AN: This is something I'm going to try and have finished in the next 3 days. Let me know if anyone's interested in this story. There are no ships so far, just friends. It's a few weeks into school.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything OC related.

"Come all ye lost
Dive into moss
I hope that my sanity covers the cost
to remove the stain of my love
Paper maché…"
--Damien Rice "I Remember"

Ryan Atwood stares at his blank notebook as he waits for Seth to pick him up from school. He's sitting on the front steps of his high school trying to work on his daily journal for english class. The Cohens had a family get-together to attend and Ryan had requested that he be excused because of Kirsten's father's undisguised animosity toward him. He rode to school with Marissa and is waiting for Seth who is running late.

"Freak! Get away from me!"

Ryan recognizes Summer's voice from inside the nearly deserted school. He is unsure of whether or not he should investigate. He rarely talks to Summer but she's one of Marissa's best friends and he respects her for standing by the fragile girl. He puts his notebook away and shoulders his backpack when he hears her scream again.

Ryan rushes inside and follows the sound of Summer's pleas toward the girls' bathroom. He hesitates outside the door but a desperate shriek propels him into the forbidden room.

"Ryan!" Summer cries in relief. An unfamiliar boy has her pinned against the wall. Ryan pulls the boy away from her and punches him several times in the face. He stops attacking the boy when he feels Summer clinging to him. Ryan glances down as his bloody fists. The boy is unconscious.

"You alright?" Ryan asks, turning to her.

"Yeah, thank god…let's get the fuck out of here…" Summer is pale and trembling so Ryan puts an arm around her and leads her out of the bathroom into the hallway.

"What happened?" Ryan asks, using the water fountain to wash the kid's blood off his hands. He knows it's unsanitary but Summer is clinging to him and he's not sure if she would go into the boys' bathroom with him.

"Fucking punk followed me in there…" Summer replies, still pale.

"Hey. You're okay now, okay?" Ryan steadies her with his hands on her shoulders.

"You really have a 'white knight' complex, don't you?" Summer smiles slightly, relaxing.

"Something about Newport brings it out in me," He replies.

"What are you still doing here?"

"Seth's supposed to pick me up…but he's late," Ryan replies.

"Good news for me, I guess," Summer says, quietly.

"Let's go outside before somebody connects us to that kid in there…" Ryan urges, leading her outside. "Sit down." He steadies her to a seat on the steps.

"Oh god…" Summer's skin turns red as the gravity of what she just experienced hits her.

"Hey. Summer…relax, you're okay…" Ryan puts an arm around her and she starts to cry. She embraces him in a hug and he rubs her back reassuringly. He barely registers the Range Rover pull up and immediately pull away with a squeal of tires.

"Uh oh. I guess I'm walking," Ryan mutters with a sigh.

"My car's here…I just don't think I'm up for driving right now…" Summer says, still crying.

"Will you let me drive you home?" Ryan asks. She nods. He keeps his arm around her, leading her to the parking lot. She hits a button on her keychain and Ryan follows the sound to her car.

"Thanks, Ryan…" Summer manages, drying her eyes.

"You sure you're okay?" He asks, opening the door to the passenger seat for her. He gently helps her inside before getting into the driver's seat.

"I just…that's never happened to me before…I should have maced him or something…I just…"

"Hey…" Ryan takes her hand and squeezes it, reassuringly. "You did everything you could do. You're okay and he's not going to bother you anymore."

"Do you always know what to say?" Summer whispers, crying softly.

"No. I'm flying blind here. I'm just glad you screamed. Did he hurt you?" Ryan asks, quietly.

Summer pulls up her sleeve and Ryan glimpses telltale bruises developing on her upper arms. Ryan turns red and Summer notices the flash of anger in his blue eyes. She forgets her tears for a moment. "You would have really hurt that kid, wouldn't you?"

Ryan doesn't respond immediately. "I did really hurt that kid," He says quietly. The car is silent for a while. "Let's just say I have rage blackouts sometimes, too," He smiles.

The car lapses into silence again. "I don't know where you live, Summer. Care to enlighten me?" Ryan asks.

