Heylo peoples. This is my first Gravitationf ic, so please be gentle! ^^ This chapter may be a bit short, but i'll try to make the others longer. Ja! ~ Yue.


"Ryu-chan! Get in here!" Noriko shouted out the door.

NG studios was having a bit of party gathering, but the lead singer of Nittle Grasper was still out dancing in the snow. Giggling in glee, Sakuma Ryuichi swirled in circles as the snow fell around him. Noriko couldn't help but smile at him. Ryuichi was over 30, but still, by some miracle, had never lost his innocence.

"Aaa..." Ryuichi cooed, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue to catch snowflakes and eat them.

Seguchi Touma appeared next to her in the doorway. "He's been out there for hours." Noriko said worriedly to him. Touma nodded with a slight frown.

"Ryuichi, you should really come in before you catch a cold." Touma told Ryuichi, who was now making snow angels.

"Hai!" Said Ryuichi, walking toward the door. However, as soon as he was alone again he went right back to rolling around in the snow. Shindou Shuichi appeared in the door next.

"Ano... Sakuma-san, you're going to get sick..." Shuichi began. Ryuichi turned to him, eyes glittering.

"SHUICHI!!! Come dance with me in the snow! Isn't it so pretty? All sparkly and shiny... PIKA PIKA!!" Ryuichi beamed, trying to drag Shuichi out into the cold with him.

Shuichi frowned. Ryuichi had been outside since about 4pm, and it was nearing quarter to seven.

"Shuichi, don't you like the snow?" Ryuichi asked, eyes and lips quivering. Actually, all of him was quivering, his light clothing soaked through. Shuichi put his light jacket around Ryuichi, who only blinked at him.

"Sakuma-san." Shuichi stated, keeping his voice low and soft. Ryuichi blinked at him again. "You have to come inside. You can always come back out later after you've been warmed up and had some dinner. Okay?"

Ryuichi thought for a moment. "What are we having for dinner?"

Shuichi laughed, filling him in, making sure to describe in luscious detail the ice cream sundae bar that the restaurant had, inching Ryuichi closer to the door.

Quite a few people breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Ryuichi coming back inside. Tohma walked up to Ryuichi, taking off his soaked coat and gloves. Tohma frowned, seeing that Ryuichi hadn't bothered with a hat or scarf, and his jacket had been wide open, soaking his shirt underneath.

"So, where is food? Are we going yet? Kumagorou so very hungry!" Ryuichi bellowed, waving a rather pathetic looking, and very wet, pink rabbit in the air excitedly. A few people sweatdropped at the childish statement, but most were used to such antics by Ryuichi.

Ryuichi scampered off to change, and everyone went back to their conversations and snacks. Shuichi frowned. Tohma and Noriko had since gone back to mingling, leaving him to watch over Ryuichi.

Hadn't anyone even noticed how red Ryuichi's cheeks were? How blue his lips were? How much he shivered when he spoke? How completely soaked to the bone he was? Did they care? Did Ryuichi HIMSELF even notice?

Shuichi vowed to himself to watch over Nittle Grasper's lead singer. He went over to the room Ryuichi was in and knocked.

"Sakuma-san?" He asked, seeing that the door wasn't even latched. He pushed it open, peering inside. His eyes widened.

Sakuma Ryuichi was sitting on the door cross-legged, the wet Kumagorou in his lap. Ryuichi was still in his wet clothes, telling the pink rabbit how bad it was for stuffed bunnies like him to stay wet. His face was flushed, cheeks scarlet, lips still a bit purple.

Shuichi shook his head, walking over to Ryuichi's suitcase, opening and it taking out some clothes. Ryuichi blinked at him yet again, and went back to smothering the pink rabbit with a towel. Shuichi held up a pleasant outfit, shiny black pants, a white dress shirt, and a purple jacquard vest. Ryuichi's eyes glittered.

