Hakusho Reaver

Chapter 1- The beginning

I have had a lot of names in the past: my earliest being Youko. Back then, I was a thief, but I would later take the form of a human child. From that point, I was known as Suichi by my parents. Nowadays , However, a lot of my friends know me as Kurama.
At first, I was reluctant to accept the fact I was being raised by human parents. But my father eventually passed away at an early age, and mother fell ill. I couldn't help but feel responsible for her sickness.
That was when they showed up. Hiei and Gouki were their names. Gouki was a Kyukonki; a monster with rock solid purplish tan skin that was usually seven feet high. Hiei was a normal human upon first glance, but when you looked closer, you could see a third eye on him. Plus he had a second form that made his skin turn green, and made eyes appear on his chest and shoulders.
Both of them made a proposal to me. The two of them were planning on breaking into King Yamma's vault to steal the artifacts of darkness. There were three artifacts. The orb of Baast could steal the souls of innocent people, the shadow sword (which would play a huge part in my future) could turn anyone and anything it cuts into demons, and the forlorn hope was a mirror that could grant the wish of anyone who looked into it on a full moon. The forlorn hope was the item I was looking for. I could use it to restore the health of my mother! Gouki only wanted the orb of Baus so he wouldn't have to tear humans apart in order to eat their souls. And Hiei got the shadow sword. He wanted to start an army of demons for conquest of the living realm.
The rade was a success, but I wasn't interested in assisting Hiei in his game. At first, it would've appeared I'd get my lights knocked out, but then he stepped in. His name was Yusuke, or the great Yuromeshi as he'd later be called. His spirit energy wasn't very high, but a few days after we ended up meeting, I found out he managed to defeat Gouki! How he defeated a brutish creature like a kyukonki is a surprise in itself. But unlike the other two, I had no desire to fight. I simply wanted my wish, then I'd let him have the forlorn hope.
Unfortunately, there was one sacrifice. In order for the forlorn hope to grant a wish, it would take the life of the one making the wish in order to fulfill it. I guess that's where the forlorn part came in. But somehow, with a little help from Yusuke, it granted my wish without taking my life.
There was only one way I could think of to repay him. I assisted him in his battle against Hiei. Even in his demon form, Yusuke was still able to take him down by reflecting a blast of energy off of a mirror, and hitting Hiei in the back of the head with it. Of course, he had no clue his energy attacks could do such a thing. Here I thought he was a brilliant strategist, and it turned out he was just a lucky fool.

Yusuke, Hiei, and myself, along with a girl named Botan, and a thug named Kuwabara, would then embark on many other different adventures. So many, in fact, I've already lost count how many we've had. In time, Kuwabara managed to gain possession of a spirit sword, Yusuke learned attacks much more powerful than the spirit gun, and lots of other stuff.
Though we had quite a few adventures, I can still remember the last one we went through before it happened. Apparently, a demon by the name of Taujecht had found Hiei's attempt to use the artifacts of darkness as a form of inspiration. Unfortunately, he only wanted one. The shadow sword to be exact. At first, spirit world intelligence thought he'd use it to make the human race into an army of brain dead demons. However, instead of doing that, he used the shadow sword as a blueprint for his own version.
This new sword was supposedly more powerful than the first. It could turn humans into mindless demons like the original, but it also had a few other abilities we would later discover.
I, Hiei, and Kuwabara did battle with the ground monsters with our various abilities, Botan took care of the arial monsters, and Yusuke did battle with Taujecht. However, it got to the point where the monsters the demon had carved out were running low. I figured Kuwabara and Hiei could handle the remainder of the ground forces, so I went to help Yusuke.
There he was: the thief known as Taujecht. His skin was sort of a pale green color that made him look as if he were undead. The crimson red eyes didn't help him look any more human either. He wore a blue tanktop and black sweat pants as his battle attire, but that particular fact made him look rather scronny. Plus his pointy ears made him look like a character I saw on the TV show "Star Trek". He didn't look like much of an opponent compared to most of the other demons we've had to face, but I'll never forget his face.
I had shown up to help Yusuke, but I was apparently too late. For the instant I turned my attention to Taujecht, I sa him strike Yusuke with his sword! He wasn't killed, but he was definitely unable to stay conscious after that.
"My my." Taujecht laughed. "Can it be? The great Yuromeshi? Defeated?"
He didn't see me coming at first, and once he realized I was there, it was too late to do anything. I punched him in the jaw, and forced himb to fly backwards about ten feet, but he quickly somersaulted in mid flight, landed smoothly, and lunged at me. I avoided a strike from his sword, but unfortunately, Botan didn't.
Either she wanted to help out, or she just so happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time by pure coincidence, it didn't matter. For she fell victom to his blade. Kuwabara and Hiei diverted their attention from the twin dog mutants they were beating the daylights out of, and saw this.
"Yuromeshi!" Kuwabara shouted, and after a while added, "You jerk! I'LL KILL YOU!"
I always knew Kuwabara wasn't very bright. The fact he ran head on into a strike from that sword of his proved it.
So now it was just the two of us. Hiei and I. Hiei removed his cloak, exposing his bare upper half; then removed his bandanna to reveal his third eye. In an instant, he transformed into his demon form, and attempted to sike out his opponent with his amazing speed. Unfortunately, Taujecht was equally quick, and though it took a while, he still managed to strike Hiei at least seven times before he hit the ground.
"Well now," Taujecht laughed, licking the blood stains from the blade of his sword. "Looks like you're the only one left. I'll give you a choice. I can either kill you, or kill you. What's that? You want me to choose?" He prepared for a strike. "SO BE IT!"
I tried to avoid the cut of the sword, but I wasn't quick enough. I was cut right on the area where neck and shoulder met as the poisonous magic of the blade slowly began to take effect.