She gives him directions and a little while later, he parks her car in front of her house. "Ryan. Do you mind coming inside? My parents aren't home and I really…I don't want to be alone…will you come in while I call Marissa?"

"Sure," Ryan smiles, following the girl inside the large mansion. Summer staggers suddenly, dizzy but Ryan catches her and guides her with a steadying arm around her waist to the kitchen. He leans her against the counter and quickly passes her a glass of water.

Summer's skin pales suddenly. "I think I'm going to be sick…" She takes several steps and then leans over the sink. Ryan instinctively takes her long hair in his hand, holding it as she is sick. He's used to taking care of women when they're sick thanks to his mother.

"Oh, god…this is just embarrassing now," Summer chokes.

"You need to relax, Summer…everything's okay…"

"But he almost…" Summer gasps, breathless.

"Shh…he didn't," Ryan replies. "You're okay now. You're home."

"Yeah…I'm home…" She vomits again. Ryan passes her a paper towel. She seems to recover when she turns to Ryan with her dark brown eyes. "I got you in trouble, didn't I?"

"How's that?" Ryan asks.

"Seth left you…" Summer starts.

"I'll fix it, don't worry. I won't tell him if you don't want me to," Ryan adds, quietly.

"I don't care. You have to tell him so he won't be mad at you. But he has no claim on me…if I wanted you, I could have you," Summer adds.

"That's more like the Summer I'm used to," Ryan smiles.

"Will you do me a favor? I'm going to go get cleaned up. Will you call Marissa for me? See if I can come by when I take you home…" Summer suggests.

"I can stay as long as you need, Summer."

She smiles slightly. "Thanks. I just…I need Marissa to know but I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet…"

"Okay, Summer. Go get cleaned up. Call me if you need me…" Ryan offers.

Ryan uses the cordless phone and dials Marissa.

"Can I speak to Marissa?" He asks, not recognizing the voice.

"Ryan? Why are you calling from Summer's house?" Marissa asks, sounding alert.

"Long story," Ryan sighs.

"Seth was acting all crazy. He said he saw you guys making out on the front steps of school," Marissa says.

"Summer was attacked today. She's pretty upset," Ryan replies. Marissa gasps.

"What happened?"

"Some kid followed her into the bathroom. I was sitting outside waiting on Seth and I heard her screaming. She was pretty shaken up…"

"At school? None of the teachers heard?"

"There was nobody around, I think they must have been in a meeting or something. She wanted me to call you and see if she can come over. I don't think she should be alone, Marissa."

"Did you get the kid, Ryan?" Marissa asks, her voice angry.

"I…I got him. We kind of just…left the scene. Seth saw me hugging her outside and he left me so I drove her home. She's taking a shower."

"Is she okay, Ryan?"

"I don't know. I don't know her that well. She's upset but she's pretty strong."

"Thank god you were there, Ryan…" Marissa starts.

"As soon as she's ready, we'll be over there."

"Do you want me to talk to Seth?"

"No, I'll explain it to him," Ryan replies. He hangs up. Summer returns to the kitchen, dressed drastically different than Ryan has ever seen her. She isn't wearing makeup and her dark hair is pulled back in a wet ponytail. She's wearing a pair of faded baggy jeans and a tank top. The bruises on her arms are shaped like handprints.

Ryan embraces her impulsively, sensing the fragility of the girl. She returns his hug and starts to cry. He holds her and rocks her until her sobs subside.

"Thank you," She sniffles, still clinging to him. He rubs her back.

"No problem." He whispers in her ear. "Just don't damage my bad-boy image."

She smiles. "I mean it. Thanks. You're a good friend."

"I'm a friend now?" Ryan asks, releasing her so she can sit down on a stool.

"Yeah. You are. What did Marissa say?" She asks.

"That she'll be waiting for you. Oh, and that Seth saw us making out in front of the school," Ryan responds. Summer stares at him, stunned. "So I guess we're more than friends, right?" He teases.

