Hello. Sorry for the long update.. (again..) But I can't always promise when the next chapter is going to come up, it just depends on if I'm in the mood or not. But all the reviews are at the end. So R/R. Now, on to chapter 7!

To describe how someone may feel after seeing their friends' faces, full of laughter, as you die is like trying to describe a land of dark. The dark is so cold that it's numbing. Each drop of darks hits you like acid. It almost feels like you are helpless. When the darkness washes over you to the point you're on a little raft surrounded by darkness. You can't breathe, you can't think, all you can do is watch as the cold dark takes over you.

Kai was being thrown about the dungeon like he was nothing but an old rag doll. After taking in so much damage and pain, he, or it, showed no signs of ever being alive. Voltaire knew that the only way to make Kai his property was to get rid of his only lifeline. To eliminate them completely would result in anger form Kai, and fury is something that cannot necessarily be contained. To some extent Voltaire's plan did succeed. He DID eliminate the friendship Kai had developed with the Blade Breakers; however he didn't realize that the prize would be so hard to accumulate. Kai staggered out of the dungeon after seeing the false visions of his team, his friends laughing as he perished. Voltaire and Boris were left stunned and injured... as they lay on the cold floor that was ment for Kai.

Kai slowly limped out of the dungeon and out of his grand father's grounds completely. His slate colored hair clung to him from all the sweat and blood. His face was caked with a strong crimson color. His nose and lip was still bleeding. Though his eyebrow was cut it had stopped. His bloody hand clutched his stomach as he felt nothing but pain. A few hot tears slowly trickled down his face mixing with the blood. He looked up at the night sky hoping to find that long desired comfort from the stars, but as expected he found none. Within in a few minutes the once clear night sky became covered with dark clouds... warning the world of their power. Kai tried not to notice the intimidating clouds... because he knew if he looked he would get lost in their fury at the world.

A few minutes later it began to rain. The hard drops hit the ground and all in its way like stones. Kai walked on. He had no pride, he had pain, his head hung low but regardless he walked. The rain came down harder and soon Kai collapsed. His blood mixed with the mud of the ground... and he began to slowly roll down the small slope and into a creek. He face was half way in the water, and his once fierce crimson eyes were closed. His mangled up body just lay there in a pile. His left arm was clutching his stomach... while the right lay in the grass right next to the creek. The blood from his stomach ran down along with the pure water in the creek, while his back received the harsh treatment from the ever pouring rain. There he lay... receiving what was vowed at him... death.

The Bladebreakers were all stunned. Kai thought that they were glad he was dying! They all had hot tears burning their skin, and eyes. Tyson was the first to stand up. "Come on! Let's help our friend!" He said as tears stung his eyes. All the Bladebreakers solemnly and quickly followed in hopes of finding their....friend. Tyson kicked the door open which led to the outside world. It was dark. The only light that could be seen was from the street lamps, and a very dim light from the stars. It was raining..hard. But none of the Bladebreakers seemed to care... all that mattered at the moment was that they find their dear and hurt friend Kai. Mareese and the rest of the people slowly shuffled out of the stadium. A lot of the people at the convention were HUGE Bladebreaker fans. Huge to the point that they knew all their stats, and names. Many of the fans were heart broken. Even though many of them had never even met or even spoken to the Bladebreakers, it felt to them all as if Kai were a part of them. Though many people didn't know the Bladebreakers, they tended to grow on you.

Mareese ran... she completely ignored the yells and pleads from her mother to come back. She just ran, in what she hoped was the direction Tyson and them had gone in. She honestly didn't know why she cared so much. She had never really met Kai. Except for that one night at Tyson's party, but she never really got to meet, meet him. Her light aqua colored hair clung to her face. The rain added about another inch to her regularly chin lengthen hair. Her strong blue eyes where focused and alert at the task at hand. As she ran, searching for the Bladebreakers.. But especially Kai.. She asked herself "Why do I care?" And with the simplest question come simple answers. "Simple, because they grow on you. Tyson is really annoying and loud, but he is so funny and full of life and personality. Max is always cheerful and it lightens any situation, with his curious blue eyes, how can anyone not love that kid? Rei is a bit more mature then the other two but his clam and light attitude just relaxes and calms you. Kenny is a very smart kid. He wears his emotions right out in the open. You can always tell if he's scared, nervous or happy. Dizzy is always sarcastic. Though she maybe stuck in a laptop she is still part of the team. Then Kai, Kai is quiet and strong. He never likes to worry people intentionally though he often does. Kai is a bit, harder to read then the others. He has complex layers and you can't tell what he's thinking, but nevertheless he is captain of one of the best teams ever. She paused for a brief moment.

The black sky overhead was threatening, with its large crashes of thunder. The hard raindrops hit Mareese like marbles. Her tears mixed well with the rain that slowly beaded and dripped down her already soaked face. Meanwhile the Bladebreakers had stopped running as well. "Look guys this isn't doing any good... we don't even know where he is!" Kenny yelled trying to sound as grown up and calm as he could. "Grrrr.... But he's out there!" He's out there you guys! So let's find him! And take care of HIM for a change!" yelled Tyson. As he ran off into the rain. The rest of the team had no choice but to follow. About ten minutes of running. The two "search parties" collided.

"Ahh..who the hell....." Tyson said before getting his bangs out of his eyes.

