Who knew?
Who Knew
You could fall so fast
Wanting breath
Unable to grasp
What you cannot
With your eyes see
That your heart
Is no longer free
To roam?
Who Knew
You could lie at night
Thinking of him
Until dawns light
Wanting to sleep
Just to dream
About that love
That you would seem
To hold?
Who Knew
You could be loved
In such a way
As this?
Who knew
You could experience
Such happiness
In life and love's
First true kiss?
Who Knew
That their smile
Could be a beacon
And you could live
Without the fear
Of your heart breaking?
Who Knew
Love could be found
In the oddest of places
In passing strangers
And close friend's faces?
So Who Knew
You could fall so fast
Wanting breath
Now able to grasp
The concept
That surrounds your life
And ended
All your strife?
Who knew,
Something like this,
A secret glance,
A stolen kiss,
Could turn into a curse,
Yet also a gift,
The best enchantment,
Yet, the worst ailment,
Could make you happy,
Beyond belief,
Could make you sad,
That you could not sleep
At night?
I knew.