Alright, this is my VERY first fanfic story. I write all the time but I've never let anyone read any of my stuff. So give me a break, ok?

I know it's really horrible but just keep an open mind alright? The beginning might be a little slow but if it wasn't very detailed than the

ending wouldn't be as good. So bare with me and keep an open mind. Thanks for reading and please RR!....

Chapter 1

".....Please Mr. McMahon, I need some time off."

"Okay, but you have to make it to WrestleMania on time."

"Yes sir. Thank you"

With that, Hunter walked out of Vince's office with a smile on his face. He finally got some time off to relax. He'd been working

so hard lately and it's just wearing him out. He decided he would take a road trip and his last stop would be Madison Square

Gardens in time for WrestleMania just like he promised Mr. McMahon.

He headed to his hotel toom and went to unlock it when someone came up behind him and gave him a hug. He jumped and turned

around to find a smiling Stephanie.

Hunter's thoughts-God she is so beautiful. I love her so much. If only she knew.

"Hey Steph."

"Hey Hunter. How's it going?"

"Alright. Your dad finally gave me some time off. I'm going on a road trip and I'll be at Madison Square Gardens in time

for WrestleMania."

"That's cool. I hope you have fun. Call me on Christmas, ok?"

"Oh, but I won't have to. Not if you come with me."

"REALLY?!?! Yes! I'd love to. But..."

"Your dad." "Yeah."

"Well, just tell him that your going with me and thats that. Steph, you're your own person and your old enough to decide what you

wanna do with your life."

"Okay, I'll try."

"No, you won't try, you WILL."

"Okay. Thanks Hunt , your the best."

"Oh I know."

Steph laughed. Hunter loved seeing her smile. She walked to the elevator and went to the first floor to find her dad. Hunter went inside

his own room and found a bag. He threw in all his clothes. Then went to the bathroom to get his toothbrush, comb, gel and all his other

accesories. He also took/stole a pillow and blanket from the bed. He grabbed his bag, and what was now his pillow and blanket and

headed out of the room.