Thanks to all my reviewers and for their ideas you've really helped guys thanks. By the way I know trials can last weeks and weeks but this one will happen in a day

The court room

"...t's 7 AM wake up all you lazy lazy people." came a voice shattering through Tommys dream

"Aww man! It was my honeymoon!" he dragged himself out of his bed and picked up a few towels and headed into the bathroom. He showered quickly, brushed his teeth and flossed, spiked his hair and went back to his room. He searched through his wardrobe and found his suit. He hoped it still fitted, which it did.

"Tommy you ready yet?" came a voice round the corner

"Yeah Mom I'm on my way" he walked out his room struggling with his tie.

"What will I do with you?" she said taking his tie in her hands. "There. I'm so proud of you, you know"

"I know thanks mom. Are Dil and Dad ready yet?"

"Dil is but your father is still in bed"

"I'll give the guys a ring then"

"Kimi is already here sweetie"

"Really?" he said not waiting for a response he just ran down to the living room to see his fiancee


"Hey what are you doing here so early?"

"I wanted to make sure you looked smart enough"

"Well thank you. Am I?"

"Hmmm. You'll do"

"Well you look great"

"Aww thanks" she said before kissing him

"Have you looked at any dresses yet?" he whispered

"Well I've got a shortlist of 20"

"Great. I'm just glad I'm not aloud to go shoping with you anymore"

"Just you wait once were married thats it were always shopping together."

"Awww man. If I didn't want to be with you the rest of my life I'd call it off"

"Your still as silver tongued as ever" she said blushing

Stu came down the stairs at that point. He was ready to go as was everyone else in the house.

"Come on guys it's time to go"

Everyone agreed and went into the garage. They all pilled into the Pickles SUV. Kimi sat next to Tommy and held his hand all the way there.

"You don't have to give evidence if you don't want to Kimi"

"If I don't he may get off with out anything"

"Your right"

"Come on let's get inside you'll probably be first up"

They got inside the court house and had to wait nearly an hour until it began.

"All rise for the right honerable Judge John Brown" said the bayliff

"Be seated" said the judge "Now dealing with the case of the Pickles and Finsters Vs Dave and John Gorman. Dave and John how do you plead?"

John stood up "Guilty your honor"

Dave stood up smiled and blew a kiss at Kimi "Not guilty, your honor"

Tommy felt the anger rising in him

"Prosecutor your opening statement" said the judge

"Thank you your honor" said Tommys lawyer stood up "Well ladys and gentlemen of the jury. As you have undoubtadly heard Thomas Pickles was put into hospital by a shooting in a failed robbery. And during that stay in said hospital Kimi Wantabe-Finster was attacked by one of the defendants. Even a few weeks after the original attack Thomas was once again attacked by the defendants. I intend to prove without a shadow of a doubt that the defendants did not only attack Kimi and Thomas, but also robbed a local jewelry store. The proosecution rests."

"Defence do you have an opening statement?"

"No your honour I do not"

"Very well prosecutor call your first witness"

"The prosecution calls Thomas Pickles to the stand"

Tommy made his way to the stand "Do you promise to tell the truth the whole truth so help you god?" said the bayliff

"I do"

"Now Tommy can you tell the court what happened on the night of the robbery?"

"I'll do my best. I had finished my shift at the 7-11 were I work. It was coming up to Kimi's and mine anniversary so I went to get her a present. When I arrived there were two men holding up the jewelry store they pointed there guns and fired. After that I woke up in hospital with Kimi sitting next to me."

"Thank you Tommy and what about the attack on Miss. Watanabe-Finster?"

"That happened during one of my cardiotherapy sessions. I saw Kimi run out of the room and start shouting. I decided I should follow and that was when I bumped into Chuckie Kimis older brother. I told him what she did and we followed. That is when we saw her being held up against the wall by Dave Gorman and he seemed to be feeling his way around her body. Thats when he saw Chuckie and ran out of the hospital"

"And of the attack on the street?"

"Well that was when I was walking with Kimi and our friend Lillian Deville. We were heading towards the Mc Donalds restaurant for dinner. On the way we saw the defendants and we exchanged insults until we fought."

"Thanks Tommy, no more questions your honor"

"Defence your witness"

The defence lawyer stood and looked over to Tommy. Took a drink of water placed down his cup and walked over to the jury. "Now Tommy you claim to have been shot"

"I don't claim I know. I lost one of my lungs and have a very unflaterring scar. Not to mention all the medical documentation."

"Very well Thomas. You were shot, but you claim to have been shot by one of the defendants."


"What proof do you have?"

"The Tatoos on his arm were the same as those on the gun man"

"And this may be a popular style of tatoo."

"He's the only one I have seen with it. He also admited it to me"

"When did he do this?"

"On the third attack and 2 weeks ago at the hospital"

"When did you see him at the hospital?"

"When I visited him"

"Why did you visit him?"

"I wanted to tell him I was going to prosecute. And to tape our conversation." Dave's smile left his face

"And were is this tape?"

