Title: No Talking!

Author: N.E. Star

Feedback: N_E_Star "at" yahoo "dot" com
Rating: PG-13 That one bad word.

Genre: Foof

Summary: An overheard conversion.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, nothing at all. Poor me.
Archive: WRFA, For The Love Of Foof. Anyone else ask and I'll say yes.

Spoilers: Part of the "Movie Night" series.


"You know, this is quite foolish."

"Shut up."

"I never would have thought that you would be…"

"I said shut up!"

"You can stare down the Brotherhood, but three girls have you running scared."

"Oh my god! Can you just shut the fuck up? The never pulled you into a movie night fight. So don't!"

"I still can't believe you pulled us onto the porch."

"Remember that last run in with Magneto? How much pain you were in? Triple it and that's a movie fight."

"You're joking, right?"


"They're gone."

"Do you want to go back in?"

"Yeah, after hearing all that I need a beer."

"You look so pale! You sit, I'll get the beer."

"Thanks. It's just… The fight they pulled me into, it was about 'Titanic'."

"Oh my god! You poor thing."

"You won't say anything to the others? If Scott found out…"

"Don't worry 'Ro. Not a word."

"Thanks Logan. You a good friend."