SD: Hi I'm back with my second fanfic. *big goofy grin on her face* ^_^ My
first didn't get any review so I decide to try with this story.
Lime: This time with those pokecritter.
SD: Pokemon Lime, which mean pocket monsters *look at a confuse wolf*
Lime: Isn't that those digi thingy
SD: No that Digimon and that whole another show. How do I'm suppose to write if you don't know what I'm writing about. You're just as bad as my mom is.
Lime: Yep *with her wolfish grin* we both have to tell you to clean your room and do your work.
SD: Unlike my mom I could stop you from talking, I hope you know. *angry glare at the wolf*
Lime: * roll her eyes at Star's worthless threat* Pokemon or what ever you like to call it are not own by Star. For if she did it will be loss in what she call her room.
SD: I get the point already _" On with the story.
Notes for reader
[Physic speaking]
*what they doing*
(A/N author notes)
Chapter One: Rest and Relaxation Or Something Close To It
"Is it done yet, Brock," whine the 13yrs old boy with raven hair and chocolate color eyes. He was shorter then the boy who he was trying to make cook faster. He wore a red and white League hat that covers his untamable raven hair. A black shirt was under a blue and white jacket and he wore light blue jeans. He was tan skinned compare to most people but was not as dark as his friend Brock. On his hands he wore a pair of green gloves with their finger cut off. Which right now was place on hi stomach as if was in pain for not eating for days.
"No Ash" said the irritated older boy with slanted eyes and spiky hair. He wore a green vest over an orange short sleeve shirt and a pair of brown pants. Even thought he is a very patience person, Ash seems to asking the same question at least a hundreds of time in the last minute alone. Wearing Brock's rock like patience thin. "I'm almost done Ash; give it a few more minute."
"But I'm so hungry I'm starving to death."
"Ash you just ate few hour of go" yelled the red head, just could not stand heard Ash's welling any more. "Learn some self control and wait." She stood there with a menacing glare at the younger boy. Her patience has long since been broke, after Ash's second statement.
Ash looks at the girl who wore a yellow shirt that shows her stomach. She wore blue short shorts with red spender. He gave her an upset look on his face. "I do have self control" he proudly stated. I'm just hungry Misty and to back him up his stomach growl.
Brock notices that Misty was on verge of keeping thing going. 'Oh no that this time.' "Ash why don't you and Misty here go take your pokemon some fresh air." "They been stuck in their pokeball for a long time." "I know they approved it" 'Plus I need a break of you two trying so hard to hide your feeling' wearily he thought.
Ash stood there quietly and though to himself. It was true; he and his friends had been walking in the woods for a good while. Without getting into the usual mischief they get into. Even Jesse, James and Meowth from Team Rocket have been absent from their lives. Every since he won his Dragon badge from Claire from Blackthorn. It been passive and well, boring. Only change of pass was when he and Misty start arguing. He stole a glance at Misty who look she was thinking the same thing.
"Come on Pikachu, lets go to that lake we went pass earlier"
The yellow electric mouse pokemon picks up its ears and ran toward his trainer happily. "Pika Pikapi."(Ok Ash) During the time when the human argued with each other Pikachu was busy trying to ignore the many argument between his friends, it was more of Pikapi (Ash) and Pikachupi (Misty), but it was hard. He usual shock them by know but Brock was quicker then him this time. He grateful for Brock suggesting and gave him a peace sign before climbing onto Ash's shoulder.
"Ash wait up, I coming too" said Misty picking up her Togepi and ran after Ash.
Brock smiles as he watches them both disappear in the woods toward the lake. 'Those to are something else' and laugh at this thought and went back to cooking lunch.
When Ash and Misty made it to the clearing near the lake he grab his pokeballs and yelled, "Come out guys" throwing them in the air. The pokeballs open up and reveal five bright white lights that then took the form of several pokemons.
"Bay bay!" (Ash) yelled a huge plant like dino who ran into Ash with a gentle Body Slam. Knocking Ash and Pikachu to the ground.
"Pika pika pikachu" (Watch it Bayleef) said the upset mouse pokemon.