"Oh good... I found you.... I've been trying to find him as well...." Mareese said as she slowly got up of the ground, holding a hand to Tyson. "Finally... man Tyson you run fast.." Rei said as the rest of the team caught up. "Mareese?!" "umm...yeah...hi Rei, hey guys.... I was....just..Umm ....looking for you...and umm...Kai as well." Just then a big flash of lightening hit illuminating their surroundings. As all 5 teens looked around trying to see where their tired feet had taken them... Mareese noticed what looked like a body lying in the creek.

"You guys! There!" Mareese said pointing a trembling finger to the direction of her find. Tyson was the first to slide down the slope and inspect what it was. In his heart, deep in his heart, he hoped that... he hoped that it wasn't Kai. This person looked too dead and finished to possibly be Kai. The remaining four slid on their heels down the grassy and wet slope. "Is it Kai!?" Rei asked squinting his eyes to see threw the rain.

Tyson waited for all his friends to catch up before they proceeded to what they hoped but at the same time hoped wasn't Kai. They're hearts cracked in millions of pieces, when they saw the familiar and scratched gloved arm. They slowly turned him over... Mareese wanted so much to just run away from this situation. When she first met Kai he was so strong. And that's why she was attracted to him in the first place, he was also really smart, and he seemed like he could handle anything. But now, now.... When she looked at him, she still saw the same 4 blue triangles, and the slate colored hair, but this was different. His skin was so pale and he had blood that marked exactly where he lay in the cold river. To put it lightly, he looked terrible. None of the teens were prepared to handle this at all.

"We have to get him out of this river now!" Mareese yelled, trying to make herself known that she was angry and infused that Kai had to be like this. Taking control of the situation she slowly and gently slipped one of Kais gloved arms over her shoulders, at this point Rei came and also helped by taking his other arm. Now lifted from the river Kais head hung low, making his eyes invisible to the others. Working as a team they got Kai out of the ditch. Once they reached the wet black top of the road, at this point in time, Kai s eyes opened.

___that's it....

Thanks for chapter 5:

Rinnalaiss Turegwaithen- could you have chosen a more complicated screen name? ^_^ Technology has been wasted on me..... so sorry for the long update..

The fire-breathing-ferret- I know.... But isn't Kai torture the only kind that makes sense?

Oil Pastel( Sherbert Mayhem)- having and identity crisis agane? Thank you, I really appreciate your comments... your story kicks ass! IF YOU HAVE NOT READ WAR... READ IT! JUST DO!

Zoe- ZOE! Yah! Nice review! You are fantastic! The truth is I think I wrote less then the last chapter.. so sorry aboot that..

The Fire-breathing-ferret- so your ferret is getting angry? Well that sounds like fun.... Tell me when I should stop by..... *_*

Ms Hobgoblin- nooo.... Kai is not dead. yes Kai torture is the only torture that makes sense... gross?? No not gross... lovely absolutely lovely... and with that said.. wouldn't it be fun to meet me in real life? *_*

Kuramie and Kairamith- what's with the long and confusing names!? ^_^ Dialogue filled review! Of course you can have a milkshake, name the flavor and it's yours! After your review I feel kind of bad about the news at the end... but what can I say... it's dead. I loved your review! You are fantastic!

Rinnalaiss Turegwaithen (again)- longer?

Chapter 6 reviews

Singaporean girl- well the updated part happened... just not soon...

Rinnalaiss Turegwaithen- I memorized how to spell it..... thank you for your fabulous review! you're a rockstar! Sssssssssss....yes I am a slow poke.. and probably soon-to-be dead aswell.

Mememorylikea666fish- well thank you very much for that review.... Like I said youll probably want to kill me... and I cant blame you either.

The Fire-Breathing- Ferret- oh don't worry... hes let out...

Ruth_4_kai- raw raw raw.... Well I updated right? Just not asap..

Zoe- uhhhh.... Wow O_O that's a lot of really's.....

Ms Hobgoblin- no, writers block is never a good thing.... And this time it almost won...

Bffimagine- well "Kate" ^_^ thank you for revieling my identity to the world.. I appreciate it... now about half the mystery that I had going on is dead..... and im thankin you....^_^

Imari- well thank you for reading and revieweing the story. Yes, I think that all Kai-lovers like torturing Kai... Kai torture is the only kind of torture that makes sense... ^_*... OoOoO CrEePy smiley.....

Allright that's it... if I forgot anyone go screw yourself...... ^_^ but I truelly ma sorry if I forgot anyone... tell me if I did...

And now on to the news...

The plan was to make it longer, but I'm just so sick of these dungeon stories were its always the same Kai angst Voltaire gets him, he gets beat up, then the hospital scene.. but then what? Its so painfully boring and obvious... I think I'm just going to stop this story! So I'm sorry to say but this is most likely the last chapter.... If you have any ideas about where to take this story tell me before I bury it. In my opinion its already dead and buried.. and its one of those situations where it can never be brought back to life. So thank you for wasting your time with me, and my story but its over. It might get updated, but I doubt it... so thank you for keeping up with this and thank you for reading what was in my head. And remember Im pretty sure that a lot of you guys, like the kid with the ferret will want to kill me... but you cant kill me if Im already dead.... You may want to think about this...

In the meantime R.I.P Gone in a Flash.... Because you sure lasted long