Author's Note: singing These chicks don't even know the name of my band, but they're all on me like they wanna hold hands, cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man... clears throat Yeah, we are once again and I must say that I love you all to death. Everyone's reviews make me smile and have a better day even if the day began crappy. I especially appreciate all the readers who've been with me since the beginning.

Chapter Title: Lose One and Gain Another

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and other associated characters and not and never will be mine. It's sad really. I could be rich and famous if this weren't true. sighs


Lily wrapped her silver cloak around her white dress and shivered in the cold, night air. The clouds spread over the sky and covered the last remaining light that lit the Hogwarts' grounds.

"Stupid shoes," Lily mumbled, stumbling in her high heels. She bent over and slipped them off her feet, letting her toes finally relax.

Her curled, red hair flew in the mild breeze and the soles of her feet were wet from the night dew on the blades of grass. Every so often she would hear the doors to the Great Hall open then slam shut. She would expect to see Remus but it would always be a couple frolicking towards the Herbology garden seeking privacy.

Remus had said he was going to sneak back in the Great Hall to retrieve his cloak. Did it really take fifteen minutes to perform such a simple task?

Although Lily was near the lakeshore, she could still hear the faint music from the ball and she could barely see the floating candles that illuminated the windows.

Lily smiled. One of her favorite songs started to play.

Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon

Somewhere there's speaking

It's already coming in

Oh and it's rising at the back of your mind

You never could get it

Unless you were fed it

Now you're here and you don't know why

Lily closed her eyes, clung onto her shoes in her hand and spun around to the beat, forgetting that she was in plain sight of everyone.

"Hem, hem..."

Lily's eyes snapped open and she quickly stopped spinning like a little girl.

"Well, I see that making a fool of yourself is something you're quite skilled at," Remus said, eyes gleaming with glee.

Lily laughed sarcastically and hurled her shoes at Remus' head, which he dodged easily. Her shoes landed with a THUMP on the ground behind him.

Remus instantly rushed towards Lily and lifted her up in the air, twirling her around towards the sky. Lily's dress flowed out behind her, making her appear as if she were a fallen angel. Remus placed her back on the ground, spun her away from him then held her tightly against himself, swaying to the music.

But under skinned knees and the skid marks

Past the places where you used to learn

You howl and listen

Listen and wait for the

Echoes of angels who won't return

"Did you see the look on James' face when we scurried off the dance floor? I would pay good galleons to see that again," Remus chortled, breaking away from Lily. He sat down on a nearby rock, overlooking the lake.

Lily smiled grimly and sighed, taking a seat next to Remus.

Remus frowned, "What's the matter?"

"Hm?" Lily shook her head, "Oh nothing, nothing. Just thinking."

Lily shivered again and Remus took his black cloak off and placed it on Lily's shoulders to keep her warm.

"No really, you can tell me."

Lily fidgeted with her hair, "I don't know what's wrong but I'm not sure I liked the look on James' face earlier."

An owl hooted, Hagrid's dog barked and the bristle bush behind Lily and Remus shook. Lily turned her head around to see what caused the bush to move but she didn't see anything. Remus followed her gaze.

"It's probably nothing," Remus said, peering at the bush, "Just the wind." Lily shrugged and turned back toward the calm lake while Remus slowly removed his eyesight from the shrub. "Now, tell me what you mean by you didn't like James' expression. Did it scare you?"

Lily shook her head.

"Because you know that he wouldn't even think about hurting you--"

"Yeah, I know."

He's everything you want

He's everything you need

He's everything inside of you

That you wish you could be

Lily tossed a rock into the water and watched the impact make ripples. "I can't put my finger on it. There's something there, I don't know what but there's just something. And every time I see him I don't know what to make out of it. It's just...there."

Remus nodded his head along, waving his hand for her to continue.

Lily busied her hands by plucking the petals off a nearby flower as she spoke to Remus. "I'm finding it harder and harder for me to speak to him and it's not because he's unavailable, it's because I can't get myself to say anything. Don't get me wrong, I despise his immaturity but in another odd way he makes me feel..."

He says all the right things

At exactly the right time

But he means nothing to you

And you don't know why

Remus smiled triumphantly, "Safe?"

Lily gazed into Remus' eyes, wondering how this guy knew everything she was thinking. "Yeah, you could say that."

Remus cracked his knuckles, "Okay, let me give this a shot. You despise the things James does but overall you think he's a pretty okay bloke," Remus held up his hand to silence Lily so he could continue, "When he comes around you're not sure you should speak to him or not, you find yourself glancing at him more than you used to, when you pick out your outfits you wonder if James would like that outfit also, am I getting warmer?"

Lily hid her face in her knees, "Is that completely stupid?"

