Disclaimer: I do not own Megaman X or Mega Man characters, wish I did though …

One Month Later …

"Seventeenth, move in!" Axl, the new commander of the 17th Unit of Maverick Hunters, ordered as they stood between a handful of Mavericks and a small school. "Wolfwing, Songbird, see if you can flank them!"

"Hey, Axl, need a hand? We're bored," a voice called over the young Reploid's headset.

A moment later, a group of Maverick Hunters beamed in directly in the middle of the Mavericks, "Zero Unit, take 'em out!" came their commander's voice followed by the buzz-hiss of a lit beamsaber.

"You heard, Zero!" Axle barked, "RUSH THE SCRAP HEAPS!"

"It means no worries! For the rest of your days!" Zero sang as he sliced through three Mavericks at once.

"It's our problem free … philosophy!" Axl joined in jumping to the elder warrior's side.

"Hakuna Matata!" They sung in unison.

"Hakuna!" blast

"Matata!" slash

"Hakuna!" blast

"Matata!" slash

"They're … insane …" Songbird blinked from the air.

"That they are, Mate," Wolfwing agreed, "Ain't it glorious!"

The Maverick Hunters made short work of the lower grade Mavericks. Since the fall of Sigma and Dr. Wily, the Hunters had been on the offensive instead of the defensive for once. But little did they know, this was merely the calm before the storm …

I am so high, I can hear heaven
I am so high, I can hear heaven
Whoa, but heaven...no, heaven don't hear me

And they say
That a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away

Someone told me
Love would all save us
But, how can that be
Look what love gave us

A world full of killing
And blood spilling
That world never came

And they say
That a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away

Now that the world isn't ending
It's love that I'm sending to you
It isn't the love of a hero
And that's why I fear it won't do

And they say
That a hero could save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait
I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles
Watch as we all fly away

And they're watching us
They're watching us
As we all fly away

Megaman X


Chapter 1: The Return

Pentagon, Washington DC

Megaman X walked into a large meeting chamber. It was about medium sized and rounded, with two levels. And on the second level sat the Generals in command of the world as the Anti-Maverick Council.

"Congratulations, Commander X, on the job well done last month," General Light said, sneering down at the Second Blue Bomber along with the other members of the council, "But why have you asked to meet with us today?"

"Yes, Sir," X said, looking up at them, "With all due respect, with the massively dropped budget of the Maverick Hunters, we are having a harder and harder time keeping up with the Mavericks; Is there anyway you can give some control back to local governments so that some countries can help us?"

"That is impossible, Commander," General Light said, stroking his brown beard.

"But sir," X said, eyes pleading, "Sir, we've been pushed to the limit; the Hunters need a break." As soon as X uttered those words, the room exploded in laughter.

"That's a funny joke, Commander," Light chuckled, "Machines needing breaks. If that's all, Commander, congratulations on the job well done. Now, return to your Headquarters and await further instructions, good day."

"Yes, Sir," X saluted before turning and stomping from the room.

As the door closed, another figure walked out of the shadows, "Wily and Sigma are officially out of the way," he said, "Now it is time to rid ourselves of the final obstacle."

"Do not underestimate Megaman X, Puppet Master," Light warned.

"What have I said about using that name in my presence?" the figure asked.

"I-I'm sorry sir," Light whimpered, "I just mean, he has a name for overcoming insurmountable odds."

"So do I," The figure said, disappearing in a blue pillar.

Arizona Beach, Arizona

Alia sighed as she leaned over the kitchen counter of her and X's home. They agreed to buy a small house outside of the Headquarters as a bit of an escape from their jobs as Maverick Hunters. She ran a hand through her choppy, golden hair and looked out at the people walking along the sidewalks on this beautiful day. Her blue eyes then fell on a young couple pushing a baby carriage. The father was tall with brignt, unruly, blond hair, and the mother was slightly shorter with long, red hair. Then the father moved around and picked up the cooing baby; they just looked so happy together.

Alia let out another sigh and then turned to the phone, "I wonder if X is back from Washington," She asked no one in particular.

She picked up the phone and dialed the number for the base.

'Hello, Maverick Hunter Headquarters Command Center, Iris speaking, how may I help you?' Iris' voice came on the line.

"Hey, Iris," Alia greeted.

'Hey Ally,' Iris chirped in return, "How's the day off going, must be nice being married to the Grand Commander. Getting days off when ever you wiggle the finger he's wrapped around."

"Cute, Iris," Alia laughed, "Is X back yet?"

'Um … yeah, but he's busy right now,' Iris replied in a different tone.

"I take it things didn't go his way," Alia nodded with a sigh.

'Don't know,' Iris replied unsurely, 'he went straight to his office and locked the door. Zero went in, but he stomped out fuming after a few minutes.'

"That doesn't sound promising …" Alia sighed, "Tell you what, when it's safe to go in, tell him I'll fix him his favorite dinner when he gets home."

'Would that be a Alia Sunday?' Iris chirped, the teasing returning to her voice.

"No, but that is a thought for a desert," Alia replied smugly.