"Calm down Pikachu" Ash said to the yellow pokemon. "She just happy to us" he smile. "Right Bayleef" Ash turn his head ask this question to his plant pokemon. But before he saw her she quickly pull her tongue back into her mouth.
"Bayleef" (Right) acting like nothing ever happen. Pikachu just rolled it eyes at the pokemon.
Ash picked himself up and soon found his friends surrounded him.
"Cynda cyn cydaquil" (Hey Ash what's up) said the yellow and black fire mole pokemon.
"Toto totodile tot" (Hey we not in a battle) he look around. Toto dile dile." (Or in the pokecenter) "Tototdile toto" (It must be free time) said the dancing blue and red spiked crocodile.
"Coooooo cooo" (Oh great detective Totodile) sarcastically stated by the small and unusual color Noctowl.
Totodile did not get the sarcasm from her voice because he answers "Toto to." (Of course) Noctowl didn't even persuade the issue.
Ash shocks his head at his pokemon. "Yeah, I thought you guys needed to gets some fresh air for a while, since you been in the pokeballs for a couple of days"
"Phanpy phan" (Yes lets play) said the very young blue ground type elephant.
"Actually it was Brock's idea" said Misty.
"So" said Ash
Misty just giggle at Ash, then she put down her egg pokemon next to Phanphy and walk toward the river. Next she let her pokemon out.
"Corsola corsola" (Hi Misty) said the whit and pink rock/water type pokemon. Misty pets the pokemon.
"Hello Corsola, how are you doing"
"Good" said Misty then she let her pokemon jump into the lake.
"Ha" (Ahhh) said the brown star shape pokemon when it landed in the water. Misty giggle at the sight of her pokemon.
"Pys yi yi" (???) answer the yellow duck pokemon titling it head. Then it walks toward the water stop at the edge for a few second and jump in.
*Everyone does the sweat drop except for Phanphy and Togepi because they're to busy playing tag*
"What am I going to do with you Pysduck" pulling the half drown panicking pokemon out of the lake. "You know you can't swim"
"Pysduck." (I forgot)
"What" yelled Misty. "You forgot."
"Pysduck psy?" (Forgot what)
"Ahhh you giving me a headache," yelled Misty as she grab her head screaming in frustration. "Just go play away from the water Psyduck" she said in a defeated voice.
"Psy" (????) and it walk toward a tree and went to sleep.
"I'm never going to figure you out."
Meanwhile Ash was laughing at the sight before him. "You're sure looked like a Psyduck Myst." BAM!! That was the sound of Misty's magical appearing out of thin air, behind her back, mallet. Hitting poor Ash on the back of the head. Lying him face down on the ground.
Pikachu pikapi (You should of not done that) Pikachu told his half conscious trainer.
"Your right" said Ash as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Bay bay bayleef" (are you ok Ash) she ask her trainer while she rubbed her sweet scented head on Ash.
"Yeah I'm ok Bayleef" he smile weakly to his concern pokemon. He turns and looks at Misty angrily. "Why did you do that for!!"
"That what you get Ash Ketchum" she fume an angry red that make a Charazard think twice.
"Hey" said Ash trying to hide his fear. "I was only telling you the truth"
Ash S. Ketchum is sometime the densest person in the world, but what he just said was the dumbest thing in his life. When both of his pokemon heard those words utter out of their trainer mouth, 'I can't believe he just said that.' 'He didn't just said that' they both knew their soon beloved but unfortunate trainer was in big trouble. And all they could do is move out of the way.
Bayleef who would of normally be willing to do anything to protect her trainer against anything. But Misty became one of the scariest things she has ever seen in her life. Misty was flaming like a craze fire pokemon in a dry forest on the hottest day of summer, where it had not rain for at lest a weak. We all known that plant pokemon is weak against fire type. Pikachu and Bayleef could only watch and the deaf defining sound that echo through the forest, when it hit the raven hair boy on the side of the head knocking him out cold.
