To all my fellow Ukyou/Ryouga fans and readers:

First off, I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this story which has been incomplete for several years. Nothing majorly bad has happened to me, just life in general, interests change, etc… which is why this story has remained incomplete for so long and for that I am sorry. No story should remain unfinished without a really good reason.

I have set myself a goal for NaNoWriMo this year 2013 and that is to finish my incomplete stories which are only a few chapters shy of being complete. This story happens to be one of them. I have been studying up on my Ryouga/Ukyou and feel ready to delve back into the pairing from Ranma ½ that has been and always will be my favorite. Please be patient with me – I intend to repost some chapters with fixed spelling/grammar/timeline mistakes and in some cases add additional content to smooth out the chapters better.

Part of what inspired me to finish writing is my search for good, multi-chapter stories involving my favorite couple. It is very hard to find stories that I like and during my search I came across a blogspot website where I got a very big compliment by the website owner ryogalovesukyo, claiming It's a Nerima Life is one of the best Ukyou/Ryouga pairing stories out there. Thank you very much for saying that rlu! I also received some recent reviews that have inspired me to do this, so bear with me as I work towards completing the HEA for this story for my favorite Ranma duo. I shall try my best to do it justice.