You're waiting for someone

To put you together

You're waiting for someone to push you away

There's always another wound to discover

There's always something more you wish he'd say

Remus grinned, "Lily, I do believe you're in love with my best friend."

Lily gaped, "I am not! I will not accept that answer PROFESSOR Lupin, I don't care what you say!"

Remus opened his mouth to reply but Lily was at a ranting stage. "And even if I was in love with him--which I'm NOT--I told you I can't stand him because..."

"He's an insufferable git?"

Lily pursed her lips, "Exactly."

Lily quickly stood up and strided away from the lake, leaving Remus by himself. When Lily thought she was safe from the ridiculous truth, Remus blocked her escape route.

"When is the last time you've seen him act like a git? Answer me that!" Remus said, continually stepping out in front of her so she couldn't get away.

Lily sighed in frustration; "We are talking about the same Potter, aren't we? He's James; it's what he is! Potter, git. Git, Potter. It's two peas in a bloody pod!"

"And yet you still like him. Admit it!"

He's everything you want

He's everything you need

He's everything inside of you

That you wish you could be

Lily stalked in the opposite direction, desperately trying to get away from Remus' prying questions. Remus, however, just wouldn't leave her the hell alone.

"You can't deny it Lils. I've seen the way you look at him when you think no one is looking at you. I hear your heartbeat race when he's around. I'm not stupid," Remus said calmly, striding side-by-side with her.

Lily's eyes blared, "No, you're just a werewolf."

Once the words left her lips, she regretted them instantly. Remus' silence against her harsh words tore her to pieces. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I said--"

"Forget it," Remus waved it off, "Why is it so damned hard to accept it?"

The same bristle bush from earlier gave a violent shake but this time there was no breeze to rustle it. Lily squinted her eyes and tried to see what was out there but it was impossible to tell in the darkness. "Did you hear--"

"Don't avoid the question Lily," Remus said, placing his hand on her shoulder, "Tell me."

Lily tore her sight away from the bush again, "I can't tell you anything when there's nothing to tell."

He says all the right things

At exactly the right time

But he means nothing to you

And you don't know why

Lily shrugged his hand off her shoulder, "Are we finished yet?"

Remus sighed, rubbed her temples and muttered, "Why do you have to be such a stubborn jackass?"

"Me? A stubborn jackass? What about you?"

Remus kept rubbing his forehead, "What about me?"

Lily's eyes flashed, "Here you are, trying to convince me that I'm in love with your best mate when on the other side you can't tell Sirius that you're in love with his girl."

Remus shook his head, "Woah, that's neither here nor there."

Lily glared at him; "You're such a hypocrite."

But you'll just sit tight

And watch it unwind

It's only what you're asking for

And you'll be just fine

With all of your time

It's only what you're waiting for

Lily turned on her heel and walked slowly back away from Remus, scooping up her shoes off of the ground. Remus glanced over by the bush that kept making movements, sighed and yelled after Lily.

"Hey, we're not finished yet!" Remus sprinted towards Lily.

Lily squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that it was all a terrible nightmare but when she opened them, there he was still. Damn him.

"What is it that you're so afraid of?" Remus persisted with his interrogation.

Lily swept her hair out of her face, "I'm not afraid of anything Lupin."

Remus arched his eyebrow, "Really? Whatever happened to your past relationships?"

Lily sighed, "Crashed and burned."

"So you're scared that will happen again."

"I didn't say that," Lily replied quickly.

Remus cocked his head to the side and listened closely to Lily's heavy breathing, her pulse was pounding like mad.

"But that's it, isn't it? You've gotten hurt before."

Lily flinched, wanting Remus just to go away.

Out of the island

Into the highway

Past the places where you might have turned

You never did notice

But you still hide away

The anger of angels who won't return

"Alright. ALRIGHT! I admit it. I'm scared, okay? You know why? Because all guys are the same. The bastards are such good liars and when you think that you have feelings for them they turn on you every single time," Lily said, her cheeks turning a shade of red.

Remus reached for Lily's hands and held them in his, "I wouldn't do that to you and James wouldn't do that to you. I wouldn't let him if he could."

Lily shed a single tear and she felt it drip down her face. Shocked, Lily reached up to wipe it away before Remus could see.

" the amazing Lily is capable of crying," Remus said, wiping her tear before Lily could.

"You don't understand," Lily pulled away from Remus, "Every guy I've ever met has tricked me one point or another. They've deceived and lied to me."

Remus glanced back towards the bush where it sat there motionless.

He cleared his throat; "Maybe they had good reason to."

"By lying?"

Remus nodded his head, "Okay maybe not the best way."

He's everything you want

He's everything you need

He's everything inside of you

That you wish you could be

The wind started to grow strong and the Forbidden Forrest whistled in the night. The clouds shifted aside to reveal a crescent moon and dozens of white stars. The wind grew stronger and Lily held her dress down with her hands.