"Humph" was the only thing that was said by a very upset red head girl as she turn and return her wordless pokemon and pick up her baby Togepi, who was stop playing when it heard those 'scary sounds that mommy make when she get mad at daddy.' Phanpy was equally upset about 'his daddy getting hurt.' She turns and looks at the unconscious boy on the ground. Quickly remove the tear in her eyes; pick her head up high and walk off towards the camp sight mumbling "I can't stand stupid immature black haired boys, who names are Ash Ketchum."
"Cooooo coooooo coooo" (What did he do this time) the bird pokemon inquire while she landed on a low branch. Even with her species having very acute hearing, she was flying over a deeper part of the forest when she heard Ash's stupidity by viva mallet. 'I didn't even need my hearing to hear that one.'
"Cynda cyn cydaquil." (He call Misty a Psyduck) "Cyn cyndaquil quil quil" (Then he said it again after the first hit) then Cyndaquil shock his head at the situation his trainer got himself into.
"Coooo!" (What) This small word surprises everyone in the group. Noctowl was by far the smartest of the team, to just catch her unsure about any thing is just overwhelming. "Coo coo coooooo cooo coo." (I never thought that Ash could be so dense) Everyone giggle at the statement.
"Bay bay bay bay leeef." (It's not his fault it's that girl fault) She was trying to define her trainer pride. The other pokemon care for Ash just as much too, but it was so funny that all the trouble Ash mange gets in trouble. Misty was the only one who could infect damage on Ash in the group. And yet he had not learned to think before he says anything to her.
"Cyndaquil quil" (How does he do it) asking no one in particular in laughing voice.
"Pika pi pikachu chu" (The same reason he survive all those hit to the head)
"Cyn" "Toto" "Coo" "Bay" "Phan" (What)
"Pikachu pika pi pi chaa" (He have a very hard heard) he laugh.
*anime sweat drop and sigh*
"Phanpy phan phanpy" (But 'daddy' is a great trainer) "phan phanpy." (and he love us) The pokemon listen to the older one talk about 'daddy.' It was his turn to talk.
"Coooo cooo" (I definite agree with you on that, little one) she smile at the blushing blue elephant. The rest of the group agrees too with happy cheers of their own. 'That why they love him.' 'That why they would never change him.' "Cooo cooo." (We need to wake him up)
"Toto tol" (I do it) said the happy dancing water pokemon. He prepares to spray Ash with his Watergun, but with all of his excitement he use a little to much power needed to wake his trainer.
"Whaaaaa" yelled Ask as the force of the water woke him up and throw him back a couple of feet. When Ash manage to get up from the ground he was soak and wet "Totodile!"
"Toto" (sorry)
"That's ok "He looks around then asked "Where Misty" with a slight concern in his voice. He didn't mean to hurt her feeling, know he felt a little guilty.
Panpy phan phan (Mommy went that way) he pointed with his long snout where Misty storm off.
Ash looked at where his young friend pointed and rubbed his head for three reasons. One reason was the fact that he forgotten that Phanpy call him and Misty, 'Daddy and Mommy' like Togepi. Two, his head hurts and three his head really hurts. "Why did she did that for"
"Bay bayleef" (You call 'that' girl a Psyduck) she smile and chuckle. She still didn't quite like Misty.
"I did not," trying to cover his guilt that he was feeling. "I just said she look like one."
"Cynda cynda," (Same different) he smugly stated.
"Phanpy phanpy phan" (Why do you make mommy so mad at you daddy) he gave Ash its Charm attack. "Phan phanpy phan." (I thought you like mommy)
"'t.." The Charm was taking full effect.
"Pikachu chaaaaa" (It's more like loooove) it squeak happily.
"I do not," forgetting about Phanpy's Charm. "We.. um..just friends" 'Yeah that it' "We just really good friends" He smile happily that he came up with something then the truth. The pokemon look at him then to each other and back at him then laughed. All the pokemon Knew about hoe Ash and Misty 'care' about each other. Matter of fact, everyone who knew them knew there was more between them two than 'just friends.' They just was the only ones that did not notices it
Ash stomach growl telling him he was hungry. "Oh come on" Ash said. "Lets go eat lunch." He recalls his laughing friends into their pokeballs. Then he and Pikachu ran toward the sweet scent of food.
