Weavings of the Heart

Written by: Karen


Chapter 12: Love

Okay okay this time I have an excuse for my absence. I was waiting until I could get my own computer in my room, that way I'd have a lot more time to write…but my parents are poor and we can't afford a brand new computer with a monitor…so we decided I'd get our old Windows 95...but we didn't have a monitor and it would be a LONG time before we could afford one…but my Aunt gave me my late Uncle's old monitor and here I am!!!!!

Fan Responses

Inulover626~ Yep well here's the final chapter!

Larvle~ don't you hate me lol?

Zero27~ to tell you the truth…I don't even know ^-^;;;

LiL psYch0~ sorry for the long wait ^-^;;;

Sango'n'Miroku4ever~ YAY Pixie Sticks!!!!!!!!

Aamalie~ thanks!

Style~ thanks I made the plant thingy up cause…well I'm not really sure ^-^;;

Style~ heh heh…you were laughing at the crying part? Lol

Style~ thank you! I write my stories listening to music…and when I typed that, I was listening to the TV…and they were talking about breaking marriages…or something

Vernie~ yes he is a moron…but he's Sango's moron!

Delonwethiel~ thanks!

mystic legacy~ thank you :D

Fantasy Cat~ Actually…I don't have a good reason…I'm thinking though

Psychochild88 ~ hee hee I'm glad him not me :P but you'll see in this chapter :D

Aki T~ hee hee aren't I evil?

Atamus~ I know…Miroku's stupid :P

Veggiechan342 ~ well I can't think of anything that could make it continue…sowwy…

Kaylana~ heh heh ^-^;;

pink jingling~ thanks!

Siren of Erased ~ I want a laptop ;-;

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"Sango…I think maybe we should rethink this marriage idea…" He said softly, avoiding my eyes.

"Wh- WHAT?!" I looked up angrily. How could he say that…how COULD he say that! After all we've been through…after EVERYTHING!

"I'm sorry…I just…" He murmured, shaking his head and biting his lip.

"No…tell me why? You… you can't just say that! Miroku God damn it!" I screamed, my voice cracking as my vision started to blur.


"No Miroku! Tell me! What…what did I do wrong?!" I whispered, tears were flowing freely and he looked away.

"Ten months ago, you wouldn't be crying. You'd slap me…call me Houshi-sama, but you'd never cry. Sango…" He trailed off, kicking the grass lightly with his feet.

"You don't propose to someone…and then call it off…Miroku…I thought you loved me!" I kicked the ground angrily, not caring that villagers were staring.

"Please Sango…we just can't get married…I mean…you're only sixteen…"

"GOD DAMN IT! I'm pregnant for God's sake! And now…and now your telling me that because I'm sixteen I can't get married? MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU PUT YOUR GOD DAMN THING IN M-" Miroku's hand clasped over my mouth before I finished, the villagers were staring and talking…probably about what I almost said. My face heated up as I realized I was yelling.

"Nothing to look at here…^-^;;;" Miroku laughed slightly before I bit him. "Oww!" He instantly put his finger to his mouth.

"I know what this is about!" I said suddenly, it was all clear. "You don't want to bow down to commitment. You just want to stay your perverted self, having a different girl in your robes every night! You don't want to have stupid me next to you when you wake up. You hate me don't you!" I glared at him. I was so stupid, how I could think he actually loved me? All the things he said…they were probably all lies. I ran blindly away from him, not knowing where I was going.

'I'm so stupid…and ugly…and fat…all because of that stupid demon! But probably before that demon I was still ugly and fat…' my mind teased me, making me think things I didn't want to. I stopped running when I reached a tree…or more ran into the tree. Tomorrow will be my last day with everyone. I'd take Kohaku and Kirara and leave this place. And of course I'd have to kill the child when I have it…I wouldn't want Miroku's likeness…but to kill a child?

No. It'll have to be done…no matter how much I might love this unborn child…I have to get rid of it…a crack in the bushes set me to alert mode.

"Go away Miroku. I hate you!" I called out.

"Aneue? (older sister)" Kohaku stepped out of the underbrush. Kohaku…how he changed…

"Aneue…what's wrong?" He asked, sitting next to me. I laughed slightly.

"Nothing…just thinking about stuff…we're leaving tomorrow…"

"Don't kill it." He said suddenly.

"What?" I asked, how did he…

"A wise person once told me that the most ferocious demons are the ones that look like humans. I didn't understand it at first…but I think that I figured it out. Not only are demons that look like humans ferocious, but so are humans that have demonic thoughts. The same wise person told me that our strength lies in numbers. Killing something will accomplish one thing. Diminishing our strength." I stared in wonder, how had he remembered all of that.


"I think you should listen to Miroku…he didn't mean to hurt you." He said, getting up and walking away, only to be replaced by Miroku.

"Hey." He whispered softly. I nodded.

"Hey." He sat next to me and looked forward.

"I still want to marry you…I just…think it would be better if we waited until you and Kohaku get back to normal."

"It will never be normal."


"No…I'm not finished. I don't care about anything right now…Kohaku can't grow if he just has me. How am I supposed to teach him everything. I can't. I'm only human. Miroku, I need you. I need to have you by my side. Don't you understand?" I looked back at him, noticing for the first time in a long time…he was crying. "Miroku?" I whispered.

"Sango…I'm so afraid…what if I can't protect you. I don't want to live knowing I couldn't protect you…"

"Everyone has that fear…Miroku please…"

"I don't hate you."

"I know." I said, getting up. He stood up and walked next to me, our eyes focused on the path ahead.

"How did you get that bump?" He asked suddenly, stopping and touching my head lightly. I blushed, remembering my run-in with the tree…no pun intended.

"It's nothing." I said smiling slightly.

"When's the baby due?" He asked suddenly. I calculated mentally in my head and frowned.

"about one to two weeks?" I said before nodding in confirmation.

"Then we only have a couple days to prepare."

"For what?" I asked, cocking my head slightly.

"The wedding stupid." He walked ahead of me and I smiled this was right. I knew it.

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end story

Karen: wow two story finished in one day…must be a miracle…or a curse…whatever you think… :P I just want to thank every reader…and because of this story…Miroku and Sango are my fav. Couple! One of the reasons I made a shrine to them and Inu/Kag ( ) I have fanfic contests every so often so be sure to enter them ^-^;;

Thanks again!