"Yo, Kurama." A voice said. "Wake up!"
I woke up, and saw Hiei in his demon form. Then I saw three other unfamiliar figures. One wore Kuwabara's blue jumpsuit, but looked like an orange kyukonki. One wore Yusuke's green jumpsuit, but had blue skin, and had facial characteristics of a bat. Red eyes, fangs, pointy ears (not as pointy as Taujecht, but pointy none the less), the works! And the last one wore Botan's outfit, but looked more like a combination of a vampire, and a skeleton with Botan's hair.
What happened to you guys?" I asked.
"You think WE look bad," the creature dressed like Kuwabara commented, "You should look at yourself."
The skeleton like Botan handed me a mirror, and there I saw it. My skin was covered with blue fur, my head was like that of a fox rather than a human, and my eyes were now a brilliant yellow!
"What happened to me?!" I demanded.
"Come on," the bat like Yusuke said, "your wounds aren't THAT serious. Hell, you can hardly notice them."
"The wounds don't bother me." I told him.
"Then what's the big deal?" a familiar voice replied.
Everyone looked to the left side of the room to see Taujecht standing in the doorway. He was now wearing a red cloak over the attire I had seen him wear priar to my curse, but that was the only difference. He was still the demon I saw from the battle.
"Here I thought you'd be glad to see your friends after waking up from your coma." He said. "Those humans nailed you pretty good. You were out for months!"
"Yeah man," Kuwabara replied, "We were this close to cutting you off."
"Funny," I said, "I remember YOU were the one responsible for injuring me."
Everyone seemed a little surprised, possibly even shaken by this comment. It was as if I had said something blasphemous about their god or something.
"He must have some amnesia." Hiei commented.
"Yeah really." Kuwabara commented. "Why would he think our leader would do something like that?"
Anything I had planned on saying at that moment was taken away from me the instant those words were spoken. Taujecht? Our leader? I know Kuwabara's not the brightest penny in the fountain, but even HE knew better. Or did he?
Then it hit me. The effects of Taujecht's sword not only transformed us into bizarre creatures, but it had mind control powers as well! But this still didn't make sense. If THEY were under his mind control, why wasn't I?
""I can explain it." Taujecht said. "In our recent attack on the humans, I went for a sword strike. However, Kurama accidentally got in the way and I couldn't stop myself in time. Thus leaving him open to a strike from my sword. The humans would eventually take advantage, and they would've killed him if I didn't save him. But let us get to the matters currently at hand. Our next attack on humanity will be an important one, so I will need some assistance. Who would like to come along?"
I instantly volunteered. The others objected, but Taujecht decided to let me come along.
I didn't know what he was planning on doing with us, but it was most likely he was converting humans into various types of demons, and was brain washing them along with other demons that weren't willing to work with him. I wasn't sure if we were the only humans he had currently recruited, or if there were more humans turned demon and we were simply higher in rank. I was not yet certain, but I hoped to get some answers.

