Behind the Scenes- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

By: Lena Lovely

Author's notes: This is a product of my warped mind and watching too much VH1's Behind the music. I'm re-reading the Harry Potter books and I'm wondering "What was happening when JK was writing this?" Like the characters are real people and she's using them in her story. This is purely the product of my warped mind and my friend's encouraging my warped- ness. Let me know what you think.

Warnings: For you Slash lovers they're might be slash, for you hetero lovers there might be hetero.

Disclaimer: These characters are not mine and nor do I claim them as such. I am in no way making money off of this. *looks at the lawyers* was that good enough *the lawyers nod and walk off*

Author's Thank yous: Thanks to VMorticia13 for betaing this for me! Enjoy ^~^


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE/THEY DIE?!" Three angry voices shouted from a remote classroom in certain school.

"There's no need to shout." a calm voice said.

"But why the hell do we have to die?" a female voice said.

"Because it'll make Harry stronger in the end." the calm voice from before said

"That's complete and utter bull shit Joanne. Where's he gonna go?" one male voice said

Joanne Kathleen Rowling, Founder of the W&WAG (Witch and Wizard Acting Guild) and member of the super secret organization that watches all wizards and witches and knows everything about everyone, glared at the long black haired man.

"Listen Sirius. You're really getting on my last nerve." Joanne said calmly

"Sirius Calm down. We're mad about this too, but you don't need to shout." the red haired women said soothingly.

"Thank you Lily. Now there is a reason for this. I just can't tell you it right now." Joanne said calmly.

"That's because you don't know!" Sirius exclaimed. Joanne glared and wrote a note on her notepad ~Do something terrible to Sirius.~

"Is there any other way to do this?" the man with glasses said.

"Sorry James this is the way it has to be. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go talk to Albus and Minerva." Joanne smiled sweetly at them and stood up. She walked out the door and down a hall.

She thought with a smile on her face.


"MUGGLES?!" Sirius screamed.

"He's making my head hurt." Joanne whined rubbing her forehead. She waved her wand and a big bottle of aspirin appeared. A man with greasy black hair snickered behind her, "Shut up Severus."

"What? It's funny." Severus said.

Sirius is still ranting.

"The boy is MY GODSON! Why can't I TAKE CARE OF HIM!?!" he shouted. "I'm alive and well."

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU THERE WAS NO NEED TO SHOUT!" Joanne yelled. Molly Weasley jumped with surprise and Arthur Weasley tried not to laugh at the shocked look on Sirius' face.

"I just think you royally screwed me over." Sirius said.

"If you only knew." Severus muttered.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Sirius asked as someone knocked on the door.

Joanne smiled, "Severus can you get that?" she asked. Severus opened the door and two hooded figures floated in. "Ah Bob and Phil. It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Wh-what are they doing here?" Sirius stammered.

"Well you see you broke the cardinal rule and pissed me off." Jo said sweetly. "And now you pay the price."

"AZKABAN?! Come on Jo. You know I didn't mean it." Sirius pleaded.

"Too late." Jo said simply, "Boys." she motioned to the two hooded figures. They walked towards Sirius and closed in and grabbed him.

"Let me go you soul-sucking son of a-" The end of Sirius's insult was cut off by the door shutting.

"You are evil." Severus said.

"Hey, I'm a writer." Jo answered.



What do you think? Should I keep going? Let me know!