'Zero has been a horrid influence on the both of you!' Iris mock gasped, then turned serious, 'Uh oh, something's up, gotta go. I'll tell X. bye, Alia.'

"Bye, Iris," Alia said, hanging up the phone and then sitting down roughly at the kitchen table.

The Mavericks, while no longer organized, have grown desperate, and that made them more dangerous. Alia hated to sound selfish, but with X as the Grand Commander, she felt relieved that he didn't go out on field missions as much as he did when he was a Unit Commander. Alia could see it in X's eyes, though; as much as he hated to admit it, Megaman X was a fighter to the core of his being, and he hated being forced to only watch as others went to fight.

Alia sighed, "Maybe I better go in anyway," She said, walking into their bedroom, and pulling out her armored uniform. The uniform was the same black, skintight bodysuit with pink and white armored chest plate, gantlets, and boots. Only difference was she didn't wear the white gloves anymore, as so to show off the wedding ring X had given her after the Battle of Ground Zero.

"Well, Megaman X," Alia said, removing her blouse and pants, then sliding into the black bodysuit, "Someone has to hit you in the head 'til you stop sulking," she mused, adjusting the ring on her finger, "And this ring says that's my job."

"This is Axl and Seventeenth Unit to Hunter Command, do you read, Iris?" Axl said as the Seventeenth Unit beamed into the once again destroyed Highway.

"Roger that, Axl, do you see anything?" Iris responded over the helmet radios.

Axl looked around and cocked his hand blaster, "That's a big neg," Axl spoke, "There's nothing but a bunch of wreckage and … um … some weird, tiny helmet thingies?"

"Mets," Songbird said softly as the Seventeenth got close enough that each of their shoulders and backs touched each other, and the street around them quickly become full of helmet shaped robots, "They haven't used these mindless assault robots since the late twenty first century."

"Um, if they're that old," Axl gulped, "Then why are there thousands of them surrounding us?" he then twirled his blaster on his finger and targeted one of the Mettaurs, "one or one thousand, little things like these can't be that bad!"

Axl fired a shot from his blaster, but it ricocheted off the reflective shell back at him cutting into his shoulder armor, "Ok, maybe they will be a problem … any chance of some backup?" Axl asked, then as if on cue, a massive energy blast shot through the crowd of Mettaurs, atomizing some, but all in its path was destroyed.

"That was fast, Iris," Axl said as he and the Maverick Hunters watched a blue figure flip through the air, blasting the Mettaurs and destroying them as if they were nothing, "Whoa, that's surprising, X get stir crazy already?"

"Um, that's not X …" Iris responded unsurely.

Axl looked up in surprise and confusion, "If that's not X, then who …AHH!" He cried as a Met dove at him with a pickax. He fell back on his posterior as the Mettaur exploded in to pieces of metal.

Axl blinked, trying to calm himself, then found a blue glove in his face, "Need a hand, son?"

X sat at his desk with his face in his hands, "This is a mess, and the U.N. isn't taking us seriously; what am I going to do?" X asked no one in particular, "What would Signas do in this situation; what would Mega Man do in this situation? Hell, Sigma was a better leader than me…"

"The only person who thinks that is you, X," a familiar voice called from the door of his office.

"Alia, what are you doing here?" X asked, looking up to see his wife walking toward him, but instead of answering, she hopped up to sit on his desk, then took X's face in both her hands and made him look her in the eyes.

She brought her face to where her nose touched his and glared at him. "X, listen to me," She ordered sternly, "You are a great leader; there isn't a Hunter alive who wouldn't follow your every order, and do you know why?"

X shook his head slightly.

"It's because they know you would never make them do something you wouldn't do yourself," Alia explained, easing down to sit in his lap, "everyone admires and looks up to you, X,"

"Everyone?" X asked, smiling for the first time that day, "That include you, Ally?"

"Especially me," Alia whispered, brushing her lips against his.

"X!" Axl cried, dashing into the office, making X and Alia both jump slightly and look his way in surprise.

"This better be good, Axl!" X shot, glaring daggers at the young scar-faced Reploid.

"Oh it's BEYOND good, X!" Axl replied, grinning and ignoring the pair of death glares.

"Leave the boy alone, baby brother; He's a good fighter and Hunter," a voice X had never heard yet found familiar said from the door.

Alia gasped when in walked a person who could pass as X's twin. He had on blue Kevlar tights with armored shorts and shoulder pads, large blue glove, and matching boots. Under his arm, he held a blue helmet with a single lighter blue colored gem connected to a long Mohawk-like streak. His face matched X's almost frighteningly, same brilliant green eyes, only real difference was his dark hair ran down to his shoulders, where X's was shaggy yet short.

"You've gone up in the world, baby bro," the figure said with a smile, "I still remember when you were just an idea in the Doc's head."

"Who are you?" X forced out, squeezing Alia's hand to the point it was almost painful.

"So you don't remember me then?" the figure smiled friendly, "Well X, you can call me Rock, but everybody else usually calls me Mega Man."

To Be Continued …

Next Chapter: Puppet Master and the X-Masters

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