The Darkest of Knights By: Illuser's Gurl

Disclaimer: This is my first fic so not a word. I don't own dragon knights. It is Mineko Ohkami's. Rath is mine however, no touchie. Read on!

Cesia lay in bed, staring at the pale ceiling of the inn. She had been in the same position for just under two days. Only leaving for some milfy or a small meal. It seemed like she was entranced, but she wasn't. She was finding herself. 'Why does everything always seem to go awry??? Is my life meant to bring chaos in its wake??? What did Sarazar mean when she said that my destiny could save the world or destroy it??? And is it true??? I just don't know anymore. I don't know anything anymore it seems. I think I know Rath and then he surprises me. It's always been like this I guess. Ever since we first met. In the Misty Valley. I was working in a waitress at that café. They never realized that they were in an illusory town. Rath was actually the only one that knew NOW even. Wait, just a second ago I was thinking about the exact opposite of him and now he's the only thing on my mind??? What is wrong with me???' Cesia sighed.

Rath woke up and turned out of his bed. He put on his jacket; the cold was cutting into his skin like a thousand knives and he didn't feel like freezing. He took a step into the hallway of the Inn and looked down to Cesia's door. They had gotten joined rooms but the door in the middle stayed locked. He stood in front of her door, not sure if he wanted to disturb her, she might finally be sleeping. The last thing he wanted was to wake her up from a sleep she deserved so much. He entered without knocking. He looked over to Cesia's form. She was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling. 'Same as the last 3 times I came to check on her in the past week. Why would she have moved?' He thought bitterly. He shook the thought from his mind.

"Cesia?" He inquired quietly, in case she had in fact drifted off without him knowing. She jumped up, grabbing the closest thing to her, which happened to be the canopy post, and held it in front of her like a blade. Rath chuckled lightly. She put it back and turned to him, clicking on the light as she did. She gave him a cool stare.

"Is knocking above you now?" She said dryly.

"I was afraid you might finally have gotten to sleep. No need to expect a demon at every turn." He smiled despite her coldness.

"Well, since when do you care? And would it really have hurt that much to make a single noise?" She frowned.

"I thought I'd try something nice for once. Being mean seemed to get a better response." He grinned. Cesia felt her knees buckle. 'Good thing the bed was there or she'd have fallen straight to the floor. Why was this happening? This was Rath for crying out loud! She'd known him forever and a day it seemed and this had never happened before! Why now, of all times and places?' Her thoughts drifted off and she sighed. 'I'm so confused.' Rath gave her a questioning look and she smiled. "What is it? Why did you sneak in?"

"I was actually just coming to check up on you. But now I'm curious." She raised her eyebrows as he finished.

"About what?"

"What are you thinking?" Rath pretended to look as though he was pondering a particularly difficult mathematics problem.

"Why do you suddenly care, and by the way, your face looks..." She paused to scrutinize, "really messed up." She laughed and ran out of the room into the courtyard of the inn, Rath in hot pursuit. She did a 360* and ran right by him back into her room and locked the door. She turned to see him climbing in the window. He looked up and smiled. He had known her plan and took a detour through the window. She smiled back and stomped. "You win."

"I know." He smiled and she fell to the ground. At least it looked like it was from exhaustion, she was safe from him thinking that his smile did this to her. She looked at her feet.

"Right before I left to Mt. Mfartha, Sarazar told me something and its been bugging me lately. She said my destiny holds the key to saving the world, but it may also lead the world to ruin. I was wondering whether it was true or not and if it is, what does it mean." She nodded and looked up at him. "Okay?" He was silent for a minute or two.

"Why didn't you just say so? It's no biggie. I thought you were wondering if, like, something horrible was going to happen. This is small stuff. Sarazar hasn't been wrong yet, so it must be true. It means that depending on what you do, you could make or break the world as we know it." He smiled, "Simple as that!"

"WELL YOU'RE AWFULLY CALM ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!" Cesia looked like she was about to blow a fuse.

"That's because I'm not the one who could destroy the world and have it on my conscience forever." He smiled bigger. A loud THUD and Cesia was on the floor twitching. A classic anime fall.

"You're a great person Rath. Always putting others before yourself." She said sarcastically as she dusted herself off. A long silence followed her comment.

"Thank you." Rath was such a dolt; he had missed the sarcasm completely. Cesia hit herself in the head with her palm.

"Rath, I was being sarcastic." She started cracking up. Rath did too after a quiet 'oh'. Cesia looked up at Rath. 'My eyes must be tearing up pretty badly. I swear I just thought Rath had looked hot.

Dun dun dun. Just kidding. Nothing big to happen until later chapters but some cute fluff coming up next. So don't worry, be happy and stay tuned for: The Darkest of Knights: Chapter 2: Lefuryhelio. Now that, is a dun dun dun.