A What If Story



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Summery: What if Harry HAD been expelled from Hogwarts, and his wand snapped? What if Fudge had ordered all protection be dropped from the Dursleys home and all contact with the wizarding world be severed?What if Voldemort broke in and finally killed Harry? What if. . .Harry was the decendants of both Gryffindor, and Slytherin,the most powerful elementals, among other things, of all time? What if, what if, what if. . .?


He was pacing his room, back and forth, in what seemed to be deep thought.

In reality, he was trying not to think at all. Why would he want to? All

he'd think about was what had happened, and all that he'd lost… All because

he had done the right thing and saved both his and his cousin's life. Bloody

Ministry! Anything to make sure their perfectly delusional world isn't


Less than a month ago, two weeks, 4 days, 17 hours, 34 minutes and 27

seconds ago, to be precise, he had lost his wand, and with it, his magic and

his life. Or so he felt. How could he now survive in the muggle world now,

after knowing the wonderfulness of being a wizard? He didn't know how he

would manage.

He shook his head almost violently, trying to shake the thoughts from his

head. 'It's over, Potter! Stop thinking about or you'll only drive yourself

crazy!' Try as he might though, he couldn't keep the thoughts from his

head. He wouldn't be surprised if this was Fudge's fault as well. The old

bastard probably cast some spell on him to make him continuously think about

it, to torture him some more.

But he knew that wasn't true, because he had been able to think about other

things, like those dreams… Voldemort was planning something… Harry

remembered him saying something in the dreams about attacking Hogwarts soon…

and finally getting rid of Harry.

That was another issue that was weighing Harry's head down. Voldemort. He

knew that now that he was defenseless, Voldemort could attack, and Harry

knew without a doubt that he would succeed. Harry would be dead, the world's

Golden Boy would be gone for good, Voldemort would take over the world, and

Hermione and the rest of the muggle-borns and half bloods would be killed


Harry grimaced. He would be severely shocked if he lived another fortnight

or two; He had no doubt Voldemort would attack. Harry was prepared for it.

Well, as prepared as he could be. He couldn't be magically equipped, of

course, but he was prepared for his death and anything that might follow

after, meaning he had written out all his good-bye letters, and had written

his will.

The ministry wasn't allowed to touch his money, and the most they could do

was transfer it into muggle money and give it to him. They agreed to put it

into a muggle bank account that only Harry would have access to. The

Dursley's knew nothing about it. No doubt the greedy bastards would try and

take every cent of it away if they knew. No way would Harry see his parents'

money blown away by those muggles. He decided he would split it evenly

between Sirius, Remus Lupin, the Weasleys, and Hermione.

Looking at his clock, he saw that it was 10:00 p.m. He lay down on his

six-inch thick, lumpy mattress and closed his eyes, hands folded under his

head. He opened his eyes back up and stared at the ceiling. 'I wonder what

everyone is doing right now? I hope Sirius doesn't go off and do something

reckless to get himself caught and basically executed.' Harry closed his

eyes and fell asleep, fully aware of the fact that he may not live to see

the morning.


Voldemort sat in his gold snake engraved 'throne', his red eyes glittering

sinisterly, twirling his wand between his fingers, a small smirk making his

already grotesque face even more so. A large crowd of Death Eaters formed a

circle around him.

"Tonight, I will finally get my revenge on Harry Potter. With the protection

wards around his relatives' house gone, it will be no problem to get in and

kill Potter, and those muggles he lives with. After that, we will strengthen

our forces and take Hogwarts. Whosever name I call will be accompanying me

to end his life. Malfoy, Nott, McNair, Alexander, Edmonton, and Liots. The

rest of you leave, and be ready to return when I summon you. We apparate to

Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whining, Surrey, at 11 O'clock, torture him

for an hour, and then end his life at exactly Midnight. Do you understand

this?" Voldemort's chosen co-killers nodded in affirmation.



A woman sat in a large red chair, her green eyes staring unblinkingly at the

clock on the small stand beside her. She drummed her fingers on the stand,

watching and waiting. The clock turned from 10:59, to 11:00. Her eyes

narrowed, and she sighed. "Just hold on until midnight, Harry. You can do


She began tapping her fingers more rapidly.


The street was dark, as it should be at eleven o'clock at night, and no one

was awake. If anyone had been, and had happened to glance out their windows

at this moment, they would have been shocked and confused to see seven

figures appear out of nowhere, in front Number Four Privet Drive. The seven

stalked up the walk, and blasted the door open. A second later, the upstairs

light came on and there was yelling as the Dursleys woke up. There were

several shouts of Crucio and pain-filled screams as the Dursleys were

tortured. Voldemort watched for a moment, then stalked down the hall to

Harry's room. Blasting the door open, he strode in.


Harry's emerald eyes snapped open as his door was blasted off its hinges. He

remained unmoving as Voldemort strode in.

"I was wondering how long it would take your pathetic self to come. Really,

Tom, it's very sad that it's been fifteen years and you still have been

unable to kill a kid. Really very sad, indeed."

