Author's Notes: Ah, what's this? Me writing on yet another fic? ^^;; Yup, this is going to be a little two-part Bankotsu/Jakotsu story that I thought up and couldn't resist the urge to write. It's a bit more on the romantic side that I usually write so go easy on me ^^;;
As with all my stories, please read, review & enjoy ^^
Japanese Guide:
Itai—"It hurts" or "Ouch"
Lyrics used at beginning- "From Way Before" From Gensoumaden Saiyuki
To See You Smile Again~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you could just believe
In you and me to see
There's no need for you to hide
Cry alone anymore, 'cause I will
Share my life with you
This world can be too tough when you're alone
But you seem to be so far—oh tell me
Why you're crying now
I'm standing by your side
Tell me why your tears are blue
And how to stop them too
Tell me what you want from me
I'll do it just for you
Just because I want to see your smile again
It was a quiet evening as the seven men gathered around the porch to feast on the spoils of the battle. The town around them was left in shambles- houses now nothing but charred and burnt wooden posts and the townspeople nothing but corpses amongst the ruins.
To anyone else, this setting was not exactly the place to have a celebration, but to the Shichinin-tai, this was home.
Having left just the richest home in the town standing, they now gathered out on its porch as they ate and drank of the food and sake they'd taken.
"Okay, where'd that jug of sake get to?" Bankotsu's voice inquired over the dull noise of the still smoldering flames and the quiet murmurs between some of the other members.
Mukotsu looked up to the petite woman they'd spared on his behalf that was kneeling beside him pouring from the jug, "Just a moment, Leader. I'll send the girl down that way." The poison user said, giving the woman a slight caress.
The young leader was about to reply, when he heard the sigh come from next to him.
There sat Jakotsu, arms crossed and not touching a bit of the food as he glared at the woman that was now headed towards their end of the porch.
"Not hungry today, Jakotsu?" Bankotsu questioned, inwardly knowing the problem already.
"I seem to have lost my appetite." He said with a 'hmph' as he looked away.
His expression softening, the braided-man tentatively reached over and placed a hand on Jakotsu's shoulder, "Did you want some sake?"
"No, I don't want that filth to…" Jakotsu paused as he turned, his eyes meeting with the deep blue eyes of Bankotsu.
Shifting his gaze, he noticed that the girl had gone back to Mukotsu, and was currently helping to hand-feed the short man.
"I can't help it," Bankotsu spoke, alerting Jakotsu to how close they really were as he felt the warm breath on his cheek, "I know you don't like females, but when I see how happy it makes Mukotsu, I just can't tell him not to bring them around."
Allowing himself a slight smile, the taller man reached out and brushed the dark bangs from Bankotsu's face, "You're always worrying about keeping everyone else happy. What about yourself?"
He shrugged, leaning back and lifting his sake glass, "If they're happy- I'm happy."
"So you'll… do whatever you can to keep each of us happy, is that it?" Jakotsu questioned, his sly grin unseen by Bankotsu.
"I'll do what I can," He replied with a smile, as he looked down the porch at the others.
Mukotsu was enjoying having the woman wait on his every need, and was most likely going to keep her through the night. Suikotsu was yelling up at Kyoukotsu for taking a piece of food he'd wanted, and the remaining two sat next to them; Renkotsu obviously annoyed by the two lower ranking members fighting and Ginkotsu trying to keep his companion from going off on them.
"A.n.y.t.h.i.n.g?" Jakotsu sounded out slowly, leaning forward against Bankotsu's side.
The young Leader attempted to hold in his blush, but the color rose to his cheeks despite his mental protest against it, "Jakotsu… the others…" He whispered.
Sighing, he pulled back and looked to the other five with a frown. Ever since he finally got Bankotsu to open up to him slightly, it seemed like he always had some excuse to keep him from acting on those emotions.
"So only if we're alone then?" He quietly questioned.
Blinking, Bankotsu looked at him with widened eyes and a light blush, "Well…I… err…" He paused, his inner thoughts yelling at him, "Why must I always feel so strange around him. I…I do feel something for him…but I'm not sure if I can go as far as he wants me to. Plus, the others would kill me and him if they knew there was something beyond friendship between us."
The thoughts came to a quick halt as a piece of food hit him in the face.
"Leader… I'm sorry, it's just that Kyoukotsu was…" Suikotsu began to explain.
Bankotsu just smirked, "Oh that's okay…." He lifted up a bowl of rice, then with a mischievous grin, launched it down the porch towards Suikotsu, "That's okay, because I can play that game too!"
The rice splattered across Suikotsu, sending stray pieces towards the other four at that end.
Jakotsu looked up and shook his head, as Bankotsu scrambled to grab another dish before the one that had just been thrown towards him impacted.
The remaining dishes of food quickly become the skilled warriors' new weapons as all but Renkotsu sooner or later ended up adding at least another flavor of food to the fight.
Amidst it all, Jakotsu had decided to stand behind Bankotsu, using the child-like Leader as a bit of a shield from the flying entrees.
Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem, but when the braided-man took a step back and a small bowl was where his foot intended to go, it's needless to say, that he fell, taking Jakotsu down beneath him.
Eyes widened, he turned quickly to the one below him, "Jakotsu, you okay? I'm sorry I just…"
He froze as he felt the tongue snake across his cheek, removing the pieces of rice stuck to it, "Don't worry, I'll be just fine…"
Before the young leader could say more, the sharp voice of Renkotsu was heard, "I hate to say it Leader, but that's what you all get for acting like a bunch of children. If you would just behave yourselves, and not play around like this, it wouldn't happen."
He was rubbing at his temples, obviously having his fill of the nonsense.
"So…sorry Renkotsu, I'm just trying to lighten things up."
"A proper Leader should act like a Leader…" He retorted, walking into the building.
The cheerful expression disappeared from Bankotsu's face in an instant, as he sighed, "I'll try harder…" He muttered to himself.
"Bankotsu…" The soft voice beside him spoke up.
Looking behind him, he blinked, confused by the expression on Jakotsu's face.
"Wha…what is it?"
He shook his head, "It's nothing…"
"No. What is it?" Bankotsu demanded.
"I just don't like to see you like this." He explained, beginning to pick up some of the stray shattered bowls.
"Like what?"
"You face, when your smile disappears… it hurts me to see that…" Jakotsu said quietly, biting his lip and hoping that he hadn't said too much.
He laughed a bit to himself then, "Anyway, you should probably go wash up. You have more food on you than what I licked off earlier. Unless you want me to lick the rest off…"
"No…no that won't be necessary…" He stammered, turning to go inside.
Flinching as the sharp edge of the glass bowl cut into his finger, Jakotsu looked to the injury, then watched as the retreating figure disappeared inside.
The others had begun to clean up their side of the mess and were slowly drifting inside themselves as Jakotsu casually sucked the blood off his finger.
"I want to be the one to make him smile again…don't I?" His thoughts grabbed at his insides, feeling the disappointment that he knew Bankotsu was lost in the depths of at the moment. "Because… I'm only happy, if he's happy."
Part Two-
All I want is to see you smile
Because when you smile
I can smile too