A/N: You have to thank the constant pestering of my friends for this update… sorry for the delay, see you in next chapter. Oh yes and thank you everyone for your reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own teen titans.
Dirty Little Secrets
Record One: Robin
I laid back on the this mattress that they provided here, I hated this place. Everything in this place was white; the sheets the curtains, the walls, even the floors were white. It was awful. But I was stuck here.... Until I was better.
I pushed myself halfway up and took one look around my "room" there where no windows, well except for the one that was built into the door so I could be easily checked on. The walls and everything else was as I said white. Really the only few not white things in this room was the black metal frame of the bed, then there was the clothes they made me wear which wear great and very much resembled the sweats I wore when I used to work out (they didn't let me do that here), and lastly there was the small cabinet I hade for personal things this was painted a fading blue.
I liked the cabinet, pushed against the wall opposite of my bed it stood out and almost seemed to go against everything this hospital was made of. It was falling apart the paint chipped and faded in many places. It was made of wood, real wood, nothing was ever real, nothing not the planets or those smiles the nurses always gave you. I loved that cabinet so much.
Sighing I closed my eyes, I wasn't allowed out of my room with out an escort, so I decided it would be a good time to take a... My eyes shot open, the door was opening. I slowly lifted my body and watched as a nurse entered my room.
"Oh! I didn't expect you to be up... I came here to wake you up and, take you to your therapy session." I looked at her confused it was defiantly to early for me to be going to therapy. I think she sensed what I had been thinking. "they decided to change your time."
I nodded my head and slowly fallowed the nurse out of my room and down a bunch of hallways. I had to admit I was a little nervous; they never really change schedules these days. They like to keep things the same around here, I never really knew why.
We both stopped in front of room two seventy three, Dr. Helquist's office. The nurse opened the door for me and held it open so that I could walk in.
"Ah Robin, you're here." Dr. Helquist said getting up from her desk and walking over to me, and dismissing the nurse. "How are you feeling?"
"Fine, I guess." Dr. Helquist pulled me over to one of the chairs by her desk and had me sit down.
"Good, that's good to hear." I noticed her bite her lip as he she looked down at me; she looked different, sad almost.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, its never a good thing when you psychiatrist is looking at you like this.
"Robin, I have something to tell you." Instead of taking her usual seat behind the desk she knelled beside me and took my hand in hers, her eyes looking into my own. "Its about Starfire."
I immediately felt my heart skip a beat, this couldn't be anything good. They don't make you came to therapy early if it's a good thing. "Is something wrong with her?" I tried to control my voice, it still shook a little.
"Yes, I'm afraid so Robin. You see, it seems that she had some how gotten a hold of some dietary pills... she took at least half a bottle of pills." She shifted her body a bit, her hand tightening around mine. "She suffered a massive heart attack, the doctors tried every thing they could, but some things cannot be helped..."
I looked her, my eyes widening slightly, I did not want to hear what she was going to say next... but I knew I had to, but even though I know what she was going to say I still found myself asking "Is she alright?"
"No Robin, I'm sorry. Starfire, is dead." I gasped when she said those words; it was more painful hearing it said aloud.
You never really realize how much you love someone until, you can no longer tell them. It's only after they're gone do the things you love about them come rushing back into your head, like her smile and her laugh. It was of course the same for Starfire, but I tried to push these things out of my mind.
"Can I go to my room?" My voice was shaking terribly but then I wasn't putting in any effort to stop it.
"robin I would think it best if we talked about it..." Dr. Helquist suggested but I quickly shot down the idea.
"No, I want to go to my room." I attempted to stand up but the doctor kept a firm grip on my arm.
"Robin please you're in no condition to be on your own right now, I would think it best if you stayed here and talked to me."
"I don't care what you think! I don't want to talk about anything, I just want to go back to my room!" my voice was getting louder with each word, and the room seemed to get smaller.
"Robin please calm down, I understand that your upset, which is why I cannot let you go to your room. You have an unhealthy way of trying to control your feelings, and so it could be dangerous for you to be alone now. So you won't be getting out of here anytime soon, so I suggest you sit down, calm down and then perhaps we can talk. Do you understand?" Dr. Helquist used a stronger voice the normal nodding my head I reluctantly took a seat.
We talked for a while, I avoided every question she asked about Starfire and she eventually gave up. We talked about nothing really, which was a relief I had gotten tired of answering questions about my past or some other thing like that... but once we were done talking and she dismissed me to lunch, all the pain came back.
I took a seat by Beast Boy, not really bothering to answer him back when he said hey. I was to busy trying to keep myself under control, I was being to wish I had talked to Dr. Helquist about Star.
"Hey Robin anything wrong, you look kinda out of it." I looked up at BB and shrugged my shoulders, I think if I attempted to speak I wouldn't make it without breaking down.
BB went on to talk about some random subject, I didn't really pay attention nor did I care about what he was saying so I just looked pass him.
"Hey Rob, have you seen Star lately?" I looked up at him, all I wanted to do was shake my head and ignore what he just said, but I found it impossible to do so,
Instead I found my body start to shake, I opened my mouth to say something to BB, but a odd whimper came out. I guess I had started to worry BB because he asked what was wrong, and tried to touch me I quickly pushed him off. It was then everything went black.
A/N: Well see you in the next chapter and keep those reviews coming, I love getting them!