"Shut up. You're friend is insane. Why is he obsessed with me?" Summer asks, her color returning.

"He's not insane. He just likes you a lot. You're his crush, that's all. He's also pretty high strung. Don't hold it against him."

"I know, he's a good guy and all…but you have to admit that he's only a few steps away from being classified a 'stalker'."

"He's harmless, Summer," Ryan grins.

"Yeah. He would never follow me into the bathroom and try to…" She starts to cry, holding out her arms to display the bruising. "Look at my arms…"

"Hey, Summer, it's okay. Nothing happened to you, okay? You need a jacket, that's all…" Ryan takes off his jacket and drapes it around her shoulders. "See? All better. You're still intact."

She smiles. "Thanks." Tears still linger in her eyes, but she is calmer. "You ready?"

"If you are. You sure you're ready?"

She disappears for an instant, returning with a backpack. "Yeah. Ready."


Ryan drops his backpack in the pool house after making sure Summer got over to Marissa's okay. He tried to talk to Seth, but the teenager wouldn't open his door. Kirsten and Sandy each asked him what was wrong but he didn't confide in them. He would like to talk to Seth about what happened, but there's nothing that he can do. He starts on his homework, absently listening to the radio through his headphones. He glances up around midnight, startled at the passage of time. Marissa and Summer are waving at him from outside the door. He waves them inside.

"Ryan…Summer's going to go to the principal in the morning and tell her what happened. Do you think this kid will come after her?" Marissa asks, steadying Summer as they sit down on the couch.

"Did you know him? Had you ever seen him before?" Ryan asks, having already considered this earlier.

"He's a freshman…he runs with the jocks…I've seen him with Luke a few times but he's not somebody that I would know," Summer replies, timidly.

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay? I'll have your back. He won't be at school for a few days anyway…"Ryan replies, quietly.

"You beat him up bad?" Marissa asks.

"I know I broke his nose…" Ryan mutters.

"How?" Marissa asks. Summer is watching his reaction.

"It makes a very unique sound. It's not something you ever forget," Ryan replies.

"So you think he'll leave me alone?" Summer whispers.

"Sure he will. Or else he'll face the wrath of Ryan, right?" Marissa reassures her.

"Right," Ryan says, squeezing her hand.

"You're not going to get into trouble, are you, Ryan? For helping me? Marissa says…she says you're not supposed to fight," Summer stammers, anxious.

"It'll be okay. I think the Cohens will understand," Ryan replies. "Everything will work out. Okay?"

"See? I told you," Marissa smiles, giving Ryan a relieved look.

"Why don't you go get some sleep? I'll see you guys in the morning. Do you want me to go to the office with you? Like, as a witness?" Ryan offers. "I mean, I'm kind of involved. I beat that kid up."

"Yeah. Do you mind?" Summer asks, instantly.

"No problem. I'll be ready at 7:30, okay?" Ryan replies.

"Okay, we'll be over to get you," Marissa promises. She exits with Summer after they both embrace him briefly. Ryan stands outside, making sure they get next door okay. Sandy startles him, walking up.

"Little late for company," Sandy says.

"I need to talk to you," Ryan states, quietly. "I think I'm in trouble."

Sandy is immediately concerned. "What kind of trouble?"

"If…I got into a fight…at school…how much damage would that do to my probation?" Ryan asks, quietly.

"Ryan…why…what happened?"


"Tell me what happened," Sandy repeats, with a sigh.

"I was waiting for Seth and I heard a scream. I heard Summer's scream. So I followed her voice and I found her in the bathroom…some guy had her pinned against the wall…She was screaming, Mr. Cohen. He was hurting her. there were no teachers around…so I took care of it."

Sandy's face is surprised.

"I…I couldn't stop myself. I mean…I mangled the kid's face before Summer stopped me. We left right after that, she was really upset…and…" Ryan sighs, shielding his face. "It was wrong. I know. I have to keep my anger under control. I was just…I had to get him off her and I wasn't thinking straight."

"Okay, Ryan. So…you guys left the kid on the bathroom floor? What if he's dead, Ryan?"

