Eh it took a really long since I updated….almost a few months. Bad kage! bad sickness is more like it…gah and the holidays are never safe around this house. Things went from bad to worse as more people showed up, but oh well. At least things are slowly falling back into place…and now I just have to finish homework and all shall be alright…..well wait no. I have a lot of fanfics to update to…kuso. Oh well. Let's just get on with it shall we? Good. I hope...heheheheh…

Notes: some of these happenings have taken place…but not all of them. I'd rather not have the cops called on Hiei and Kurama nor would I like them drunk out of there minds like what seems to happen at most of my family get togethers….so! We're just going to stick with good ole fashion normal ……..wait what is ever normal with this fanfic?…ignore this note.

Chapter,12: A Thanksgiving Dinner

"It's like one holiday crashes in with the other," Kurama muttered as he dragged himself out of bed and headed down his stairs and into the kitchen. His mother still out of town -thank kami- and so he would be the one left to make thanksgiving dinner….even though like Halloween…thanksgiving was not celebrated in Japan…not directly anyway. Thanksgiving in Japan was known as Labor thanksgiving day which was celebrated on the 23rd of November. They didn't cook turkey like the Americans did, but Kurama wanted to be a bit different this year and try it.

So cursing himself for the stupid idea, he made his way into the kitchen and glared at the butterball turkey his mother had sent him from America that now laid in the kitchen sink.

"Alright, let's make one thing clear," Kurama said glaring at the turkey in front of him. "If you make Hiei hyper, I will track down your dead soul and destroy you," he warned and took out a knife cutting off the paper. Thus he began to prepare the turkey.

10 minutes later…


Kurama cringed dropping the knife in his hand. It fell onto the floor making him almost stab himself in the foot. Breathing hard to try and catch his breath he looked up glaring and than sighed. He knew Hiei couldn't stand to ever be alone in the bedroom.

"What Hiei," He yelled up the stairs from his chair picking up the knife. Wondering if it'd just be easier to take the knife to himself rather than the turkey he stood up and walked over to the sink placing the knife inside. He pulled a clean knife out of the drawer and walked back over to the table.


"I'm downstairs in the kitchen Hiei," Kurama screamed. He picked the knife up and stabbed the turkey hard in the back.

Hiei walked down the stairs happily and yawned as he walked over to Kurama.

"Why did you…..what's that," He asked staring curiously at the turkey.

"It's a turkey Hiei. We're trying something different this year for Thanksgiving."

"Kurama, Thanksgiving isn't for another 4 days."

"…They celebrate Thanksgiving on the 24th in America Hiei. I wanted to try making a Turkey. So we'll have a turkey today, and chicken as usual on the 27th."

Hiei stared and than shrugged sitting down in the chair next to Kurama's.

"Can I help?"

Kurama looked up at Hiei stary eyed.

"Y, you actually…want to help Hiei?" Hiei sweat dropped and than nodded. Kurama smiled at him and handed him the knife obviously not thinking himself. "Alright, stab the turkey gently with the knife and than I'll place the onions and garlic inside of it."

"Garlic and onions?"

"Well…I admit I've never made a turkey before…but I couldn't really read my mother's handwriting. She seemed to have been in quite a hurry when writing this letter…so I'm doing both."

Hiei shrugged and stabbed the turkey for all it was worth. Kurama placed both the garlic and onion into the holes of the turkey. After they were finished Kurama stood up placing the turkey into the oven and sat back down.

"Kur, Kurama you're crying," Hiei screamed dropping the knife and latching onto him. "WHY! DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG," he cried out latching harder and nearly cutting off Kurama's air supply.

Kurama nearly fell over out of his chair and passed out from the attack. Forcefully pulling Hiei's arms off from around his neck he forced a smile on his face and wiped a few tears away.

"It's just because of the onions Hiei."

"The onions made you cry," Hiei demanded. "I'll kill them all!"

He jumped up grabbing his sword and Kurama quickly tackled him before he could go all out on the oven.

"NO," Kurama hissed pinning Hiei to the floor tightly. "It's just something that happens. Here, why don't we go watch a movie or something?"

