Disclaimer: I do not own Metropolis in any form or will ever do so. All characters, areas and ideas associated with Metropolis are products of the creator and are subject to copy right to him.


Duke Red walked down the snow-filled street and stared with a form of pity at those who lay dead at his feet. They had been fools to think that they could resolve Metropolis to their liking, and at least now they would stop their continual plague of demonstrations and pleas for help.

'Honestly' he thought to himself, 'they don't know how generous we are to them'. Duke Red had never lived below Upper Level and felt that they gave Zone 1 more than they realised.

He continued to pass the bodies, some of them groaning slightly, others simply dead. He allowed a small sigh and shake of his head before deciding that there was nothing here anymore but bodies. Just as he turned to go, a voice near-by whispered, "Rock.".

He turned and saw a girl of about nineteen lying facedown in the snow. Blood was seeping out from an horrific wound, caused by firing he guessed, but she seemed to be trying to reach someone.

Her hand was extended and open, revealing scars cut deep into her flesh.

He stepped towards her, amazed by how this girl had managed to stay alive. She had to be a true fighter, and if she lived.he jumped as without warning the girl grabbed onto his trouser leg and looked at him with sad brown eyes, "Father." she breathed painfully, "I.I tried to.".

"Hey, I think you're mistaking me for someone else" said Duke Red, trying to carefully move the debris from her.

Either she hadn't heard or was far to gone in death to be aware that she wasn't talking to the man she thought he was, but she kept going, "I.tried to protect.Rock.but.I'm sorry" her voice was a very tiny squeak and he knew he had to get working.

"Hey! Come and help me" he yelled to some passers by, but they had their hands full, carting off those who were already dead. He growled slightly in annoyance and turned back to the girl, "It's going to be alright. I'll get help. Just hold on, by the gods you are one strong fighter. Hang on a little longer" he pleaded as he continued to remove bits of metal.

Finally he pulled her away and held her tight, "There we go, now just stand up and I'll help you out" he said, praying that she would survive.

"Rock!" she called, reaching out behind Duke Red and twisting around. Duke Red frowned and grumbled slightly but turned around to see who she was calling to.

Sitting in a cross-legged position, staring with fear at the girl and Duke Red, was a young boy with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was wearing a ragged Blue top and plain brown trousers. Tears were streaming down his face, and he also tried to reach out for the girl, but muttering, "sister" in-between sobs. Duke Red looked down at the girl and then to the boy, slowly he traced his way to the boy not sure why he was doing this.

He set her down gently and instantly the boy she called Rock had latched onto her neck and was sobbing incisively.

The girl was having breathing difficulties and was in need of help, but said, "Be brave Rock, be strong" then carefully she turned her eyes onto Red. He felt his heart skip a beat, she knew that she was dying, she knew her fate, "Father.watch over him.for me".

Slowly her eyes closed and a single breath escaped her lips in nothing more than a cloud of hot air. Her body slumped and she was silent, never to move again. Rock, the young boy, gaped at her for several seconds and then grabbed a hold of her again, weeping openly and freely, calling "Sister, sister".

Red lowered the girl to the ground and stood to leave her there for the carts to pick her up. He felt a certain amount of pity for the girl's parents but they were probably amongst the dead.

Rock remained by his sister's side, staring dumbly at her. "Watch over him.for me" her last works in this world, a desire to protect a sibling until after death.

Whether on impulse or the girls final wish struck him hard, Duke Red took a hold of the boy named Rock and headed away. The only proof they had been there were their footprints in the snow.