"I didn't kill him, Mr. Cohen, damn…" Ryan replies, startled. "He was still breathing. I promised Summer that I'd go with her to the principal's office tomorrow so she can report him. So, in the morning, I'm officially busted."

Sandy is pensive. "Dammit, Ryan…you keep seeing how far you can push us, don't you?"

Ryan's eyes flash and Sandy is startled by the hurt he sees in the teenager's eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ryan, I know you were only doing the right thing…" Sandy apologizes.

"No. You're right. I should have found another way. I'll deal with it. If I get expelled, I'll get expelled. I just thought you should know…" Ryan turns away, his face expressionless. "I'm going to bed."

"Ryan, wait, I'll help you…"

"No. That's okay. I'll handle it. I'll call my P.O. in the morning after I find out something, all right? See what happens now." He disappears into the pool house before Sandy can stop him.


Sandy comes to find Ryan the next morning to discover that he has already left with the girls. Seth is eating cereal in the kitchen when Sandy returns.

"Did you see where Ryan went?" Sandy asks.

"Nope," Seth replies.

"Why are you angry with him? Did you talk to him about what happened yesterday?" Sandy asks, confused at the tension between his son and his foster son.

"How do you know what happened yesterday?" Seth asks, dropping his spoon in surprise.

"Ryan told me. I'm his attorney so he thought he should fill me in," Sandy replies.

"He thinks he needs a lawyer?" Seth is confused.

"He's going to be lucky if he can stay out of juvie," Sandy sighs, exiting the kitchen.

At school, Summer follows Ryan into the principal's office. Marissa is waiting outside. Ryan had explained the urgency of their meeting and convinced the principal to see them. Summer is clinging to Ryan's arm as they sit down beside each other.

The principal is a very nice older lady. "Summer? Mr. Atwood says that you have something important to tell me."

"Go ahead," Ryan urges. Summer's hand finds Ryan's hand and clenches it.

"Yesterday, I stayed late to finish up a chemistry lab that the teacher said I had to finish before I could leave. I went to the bathroom and this guy followed me in…" The principal is startled. "He pushed me against the wall…he was saying all kinds of…nasty things to me. I started screaming and then Ryan heard me. He came in and got the guy off me. Then we left," Summer says, quickly.

"See? Not so hard," Ryan smiles at her, gently.

"What time was this, Summer?" The principal asks, flushed with concern.

Summer glances at Ryan. "Around…four?"

"Four fifteen, I think," Ryan nods.

"We were all in a meeting…no one else saw anything?" The principal questions.

"No one was around. I panicked and Ryan…he took me home. My friends convinced me to tell you what happened," Summer whispers, still upset. "If Ryan hadn't been there…"

"Okay, Summer. Did you recognize the boy?" The principal asks, concerned.

"I think he's a freshman…I don't know his name."

"Summer, show her…go ahead, okay?" Ryan whispers.

Summer is still wearing Ryan's jacket and he helps her take it off. The principal gasps, seeing the bruising on her arms. She pulls the coat back on after the principal sees it. Summer squeezes Ryan's hand again.

"Okay, kids. I'm going to pull the security cameras from yesterday afternoon and try to identify the boy that attacked you…"

Ryan clears his throat. "If he's at school today…he probably won't be that hard to find."

"Ryan was just protecting me…" Summer starts. Ryan calms her down.

The principal is confused. "I'm sorry?"

"When I pulled him away from Summer…I hit him a few times. In the face," Ryan admits.

Slowly, the principal nods. "Okay. I'm going to start taking care of this. Mr. Atwood, you're aware that I'll have to notify your probation officer…"

"He's expecting your call," Ryan replies, ignoring Summer's alarmed expression.

"He didn't do anything wrong," Summer starts again.

"Hey. I told you that it's okay, Summer. Let her take care of it," Ryan soothes Summer. She relaxes. The principal observes them, impressed.

"Are you sure you feel okay being at school today?" The principal asks Summer.

"Yeah. Marissa's here and Ryan…you're not kicking him out, are you?" Summer asks, calmer.

