Disclaimer: All hail JKR because there is no way I'm royalty. In other words, these characters are not mine.

Chapter 1: A Surprise Announcement

***Lily's POV***

Lily was listening intently as Dumbledore made the start of term announcements. She wasn't really paying attention considering the fact that they were pretty much the same every year. When Lily thought he was done she expected the tables to fill up with food but apparantly he had one more "minor" announcement to make.

"This year we decided to do something unique. The other professors and I have decided that we will have a Christmas Ball during the break. Fifth years and up are only the ones to be permitted to go unless invited otherwise. Dress robes are required. Now, with that said...Let's Feast!"

With a clap of his hands the four house tables instantly were weighted with an assortment of foods, but Lily had somehow lost her appetite. She looked down the Gryffindor table at four boys...to be more exact...The Marauders, or at least that's what everyone called them. They were the prankster and not to mention the troublemakers of the school, but that didn't stop them from being the most popular as well. They had more detention together than half of Hogwarts put together.

First, there was James Potter. He was about 6 ft. with untameable black unruly hair. Oh! how she despised him. He was a lady killer with an arrogant attitude and was also captain and seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She had never liked him for obvious reasons. He could make any girl weak in the knees with one grin....how disgusting.

Next, there was Potter's right hand man...Sirius Black. Sirius stood a good 6'2" and unlike Potter Sirius' hair was very elegantly placed over his head and came in use when flirting with the girls. He was not much better than James when it came to being arrogant and he was right up there with him when it came to girls. One look into Mr. Black's eyes and girls were mesmerized.

Then, there was Remus Lupin. Out of all the Marauders Lily defenitly like Remus the best. He was more or less 6 ft. with sandy blondish hair and a vibe of mysteriousness. He was just handsome as his fellow friends but always had some sort of sickly look in his eyes and seemed tired all the time. He was smart, quiet and to be honest Lily had had a crush on him in third year...

Last, there was Peter Pettigrew, but no one cares about him. (A/N: I dislike Petter and he should burn in hell for what he did. I mean that in the most nicest way.)

Lily was pulled out of her mental thoughts about the Marauders by her best friend, Torrance.

Now, in Lily's opinion(and most of the guys)...Torrance was extremely beautiful. She was 5'8" with long, straight, dark brown hair and warm, loving eyes to match. She was also very tanned and Torrance reminded her of an enchanting gypsy. But Torrance had a very interesting secret that only Lily knew about so far. And she wasn't about to tell.

Unlike Torrance, Lily was fair skinned with long auburn hair. She too was around 5'8" and had startling emerald eyes...Torrance once told her that her eyes turned a bright green when she was extremely angry (three guesses who pissed her off).

"Lily? Hello? Geez woman! Anyone in there?"

"Huh? What?"

"Well, it's good to hear you're finally listening to me. What exactly are you thinking about?" Torrance asked curiously

"Nothing important...just classes."

"Lily, it's the first day back. You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope, one of us has to make it to Auror training." Lily said as she poked at her food.

"I resent that. I make perfectly good grades thank you very much." Torrance said

"Well, you're a genius. I on the other hand have to actually work hard."

When the feast was over and everyone had retreated to their common room Lily attended to her Headgirl duties. James was unfortunately the Headboy and she had no idea what Dumbledore was thinking putting him in charge of anything. She made sure she kept a good distance away from Potter becasue the last thing she needed was to end up in detention. As she turned the corner of the corridor she ran head on into a solid figure.

"Ouch! Oh, I'm so sorry....oh, hi Remus!" Lily said as she finally recognized who she actually ran into.

"Hey Lily, I hope I didn't hurt you." Always the gentleman, Lily thought.

"No, of course not...so how was your summer?"

"Same old...you?"


There was a long awkward pause. Lily had never really talked to Remus much so she didn't know exactly how to talk to him yet.

"So were you looking for someone or did you need to talk to me?" Lily started to grow uncomfortable.

"Well, actually I needed to talk to you about the ball--" Remus ended his sentence abruptly and went slightly pale.

Just then Torrance came up behind her and leaned on Lily's shoulder casually.

"Hey guys, I'm not interrupting anything am I? Oh, hi Remus. How are you doing?"

Remus mumbled something at the ground that sounded like 'fine.'

As if things couldn't get more uncomfortable, James come jogging down the hallway towards them.

"Oi! Not talking about me are you?" James said as he clapped his hand on Remus' shoulder.

"I've got to go." Remus said rather quickly and walked extremely fast towards the Gryffindor commons. "Bye Lily!" Remus said over his shoulder.

"Bye Remus!" she called after him.

When Remus left James turned his focus on Lily.

"So...Evans, I was wondering if you would be willing to go with me to the--"

"I don't think so Potter."

James realized he wasn't getting a yes out of her tonight so with a little bow he ran down the corridor to catch up with Remus. Torrance and Lily followed.

On the way up to the common room Lily heard James ask Remus, "Since when are you one first name speaking terms with Evans?" Lily smiled to herself. This was going to be a good year.

A/N: Next chappie will have an "agreement" between Lily and Remus.