AN: Ok, you people asked for it, so you got it. A sequel to "Kidnapped" I'm so great. *Grins* OK maybe not... but that doesn't matter. I'm not sure about the title yet... tell me if it sounds OK, and if not it would help if you gave me some suggestions. Anyway I'm so glad you people liked my Kidnapped story enough that you wanted another one, Hehehe, I feel so special. *Grins again* I would've had this one out sooner, but I had a writers block and I couldn't think of anything. But it's gone now, as you can see, and I got it out. By the way, the timeline in this is not like the show. I needed to change it a little so it would fit in better. I hope it's not to bad. Hehehe. (P.S. I don't own DBZ, just to let you people out there know.)



*Scene changing* (Sometimes it wont say where it's changing to.)


Not Your Average Lifestyle Anymore

Part 1: Gone so Soon


The great dragon named Porunga looked down and the six people below him and let out a low growl, a little mad that he had been disturbed from his rest.

"This is what Frieza wanted! A dragon!" Krillin said as he tapped his foot. ~I did all of that training just to look for a dragon. Man, I thought I was going to fight some kind of battle.~ Krillin grumbled as he complained to himself mentally.

"No, this isn't just any dragon. Porunga can grant you any wish you want," Vegeta explained.

"We need to hurry, I'm sure Frieza has seen him by now," Piccolo said.

"Who has disturbed my slumber?" Porunga asked as he glared at them with his red eyes.

"I have," Goku said, stepping forward.

"Then name your wishes," Porunga said.

"I wish for planet Earth to be restored," Goku said.

"I do not understand," Porunga said.

"What?" Bulma shouted, "He said it as clear as a bell!"

"Porunga only understands the language of the Nameks," Dende said.

"Well then translate it already!" Vegeta shouted.

"Well maybe if you asked nicely he would!" Bulma shouted back.

"Shut up woman!" Vegeta said.

"Make me!" Bulma yelled, glaring at him. Dende stared to talk to Porunga in the Namek's language ignoring Vegeta and Bulma's bickering.

"Do you know what you are asking of me?" Porunga asked.

"Yes, we do, and we're sorry if it's to much, but can you please do this for me?" Goku asked.

"It will take some time, but it shall be done," Porunga said.

"Alright!" Bulma shouted, jumping for joy, "Goku this is great!"

"I know," Goku said as Bulma jumped into his arms.

"It has been done. Now, name your second wish," Porunga said.

"Now wish back all the people that Vegeta killed on Earth back to life," Bulma said. Dende nodded then told Porunga the wish in his language.

"I can not do that," Porunga said.

"What?" Bulma yelled.

"I can only wish back one person at a time," Porunga said.

"Oh no, now what do we do?" Bulma asked.

"Wait Bulma, what about the Earth's Dragonballs. Do you think they can grant that kind of wish?" Goku asked.

"It might, Earth's Dragonballs are different from these," Bulma said.

"Check and see if your Dragonball was restored, that way we know if the others have," Goku said. Bulma pulled out a capsule and opened it, but the Dragonball was still a stone.


"Ok, for our seconded wish, we want the Earth's Dragonballs restored," Goku said. Dende nodded his head to Goku and asked Porunga the wish.

"It will take a while, but it shall be done," Porunga said.

"This is great, I can't wait to go home," Bulma said as she hugged Goku's arm even tighter, "And what makes it better is that I can go back with you." Bulma smiled up at Goku, and he returned the smile.

"Thanks Bulma," Goku said, kissing Bulma's nose.

"Oh please, spar me," Vegeta mumbled as he looked away. Just then a chill went down his spine as he looked to the sky, "Kakarot do you feel that?"

"Yeah, is that Frieza?" Goku asked.

"Afraid so," Vegeta said.

"Oh no! Please tell me you guys are just joking?" Krillin asked as he stared to panic.

"We need to make our last wish," Piccolo said.

"But, I don't need any more wishes," Bulma said, "Well... I always wanted-"

"Shut up woman, we don't care," Vegeta interrupted, "I will make the last wish."

"What?" Everyone shouted.

"Ask him to give me ultimate power," Vegeta said.

"No way!" Bulma shouted.