"Well," Remus grabbed the shoes out of her hand; "Does this mean what I think it means?"

"That I should have been hating you instead of James all these years?"

"No," He swung her shoes from one hand to the other, "Does this mean that you DO feel for James?"

Lily's cheeks turned a bright shade of pink, "Maybe just a little..." She held out her hand and indicated how little she felt for James.

Remus grinned and turned back to the bush. It was swaying from side to side.

Lily looked at the bush again. She was sure it was moving. She swore it.

Lily marched in the direction of the bristle bush that laid some twenty feet away. "What IS behind that bush that keeps making the leaves move?"

Remus quickly stepped out in front of her, blocking her view of the shrub, "Nothing," Remus said, waving his arms frantically, "Probably just some pixies or most likely the wind." Remus grabbed hold of Lily's elbow and shifted her around, "Come on, let's go back to the ball."

Lily arched her eyebrow and wrenched her arm away from him; "I want to see."

He says all the right things

At exactly the right time

But he means nothing to you

And you don't know why

Lily stepped by him and attempted to peer behind the branches of the thick bush but before she could reach out to it Remus snatched her wrist away from the leaves.

"Come on, I'm thirsty. Let's head back inside," Remus uttered quickly and guided Lily away from that precise area.

Lily pried his hand off her wrist, "Why won't you let me see what's behind there?"

Remus scratched the back of his head; "I don't know what you're talking about." His eyes darted to and from the bush.

"Then just let me see," Lily stepped in front of the branches and pulled them open like a curtain and saw...nothing. She turned back around, "See that wasn't so hard."

Remus sighed. Then a huge gust of air swept over the grounds causing the trees to tilt over and the shudders of Hagrid's hut to snap open. That's when she saw him under it. The wind gave away his hiding spot as the invisibility cloak flew off of James and landed on the other side of the lake.

I am everything you want

I am everything you need

I am everything inside of you

That you wish you could be

Eyes wide and mouth open, Lily shrieked, "YOU!"

James' eyes twinkled, "Hello love."

Lily stared up at James, too horrified to speak or utter a word. She tore her eyes from James' and glared at Remus. How dare he! The bastard had her speak her most private thoughts and he displayed it to his best friend! Lily shook her head in disbelief. Without saying anything, she stalked by both of them.

"Lily wait. Come on, don't be this way," Remus pleaded, reaching for her arm to hold her back.

Lily spun around and pointed at him, "Don't touch me Remus!"

James yelled after her, "Come on Lily. It was flattering, really!"

Remus waved his hand at James to get him to shut his fat mouth. "I was just trying to prove to James that--"

"I'm a complete and down right idiot?" Lily cried, forcefully snatching her shoes away from him, "Oh and I bet he just loved it when he saw me blubber and cry! Let's all just laugh at Lily!"

Lily tore off Remus' black cloak that he placed on her shoulders to keep her warm and threw it back to him. "Here take this, I don't want it." She turned around to walk off.

She felt Remus snatch her hand again, "I won't let you leave until you speak to me."

"Take your hand off of me," Lily whispered warningly.

Remus shook his head stubbornly, "Not until you've forgiven me."

"Let go."


"Lupin, I mean it."

"Not until you talk to me."

"I'm warning you!"

"Or what?"

Lily grasped for her wand inside her silver cloak. She pulled it out and pointed it at Remus, showering the damp grass with white sparks. "You are a guy. Guys are deceitful liars; enough said. Now, let go of me!"

Lily felt Remus' grip tighten around her wrist. Was he really going to make her hex him? There both of them stood, Lily aiming her wand at Remus and Remus staring right back into her eyes. James broke the silence:

"Let's not get into a big hissy, catastrophic fight," James said, holding his hands up to stop Lily from doing something irrational, "It wasn't that big of a deal. So I saw you cry and I heard one of your personal secrets...who cares, right?"

Lily ignored him and tugged as hard as she could. Her wrist was finally free from Remus' reach and she turned to walk away again, trying as hard as she possibly could to keep from crying. When she thought it was all over, Remus placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I said you can't leave until--"

Lily whirled around and threw a curse at him. A red lightning bolt went hurtling in Remus' direction and hit him in the center of his chest, erupting in a flash of red light that sent him tumbling through the air. Remus landed in the middle of the lake with a SPLASH. She turned to face James, who was just staring at her in awed silence.

I say all the right things

At exactly the right time

But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why

Lily blinked her eyes furiously, trying to sustain the tears that threatened to stream out of her eyelids. She lowered her wand at James, turned around and ran into the darkness.