Brock was just finishing cooking when he look up and saw Misty storming in. 'Oh no, what have Ash done this time.' 'One day I have to explain to him how to treat a girl.' Misty set Togepi down, grabs a bowl and sat down mumbling "stupid boy"
Brock knew he needed to cold her off before Ash got here. "Um." he said slowly as if he was going toward an angry mother with her child. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!!" she yelled at him making him take a step back.
"That sure is a Big Nothing" the other boy proposes to her.
"Yeah and it goes by the name Ash Ketchum!"
Brock thought as much. "What have he done this time."
"He call me a Psyduck" she growl angrily.
Brock was a little thrown by this statement. 'Psyduck, I thought he call you a scrawny little witch again.' 'That was only time he saw her, this, upset over what Ash would say. 'And it can't be that she just developing feeling for him; those two like each other when he first meets them.' 'There must be more to it'
Misty look at Brock waiting for the usual "don't worry Misty" phase but it never came.
"What are you thinking about" showing a hit of anger in her voices.
"Um..." Brock noted the anger toward him and did not want to visit La La Land with help of Misty's infinite mallet. He knew he had to speak his word with the uppermost clarity. Like her love of water and water pokemon. Misty is like an emotional ocean. She can change her mood like a tide at sea, as quickly as a storm could appear on the ocean. Right know Brock was one of them cheap yellow rubber raft, that floating in the middle of the ocean of a possible stormy day. "You don't usually get this upset over something like that.
Misty face turns a scarlet red. 'Oh here calm the clouds and thunder and lighting.' But then the color dissipates just as face as it came. 'Hallelujah, now I know why they sing those words.'
"I don't know, when he says those words this time it felt like he means them." "Plus he said that was the truth"
"Misty in my opinion, you're overreacting." "Your forgetting this is Ash we are talking about here." "You know the dense, arrogant, foolish, and every once he lose his cool." "But one thing I learn from being around him this long." "Is that Ash may be all those thing but he the most kindhearted person I have ever meet." "He will never try to hurt anyone on purpose." "Emotionally or physically, unless it's a pokemon battle or if someone threaten his friend's safety or I you happen to be Gary O."
"I get the point" she laughed.
Brock laughs at himself, "Any way, what I'm trying to say is Ash is too kindhearted and trusting as a person." "Sometime too much for his own good."
Misty looks at Brock and smile at the boy. "Your right Brock" "How could get myself work up over what Ash says."
Brock smile 'as the ocean became calm. Smooth sailing' he thought happily. "Er.Misty, where is Ash"
Misty gave him an innocent and mischief smile. She pulls out her mallet from behind her and shows Brock.
"Oh brother" he breathes. Knowing how angry Misty was and now knowing what that sound was before. He came to concluded that Ash was not going to be here too soon. "Why do I even bother" he mumbles to himself.
"Because you're the oldest" she giggles
"You two are worst then my whole family."
"I thought we was part of your family" she said in a mocking angrier
"With family like you two, who need pokemon or enemy for that matter of fact" Brock laughed
Misty was about to respond to that comment when she and Brock saw the sky darken then huge lighting came crashing down not to far from the river with a load cried.
"Piiiiiiikaaaaachuuuuuuuu!!!" Pikachu scream at the top of his lungs. The thunder that fallow that attack was deafening and bright. The two trainers were shock (A/N Hehehe Shock get it. Oh, you no fun) 'What would make Pikachu do such an attack.' Then they heard a fearful but painful cry
"Ash, Pikachu" they both yell an unnatural unison. They took off running towards their friends cries.
SD: If you want to know what's about to happen to Ash you have to review. *evil smile appears*
Lime: Another mean less threat by my sprite holder.
SD: *somehow pull Misty's mallet from behind her back*
Lime: Don't even dear Star *she didn't even turn around*
SD: Oh man *make the mallet disappear* Can't even be bad right.
Lime: Because you're just like Jesse and James
SD: I thought you didn't watch Pokemon. And I'm not like those two, they're clutch.
Lime: I lie, it's a good show, but I like Inuyasha better. And yes you are.
