Title: A Second Life

Disclaimer: Because my life sucks I do not own Sesshomaru or any of the other characters of Inuyasha. Yeah I know pathetic.

Authors Note: So here is my new story! Please enjoy and thought the first chapter may seem weird it's going to be good, later in the story! So here goes Chapter 1, and I will see you at the bottom.


Chapter 1: A never ending cycle.

"Kagome no!!!!!" Inuyasha shouted, at the black haired girl.

Miroku yelled, Sango screamed, and Shippo stood there mesmerized. Sesshomaru though was half way to Kagome, but he wasn't aiming for her. A small child with long black hair, and brown eyes, wearing an orange kimono stood where Kagome was. A large blast of bright energy sent from Naraku, was heading towards the little girl and Kagome. It all happened in one fast blur. Kagome ran to the little girl that she didn't even know, she pushed the girl far from the blast, and took it on full impact. Sesshomaru was not quick enough to stop this from happening, but he was there to catch whom he considered 'Inuyasha's women'. She was bleeding beyond belief, and her vision was already going black. Sesshomaru didn't know what he was doing. He had a human in his arms! What was he thinking?

Inuyasha appeared suddenly by his side, and he was in shock by what Sesshomaru could see.

"Kagome---." He whispered.

Kagome coughed up hideous amounts of blood, as she struggled to breath and talk. "Inuyasha-I wanted to-save her-please don't-hate-me----."

Inuyasha stared at Kagome, he was crying and Kagome's heart ached for him not to. But she couldn't say anything, because suddenly she had lost her voice, the blood was getting too thick in her throat it was cutting off her breathing. Everything was getting dark, fuzzy, and distorted. Kagome knew she was dying, and yet she didn't mind. It felt right that she would die; it felt like it was fate, destiny, and her whole point in life. Death didn't hurt at all, actually it was rather pleasant, a sort of tinkling sensation.

Sesshomaru stared at this human named Kagome in his arms. Why, the main question in his mind right now. Why had she saved Rin? Why did she ask his idiot half brother not to hate her? Why did her eyes have this look of softness in it? Were all humans this dumb when they were about to die? Did they not care, that they were about to be gone from this world? And even though all of these questions were going through his mind, Sesshomaru never once thought of putting her down, her handing her almost lifeless body to Inuyasha to worry about. No he squatted there holding her in his arms, her human blood staining his clothes.

"Kagome please---don't even THINK that you're---going to---die---please don't---." Inuyasha stammered.

Kagome tried to smile at Inuyasha and mouthed to him, I.love.you.

Sesshomaru saw Kagome take her last breath, and then her head falling to the side. Suddenly chaos broke loose. Inuyasha yelled so loud that it hurt Sesshomaru's ears. He wanted to cover them but his arm would not obey. Sango started to sob on Mirokus shoulder and Shippo clung to Sango's leg his eyes wide with disbelief. Sesshomaru turned to see Inuyasha turn full demon. His eyes turned the color of red, and grabbing his sword he jumped at Naraku.

"You killed KAGOME!!!" Inuyasha screamed at him. (A/N: I know this is lame but this isn't as important as the other parts.)

Inuyasha caught Naraku off guard and sliced him in half. Inuyasha spun around to face the others. His eyes were blood red, and his mouth hung open like he was hungry for his blood thirst.

"Inuyasha! Please calm down!" Sango screamed to him, her voice pleading.

Inuyasha took one look at the now dead Kagome in Sesshomaru's arms, and he ran off. Sango and Miroku both yelled after him, but he didn't acknowledge them. He continued to run and he disappeared into the forest. Night was starting to fall and Sesshomaru decided that he had, had enough of this. He picked Kagomes body up and walked over to Sango, Shippo and Miroku. He held out Kagome to them.

"Take her body and I thank her for saving Rin. I bid you goodnight." Sesshomaru said emotionless. Miroku reached out and took Kagome. Then Sesshomaru turned towards Rin and said, "Come Rin we are leaving."

Rin stared at him then to Kagomes lifeless body, "Will the lady be okay Sesshomaru-sama?"

Sesshomaru stopped walking and said quietly, "Yes Rin she will be okay."

He was lying to her, but hey he did that all the time to her anyways. Rin nodded to herself and then ran after Sesshomaru.


Over the next few days Sango, Miroku, and Shippo buried Kagome and put up a monument of where she laid. They burned the Shikon Jewel that had finally been completed with Kagome. After a quiet funeral, they left. With nowhere to go Sango and Miroku married and took in Shippo as a sort of adopted son. Sesshomaru went home and did whatever he always does.

But one thing that was sure---no one ever saw Inuyasha again----.



"Congratulations Ms. Summers, it's a beautiful baby girl!" The doctor said to a woman with long black hair.

"Thank you but may I please see her?" Ms. Summers asked holding her arms out.

"Sure you can, here." The doctor handed the crying baby to her mother.

Ms. Summers took her baby and looked at her. She had black hair already showing, and deep brown eyes.

"Any idea what you are going to call her?" A nurse asked, a birth Certificate in her hands.

"Yes how about Kagome." The mother looked down at new baby Kagome, "Yes for some reason that seems like the perfect name."


Authors Note: Hey how'd you like it? Good first chapter huh? And oh just to clear up any confusion. The new baby Kagome is born in the Feudal Era 500 years in the future. Got it? Good! And oh Inuyasha will be in this story just give it time. Once again any ideas are welcome!!!!!