"Here" he pulled it out and placed it in front of the judge

"Objection your honor. This is not proper evidence it was not checked by police"

"Overuled this tape could hold any proof of what happened. Bayliff would you organize a tape player please"

The bayliff nodded and left the court. Tommy looked up to see Gwen looking at him with tears in her eyes. He mouthed 'I'm sorry' and she began to cry and left the court. The bayliff soon returned with a tape player.

"..... Can I ask you something?"


"Very funny. Was I your first?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your first victim. Have you shot anyone before or after me?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"No reason. I just want to know why. Why people like you exist"

"Well your not the first person I ever shot, but you are the first to live through it"

"Is that why you kept visiting me?"

"I supose I was curious"

"Thanks I guess. How many people?"

"6 or 7 counting you"

"How much money did you get for those 6 people?"

"About $3000"

"Was it worth it?"

"No, but only because I got caught"

"Don't you feel anything? Guilt, sorrow, pleasure, anything?"

"No not really...."

"The defence would like to change our plea"

Tommy felt a great relief and hugged Kimi as hard as he could when she ran up to him

"Now we have to begin planning the wedding" he whispered into her ear before they kissed

"Order, Order I'd like to remind the defendants that sentencing will occur tomorrow at 10 AM. Court is adjourned."

Kimi and Tommy walked out of the court room arm in arm. On their way out he saw Gwen still crying "I'll be back in a minute" Tommy said quietly and walked over to Gwen.

"Hey how are you feeling?" he said

"Fine I guess."

"Look Gwen I'm sorry, but I had to. He caused my family and friends so much pain."

"I know he did. I thought I'd be upset, but after hearing that tape..."

"I'm sorry you had to hear it, I supose you had no idea about his life"

"I did that's why I left when my mom left him, but I had no idea he would try to rape your girlfriend"


"Oh congrats."

"Thanks. I better go but I'm still sorry. Could you forgive me?"

"Of course I can. I'm glad he's going were he deserves to. Goodbye Tommy"

"Goodbye Gwen" he said shaking her hand and he returned to his group and walked away.

"Who was that?" said Chuckie

"That was Gwen a girl I met at the hospital. She's one of those guys daughter"

"Holy shit dude" shouted Phil "she must hate you guts!"

"No it's not like that she understands why I did it and she excepts it. She left his care as soon as she could. Gwen may hate him more than me"

"She can't hate him more than me" said Kimi gripping harder onto Tommys arm.

"I don't think anyone could" said Lil

"Well at least with him put away she'll have a clean slate. She can start anew" said Tommy

"You always look on the bright side of everything don't you T" said Dil

"Sure do D. Come on lets get home we're having a party"

"Should we invite Gwen?" said Phil obviously attracted to her

"I think she wants some alone time Philip" said Lil

"What if she doesn't Lillian"

Kimi began to laugh "Just like always. Tommy go over invite her"

"I'll ask but I won't promise anything"

Tommy ran over to Gwen "Err hey Gwen. This may be a bit weird for you, but were having a party at mine and... well would you like to come?"

"I'm sorry Tommy, I don't think it would be right celebrating my fathers imprisonment"

"Your right. I'm sorry"

"But you can do me one thing"

"Sure you name it"

She pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote something on it. "could you give this to the guy with brown hair?"

"Sure. His name is Phil by the way"

"Phil. Thanks Tommy. Goodbye"

"Goodbye Gwen" he sad as she turned and waved behind her towards him. He turned round and headed back to the guys

"She ain't coming is she?" Phil said sounding disapointed

"No, but she gave me this to give to you"

He opened the piece of paper and looked at it his eyes widened and a smile grew on his face. "This is her phone number isn't it"

"Sure is" he said smiling back

"Tommy you are the coolest guy that ever walked the planet!!!"

"He is isn't he" Kimi said nudging him before kissing him

They headed back to the Pickles home were the party is in full swing.

========== The next day ============

They were all back in the court to hear the hearing for Dave and John

"Dave and John Gorman you have been found guilty of robbery. Dave Gorman you have been found guilty of aggrivated assault on 2 counts and the shooting of Thomas Pickles. John Gorman you have been found guilty in aiding and abbeting in aggrivated assault." said the Bayliff

"In all my years as a judge I have never seen a man that brags to his victims of his crimes. You are truley a sick man. Dave Gorman I sentence you to 5 years for robbery, 20 years for the shooting and 10 years for 2 counts of aggrivated assault with no chance of bail. John Gorman you are a desperate man that has had to go to a life of crime to get anywhere. I sentence you to 5 years for robbery and 2 for aiding and abbeting a shooting and a aggrivated assault. Case dismissed"

Tommy hugged his fiancee and punched the air. He had finally let the whole attack go and could continue the rest of his life with Kimi



Finally done, what a rollercoaster ride huh? (lol) I hope all you reading this have enjoyed it. As I have already explained this isn't the end of this story just this part of it. I'll post the prequal first so you can understand the whole rock/metal singing thing then i'll write a story for the wedding, uni and there lives afterwards