It took a while, but we finally arrived at the spot Taujecht was looking for. No sooner did he arrive did he withdraw his sword, and begin examining trees.
"Tell me," He said, "Which one do you think would be worthconverting?"
"I don't know." I sighed. "They all look the same."
"You know, you're not acting like you usually do. What's wrong?"
It was then I could no longer take this. He thought he had converted all five of us, but he had only transformed me. Though we were all transformed, I still managed to keep my free will. And after seeing the way he was manipulating the others, I was far from willing to let him use me like a puppet in some sick little show.
"Yusuke and the others may not be able to see past your illusion," I growled, "But I'm fortunate enough to know good from evil. And I know damn well you aren't the savior"
He smiled as he went into a battle stance. "So, I see my curse didn't work on you." He laughed.
"Curse?" I demanded.
"Yes. This sword can turn humans and various other things into demons, and they still stay loyal to me after being cursed. Of course, there are differences. For one, most of the mutants maintain most of their intelligence, so they aren't total dimwits. However, you seem to be the first creation of mine that kept their free will, and I can't allow you to live any longer."
He leaped upward, and held the sword over his head, ready to strike me down. But I too leaped upward, and with my left claw, I left a deep gash in his chest. He shrieked in pain, losing his grip on the sword in the process, and landed face down in the ground. He slowly stood up, and gave me a glare that could kill the mightiest warrior if looks could do such things. I leaped forward, and attempted a second slash. But he saw me coming, and moved out of the way. Sadly, I couldn't rebound in time, and landed on my side. This gave him more than enough time to power up for an attack.
"Harrood niod siare don vergyn." He chanted, his energy increasing by the second as he did this. "Ine doe vardoss gondae wergon ONA DALA MOGA!"
Instantly, he began to glow a bizarre green color as his shape began to distort. His arms and legs grew much wider with newly acquired muscles, his body became less scronny and more muscular than before, and he then grew an extra foot! When the glow faded, his tanktop had disappeared completely, his pants became shorts, and his skin was now red.!
"Consider this a complement," he said. "I rarely have to shift to this form in battle."
I stood up, and avoided a massive blow that would've most likely decapitated me! His new form's strength was much higher than before, but unfortunately, it took him a while to catch on to things. So while his back was turned, I leaped upward, and let my claws dig into his back once I landed! He shrieked in agony, but managed to get me off of him by slamming his back into a tree. I sagged to the ground as my claws involuntarily freed him.
"You're pathetic." He laughed."Now then, allow me to show you the powers I've been keeping a secret for so long."
He grabbed me by the throat, lifted me up, and flung me to the other side of the forest! But just before I hit the on coming tree, an invisible force yanked me right back in his general direction. There I saw him winding up for a punch, and preparing for an attack. I was too weak to try and counter, so I could only wait for the on coming attack.
With a loud "BIG ARM BOMBER", he threw his punch at me, and in a painful explosion of green spirit energy, I was shot right back in the direction I was previously heading. This time, however, I slammed head on into the tree, and managed to knock it over! Slowly, but surely, I tried to stand, but I could only get to one knee. There, I saw him raise his hand, and let his sword float into it.
"Now then," he said. "If the sword can't convert you, I guess it'll just have to KILL YOU!"
He lunged forward with the sword over his head, and struck me with extreme force! So extreme in fact, he somehow managed to shatter the tip of the sword, and bury half of the shattered fragment of the blade into my flesh! I was in too much pain to notice his reaction, but I can just imagine how shocked he must've looked to see his sword had shattered.
"Damn!" He exclaimed. "I guess I don't know my own strength."

The rest was a blur, but I remember somewhere after that, I had been thrown in the river. Somehow, I managed to stay at the bottom, where my unconscious body would be paved over by mud and sea weed. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I could barely breathe! All I could do was look onward into the blurred above, wondering why I hadn't drowned yet. I could see, I could hear, but that was about it.
I stayed like this for a while, but then something would come along, and save me. Unfortunately, my saving would later become a curse. A curse that I'll never forget.