Chapter 9 - Kouji's diary

(A/N I will write random dates and only things that happened in the story!!!)

Note: Remember on the previous chapter when Takuya said about Kouji's diary? This chapter is about Kouji's diary.

Chapter 9 - Kouji's diary

Dear Diary,

Again, I moved to another school... I've had enough of this! First I've to leave China for Japan and since then I've been transferring to almost all schools in the city... But today I met something that bothers me, it is this girl called Izumi Orimoto... I've a sense of familiarity around her, this feeling always occur when I am around my first crush.

21st November

Dear Diary,

Today I got into a detention for fighting with that girl. That fat guy, JunPie (A/N On purpose I spelled his name wrongly) Shibayama or whatever he is called come and disturb us. So we threw him down the window and he landed on a monkey cage. That was the first time when we work together. It was so obvious that she hated me, from the way she looked at me.

When I was getting lunch at a place somewhere near my home, that girl came to me, she was eating in the same place together with her friends. She scolded me for no apparent reason. I was shocked, I scolded her back and she seemed really taken back. That hurt expression is really familiar, I've seen it before! Oh please don't tell me that it is her!

22nd November

Dear Diary,

I saw that girl in school again today. She seemed stunned all day... I wonder whether it's because of yesterday's incident, I have to apologize but it's not the time yet.

During class today, the teacher was talking about the dance. I thought this could be my chance to ask that girl out and apologize, maybe I could even found out whether it's really her. A girl called Kiyo asked me to the dance, of course I rejected her...

After school, I thought of asking her but she already got a partner, and that's her best friend, Kouichi Kimura. I somehow thought that Kouichi and I are related, he looked a lot like me, only that he had a shorter hair than I do.

I was walking home when that girl stopped me, she asked me why I scolded Kiyo. I was about to say that it's because of her. She didn't know what Kiyo scolded her, if anybody heard it, they would also do the same thing as me, or even worse. In the end, I scolded her again... How silly of me...

25th November

Dear Diary,

Today is the big day, I didn't get myself a partner... Why should I anyway? Except for that girl...

I took a stroll around the city when I saw that girl falling down, I caught her.

I thought of maybe talk to her but I failed again when I saw her partner, Kouichi. Oh god! When do I have the chance to get to know her better, even though she might not be Xiao Quan.

PS: I am scared... I am falling in love with her although I am always despising her... I can't fall in love with her! What should I tell Xiao Quan if I do?

26th November

Dear Diary,

Today I saw that girl kissing Kouichi, it was actually an accident, caused by Takuya. I felt really jealous... I just wished I could be in Kouichi's place right now... But can I?

After school, I walked past this alley and saw Kiyo, Kazuha and Kira beating that girl. I helped her... She called me Hui Er before she passed out.

I carried her to a park and helped her cleaned her wounds. During the process I saw something that shocked me. It's that necklace that I gave Xiao Quan before I left...

So I am right... She's Xiao Quan after all.

That girl explained to me the meaning of having friends, although I tried to argue, she still had much better reasons... I admitted defeat.

In the end, she asked me to be her friend, I was in a dillema... Would she accept me as a friend when she know I am the jerk who betrayed her trust? But I accept though... I wonder what's wrong with me...

25th December

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was Christmas eve and I was thinking of spending it alone, but who knows I met that girl... I let her come to my house and slept overnight, not that she wanted, it's because that she fell asleep... I have to admit it... I really felt happy when I am around her... I slept on the same bed as her, just like Christmas many years ago. Yesterday I really found out a lot of things about her that I never knew...

I am still confused... Should I tell her about my real identity? But if I do... She might hate me for not keeping my promise....

3rd January

Dear Diary,

I made some new friends today, it was Kouichi Kimura, JunPei Shibayama (Who were reluctant at first but accepted because he's scared of that girl) and Takuya Kanbara, it's all because of that girl.

I tried up for soccer as well today, I managed to get into the team... My new friends cheered for me... For the first time in my life, I thought that having friends are good... Friends...

4th January

Dear Diary,

Broke the 21st alarm clock today.

I met Kouichi yesterday. We talked about a lot of things and I realised we are similar in some ways. Somehow I wondered whether we were related somehow. Nah... can't be.

It's already about a month... I still haven't got the courage to tell her the truth... I am such a coward...

But come to think of it, what's the use of telling her? She already had Kouichi... I don't want to let her had any difficult choices... Kouichi was nice to me, he's a good friend, I really am lucky to have a nice friend like him, he must be sad if he knew that his girlfriend had another guy in mind.

It's better if I kept it a secret, isn't it? Although it's hard to keep it to myself...

2nd February

Dear Diary,

Won the soccer championship today. I heard this was the first time we won 1st. All along, we were 2nd. My teammates said that it was all because of Takuya and I. Of course I am good, I was the captain of the soccer team long way back. If I were to compete with Takuya, I would have won.

1st April

Dear Diary,

Tried to play pranks on Horiocai today. It's a disaster, all of our plans backfired. Now I am starting to wonder whether he's a human or a monster. For all you know, he might be an alien. You must be wondering why I started this, I was usually the person who was always quiet and inactive in class. But at the end of the year, I would be the one who got the best score. Must have been affected by those friends I had.

And so today, I was forced to do detention with Xiao Quan. And guess what??? I kissed her! I am such an idiot! From the look of her face, it looked like she knew something. Now what am I going to do???

A/N Nyah!!!! Sorry for not updating soooooooo long!!!!!!!!!!! Nyah sorry sorry sorry!!!! Anyway can any of u supply ideas? Got writer's block :'( The more ideas supplied, the faster I can update!) I might rewrite this chapter if u guys can tell me what else to write in this diary. And sorry for e OOCness, long time nv watch DF already