SD: *storm away from Lime but trip over her cloths again*
Lime: Prove my point. Read and Review please.
Lime: This time with those pokecritter.
SD: Pokemon Lime, which mean pocket monsters *look at a confuse wolf*
Lime: Isn't that those digi thingy
SD: No that Digimon and that whole another show. How do I'm suppose to write if you don't know what I'm writing about. You're just as bad as my mom is.
Lime: Yep *with her wolfish grin* we both have to tell you to clean your room and do your work.
SD: Unlike my mom I could stop you from talking, I hope you know. *angry glare at the wolf*
Lime: * roll her eyes at Star's worthless threat* Pokemon or what ever you like to call it are not own by Star. For if she did it will be loss in what she call her room.
SD: I get the point already _" On with the story.
Notes for reader
[Physic speaking]
*what they doing*
(A/N author notes)
Chapter One: Rest and Relaxation Or Something Close To It
"Is it done yet, Brock," whine the 13yrs old boy with raven hair and chocolate color eyes. He was shorter then the boy who he was trying to make cook faster. He wore a red and white League hat that covers his untamable raven hair. A black shirt was under a blue and white jacket and he wore light blue jeans. He was tan skinned compare to most people but was not as dark as his friend Brock. On his hands he wore a pair of green gloves with their finger cut off. Which right now was place on hi stomach as if was in pain for not eating for days.
"No Ash" said the irritated older boy with slanted eyes and spiky hair. He wore a green vest over an orange short sleeve shirt and a pair of brown pants. Even thought he is a very patience person, Ash seems to asking the same question at least a hundreds of time in the last minute alone. Wearing Brock's rock like patience thin. "I'm almost done Ash; give it a few more minute."
"But I'm so hungry I'm starving to death."
"Ash you just ate few hour of go" yelled the red head, just could not stand heard Ash's welling any more. "Learn some self control and wait." She stood there with a menacing glare at the younger boy. Her patience has long since been broke, after Ash's second statement.
Ash looks at the girl who wore a yellow shirt that shows her stomach. She wore blue short shorts with red spender. He gave her an upset look on his face. "I do have self control" he proudly stated. I'm just hungry Misty and to back him up his stomach growl.
Brock notices that Misty was on verge of keeping thing going. 'Oh no that this time.' "Ash why don't you and Misty here go take your pokemon some fresh air." "They been stuck in their pokeball for a long time." "I know they approved it" 'Plus I need a break of you two trying so hard to hide your feeling' wearily he thought.
Ash stood there quietly and though to himself. It was true; he and his friends had been walking in the woods for a good while. Without getting into the usual mischief they get into. Even Jesse, James and Meowth from Team Rocket have been absent from their lives. Every since he won his Dragon badge from Claire from Blackthorn. It been passive and well, boring. Only change of pass was when he and Misty start arguing. He stole a glance at Misty who look she was thinking the same thing.
"Come on Pikachu, lets go to that lake we went pass earlier"
The yellow electric mouse pokemon picks up its ears and ran toward his trainer happily. "Pika Pikapi."(Ok Ash) During the time when the human argued with each other Pikachu was busy trying to ignore the many argument between his friends, it was more of Pikapi (Ash) and Pikachupi (Misty), but it was hard. He usual shock them by know but Brock was quicker then him this time. He grateful for Brock suggesting and gave him a peace sign before climbing onto Ash's shoulder.
"Ash wait up, I coming too" said Misty picking up her Togepi and ran after Ash.
Brock smiles as he watches them both disappear in the woods toward the lake. 'Those to are something else' and laugh at this thought and went back to cooking lunch.
When Ash and Misty made it to the clearing near the lake he grab his pokeballs and yelled, "Come out guys" throwing them in the air. The pokeballs open up and reveal five bright white lights that then took the form of several pokemons.
"Bay bay!" (Ash) yelled a huge plant like dino who ran into Ash with a gentle Body Slam. Knocking Ash and Pikachu to the ground.
"Pika pika pikachu" (Watch it Bayleef) said the upset mouse pokemon.
