine, the sensation absolutely sickening to my rational mind - which was quickly losing the battle. I gulped back a breath of air, straining still straining against the bonds at my wrists, aware that I was losing blood at a more alarming rate. Dimly, in the back of my mind, I entertained the morbid thought that it would really piss him off if I died from the blood loss. I groaned again in frustration, my head thumping back with a slosh into the two inches of water.

He laughed coarsely, leaning down to bite hard at my neck. "Oh, go on, pretty...let go..." he slid the knife's blade along my skin again, and then stuck the tip of it right into my skin just below the ribcage. "Scream."

I had to bite my lip as the pain lanced across my body. More blood poured down my side and into the water below us. The wounds weren't enough to do serious damage but they hurt like hell and bled even worse.

He made more superficial wounds over my chest and I kept quiet through it all. Quiet, that is until the dagger moved down to my erection again and my eyes widened.

Suddenly then the skin on the inside of my tender thigh so close my erection and the sack underneath was knicked the blood splattering up onto my straining cock. I saw white and as if from far off a terrible, terrible scream echoed in the air. I didn't realize until I heard the cold mocking laughter that it was my own. I was going to kill him.

"That's it pet...scream for me...it just makes it that much more pleasurable." I shuddered as he gathered the droplets of blood on his finger tips and jerked again in surprise when I felt his hands around the entrance to my body. He was going to use my own blood as a lubricant...

Goddesses...the scream had continued to echo angrily into the air, only furthering my own rage. I jammed my teeth down into my lower lip, the metallic tang on my tongue telling me I'd split the skin again. It didn't matter. I wouldn't scream again, no matter what he did.

It turned out to be a promise I couldn't keep when the knife flicked at the sensitive skin between my legs again, and I tensed up, howling in agony. I had never suffered pain like this, like the sharp, piercing fire that assaulted my bleeding body now. The pain seemed to stretch out forever...I wasn't sure how long I laid like that while he moved over me, making me almost numb to whatever else he had planned. I could feel what I was fairly certain was sweat beading on my forehead with the effort of all my screams, all the while his hands moved slowly, disgustingly over me. "Stop this," I muttered, voice ragged and hoarse.

"But I like the screams...of course, it would be all the sweeter if you'd give yourself to me. Just give up...and I'll put the knife down.


End of Chapter 1.

This was intended to be a one shot but it got long and in our minds developed a plot. Read and Review and more will be up soon ^^.