"….Hamtaro," Hiei asked pleadingly with huge puppy eyes.

Forcing his pride down for peace Kurama nodded.

"Alright Hiei. We can watch Hamtaro."


The morning went on slowly with Kurama getting up every now and than to check on the turkey and to spray butter on it. Hiei remained in the room watching the Hamtaro marathon that was on.

"I love Hamtaro," Hiei stated happily as another episode went over with. He was alone, Kurama had gone downstairs to spray the turkey with the yellow stuff and Hiei would have to find something to do while the commercials were on.

He looked around and than noticed Sora curled up in a ball on the bed. Grinning evilly thinking of all the bad things he could possibly do to the cat while he was asleep he crawled over to him.

"I am going to destroy you," Hiei whispered evilly getting onto his knees and holding his sword up into the air. As the sword was coming down to stab the cat, Sora hissed jumping up and attacked Hiei without mercy. The cat had actually been awake the whole time and had lured Hiei into attacking him so it had an excuse to attack Hiei back.

Hiei screamed loudly as he dropped his sword and tried to pull the cat off his face.

"LET GO! KURAMA GET YOUR CAT OFF ME," he screamed as loud as he could hoping his lover would hear him and come to his rescue.


"LET GO! KURAMA GET YOUR CAT OFF OF ME," was what Kurama heard, well that and a loud thump.

Kurama just sighed though having had enough for awhile and leaned against the counter taking out a small candy bar. Today seemed like it was never going to end. He seriously began wondering if he should of invited Yuusuke and Kuwabara over for dinner, but decided that Hiei and himself could in no way possibly eat the thing with all the other food by themselves.


"I wish he'd go for your vocal cords," Kurama whispered finishing up his small stress treat and throwing the wrapper away. Hey, dessert was stressed spelt backwards.

Taking a deep breath Kurama made his way up the stairs and back into the room where Hiei was running around like a lunatic, nothing unusual about that, with the cat attached to his head, that was new.

"Sora, please get off of him."

The cat looked up purring and jumped off of Hiei's head running over to it's more favorite of the two and rubbing up against his leg.

"Hey! Kurama's mine not yours," Hiei hissed at the cat. Kurama rolled his eyes and walked over to Hiei. He picked him up set him down on the bed and pointed.

"Look, Hamtaro's back on."

Hiei instantly went silent and began watching the show as though it was some kind of religious meeting. Kurama began to wonder, not for the first time, if maybe he should cut Hiei's anime hours down.

(A few hours later)

The doorbell rang and Kurama who'd been down in the kitchen checking the turkey yelled up saying he'd get it. Hiei was to memorized by the Hamtaro show to give any notice anyway though, so Kurama was free to answer the door without being cut down.

"Yuusuke, Kuwabara…Welcome…." He looked over at Yuusuke pleadingly. "Tell me there's some kind of mission going on in a few days that either requires Hiei's chance of death or mine."

The two boys looked at each other a bit nervously before looking back at Kurama.

"Are you okay Kurama…" Yuusuke asked still a bit nervous as to the way Kurama had been acting. Over the past month, ever since Halloween actually, Kurama had been acting extremely nervous and shaking with just about everything.

"Alright? You want to know if I'm alright," Kurama demanded his eyes narrowed. "Yuusuke if I had a knife in my head I'd kill you," he growled moving out of the doorway so they could walk in.

"Moody," Kuwabara whispered and Yuusuke nodded in agreement.


They both sweat dropped, Kuwabara closing the door behind him.

"So…where's shorty?"

"Watching Hamtaro upstairs…"


Without another word Kuwabara ran up the stairs as fast as he could and into the room Hiei was watching the show at. A loud crash ensure, the cat started hissing and growling, Hiei began screaming and water started flowing down the steps.

Kurama just stared at it all and shrugged moving back into the kitchen.

'Why did I ever fall for a fire demon like that…oh wait. It's the sugar that's doing this,' Kurama thought to himself ready to ram his head into a wall.