"Calm down Pikachu" Ash said to the yellow pokemon. "She just happy to us" he smile. "Right Bayleef" Ash turn his head ask this question to his plant pokemon. But before he saw her she quickly pull her tongue back into her mouth.
"Bayleef" (Right) acting like nothing ever happen. Pikachu just rolled it eyes at the pokemon.
Ash picked himself up and soon found his friends surrounded him.
"Cynda cyn cydaquil" (Hey Ash what's up) said the yellow and black fire mole pokemon.
"Toto totodile tot" (Hey we not in a battle) he look around. Toto dile dile." (Or in the pokecenter) "Tototdile toto" (It must be free time) said the dancing blue and red spiked crocodile.
"Coooooo cooo" (Oh great detective Totodile) sarcastically stated by the small and unusual color Noctowl.
Totodile did not get the sarcasm from her voice because he answers "Toto to." (Of course) Noctowl didn't even persuade the issue.
Ash shocks his head at his pokemon. "Yeah, I thought you guys needed to gets some fresh air for a while, since you been in the pokeballs for a couple of days"
"Phanpy phan" (Yes lets play) said the very young blue ground type elephant.
"Actually it was Brock's idea" said Misty.
"So" said Ash
Misty just giggle at Ash, then she put down her egg pokemon next to Phanphy and walk toward the river. Next she let her pokemon out.
"Corsola corsola" (Hi Misty) said the whit and pink rock/water type pokemon. Misty pets the pokemon.
"Hello Corsola, how are you doing"
"Good" said Misty then she let her pokemon jump into the lake.
"Ha" (Ahhh) said the brown star shape pokemon when it landed in the water. Misty giggle at the sight of her pokemon.
"Pys yi yi" (???) answer the yellow duck pokemon titling it head. Then it walks toward the water stop at the edge for a few second and jump in.
*Everyone does the sweat drop except for Phanphy and Togepi because they're to busy playing tag*
"What am I going to do with you Pysduck" pulling the half drown panicking pokemon out of the lake. "You know you can't swim"
"Pysduck." (I forgot)
"What" yelled Misty. "You forgot."
"Pysduck psy?" (Forgot what)
"Ahhh you giving me a headache," yelled Misty as she grab her head screaming in frustration. "Just go play away from the water Psyduck" she said in a defeated voice.
"Psy" (????) and it walk toward a tree and went to sleep.
"I'm never going to figure you out."
Meanwhile Ash was laughing at the sight before him. "You're sure looked like a Psyduck Myst." BAM!! That was the sound of Misty's magical appearing out of thin air, behind her back, mallet. Hitting poor Ash on the back of the head. Lying him face down on the ground.
Pikachu pikapi (You should of not done that) Pikachu told his half conscious trainer.
"Your right" said Ash as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Bay bay bayleef" (are you ok Ash) she ask her trainer while she rubbed her sweet scented head on Ash.
"Yeah I'm ok Bayleef" he smile weakly to his concern pokemon. He turns and looks at Misty angrily. "Why did you do that for!!"
"That what you get Ash Ketchum" she fume an angry red that make a Charazard think twice.
"Hey" said Ash trying to hide his fear. "I was only telling you the truth"
Ash S. Ketchum is sometime the densest person in the world, but what he just said was the dumbest thing in his life. When both of his pokemon heard those words utter out of their trainer mouth, 'I can't believe he just said that.' 'He didn't just said that' they both knew their soon beloved but unfortunate trainer was in big trouble. And all they could do is move out of the way.
Bayleef who would of normally be willing to do anything to protect her trainer against anything. But Misty became one of the scariest things she has ever seen in her life. Misty was flaming like a craze fire pokemon in a dry forest on the hottest day of summer, where it had not rain for at lest a weak. We all known that plant pokemon is weak against fire type. Pikachu and Bayleef could only watch and the deaf defining sound that echo through the forest, when it hit the raven hair boy on the side of the head knocking him out cold.
"Humph" was the only thing that was said by a very upset red head girl as she turn and return her wordless pokemon and pick up her baby Togepi, who was stop playing when it heard those 'scary sounds that mommy make when she get mad at daddy.' Phanpy was equally upset about 'his daddy getting hurt.' She turns and looks at the unconscious boy on the ground. Quickly remove the tear in her eyes; pick her head up high and walk off towards the camp sight mumbling "I can't stand stupid immature black haired boys, who names are Ash Ketchum."