"Fighting is not tolerated in this school but in this circumstance…I'm going to talk with my associates and his teachers…" The principal begins.

"But I'm suspended, right?" Ryan asks.

"I'm sorry. It's school policy…" The principal apologizes, looking sincere.


"It's alright, Summer. I get the day off. It's fine," Ryan smiles at her, reassuringly. "Everything will work out, okay?"

"Ryan, do you want me to call someone to pick you up?" The principal offers.

"No. That's okay. I already told my…guardians…what happened. It's not a long walk," Ryan replies.

"Summer, you and Marissa can wait in the guidance counselor's office. I don't want you going to class until we apprehend the boy that attacked you. Summer, why didn't your parents call me?" The principal asks.

Ryan glares at her, scolding her with his eyes for her insensitivity. Summer has started to cry. "Her parents aren't home," He says quietly, putting an arm around her and letting her cry into his shoulder. The principal nods in understanding. "She's staying with Marissa."

Summer recovers herself. "I left my mom a message with her answering service…"

"Okay. Ryan can walk with you ladies to the guidance office and then he needs to leave school grounds until further notice. I'll be down in a little while to talk to you, okay, Summer?"

She nods. Ryan steadies her out of the office and she immediately embraces Marissa who stands up.

"Everything okay?" Marissa questions, her eyes searching Ryan's face.

"Everything's going to be fine," Ryan answers.

"Ryan's suspended and they're calling his…" Summer starts.

"I told you. I'm dealing with it, okay?" Ryan cuts her off before she can continue. He turns to Marissa. "I'm going to walk you guys to the guidance office and that's where you're going to wait for the principal."

"Dammit, Summer, I spend every other day in that office, what are you doing to me?" Marissa teases her friend as they exit the office.

The hallway is empty when they step out because everyone is in class. Ryan takes them to the guidance office and then collects the rest of his things from his locker. He starts walking home, his mind swirling with his suspension and his P.O.'s pessimistic outlook on his latest transgression.

Ryan is halfway home when he feels something slam into his skull. There's the sound of glass shattering and then he sees a bright light and then everything is dark.


Seth drops his backpack in the living room when he arrives home after school. He didn't see Ryan, Marissa or Summer all day. He knows that he's missed something important because of his jealousy the day before, but he couldn't catch up to anyone to find out the story. Ryan didn't come out after school while Seth waited for him so he decided to return home to wait. As soon as Seth opens the fridge, there's a knock on the door. He opens it and is surprised to find Marissa and Summer.

"Hey, Seth. Where's Ryan?" Marissa asks immediately, looking past him.

"I don't know, he didn't come out after school…"

"He's suspended, they sent him home at like 8:30 this morning," Summer replies. "He didn't talk to you."

"What?" Seth asks, confused.

"You're still all pissed at him. You don't even know what happened," Summer realizes.

"Why is he suspended?" Seth asks, ignoring her cold look.

"Somebody attacked me yesterday. Ryan saved me, he heard me screaming. But he kind of…beat up the guy that was fucking with me. The principal had to suspend him. They sent us home at like, noon, because they can't find the kid that was messing with me. Where's Ryan?" Summer demands.

"He's not here. Come in. Are you okay?" Seth's voice is dripping with concern and regret. "He was trying to talk to me last night…but I was being a punk. Where do you think he is?"

"There was some stuff with his probation officer," Marissa says, following Seth into the kitchen.

"There's no way my dad would let him go to juvie again," Seth says.

"He's not going to juvie," Sandy announces entering. He pats his son on the back and gently touches Summer's arm. "Are you alright?"

Summer smiles. "Yeah. I'm okay. Ryan's not in trouble?"

"No. I spoke with his probation officer and the principal today. He's going to be suspended for a week but there are no other repercussions. Where is he?" Sandy asks.

"He's not here. He should have been here early this morning, but we haven't seen him. When we saw Seth's car pull in we came over."

"Where do you think he would go?" Seth asks.

"I don't know. He should be here," Summer answers before anyone else. "Something's wrong."