"Eh…aren't you going to do anything about that," Yuusuke asked shifting from side to side looking from all the water pouring down the steps to Kurama.

"They'll kill themselves soon enough," Kurama muttered and sat down his head in his hands. "Yuusuke I don't know what to do anymore. He's almost always constantly sugar high. I can't send him back to makai, the demons would all burn my house down if I sent him back that way. Genkai won't take him, and koenma said if I ever leave him at his mansion again for over 3 minutes he'd not only put me in jail, he'd make sure Hiei was in the cell with me," Kurama sobbed for he had entertained the thought of being put in jail just to get away from Hiei.

"Eh…look. Why don't you just hide the sugar from him," he asked moving into the kitchen and taking a seat directly across from Kurama.

"I tried. I've removed every single thing that could possibly have sugar in it. I dumped the sugar bowl out, I set fire to his Halloween candy, I killed the cough drops and everything I buy now is sugar free…I don't know where he's getting it from! I've turned the house upside down looking and I'm finding nothing."


Yuusuke thought about it a moment blinking when the words 'I killed the cough drops' registered in his mind and tried to shake it away before he started laughing again.

"You sai--"



Kurama slumped down farther in his hair entwining his fingers in his hair.

"Yuusuke please, I need help. I need Hiei under control before he destroys the house and whatever else he can destroy."

Yuusuke nodded in agreement and thought more.

"You said you took him to a consular of some sort?"

"He murdered the consular."

The spirit detective sweat dropped.

"Well have you begged him not to eat any more sugar?"

"He told me I was being selfish for asking and if I asked again he'd murder me and the bed," Kurama replied sadly getting an even bigger sweat drop from Yuusuke.

"Well maybe you should just send him to a addiction clinic…caffeine is a drug…you can get him sent there for help."

At this Kurama looked at Yuusuke, his eyes lit up brightly and sparkling.

"Yuusuke….you are the smartest person in the world. I love you," he sobbed latching onto Yuusuke tightly and hugging him.

Before anyone could register with what was going on, Kurama was shoved against the wall, Yuusuke on the floor bleeding, and Hiei in front of Kurama.

"You stupid slut you tried to cheat on me," Hiei growled at Kurama his sword aimed at Yuusuke's throat. "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!"

"Hiei I do love you," Kurama said not even half-heartedly.

"You're lying," Hiei sobbed. "If you don't tell me the truth, I'll kill him!"

Kurama's eyes shot open and he fell to his knees latching onto Hiei.

"SEE I DO LOVE YOU SEE," he yelled and Hiei smirked patting Kurama on the head.

"Good fox."

Kurama rolled his eyes and let go looking at the stairs frowning as Kuwabara made his way down them. The oaf was soaked, half his hair missing, scratches all over him and a few teeth missing. Sora came running down the stairs a few seconds later, only practically soaked and ran into the living room to clean himself.

"….Hiei why do I have the feeling my bed is destroyed…again…"

"………it's not," Hiei asked innocently trying to sneak away from his lover.

"HIEI," the fox demon grabbed Hiei by the back of his cloak and shoved him into one of the dinner chairs. Growling, his eyes flaming he pulled out the duct tape and taped the poor fire demon to the chair. Kuwabara and Yuusuke quickly began backing up at Kurama's out burst, but quickly stopped dead in their tracks when Kurama looked up his evil glare paralyzing them in place.

"Both of you get back here and sit down," Kurama said through clenched teeth, his tone one of complete anger. The two humans had no choice, but to obey and quickly ran over to the chairs and sat down. "Now, I'm going to serve this damn turkey and you're all going to eat it. And if you try to not eat it, I'll c ram it down your worthless throats," he screamed an walked over to the stove pulling out the turkey.

Everyone began shifting nervously in their seats wanting to leave as soon as they could. Yuusuke figured he might be able to outrun Kurama for awhile, but he'd be found soon enough due to Kurama's sense of smell. Kuwabara didn't stand a chance, and Hiei had to give up before he even started since not only would he no doubt he the first one that Kurama would go after, but he was duct taped to a chair.

