Crystal:  Hello Fanfiction readers.  I'm Crystal Light and this is my second YGO Fanfiction.  The style is going to be a little different from Seeking the Light.  For one, this story is told from a third person point of view.  I also have a muse; this is so cool ^_^.  Come out here and say hello to the readers.

Kris:  *walks into room* Hey there.  I'm Yami Kris.  I don't really know how it happened, but Crystal and I met and now I'm her muse and her yami.  Now what do I do Crystal?

Crystal*face fault*:  The disclaimer, Kris.

Kris:  Oh yeah, *goofy grin* Crystal doesn't own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh characters, but she owns her OCs and me.

Crystal:  Now on with the fic.


"Blah" = speaking

[Blah] = thoughts

Neko-chan = Kitty

Chapter One:  Meetings and Memories

            A sixteen-year-old girl stands and peers around the airport.  Her name is Crystal Hikari.  She's wearing a pair of blue jean capris, a white top with a line drawing of a blue dragon on it, on her feet is a pair of leather sandals, and she has a beat-up, sky blue backpack slung over her shoulder.  Crystal has dark brown hair that reaches the middle of her back, tied back into a tight braid.  Her usually cheerful sapphire eyes are filled with worry as she continues to peer across the airport for any sign of her oldest friend.

            "Where is he?" Crystal grumbled tiredly, "He should have been here fifteen minutes ago."

            "Neko-chan is that you?" A familiar voice asked, causing Crystal to look to the right.

            There she saw two very familiar boys and ran to them.   The taller boy had short, medium brown hair and ocean blue eyes.  He wore a long navy leather jacket over a black shirt and black pants.  The shorter boy wore a red vest over a yellow-gold shirt along with a pair of light blue jeans.  He had long unruly black hair and sparkling gray eyes.  These were two close friends of Crystal's from the orphanage her mother worked at, Seto and Mokuba Kaiba.

            "Seto-kun, Moku-chan." Crystal cried, wrapping her arms around the taller of the two boys, "I'm so glad to see you."

            "Let go Crystal." Seto choked out, "You're squeezing too hard."

            "Sorry." Crystal said, blushing slightly as she released her older friend only to have Mokuba leap into her arms.

            "I missed you so much, Crystal." Mokuba said.

            "I missed you too, Mokuba." She said, "Now, let me go so I can get my bags."

            "As long as you let me help you carry them." Mokuba replied.

            "Deal.  My other two bags will be on the luggage carousel." Crystal replied, "I need to talk to your brother, so wait over there for us.  You know what they look like."

            "You okay, Neko-chan?" Seto asked, once Mokuba was out of hearing range.

            "I don't know, Seto-kun." Crystal said, tears starting to fill her eyes, "I guess I can't believe she's really gone."

            "Lina was a fighter to the end, but she knew this was a battle she was going to lose." Seto said, placing a comforting arm over Crystal's shoulders, "Just remember the good times and that she fixed it so that you could stay with us."

            "I'll do that." Crystal said with a small nod, "We'd better go get my luggage before Mokuba tries to get it off the carousel."

            "Is it that heavy?" Seto asked raising an eyebrow.

            "If he grabs the wrong one, he may be dragged around the carousel." Crystal replied with a giggle.

            Sure enough Mokuba had grabbed the heavier of Crystal's two bags, and it was dragging him around the carousel.  It was easy to tell which ones were hers because there was a picture of a Wingweaver on both of her sky blue bags.  Crystal laughed and helped Mokuba pull off the heavier bag, while Seto grabbed the lighter bag.  Mokuba took the lighter bag from his brother and wheeled it behind him, as Crystal wheeled the heavier bag behind her.  Mokuba walked beside Crystal, and the two of them talked quietly.

            "What do you think of Domino so far?" Mokuba asked.

            "It's nicer than Tokyo." Crystal replied with a smile, "Then again it is a lot smaller, too.  So school starts next Monday?"

            "Yeah, It's a shame summer's almost over." Mokuba frowned, "But I get to see my classmates again."

            "That's nice." Crystal sighed, "So what have you two been doing this summer?"

            "Well, Seto's been working most of the summer.  He's either at the office or away on business." Mokuba sighed, "I usually stay home.  The meetings are really boring."

