Disclaimer: Guess what!? I ACTUALLY OWN INU YASHA! He came involuntarily, 'cause I kinda stole him, but that's just fine! The cops are looking for us right now, well, ME at least. Inu Yasha's bound and gagged in a locked up closet. Heehee, WHO CAN'T OWN INU YASHA NOW EH, TAKAHASHI?!? HUH?!? I can't tell you my whereabouts right now, for fear it might spread on the Internet and I'll get caught.

Inu Yasha: *bangs on closet door* &*$@_(*^_)&#*()&_!!!

Me: Well, duty calls!

Voice: This message will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1- BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!

Disclaimer 2: Don't worry blondes! There really wasn't a big boom. JK! I'm blonde! I am insulting myself too so don't worry about it. ANYWAYS, I know everyone will hate me for this, but this is actually the last chapter of HK Pt1. I'll update the REAL next chapter to this story soon. *dodges flying objects* Whoah! Tough crowd, tough crowd!

Hanyou Kagome Part 2: Prologue

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The hanyou crept around the base of a large mountain, determined to find who the guards were watching. The rain was beginning to pour harder and the wind blew faster. She couldn't use much of her senses; if she sniffed, she'd inhale water, if she tried to listen, her ears would get waterlogged. Both of the senses she needed most. Kagome's eyes narrowed and she looked at her feet. The water had gotten up to her knees in depth and she was afraid that it was going to rise sooner than expected. She trudged forth none-the-less.
From out of nowhere, a sudden gust of wind blew her forward at tremendous speeds. She fell into where the water had really began to flood and it was sweeping her downstream fast. She flailed and kicked to keep herself afloat but the current was too strong. It pulled her under and she hit a rock hard. Around the rock were small holes where the water was being pulled into. She was pressed against the rock at a colossal force and she couldn't move herself to the surface.

(a/n: Think about the ride at the carnival where you spin around so fast you can't move, same difference.)

She winced when the pressure increased and her lungs were being pressed from oxygen. From the holes behind the rock, she could hear muffled screaming and cries for help. She recognized the voices, but couldn't do anything about it. She inhaled bucket loads of water and she got dizzy. The surrounding currents began to fade into blackness as she blinked to unconsciousness. From above the water there was a sinister laugh that would have made hell freeze over. Kagura had accomplished her masters bidding.

***Inu Yasha***

The inu hanyou had broken away from the pack and set out to search for Kagome. Close behind him, Miroku ran as fast as possible. Sango, Kirara, and Kouga had split up with them at the campsite, searching in opposite directions. Inu Yasha looked franticly about, though he could barely see the tip of his nose.

"MIROKU! HURRY UP! We need to hurry! Kagome's in trouble! I can, I can feel it." Inu Yasha thought and growled at himself. '.she HAS to be around here.' he thought and he ran on. Miroku panted behind him.

***Shippou and Kikyo***

"LADY KIKYO! The cave is almost flooded! We won't live!" Shippou cried and hugged the pale miko.

"Can't you do something Shippou-chan? Use your Magic Tree Leaves for something perhaps?" Kikyo questioned as the water rose another inch from the rock barrier coming apart. The water was up to Shippou's chin now and he stood on a rock to keep as dry as possible. Though it was still soaking him to his waist. Kikyo couldn't stand up, for the cave was so small, so the water was up to her shoulders.

"I could only help myself! I wouldn't be able to help you!" Shippou said thinking quickly for an alternate plan.

"Then save yourself. There's no point in both of us dying." Kikyo said while raising her head to keep the water from getting to her mouth.

"NO! I can't let that happen!" Shippou declared and jumped into the water. He swam over to Kikyo and clung to her neck. "You can't die! I don't want anything to happen to you!" Shippou said and he began to cry.

"Don't cry Shippou-chan. It'll only raise the water level." Kikyo said bravely trying desperately to keep above water without hitting the ceiling. "Save yourself now Shippou." The miko commanded and the water level finally reached it's peak. Kikyo held her breath though she knew that it was to late. Shippou plunged under the water and looked at her desolately. He whimpered under water and then as his breath began to escape, he pulled the last Magic Tree Leaf from his vest and placed it to his forehead. He grew gills and between his fingers and toes, fins grew. Kikyo's eye's were wide and her pupil less eyes looked about. He watched Kikyo's face squirm trying urgently to keep her oxygen. Finally her mouth opened and Shippou saw her chest rise in defeat. Bubbles escaped her mouth and nose. They shined silvery in the small light. Her face stopped being the placid, serious one it normally was, and for the first time, Shippou had seen her smile at peace.

'.she's gotta be unconscious. that's it, she's just unconscious.' Shippou thought and swam over to her face. Her hair danced around with the current and her eyes were an eerie glassy white. Shippou bit his lip and pinched her nose. Shippou placed his mouth to hers and blew frantically, trying desperately to revive her. '.please Kikyo wake up.' he kept thinking as he blew. He finally admitted defeat and covered his face with his webbed hands and wept.

*** Kouga and Sango***

"CAN YOU SEE ANYTHING?" Kouga shouted to Sango who was riding atop of Kirara.

"NO, IT'S ALL JUST FOG AND RAIN! I CAN'T SEE A THING!" Sango shouted and looked down at Kouga. In an instant, a massive gust of wind blew Sango from Kirara and to the ground. Kouga caught her before her bones shattered. "Thanks Kouga, what was that?" Sango spoke as Kirara landed gracefully beside them.

"It was a Kagura. The bitch that killed my comrades." Kouga grimaced and growled. Sango's heart rose to her throat. '.we can't have a distraction now.' she thought and readied her hiraikotsu.

"Well, should we get ready to attack her or should we push ahead?" Sango asked awaiting his command. Kouga had a hard decision. Rescue the one you love, or avenge his friends. He growled at himself and looked at Sango.

"We have to find Kagome." He said placidly. Sango nodded and mounted Kirara. Kouga readied himself to sprint but was taken back when blades of wind flew around the trio. For a second time she was knocked from her loyal companion. This time, drawing blood. Sango cried out in pain and grasped her shoulder.

"I guess we're not going after Kagome just yet." She said and grimaced.

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Notice anything the same? Maybe because it was the SAME EXCACT CHAPTER!!!!! HAHA! If you didn't read the disclaimer in the beginning, then YOU SHOULD HAVE SO THAT YOU DIDN'T READ THE WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN! Well, I'm going to start recommending stories. Here's a great one:

The Diary Series: By NoLabel This is a great series! The first part is about how Inu Yasha finds Kagome's diary that describes her undying love to him. The second part is about how she is kidnapped by Sesshomaru! I suck at summaries. Visit NoLabel's bio page to find the first part then second! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Thanks to all who had reviewed for Hanyou Kagome! 213 reviews! YAY! I hope that this doubles at least! And even if you flame me for repeating this chapter, don't worry. Flame all you want! I welcome flames, being the pyromaniac that I am. Did I say that out loud? Oops. Please review! I don't like those silent types. Talk to me online! I need to expand my buddy list! Love yall!

AIM: SesshomarusMoon1

Yahoo: HiraikotsuSlinger101