Disclaimer: I don't own YGO

Author's Note: Began writing this fan fiction back in highscool... 2004 in the middle og Biology class. October. Got inspired by the Halloween spirit and decided to make a vampire fic. This time focusing around Ryou.

Alternate Universe, Vampires, Mild Language, Out Of Character-ness, and more.

P.S.: .I love vampires.


/- Time/Position of Time Action -/


Chapter 01:
Introduction To Ryou's World
Some Changes

"Ryou, you should stay behind this time."

"But I'm always stationed in the van! Why can't Yugi, or Anzu, or Mai, or-" Ryou was cut off by his yami.

"No! We need them in the hunt! Stay here and monitor," Bakura gave Ryou something, "Press the button if any vampire come, and I'll be here as soon as possible" Ryou sighed and opened his mouth. Too late, his yami had already jumped out of the large van to join the others. Ryou kicked the glove compartment in front of him, and then switched on the radar. It turned on then bleeped off.

"Little piece of-" He got out of the van and climbed on the roof. Electronics and radars crowded the roof of the van. He took a detached wire and re-attached it to the radar lamp. 'Better.' he thought

This is how it was. He was occasionally asked to come along to be radar when everyone else was busy. Even when he came, he was always left alone. He didn't mind the coming along or being left alone part, but he was sick and tiered of the others treating him like he couldn't even chew his own food! He wanted to kill at least ONE vampire in his life. They didn't even bother giving him a decent weapon! They thought he would hurt himself.

"What do you call a hunter with a pencil." He asked himself. His inner thoughts replied. 'I don't know! A dead one?' Ryou took out his weapon, a pencil. without lead. "God! I can't even give the vampire lead poisoning!" the boy climbed down and went back into the van. He flipped the radar back on. It flashed and showed the hunters' positions. They were in pursuit, in the middle of hunting a vampire. Ryou sighed and looked at his 'weapon.' He flipped it through his fingers. "How the hell are you supposed to kill a vampire with a pencil?"

"Hey! Yugi!" the boy turned to face Ryou.

"Hey Ryou! Ya need anythin'?"

"I just wanted to know if you got a free space to go hand to hand combating tonight for the hunt" Yugi hesitated

"Well, sorry about that Ryou, but I have a full group tonight, another time?" Ryou nodded a bit and sighed.

"Okay, I'll see you around." Ryou turned around, frowned, and walked away. 'Even the way Yugi says it, it still sounds like "we don't need you Ryou, your not strong enough, you're still innocent"' He shook his head and went to his last class of the day.

"HEY BAKURA! I'm home!" No response. He went to the kitchen and looked at the paper on the table. He snatched it up and read it aloud to himself.

Sorry, but hunting is earlier today! I'm staying at one of the hunter's house for the night! See you in the morning!
- Bakura"
He crumpled it up and threw it across the room. He sighed. 'Who cares! They sure don't!' He went in the fridge and got some leftovers from the day before. He set the oven and put the food in. He got out of the kitchen and into the living room. He set his watch for six thirty and turned on the television.

/- Six thirty -/

Ryou's watch beeped and he got up and entered the kitchen. He took out his food and grabbed a fork. Turning off the oven he walked back to his show. He didn't bother getting a plate for it was a portion for one. He ate by the television, alone, again. He was planning on a night like all the others by himself. Eat supper and watch television. After he eats, dose his homework, goes on the computer, then to bed at eleven.


Ryou looked at the door form where he was sitting. 'I didn't invite anyone over. Bakura's supposed to be back in the morning.'

"WHO IS IT?" He called too comfortable to get up and actually open the door.

"TELEGRAM!" Ryou raised his eyebrow. "Telegrams? Do they still even have those??" He got up and looked through the peephole. A man dressed in a uniform stood there, seemingly to follow Ryou's every move with his eyes. Ryou opened the door and stuck his head out.

"Yes?" The man stuck the envelope at Ryou; "Thank you" The boy took it from the man. He glanced at the name, then in front of him. No one was there. He raised his eyebrow and shrugged. He closed the door and went back to his Television seat and opened the envelope addressed to him. He read aloud,


You are an outcast of you kin; we know you are a strong. Won't you come and meet us tomorrow around eleven o'clock at the 'Vampire's Hide'. We can discuss what you want to do. Come alone.



We won't bite you, you are forbidden, unless you ask us" Ryou bit his lip. He put the paper on the table in front of him and took his food. He continued to eat and watch his show, but sometimes he would pause and looked at the letter for brief moments.

Ryou placed the letter in his pocket and left for school. Why was he bringing it to school? He had no idea. He probably didn't want Bakura to find it, so it must be safer with him at school.

/- Seventh Period in an Eight Period School Day, After Lunch -/
/- English Class Half Way Through -/

Ryou leaned on the window, looking out the city view. He was thinking of the letter in his pocket. 'Should I go and risk Bakura following me? Should I even go at all? What do they mean by "You are forbidden?" I wonder if Bakura's hunting tonight, if he is, I'll go. Hmmm.is some one calling my name?"

"MR. RYOU BAKURA!" The teacher slapped a ruler on his desk making him jump out of his trance. Hushed laughs spread across the room.


"Are the answers to your test being signaled by someone outside?"

"No ma'am, I'm just-"

"I don't want to hear about YOU right now, we have work to do!" Ryou blinked many times. Anger came over him. The teacher turned around and was half way down the isle when Ryou stood up from his desk and his chair screeched across the floor.

"What ARE you doing?" the teacher asked

"Not taking crap from anyone!" He glared at the teacher and then all the students. "I had enough of you, ignoring me when I talk, when I listen. I guess I'm only important when I stand by and do nothing! Is that it?" He raised his voice, "I HAD ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF STNDING, SITTING AND WAITING FOR SOMETHING TO HAPPEN! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF OTHERS BOSSING ME AROUND!" All the students stared at Ryou, who was usually quiet and evasive of any social contact with those he dose not know. They were staring and watching his every move, examining his outburst.

"Ryou, do not raise your voice at me"

"You know what, I don't give a-"

"Sit down, NOW!" The teacher interrupted the boy. Ryou smiled. He knew what he was going to do.

"I was talking, and you interrupted me. I thought teachers were supposed to be kind and show affection to their students. You do that to all, but me. You know what, FUCK OFF! YOU'RE FISRT!" Ryou pointed to the teacher giving her a death look. He then stopped pointing, gathered his tings, his bag and left the classroom. They didn't care, and it hurts.

'She's first. If they offer to turn me into one of them, I'm taking it and killing off one by one. She's first.' He stormed past many classrooms, his aura flaring and shocking all those who could sense it. He kicked open the doors of the school and ran down the stairs.

He picked up a rock, turned around, found his English classroom, and whipped the rock at the window. The rock smashed through the window and hit the wall. The teacher stood there, breathing heavily, as the rock nearly hit her. Ryou grinned and walked off the school premises towards his home.

You know some times I fee like pelting a rock at a window. But I always think of what will happen after I do it. I don't wanna pay for the broken window.. So uhh. ya. I just imagine I pelt many rocks at many windows! - I have too much imagination time at school. Geh.. Do you likes this?? If you no likes. THEN SCREW YOU!! MOUAHAhAHAHAHAHAaaaa!! Okay.

N e ways if ya wanna see a my other vampire fics. GO AHEAD! READ THEM AND REVIEW THEM!! THANK YOU!!

Untill next chappie of fic, C YA! -Niricko.