"Cooooo coooooo coooo" (What did he do this time) the bird pokemon inquire while she landed on a low branch. Even with her species having very acute hearing, she was flying over a deeper part of the forest when she heard Ash's stupidity by viva mallet. 'I didn't even need my hearing to hear that one.'
"Cynda cyn cydaquil." (He call Misty a Psyduck) "Cyn cyndaquil quil quil" (Then he said it again after the first hit) then Cyndaquil shock his head at the situation his trainer got himself into.
"Coooo!" (What) This small word surprises everyone in the group. Noctowl was by far the smartest of the team, to just catch her unsure about any thing is just overwhelming. "Coo coo coooooo cooo coo." (I never thought that Ash could be so dense) Everyone giggle at the statement.
"Bay bay bay bay leeef." (It's not his fault it's that girl fault) She was trying to define her trainer pride. The other pokemon care for Ash just as much too, but it was so funny that all the trouble Ash mange gets in trouble. Misty was the only one who could infect damage on Ash in the group. And yet he had not learned to think before he says anything to her.
"Cyndaquil quil" (How does he do it) asking no one in particular in laughing voice.
"Pika pi pikachu chu" (The same reason he survive all those hit to the head)
"Cyn" "Toto" "Coo" "Bay" "Phan" (What)
"Pikachu pika pi pi chaa" (He have a very hard heard) he laugh.
*anime sweat drop and sigh*
"Phanpy phan phanpy" (But 'daddy' is a great trainer) "phan phanpy." (and he love us) The pokemon listen to the older one talk about 'daddy.' It was his turn to talk.
"Coooo cooo" (I definite agree with you on that, little one) she smile at the blushing blue elephant. The rest of the group agrees too with happy cheers of their own. 'That why they love him.' 'That why they would never change him.' "Cooo cooo." (We need to wake him up)
"Toto tol" (I do it) said the happy dancing water pokemon. He prepares to spray Ash with his Watergun, but with all of his excitement he use a little to much power needed to wake his trainer.
"Whaaaaa" yelled Ask as the force of the water woke him up and throw him back a couple of feet. When Ash manage to get up from the ground he was soak and wet "Totodile!"
"Toto" (sorry)
"That's ok "He looks around then asked "Where Misty" with a slight concern in his voice. He didn't mean to hurt her feeling, know he felt a little guilty.
Panpy phan phan (Mommy went that way) he pointed with his long snout where Misty storm off.
Ash looked at where his young friend pointed and rubbed his head for three reasons. One reason was the fact that he forgotten that Phanpy call him and Misty, 'Daddy and Mommy' like Togepi. Two, his head hurts and three his head really hurts. "Why did she did that for"
"Bay bayleef" (You call 'that' girl a Psyduck) she smile and chuckle. She still didn't quite like Misty.
"I did not," trying to cover his guilt that he was feeling. "I just said she look like one."
"Cynda cynda," (Same different) he smugly stated.
"Phanpy phanpy phan" (Why do you make mommy so mad at you daddy) he gave Ash its Charm attack. "Phan phanpy phan." (I thought you like mommy)
"'t.." The Charm was taking full effect.
"Pikachu chaaaaa" (It's more like loooove) it squeak happily.
"I do not," forgetting about Phanpy's Charm. "We.. um..just friends" 'Yeah that it' "We just really good friends" He smile happily that he came up with something then the truth. The pokemon look at him then to each other and back at him then laughed. All the pokemon Knew about hoe Ash and Misty 'care' about each other. Matter of fact, everyone who knew them knew there was more between them two than 'just friends.' They just was the only ones that did not notices it
Ash stomach growl telling him he was hungry. "Oh come on" Ash said. "Lets go eat lunch." He recalls his laughing friends into their pokeballs. Then he and Pikachu ran toward the sweet scent of food.
