Hello, everyone. I am DanMat6288. And my job here is to write silly fan-fics for cartoons and post them on this site.

625: And it's my job to criticize his silly fan-fics for cartoons that he posts on this site.

[cross] Oh, go eat a bologna!

625: Can't. The order didn't come in yet.

[sigh] I'll allow the criticism on one condition: you make me bacon-lettuce sandwiches any time I want them.

625: Deal.

Anyway, in this story, while in the woods, Lilo and Stitch come across the dehydration pod for experiment--

625: They can read it in the synopsis just below the link to the story!

BL sandwich! Now!

625: Consider it made! [heads to kitchen]

Anyway, enjoy the story.

Lilo & Stitch
Experiment 013: Jinx

Lilo, a 6-year-old Hawaiian girl, and Stitch, an alien genetic experiment, walked along the trail in the woods nearby their neighborhood.

"A good hike in the woods is good for you," Lilo thought aloud.

"Ih," Stitch agreed.

"And, Nani can be alone to cool down from when you got cake batter all over the kitchen," Lilo added.

Stitch chuckled sheepishly. How could they forget Nani's reaction when she saw cake batter all over the kitchen? Nani was Lilo's older sister. Their mom and dad died in a car accident, so she had to take care of Lilo. Of course, being sisters, they got in arguments a lot. It took a long time for Lilo and Stitch to clean up all that batter.

Stitch's thoughts were broken by Lilo's voice. "Look, Stitch!" She pointed to an orange marble-shaped ball, hanging from a branch. She picked it up and examined it, discovering the number "013" on it. "It's one of Jumba's experiments!"

"Cousin!" Stitch cried, gleefully.

"Let's go talk to Jumba to see what it does!"

Stitch nodded and said, "Okay."

"7 days."

"7 years."

"7 days."

"7 years."

Jumba and Pleakley, two aliens that were living with Lilo and Stitch, argued back and fourth. Each had a different idea of how long of bad luck you get for breaking a mirror.

"I'm telling you," Pleakley argued, "It's 7 days of bad luck, when you break a mirror!"

Jumba shook his head and said, "Stick with being Earth expert, not bad luck expert. It's 7 years of bad luck."

"7 days."

"7 years."

"7 days."

"7 years."

"Jumba!" Lilo cried, as she and Stitch burst into the room.

"Ah, Little-Earth-Girl should be able to solve problem for us," Jumba said. He turned to Lilo and asked, "Which is correct amount of bad luck time for breaking mirror?"

Lilo shrugged and replied, "I don't know, really. I'm not too superstitious. But I do know that we found an experiment pod. It's 013."

Jumba smiled when she mentioned the experiment pod, but his smile turned to horror when she mentioned the number. "Experiment 013!" he cried. "That's bad." He turned on his computer and typed in the number. An outline of a creature appeared on the screen, next to his number and a strange alien-language description. "013 causes bad luck to whoever is near," he explained. "We'd best not activate it. No way Little-Earth-Girl could find good use for it."

"I'm sure I could think of something!" she protested.

"No," Jumba said. "Now, give me experiment pod so I can put it in safe, dry area.

"No! All the experiments need to have a home! Even Jinx!"

Pleakley gave her and odd look, and asked, "Jinx?"

"That's what I decided to name him," she explained. "And we're going to find out where he belongs!"

"No place where 013 belongs," Jumba cried, lunging for the pod. He bumped into Lilo, causing the experiment pod to go flying... into a glass of water.

"Oh, peachy," Pleakley moaned, as the pod began to glow...

As Jumba would say, it was about to get more peach-like. Deep in the woods, a black spaceship had crashed, months ago, next to a waterfall and lake. Inside the ship lived a mammoth-sized alien with a fish-like face and a chubby little genetic experiment.

The Experiment, 625, glanced up from his book as an electronic container began to beep. "Hey, Gantu!" he cried. "It's another experiment!"

"You find out which one!" the alien shouted back. "I'm in the bathroom!"

625 sighed and presses an area on the control panel of the container, which was actually a metal sphere attached to a base.

"Experiment 013 activated;" as a holographic image spread across the sphere, "Primary function: bad luck charm; causes bad luck to anyone nearby."

At that moment, Gantu came into the Control Room, where 625 and the container were. "Well?" he asked.

"It's a bad luck making one," 625 told him. He turned the container back on so Gantu could see the holographic picture. Gantu picked up his laser and a glass container, and was headed off, when... "Hold it!" ...625 stopped him. "Think about it," he said. "A bad luck causer? How do you plan on bringing him here; by trying NOT to?"

Gantu sighed and murmured, "Never thought of that."

What do you think so far? Someone said I did Jumba's dialogue very well. Anyway, I'd like to give a shout out to Twilighter, who I'll be looking forward to his/her continuing of the fan-fic "Pleakley's Story". Oh, another shout out to VOID99, who is working on the story of Experiment 555. I hope that, when he's activated on Earth, you'll have Lilo and Stitch give him a good place to belong. Okay, 625; take it away! [pause] 625?

[625 is curled up on a ham and cheese sandwich on whole-wheat bread, snoring. DanMat6288 shakes him awake.]

625: Huh? What? Oh. Please review. [falls asleep again]

You heard the little man, er, experiment.