"Ooooh, I've never mixed those together before! PIKA!!" Ryuichi giggled, snatching the outfit and running into the bathroom to change. Shuichi sat on the bed, waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting.

Shuichi was just about to get up when Ryuichi burst through the door, modeling the outfit for him. Shuichi noted that there was a chain belt added to the outfit and nodded his approval. Ryuichi giggled, running to the door that led to the party.

"ARE WE GETTING FOOD YET OR WHAT?!" Ryuichi yelled. Shuichi followed the exuberant man out the door, where people were putting on coats to leave. Ryuichi bounced up and down anxiously.

"Ryuichi, where is your coat?" Asked Tohma, putting on his own coat, the one with the elaborate feathers lining it's collar and sleeves. Ryuichi pouted.

"Kumagorou is guarding it cuz it's wet." Ryuichi said with authoritive nod."and so is Kumagorou." He added as an afterthought.

Tohma was about to open his mouth when Shuichi spoke. "He can wear my other coat, it matches his outfit and is very warm." Shuichi said, holding his coat out to Ryuichi, who took it eagerly, admiring the embellishments. Tohma's jaw set firmly at Shuichi's gentlemanly offering, but said nothing. Instead, he turned and walked out the door. Shuichi cringed.

At the restaurant, Shuichi sat next to Ryuichi to watch him. While Tohma and the other NG goons talked business, Shuichi made himself busy trying to eat, whilst dragging Ryuichi away from the dessert bar multiple times, trying to get the other singer to eat something healthier.

Ryuichi, stubborn in his own right, ate his dinner and dessert simultaneously, causing Shuichi to smirk. After a sundae bigger than the Tokyo Tower itself, Ryuichi sat back in his chair, watching the officials blabbering. To Shuichi, the singer looked immensely bored.

Ryuichi sniffled, causing Shuichi's head to snap up and look at him. Ryuichi blinked at him yet again, the cherry from his sundae half in and half out of his mouth. Shuichi frowned as he noticed that the cherry matched his cheeks.

"Did you want it, Shuichi?" Ryuichi asked, holding the cherry out to Shuichi, but looking as if he didn't really want to give it up. Shuichi smiled at him genuinely. "No, that's yours, Sakuma-san." He said, hoping he didn't appear as worried as he felt.

Ryuichi kicked his feet under the table, unable to sit still. A few minutes passed, and everyone got up to leave.

As they were walking down the hallway of the hotel they were all staying at, Ryuichi sneezed. Shuichi frowned. "Sakuma-san, you're sick..." Shuichi said, putting a hand to Ryuichi's forehead, pulling it back quickly with a gasp. Ryuichi was burning up!

"I wonder if Kumagorou is dry yet..." Ryuichi mumbled distantly, his voice loosing the childlike quality it normally had. This was the lead singer of Nittle Grasper, the serious side of Sakuma Ryuichi. The sudden switch unnerved Shuichi, who walked a little faster, intent on getting Ryuichi back to his room.

As they entered the elevator, Ryuichi leaned in the corner of it, looking very dazed. Several dozen floors later, the elevator doors opened. Shuichi started to walk out, expecting Ryuichi to be behind him. He turned around, finding Ryuichi still leaned against the wall of the elevator. Was he sleeping standing up?

"Sakuma-san? Are you coming?" Shuichi asked tentatively. Ryuichi said nothing, just walked out of the elevator, following Shuichi numbly. Shuichi slowed down, walking level with the other singer, worried. Ryuichi's eyes had no focus, and even when he got to his room, he looked like he'd just keep walking until he ran out of floor.

Ryuichi blinked slowly as something tugged on his sleeve, he turned around to find Shuichi holding onto him, having stopped at a door. Ryuichi looked at the number on the door. 317. Reaching into his pocket, he looked down at the key card in his hand. 317.

"Oh." Was all he said, and walked slowly to the door, swiping the key and watching the light turn green. The door clicked, unlocking.

Ryuichi just stood there.

Shuichi sighed, taking the idol's arm and bringing him inside the room.