"Stay out of this! If that dragon will give me the power I can get rid of that two faced thing, plus I have a score to settle with it anyway," Vegeta said.

"I knew it. You stupid little monkey this was all you're idea wasn't it?" Frieza said as he hovered over the group, "And I thought you where on my side."

"Shit! It's to late!" Krillin shouted.

"Name you're final wish," Porunga said.

"What! Only one wish left... no matter, I'll destroy you all with one blast and then clam my wish for immortality," Frieza chuckled as he held up a red beam in the palm of his hand ready to fire.

"No! Dende for the final wish send everyone but me and Frieza to planet Earth," Goku said.

"But what about you?" Bulma asked.

"I'm going to kill this thing... you see, while you went with Krillin to get the one star Dragonball, Vegeta told me what this 'thing' did to my home. After we left, he came... and he took all the people he needed for his mission, then destroyed my home, including my father and brother," Goku said as he looked down at his feet, "I will get my revenge, I will kill this beast here and now so he doesn't hurt anyone in the future, mainly you. You're all I have left, Bulma."

"...Goku," Bulma sighed, "...I under stand. Just promise me you'll come home."

"Do it Dende, before he kills us all," Goku said. Dende stared to tell Porunga the wish as fast as he could.

"Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled, "I'm supposed to stay not you! Change the wish!"

"No Vegeta, I'm doing this for you too. I'm doing this for everyone, and I'm not changing it," Goku said as he glared at him.

"But... Goku." Goku placed a single finger on her lips to hush her. He then pulled Bulma into a hug and put his lips to the skin of her neck. He paused for a moment and then bit down into her skin, enough for blood to start coming out. Bulma gasped as he licked the blood that came from the wound.

"Wait for me, Bulma. I'll come back I promise," Was the last thing Bulma heard from Goku before a blinding light blurred her vision. When the light faded she was in the middle of a field with all the others. She was home again, but she wasn't as happy as she thought she would be.


"Next!" A loud voice boomed. Goku walked into the enormous room slowly and took in all of his surroundings. ~Where am I?~

"I said next!" The man hollered again. This time Goku could see the man with the tremendously loud voice. He was a big red giant with horns, and to tell you the truth this scared Goku quite a bit.

"Um... I'm down here," Goku said. The man peered over his desk to get a good look at Goku.

"Well, well, well, I haven't seen a man come in here with his body in ages. You must be one special man," He said, "Lets see here... you must be Kakarot, am I right?"

"Yes, but I like to be called Goku," Goku corrected.

"Well then, Goku it is," He said, jotting down something in an enormous book.

"Um... sir-"

"King Yemma," He said, correcting Goku.

"Yeah, King Yemma, can you tell me why I'm here?" King Yemma immediately stopped writing and looked down at Goku.

"You mean to tell me you forgot what happened?" King Yemma asked.

"Well... kinda," Goku said, scratching the back of his head.

"I hate to be the barer of bad news, but to put it plainly... you're dead Goku," King Yemma said, rubbing the back of his neck, not wanting to see the look on Goku's face.

"I'm... I'm what?"

"Please don't make me say it again," King Yemma said.

"I-I can be dead, how did I die?" Goku asked.

"Try and think, Goku. Try and remember the last few moments of your life."

"Well, I remember I was fighting Frieza, and... wait... don't tell me he beat me!" Goku yelled out.

"Well, not exactly. Try thinking harder," King Yemma said.

"Ok... ok now I remember beating him with his own attack, but... the planet, I didn't get off the planet in time. Damn it!" Goku shouted, "So I'm guessing Frieza died too?" King Yemma was silent for a moment.

"Actually, he... he survived," King Yemma said.

"What?" Goku yelled, "How? How did he survive?"

"I'm not quite sure. It puzzles me also," King Yemma said.

"Can't you just take his life or something?" Goku asked.

"Goku, that's not my job. My job is to sit around all day and night and look at everybody's boring life and decide wetter or not they go up or down," King Yemma said, "I'd like to do that for you, cause you're a nice guy and all, but I can't."

"I'm sorry Bulma," Goku whispered before he collapsed to the ground.

"Oh, you have a girl friend?" King Yemma asked.