And I don't know why


I don't know

Torrance waited patiently at her side table as Sirius went off to retrieve a refill on her butterbeer. Torrance jumped when she heard the back door slam, hoping that Remus would come through the doors alive. It wasn't him. Torrance sighed.

Sirius sat her drink down on the table, "Don't worry, James wouldn't kill him...I think."

"Oh, well that makes me feel a whole lot better, thank you," Torrance said sarcastically.

The back doors creaked open. James and Remus waltzed through the threshold. The students started to laugh and giggle at the sight of these two boys. Remus was completely wet from head to toe and made a squishing noise every time he put his weight on his left leg. Seaweed dangled from his hair and James was helping him walk because apparently he had injured his ankle. They walked miserably to Torrance's side table.

"What did you DO to him?" Torrance snapped at James as she held a seat out for Remus to sit on.

James held his hands up defensively, "I didn't do a damn thing. Credit goes to the temperamental Lily Evans."

Torrance nodded her head, "Oh, okay then," she looked at Remus, "What did you DO to her?"

"He didn't do anything. I swear Lily needs to learn how to--"

Remus glanced warily at Torrance; "I sort of tricked her into telling James how she really felt about him."

Sirius grinned, "About bloody time! This whole love hate thing has got to end between you two." He pointed at James.

Torrance groaned, "Oh no Remus, you didn't!" She rubbed her forehead, "What else did you get her to do?"

James slammed his fist on the table, "Nothing! That's why I don't get--"

Remus gazed miserably at the tablecloth that he drenched with lake water that was dripping from his robes, "Well, she kind of...cried."

Torrance was feeling a terrible migraine coming on, "And where is she now?"

"Ran out into the darkness after she put the whammy on Remus," James replied.

Torrance stood up suddenly and ran her hands across her dress, massaging the wrinkles out of the fabric. She swiped her hair out of her eyes and looked at them, "Well, we have to find her. I'm not going to let her roam the castle grounds feeling the way she does."

Sirius peered at Remus, "As long as we go in pairs. I don't fancy in looking like Remus does now."

Torrance nodded, "Okay, you and James search outside and Remus and I will head to the commons," She grabbed James' shoulder before they left the table, "Oh and James? Please restrain yourself from pissing her off, okay?"

"What you need to understand Remus is that it took Lily a long time to trust me. She's a very cautious person when it comes to letting people in," Torrance said, climbing threw the portrait hole.

Remus nodded, "Yeah I get that but what I don't get is why was it so incredibly horrible for James to know the truth! You have to see it everyday! The way she looks at him and the way he looks at her. I just gave her a little nudge in the right direction."

"LILY!" Torrance yelled up the staircase, "I know you were just trying to help. Believe me, you had good intentions but be honest with me. Would you like it if James tricked you into telling your secrets to someone else? What would you do if I found out your deepest and darkest secret?"

Remus peered out of the clear window and up at the gleaming moon that shimmered in the pitch-black sky. Then he turned and looked at Torrance. Torrance mentally kicked herself.

"Oh right...I already know your deepest and darkest secret, don't I?" Torrance showed a weak smile then cleared her throat, "Well, I don't think Lily is in here so why don't we--"


Whirling around inside her head, screaming to be set free. Her knees buckled and she felt her hands grasp the lush carpet, searching for a sign of mercy that this will all go away. Her eyes watered with agony and her insides were being ripped apart. Someone has set her mind on fire!


"Torrance! Get up, what's wrong?" Remus' voice faltered and he tried to lift her to her feet. His eyes were filled up to the brim with fear and worry. "Are you alright? Tell me what's happening!"

Torrance clutched her head in anguish but her stomach felt as it were being torn to pieces. "No! It's Lily!"

"What are you talking about? We are the only ones in here!"

Torrance pushed him away, "NO!! LILY IS IN TROUBLE! OUTSIDE SOMEWHERE...GO BEFORE-" Torrance cried in distress as her skull erupted in despair. "GO! NOW!!"

"But how do you--"

Torrance grabbed Remus' collar and pulled him close to her, "Remus, I'm a Seer. Now, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" She pushed him away from her as hard as she could, panting in short puffs of breath.

Remus looked at her as if had never seen anything quite like her in the whole world. She felt unique and special when she saw her reflection in his soft blue eyes. Then their infatuation with each other finally bursted into a desire of fancy and warmth as Remus pulled Torrance to his lips and they both consumed their craving for each other. He broke away from her, leaving her lungs gasping for breath and her heart leaping with rapture.

"Looks like we are even. I werewolf," Remus pointed at himself then at her, "You Seer."

His eyes sparkled as he stood up and Torrance watched him run out of the commons, robes whisking out behind him. She stood up slowly and clung to the armchair for stabilization, hoping that he would get to Lily in time.