            "Well, then you and I can hang out." Crystal said ruffling Mokuba's hair, "Hey Seto, did you make the arrangements for me to meet with the principal?"

            "Yes, your appointment is tomorrow afternoon at two." Seto replied, "I'll give you a ride out to the school, but can't guarantee a ride home."

            "That's okay." Crystal replied, "How far is the school from your house?"

            "About three miles." Seto replied, "It's a good forty-five minute walk."

            "No big deal." Crystal replied, "If I find a bike, it will only be a twenty minute ride."

            "Why would you want to do that?" Mokuba asked, "The limo is much faster."

            "Cause, I like the exercise." Crystal giggled, ruffling Mokuba's hair.

            Once they got outside, Crystal noticed a black limousine waiting by the curb.  Seto casually walked up to it and a man with neat gray hair climbed out of the driver's seat and opened the back door.  Seto climbed in, while the driver took Crystal's three bags and placed them in the trunk.  Then Mokuba grabbed Crystal's hand and pulled her inside the limo.

            The inside of the limo was wonderful.  The seats were soft, navy blue velvet, and on the opposite side of the limo were a mini-fridge and a snack cupboard.  Seto was sitting closest to the opposite side and was typing away on a black laptop, causing Mokuba to frown.  Since Crystal was sitting across from Seto, she gave him a little nudge with her foot.  Seto looked up and raised an eyebrow at Crystal.  She tilted her head towards Mokuba, who was sitting beside her.

            "Mokuba, where would you like to go for dinner?" Seto asked, putting away his laptop.

            "Um, could we go to that new DZ on Main Street?"  Mokuba asked.

            "Anything for you little guy." Seto said with a smile, "Daisuke, head to the new Discovery Zone on Main Street."

            When they arrived at the Discovery Zone, Crystal looked at Seto in shock.  She couldn't believe that he actually agreed to come to a kid's play center.  Once the three of them went inside, Mokuba dragged Crystal over to a booth while Seto ordered the pizza.  Crystal looked around the huge room in awe.  Three-quarters of it was covered by a massive pipe maze.  There were two ball rooms each one with a slide into it, a bungee cord room, and a roller slide.

            Crystal could hear kids squealing with delight as they had ball fights and raced through the pipe tunnels.  Seto walked over to the booth and explained that the pizza would be ready in about thirty minutes.  Mokuba's face broke into a huge smile and grabbed Crystal by the arm.  Seto chuckled and said that he would call when the food arrived.  Once down by the pipe maze, Crystal and Mokuba took off their shoes.

            "You got to count to twenty and then come find me." Mokuba chirped, darting into a tunnel.

            "Little imp." Crystal giggled before counting up to twenty.

            Once she was through counting, Crystal climbed into the same tunnel Mokuba had gone into.  At each crossway in the tunnels, Crystal listened for Mokuba's voice.  At one break in the tunnel paths, Crystal saw Mokuba scurrying away.  He had seen her and was making a break for it.  Crystal crawled after him as fast as she could.  Mokuba laughed as he climbed into the bungee cord room and hurried to the other side.

            "The only way out is down, Mokuba." Crystal taunted, "I'm gonna catch you."

            "I don't think so, Crystal." Mokuba laughed, "Going down."

            Mokuba jumped down through the bungee cords, making and almost nonstop trip to the bottom of the room.  Crystal dove down the bungee cords and instantly found her right foot was stuck.  She was stuck hanging upside down and was not very happy about her predicament.  Mokuba had a mischievously glint in his gray eyes and hurried over to the booth where Seto was still sitting.  Crystal couldn't believe what Mokuba was doing; he was bringing Seto over to see her tangled in the bungee cords.

            "I thought you'd land on your feet, Neko-chan." Seto laughed.

            "I am so going to get you for this, Mokuba." Crystal seethed, "When I catch you, you'll regret it."

            "If I get you out, will you promise not to get me?" Mokuba asked.

            "Fine, just get me out before all the blood rushes to my head." Crystal replied.

            After Crystal was freed and they were finished eating, Seto decided that it would be best if the three of them headed home, an idea Crystal completely supported.  She was ready to unpack and go to bed.  However once she climbed into the limo, Crystal leaned her head against Seto's shoulder and fell into a deep sleep.  Seto smiled at his childhood friend; even after Mokuba and he had been adopted, she and her mother had tried to visit.  Crystal always seemed to know that Gozaburo was hurting Mokuba and him.