"No, my mate, and I let her down. I promised her I'd be back. I told her to wait for me. Now Frieza's probably going to go after her now... and I can't stop him this time," Goku's voice could barley be heard by the man, but he knew exactly what Goku had said.

"Goku, I know a man that can solve your problem," King Yemma said, "Now I've looked through your life, and I've seen something about Dragonballs. I understand that these Dragonballs can grant you any wish you want. Am I right?"

"Yes," Goku said, looking up at the man.

"King Kai can let you talk to, Bulma, telepathically so you can have her wish you back," King Yemma said, seeing hope fill Goku's eyes once again, "Now I've heard about this Frieza guy from other dead soles that have come here, and I can tell you now he's not going up, but that's not my point. Now by my guess Frieza is going to get stronger so he can take out this planet Earth of yours. Well, King Kai is one very strong guy. He's the only one who has gotten out of my Yemma lock, and trust me my Yemma Lock is the greatest move alive."

"Well then why can't you train me?" Goku asked.

"Cause I have my job to do," King Yemma said.

"Oh... right," Goku sighed.

"But King Kai, all he has to do is look over the North side of the galaxy. No big deal there, so he should have plenty of time to train you."

"Actually, I don't even need to go to him, cause I know how to talk to people telepathically," Goku said.

"Not while you're dead. Goku, only the living can talk to the living telepathically," King Yemma said.

"Then what is he doing here if he's not dead?" Goku asked.

"Not everybody here is dead you know."

"Oh," Goku said, being defeated, "Then how do I get to this King Kai guy?"

"You have to fallow Snake Way," King Yemma said.

"Ok. Thanks King Yemma," Goku said as he ran out of the room.

"That boy doesn't even know where he's going," King Yemma grumbled, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"Um... King Yemma," Goku said, walking back in the room casually.

"Goku, back so soon."

"Well, I don't really know how to get there," Goku said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

"Bruce!" King Yemma called.

"Yes, sir. What do you want?" A blue ogre asked, jogging into the room.

"Could you please take Goku to Snake Way?" King Yemma asked.

"Why, of course sir. Fallow me Mr. Goku," Bruce said, walking out of the room.

"Thanks again King Yemma," Goku said, fallowing Bruce.

"Anytime, Goku," King Yemma said as he watched Goku leave, "The boy has a very unique personality, I'll give him that much." With that over King Yemma sighed, and got ready for the next soul to come in.


"I've only been working here for around a thousand years, and you're the first one I've seen with there body," Bruce said as he drove a little red car down a road.

"Wow! A thousand years is a long time," Goku said, leaning in the back seat with his arms behind his head.

"Not really. Larry's been here for over a million. I'm just a new recruit," Bruce said.

"So... what's this Snake Way like?"

"Well, as far as I've heard the only one who has made it all the way was King Yemma himself," Bruce said.


"Yeah, I don't think anyone else made it."


"Well here we are," Bruce said, stopping the car.

"Thanks for the ride." Goku smiled at Bruce as he hopped out of the car.

"Anytime, Goku," Bruce said as he turned the car around, "Oh! What ever you do, don't fall off of Snake Way!"

"Why not?" Goku asked.

"You don't want to know," Bruce said before driving off. Goku turned around to face an enormous snakehead.

"So this is why they call it Snake Way," Goku said before he hoped up on its head, "Oh boy." In front of Goku was an endless road winding around for miles and miles. ~No wonder nobody made it but King Yemma. There's no end to Snake Way.~ With a heavy sigh Goku took off down the path.


AN: Oh no! Goku died so soon. How's Bulma going to take this? Only I know and you're going to have to find out. *Grins* I can be so mean at times. Anyway I hope you liked it. Sorry it took me so long to get it out. I started it after I finished Kidnapped and then I decided to change it because I didn't like how it started. Anyway I didn't write Goku fighting Frieza cause I'm sure all of you have seen that and it took 2 thousand episodes to kill him... ok I'm over exaggerating, but it seemed like that to me. I also didn't do them looking for the dragon balls because that's just a waste of typing and it most likely wouldn't be interesting, aren't I so lazy, LOL. Well, review if you want to and if you have any ideas what so ever fell free to tell me. ^-^ Till the next chapter.