Kurama dropped the turkey down onto the table, the look in his eyes daring anyone to try and question him as he began passing out plates, silverware and the such and place them down on the table.

"It's a turkey, I wanted to try and American styled Thanksgiving," Kurama said before anyone could ask what was up with the weird utensils and all the foreign food.

No one said a word though as he began putting the other dishes onto the table with food in them. They all remained quiet until Kurama asked them what they wanted to drink, to scared that if they remained silent he'd murder there on the spot.

"I want some green tea…" Kuwabara said nervously really just wanting to run.

"Eh…I'm good with be--" He stopped immediately seeing flames start to raise up in Kurama's eyes. "Milk, I mean milk," He replied quickly.

"Hiei," Kurama hissed turning to look at his immobile lover.

"Pepsei," he answered happily, which in turn won him a slap aside the head.


Another slap.


"GO AHEAD THAN MAYBE I'LL GET SOME SLEEP," Kurama screamed and Hiei instantly shrank back in his chair.

"W, water."


Kurama walked off to pour the drinks leaving the other three alone. They instantly began plotting.

"Okay, Kurama's snapped. We have to get out of here," Yuusuke said quickly looking from one to the other. "Anyone have any ideas?"

"I say we duct tape him to a chair and run," Kuwabara said nodding.

Yuusuke stared at him and looked at Hiei.

"Any good ideas?"

Hiei thought for a moment trying to think of anything that might calm Kurama down while they made a run for it.

"Why don't we have his mother call," Hiei answered finally getting an actual good idea.

"Hey….that might actually work…" Yuusuke stood up quickly and went to Kurama's phone. "Where does he keep his phone book?"

"The black thing with numbers?"

Yuusuke nodded.

"The door under the phone."

Yuusuke nodded pulling it out and started looking at all the numbers. He finally found the one labeled "Kassan" and dialed it quickly.


"Ms. Minamino?"


"Please do us a favor and pretend you called us and get your son under control," Yuusuke begged and without giving her an explanation held the phone down putting his hand over the receiver. "YO KURAMA! You're mom's on the phone!"

Kurama appeared within seconds of hearing this and snatched the phone from Yuusuke death glaring him.

"When my mother's on the phone it's Shuuichi," He hissed and put the phone to his hear. "Yes mother?"

Yuusuke smirked and than winked at the two as Kurama began focusing all his thoughts on his mother and making sure he didn't say anything stupid. He motioned to the door and Kuwabara nodded cutting off some of the turkey before going.

"You can't leave me here," Hiei growled trying his best to get out from the duct tape.

"Yeah well, you got yourself into this mess, get yourself out."

"I gave you the idea on how to get us out," Hiei complained trying to get out of the duct tape more.

"…hmm you're right," Yuusuke said walking over to Hiei and loosening the tape a bit. "You deserve to be able to breath, have fun with your fox demon," he said running out of the house as quickly as his feet could carry him.

Hiei watched in horror as his only chance at survival ran out the door and than turned his short attention span over to Kurama who was just saying his goodbyes to his mother.

"Umm….K…Kurama…?" Hiei asked nervously wondering if he should run while still attached to the chair or not.

"Hiei, I'm going to tell you this one time and one time only," Kurama said walking over to him. Hiei's eyes widened and he tried to pull away only managing to knock his chair over with him still in it.

"If you ever help our enemies again like that, there will be no sugar or food for you at all for 3 weeks," Kurama said so deadly calm Hiei didn't doubt him a bit. In fact, Hiei believed him so much he remained where he was at, his eyes widen, the blood completely drained from his face.

Kurama smiled at the fact that Hiei was finally being nice and still and quiet, got up and sat down taking a bite of his food.

"Eh…I don't think I was supposed to use onions…"


I don't think that one was as funny as it should have been…..hmm oh well I'll have to deal with that later. I have a lot of other fanfics to update and though I'm aware it's been awhile since I've updated this one, I hope to get this one back up to where it was before, popular as ever…or whatever. Thanks everyone though who read the last chapter and who's going to read this one…I hope you guys don't hate me. Ja ne until next time and have as much good luck as you possibly can until next time!