            "What are you thinking about, Big Brother?" Mokuba asked.

            "Do you remember how Crystal came to see us the week before Gozaburo adopted us?" Seto replied.

            "Yeah, that was the day Lina took that picture of us playing chess." Mokuba nodded, "Then on the day we left, Crystal gave us the card lockets."

            "I remember that day." Seto said with a sad smile.


            "Seto-kun, Moku-chan." An eleven-year-old Crystal called running to the two boys through the rain, "Wait for me, please."

            Seto (twelve) and Mokuba (seven) stopped before climbing into the huge black limo.  Crystal clutched two leather cords in her hands.  On the cords were two card-shaped lockets, and inside each locket was a picture.  Crystal placed the one with Mokuba's picture around Seto's neck and the one with Seto's picture around Mokuba's neck.  Crystal gave the two boys one last hug before they climbed into the limo.  Seto turned around and watched Crystal stand in the rain, waving good-bye.

            "Turn around, Seto." Gozaburo Kaiba said coldly, "Within a year she will have forgotten about the two of you."


            However, Gozaburo was wrong.  Crystal never forgot her two friends; she would write once a month and send birthday and Christmas cards.  After a while, Seto would have to sneak to the mailbox before one of the servants took it.  Gozaburo had tried to sever Crystal's connection to the brothers by having the servants burn her letters.  Then Seto learned that Crystal and her mother had tried to visit several times.

            Then when Gozaburo died, Crystal was finally able to visit.  Seto couldn't believe how four years had changed him and his friend.  She had grown older just as he had, but where she was still warm and sweet, he had grown cold and harsh.  Then about six months ago, a terrible thing happened.  Crystal's mother was diagnosed with leukemia, and it broke Crystal's heart to know her mother only had months to live.  Seto remembered going up to Tokyo to visit Lina before her death.


            "Seto, do you understand why I'm asking you to do this for me?" Lina asked, staring at him with tired brown eyes.

            "Yes, you don't want Crystal to go through what Mokuba and I went through." Seto replied, "I promise that I'll take good care of her, like she was my sister."

            "That's all I can ask, Seto." Lina said with a tired smile, "My lawyer has all the papers.  You know the address."

            "Momma?" Crystal asked, coming into the room, "What's going on?"

            "I'll explain, Lina." Seto said, placing a hand over Lina's, "Well, Neko-chan, Crystal, you know your mother isn't expected to live much longer."

            "I know that, Seto-kun." Crystal nodded.

            "She and I made arrangements so that you will live with Mokuba and me in Domino, instead of going to foster care or an orphanage." Seto continued, "She doesn't want you to go through what Mokuba and I went through."

            "Oh." Crystal said softly, before walking out of the room.


            "Big Brother." Mokuba said, gently nudging Seto, "We're home."

            Seto snapped back into the present and nodded.  Then he carefully gathered Crystal into his arms, before climbing out of the limo.  Mokuba opened the front door and held it while Seto walked inside.  Seto told two butlers to take Crystal's belongings to her room.  Both butlers nodded and went out to the limo to grab the girl's things.  Seto carried Crystal up to her room and laid her on the bed.

            As the servants quietly brought in Crystal's luggage, Seto took off Crystal's shoes and jacket.  Then he covered her tired body with the bed's covers.  Crystal opened her eyes slightly and gave Seto a tired smile.  Seto returned the smile, before rising to leave the room.  Crystal closed her eyes and snuggled into the warm blankets.  Seto walked to the door and smiled gently.

            "Good night, Neko-chan." He murmured, before closing the door.


Crystal:  Aaaw wasn't that sweet? ^_^

Kris:  Yeah, I think I'm getting cavities just reading it.

Crystal: *thwacks Yami Kris* Be nice or I won't give you any Tootsie Rolls later.

Kris:  No don't take my Tootsie Rolls.  I'll be good.

Crystal:  Ok, Kris, but you have to finish up.

Kris:  Ok *turns to readers w/ Chibi Eyes* Plz read and review.  Otherwise I may not get my Tootsie Rolls.