Voldemort smirked. "Nice try, Potter. Trying to make me angry enough for you

to escape won't work tonight. You are going to die. You've eluded my grasp

one too many times. Tonight, luck is not your side."

With that, he raised his wand and cast the Crucatious curse on Harry. Harry

clamped his jaw shut, and held back the screams the pain caused him.

Voldemort frowned, and cast the spell again, and Harry arched only slightly,

still gritting his teeth. Incensed, Voldemort shot the curse at him again

and again, but still Harry refused. Finally, Voldemort removed the curse,

called several Death Eaters to him, and had them beat Harry non-stop for 25

minutes. Pulling a long dagger from his robes, Voldemort strode over to the

struggling figure on the floor, grabbed Harry around the neck, and thrust

the dagger into his stomach. Harry let out a surprised yell and fell limply

from Voldemort's hold. He lay panting on the floor, one arm wrapped tightly

around his bleeding stomach, the other one holding him up off the ground. He

glared at Voldemort defiantly, with pissed him off.

"You may kill me tonight, Tom, but there are still people loyal to me,"

Harry spat, thinking of Ron and Hermione." And as long as they remain loyal,

I'll never be gone. My memory will haunt you till your last days, Tommy boy,

and the light side will win, with or without me. And you know it. You can't

win forever, Tom. You'll come in last in this race." Voldemort shook

angrily, but forced a small, cold smirk.

"I suppose I really can't blame you for wanting to feel important during

your last moments." Then he waved his wand and Harry was lifted into the air

and thrown around for a few moments before he was flung roughly against the

wall. Harry landed on the floor and Voldemort stabbed him with the dagger

again. Then he threw Harry to center of the floor and strapped his arms and

legs down, rendering him unable to move.

Voldemort grinned evilly and began his work.


The woman looked at the clock. It flashed 11:59 in glaring red lights. She

got up, picked up a long black leather jacket and pulled it on over her dark

red halter-top, and leather pants. The she grabbed an extra leather jacket,

shrunk it, stuffed it her pocket, and disapparated.


Harry watched Voldemort leave. Everything was getting blurry, and he knew he

would be dead very shortly.

A few minutes later, his room was engulfed in flames and he knew this was

how he was supposed to leave this world; Betrayed by the ministry, banned

from his only home, beaten, and defeated by his worst enemy.


Voldemort stood outside, the Death Eaters in a circle behind him, as he

watched Number Four Privet Drive go up in flames. Then he turned away and



She stood in the middle of Harry's room and found him quickly, lying against

the bed, eyes closed. She pulled the jacket from her pocket, returned it to

original size, and slipped it on him. Then she lifted him in her arms, and

disapparated with a pop.

When she reappeared, three other people immediately surrounded her. A young

woman with a green tank top embroidered with green glass beads, and black

jeans led her over to a black leather couch and the woman in red laid the

unconscious Harry down on it.

" How bad, Tera?" the red woman asked green beads lady. Tera frowned and

dragged a hand a few inches in the air over his body, assessing the damage.

She frowned.

"It's as bad as it looks, Cassandra," Tera said to Red. The group of people

looked sympathetically at the boy, for he looked dreadful. There were

numerous cuts and gashes on his body, the most visible of which were on his

face. One long cut ran from his eyebrow all the way down his face in a sort

of arc, ending at the corner of his lip. There was a large gash, still

bleeding, on his left temple, and deep scratches on his left cheek, as if a cat

had clawed him. His lip was bloody and his eye swollen. Another thin but deep

cut ran from the inner corner of his eye to his collarbone. Tera sighed and

rambled off a list of his injuries, using a bunch of fancy medical terms.

The three women around him stared. "Huh?" they said in unison.

Tera sighed. "Lets just say it's a bloody miracle he's alive. With some of

the wounds he's sustained, he should be dead. I guess we know for sure he's

the Elemental's Heir. I'm going to need you all to leave for

awhile while I fix him up." Cassandra nodded and left Tera and Harry alone.

Motioning to the other two females to sit down, she told them what had

happened, though there wasn't much to say.

"Voldemort hurt him pretty badly, obviously. We have to start his training

immediately, before anyone has a chance to hurt him again. Right about now,

Voldemort should be celebrating his 'victory' and the Order should be

mourning their loss and sending Howlers to the Ministry." She allowed

herself a wry grin. "By tomorrow, the whole world will have heard about the

attack and believe Harry to be dead. Now, Emerald, is Harry's room ready?"

Cassandra asked, turning her gaze onto a girl of about fifteen, who was

dressed in a plain water-blue, loose-fitting, long-sleeve t-shirt and black


Emerald nodded. "Yeah, all that needs to be done is for him to make it truly his is to add

some personal items."

Cassandra smiled. "Good, good. Allegra, what's the latest Intel report?"

Allegra, a girl of seventeen was sitting on the arm of the couch, braiding

her currently blonde hair. Her yellow eyes looked at Cassandra.