Brock was just finishing cooking when he look up and saw Misty storming in. 'Oh no, what have Ash done this time.' 'One day I have to explain to him how to treat a girl.' Misty set Togepi down, grabs a bowl and sat down mumbling "stupid boy"
Brock knew he needed to cold her off before Ash got here. "Um." he said slowly as if he was going toward an angry mother with her child. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing!!" she yelled at him making him take a step back.
"That sure is a Big Nothing" the other boy proposes to her.
"Yeah and it goes by the name Ash Ketchum!"
Brock thought as much. "What have he done this time."
"He call me a Psyduck" she growl angrily.
Brock was a little thrown by this statement. 'Psyduck, I thought he call you a scrawny little witch again.' 'That was only time he saw her, this, upset over what Ash would say. 'And it can't be that she just developing feeling for him; those two like each other when he first meets them.' 'There must be more to it'
Misty look at Brock waiting for the usual "don't worry Misty" phase but it never came.
"What are you thinking about" showing a hit of anger in her voices.
"Um..." Brock noted the anger toward him and did not want to visit La La Land with help of Misty's infinite mallet. He knew he had to speak his word with the uppermost clarity. Like her love of water and water pokemon. Misty is like an emotional ocean. She can change her mood like a tide at sea, as quickly as a storm could appear on the ocean. Right know Brock was one of them cheap yellow rubber raft, that floating in the middle of the ocean of a possible stormy day. "You don't usually get this upset over something like that.
Misty face turns a scarlet red. 'Oh here calm the clouds and thunder and lighting.' But then the color dissipates just as face as it came. 'Hallelujah, now I know why they sing those words.'
"I don't know, when he says those words this time it felt like he means them." "Plus he said that was the truth"
"Misty in my opinion, you're overreacting." "Your forgetting this is Ash we are talking about here." "You know the dense, arrogant, foolish, and every once he lose his cool." "But one thing I learn from being around him this long." "Is that Ash may be all those thing but he the most kindhearted person I have ever meet." "He will never try to hurt anyone on purpose." "Emotionally or physically, unless it's a pokemon battle or if someone threaten his friend's safety or I you happen to be Gary O."
"I get the point" she laughed.
Brock laughs at himself, "Any way, what I'm trying to say is Ash is too kindhearted and trusting as a person." "Sometime too much for his own good."
Misty looks at Brock and smile at the boy. "Your right Brock" "How could get myself work up over what Ash says."
Brock smile 'as the ocean became calm. Smooth sailing' he thought happily. "Er.Misty, where is Ash"
Misty gave him an innocent and mischief smile. She pulls out her mallet from behind her and shows Brock.
"Oh brother" he breathes. Knowing how angry Misty was and now knowing what that sound was before. He came to concluded that Ash was not going to be here too soon. "Why do I even bother" he mumbles to himself.
"Because you're the oldest" she giggles
"You two are worst then my whole family."
"I thought we was part of your family" she said in a mocking angrier
"With family like you two, who need pokemon or enemy for that matter of fact" Brock laughed
Misty was about to respond to that comment when she and Brock saw the sky darken then huge lighting came crashing down not to far from the river with a load cried.
"Piiiiiiikaaaaachuuuuuuuu!!!" Pikachu scream at the top of his lungs. The thunder that fallow that attack was deafening and bright. The two trainers were shock (A/N Hehehe Shock get it. Oh, you no fun) 'What would make Pikachu do such an attack.' Then they heard a fearful but painful cry
"Ash, Pikachu" they both yell an unnatural unison. They took off running towards their friends cries.
SD: If you want to know what's about to happen to Ash you have to review. *evil smile appears*
Lime: Another mean less threat by my sprite holder.
SD: *somehow pull Misty's mallet from behind her back*
Lime: Don't even dear Star *she didn't even turn around*
SD: Oh man *make the mallet disappear* Can't even be bad right.
Lime: Because you're just like Jesse and James
SD: I thought you didn't watch Pokemon. And I'm not like those two, they're clutch.
Lime: I lie, it's a good show, but I like Inuyasha better. And yes you are.
SD: *storm away from Lime but trip over her cloths again*
Lime: Prove my point. Read and Review please.