"Voldemort is definitely planning an attack on Hogwarts. His plans are still

a little shaky. All he himself really knows is that it's going to happen,

and that it'll happen sometime in the next year or two. My guess is it'll be

sometime during what would be Harry's seventh year. Which means, if I'm

correct, and I'm sure I am, we have about two years to train Harry and get

him ready for the final battle."

Cassandra nodded. She walked back to the room in which Harry and Tera

occupied. "Tera? How is he? How long before he wakes up and is able to begin

lessons?" Tera opened a bottle of aspirin and popped two pills into her

mouth. She looked exhausted. "He's in a healing coma right now. Voldemort

hurt him pretty badly, but he should be recovered enough to wake up by next

week, and he can start lessons a few days after that. He's going to have to

take it easy for a while though."

*~*~*~*Next Week*~*~*~*

Harry's eyes fluttered open, and he blinked rapidly, his eyes trying to

adjust to the bright light. 'Where the hell am I?' he wondered, turning his

head to look around. This action made him wince. There was a pain in his

throat and on his face. He was lying on a queen bed in a room decorated in

dark red, golden yellow, deep green, Atlantic ocean blue, and black. There

was a largish table in the corner of the room, to the left of the door,

which had vials and cloths stacked up on it.

Next to him was a small nightstand with a glass of water, and his glasses

sitting on them. His bed was covered in a black comforter with silver

trimming and matching silver and black pillows and sheets.

He was very confused, and was becoming increasingly nervous. It sure didn't

seem like he was dead, but, Voldemort had made sure Harry was in no position

to escape, and nobody could've gotten there in time… But then, where was he?

Who had brought him here?

Just then, the door opened and a girl dressed in a long black skirt and

green tank top with a casual, black, open, long-sleeve shirt. She smiled

brightly when she saw him awake.

"Hello, Harry! I'm glad you're awake. How are you feeling? You've been in a

coma since last week." She explained, waving her hand over his body again,

like she had last week.

Harry blinked. "Last week? How long have I been here? Who are you?" he asked

quietly, his voice raspy from having been in disuse for so long.

"I'm Tera Vale, and you've been here for a week. Cassandra got you from your

relative's house and brought you here. You were in pretty bad shape, but you

seem healed now, except you're a bit weak."

Harry blinked at her. " But who ARE you?"

"Oh, yes, sorry. Well, I think we should let Cassandra and everyone else

help explain it to you. If you feel up to it, we can go out to the main room

and you can have something to eat while everything is explained to you." She

looked at him, waiting.

Harry started at her for a few moments before nodding his head slowly. 'What

is this? Is this a dream? Was he still in the Dursleys' burning house,

dreaming of being rescued?' These were the thoughts running through his head

as he slowly crawled out of the bed, throwing the covers off him. Tera

handed him a soft black robe and he welcomed it, shivering now that he had

lost the warmth of the blankets.

He followed her out of the room and down a wide hallway with shiny oak

floors and walls. There were several paintings on the wall, and a few black

iron tables were scattered against the walls. They turned through a door on

the left, and Harry found himself in a brightly colored room, decorated with

two identical leather couches, three leather Lay-Z-Witch recliners, and a

large circular cherry oak coffee table. Two women, Cassandra and Allegra,

occupied two of the Lay-Z-Witches. At one end of a couch, Emerald sat,

flipping through a muggle rock magazine. Tera went and took the last

recliner, and motioned for Harry to sit, which he did, at the other end of

the couch Emerald sat on.

"Where am I?"

Cassandra, dressed casually in black jeans and a white wife beater leaned

forward in her chair and stared seriously at Harry. "You are at the Training

House, designed and now vacated by Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, and

their wives, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Ilena Ismayek*. We're currently in the

country of Scotland. This place is yours by inheritance. You can live here

as long as you like, you own it, but you must stay here, or at your other

Gryffindor-Slytherin properties. These are the only places safe enough for

you, until you turn seventeen."

Harry stared at her in utter bafflement.

"I own this place by inheritance? Why would I inherit something Gryffindor

and Slytherin owned?"

Allegra explained. "You are the heir to both Slytherin and Gryffindor. That

is how. Voldemort may be a descendant a of Slytherin, but not of Salazar

Slytherin. You are. See, Godric and Ilena had a daughter, who married the

son of Slytherin and Ravenclaw."

"I'm a Slytherin? Well, I guess the rumors in second year were partly true.

But who are you? How'd you get me out of the house? Why are you here?"

"We are sort of your… guardians, you could say. See, Salazar and Godric

chose us to teach you, before any of us were even born, obviously, since we

inherited the ability to control a fraction of a certain element. We are

very powerful, but since you fully control each element, you are much more

powerful than even Salazar,Rowena,Ilena and Godric. You are, as I'm sure you know,

destined to defeat Voldemort for good. But as has been implied to you since

you started Hogwarts, you do not have to do it alone. We will train you, and

help you."