Disclaimer: Rurouni Kenshin is the creation of Nobuhiro Watsuki, with the manga and anime rights belonging to Jump Comics and Sony Entertainment, respectively. FF is non-profit, meant for entertainment only. FF can be archived anywhere, just let me know where. Please send no flames, I'm sensitive. For all other comments 0_o you may contact me at [email protected]
Chapter Three
Silence filled the room, weighing the air and oppressing the mood. Like polite strangers or undeclared foes they sat around with civil masks and courteous gestures, drinking tea under false decorum.
After the incident both woman had changed their clothes. Kaoru had changed out of her yukata and into a kimono while Megumi had been forced to change out of her wet one and into one of Kaoru's. The borrowed item came from Sano having asked Kenshin who then asked Kaoru for a change of clothes, with great apathy the item was given up. Now here they sat sometime later, sipping tea and avoiding the problem.
In response to earlier taunting Kaoru now sat next to her redhead, not to his left like she usually did or even a foot away from him. No. She sat right next to him, close enough that they touched. Close enough for the female doctor to understand once and for all, who Himura Kenshin belonged to.
Cold warmth, it's what he sensed in the room. What seemed to be coming from both women thought it was stronger in Kaoru. Her body was warm next to him unlike her attitude. Though truth be told she was only acting that way towards the female doctor. Whenever he turned towards her she would smile or offer him tea. The same with Sano, she didn't seem to be angry with him just . . . . . distant. Annoyed perhaps that he had helped the other woman.
He had tried to talk to her about what the problem had been but the blue-eyed beauty had been uncooperative. Much like the female doctor, who kept repeating the fact that Kaoru had tried to drown her. It was all she said, refusing to elaborate. Kenshin looked into his cup, watching his reflection in the murky liquid before he put the cup down.
"What the fuck happened out there?"
Sano's angry words cut him off; just as well, he'd asked the question they'd all been dancing around. His eyes along with two other sets turned to the black haired kenjutsu instructor.
Kaoru's hands were settled on her lap while her gaze focused on Sano since he'd been the one to ask the question. Her eyes were large and clear, touched with innocence. Honest in her response, "I reacted to provocation."
"So it WAS your fault fox."
"Don't be an idiot." Megumi snapped but Sano didn't let up. "I've heard some of the shit you say to her and I warned you that one day you were going to really piss her off." His frown was quickly becoming a scowl. The insistence that jou-chan would really try and kill her was irritating as well as ridicules. She would never hurt anyone.
Kaoru smiled at Sano thankful to have him on her side. She turned her gaze towards Kenshin, watching the intent look in his eyes, no doubt trying to decipher her state of mind.
"Fine," Megumi said slamming down her cup and standing up. "'Let's just overlook the fact that she almost killed me."
"Bullshit and you know it."
"Of course cause she's your little jou-chan." Megumi pointed out bitterly. "And your Kaoru-dono. Kaoru never does anything wrong so it's got to me right?" She walked over to the door and put her sandals on. "We'll it's not me." She paused at the door and looked Kaoru straight in the eye. "Crazy bitch."
Kaoru was taken back by the words. Blinking back her surprise, she'd never heard Megumi cuss before. Kaoru mouthed the word, 'bitch.' Wrinkling her nose in disgust, she found she didn't like the word.
"Don't listen to her, I think she's the crazy one around here."
Kaoru beamed at him, smiling so brightly she made him blush. Sano coughed in embarrassment. His eyes skirted away from hers only to fall on those of the rurouni, a hard purple gaze reflecting ire. Sano frowned in confusion, refusing to turn away from the look in the rurouni's eyes. It wasn't till he saw a flash of light that he turned away.
"It's going to rain." Kaoru mused. She'd been waiting for the weather change. This summer had been extremely hot and she was looking forward to a nice stormy winter. "I'm going to take a nap." She announced, standing up. "Please call me when lunch is done." She tossed over her shoulder to Kenshin as she paused near the ex-gangster. "Thank you for standing up for me." She said kissing his cheek a bit too close to his mouth. Sano flushed and quickly turned his eyes to where the rurouni sat. Correction had sat because he wasn't there anymore. He wasn't in the room at all
Air stirred the leaves, shaking the trees as it whirled around the yard. The speed with which it howled had grown since earlier. Kaoru stood in the yard, letting the breeze stir her hair. She had avoided going back to her room right away, knowing she would see him, she didn't want a confrontation just yet.
Ignoring everything else, she basked in the feeling of the wind, feeling free while standing in the yard and waiting for the rain. She wanted to stand there and wait. Wait for those crystal drops to plummet to the earth, washing over everything they fell upon. To feel that tingle on her face from having been n the rain too long or to taste the chilling drops that descended from above. She wanted to tremble and quiver from the cold.
A flash of light ran across the sky, slowly followed by a roll of thunder. Rumbling thick and strong. A shiver ran over her form. Sighing she turned back to the house, her five minutes were probably up. Shuffling along she slowly made her way inside.
The air was warmer within the house, easier to breathe as well. No longer shuffling she turned the corner and headed down the hall. Thinking, he hadn't come to her out in the yard so it must have meant he was mad. He wouldn't have stayed away otherwise. Kaoru entered her room feeling a rush of wind before she was caught and pressed against the wall. "What did you think you were doing?"
She'd expected him to be this way and so she knew better than to smile or laugh in his face. Instead she blinked slowly, her eyes showing nothing but confusion. "What do you mean?"
He growled and squeezed her hard. "You know exactly what I mean."
It was only then she realized who this was. Who he was. Still it didn't make the man handling any easier to take and so she looked at him jadedly. Rurouni or not he still answered to her. "I don't," she began, not fighting against his hold. "What's wrong with you?" Her tone was deceptively low, soothing almost.
It made him angry, he wasn't so dumb as to fall victim to the lull of her voice. "You know." He bit out in a flat tone. "It's why you did it isn't it?" His eyes had narrowed dangerously, she was aware of who he was and what she'd done. She knew he knew but he wanted to hear her admit it.
"I don't understand what - "
"Stop," he ordered harshly making her cower in response. "Tell me now." He demanded in a calmer though no less cold voice. Kaoru turned away, refusing to meet his gaze. But he wouldn't have any of that. Not today, not when she'd purposely made him angry. Stirring his jealousy. He cupped her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Next time you do that, purposely or not," He warned. "I will not let it go. Do you understand?" He watched her closely growing angrier at the lack of response. "Do you understand?" He loomed over her so that he was all she could see. They stood so close their noses touched, so close he could smell her scent and breathe her air.
Ignoring his proximity, Kaoru overlooked the fluttering of her heart and looked at him with fire in her eyes. Her gaze was strong and baleful. If not for her arms been held down she'd have pummeled him into next week. Baka. He gripped her tighter and she was forced to respond. "I understand." She consented pausing long enough until he let her go. After a few seconds he backed away, turned and headed for the door. "I understand we aren't friends?"
He paused.
"You proved that today." She reproached. "So tell me." She continued as he turned and faced her, waiting for her to continue. "What am I to you?"
He tried to read beyond the expression on her face but in the end he found nothing more than resentment. He knew she'd kissed Sano on purpose, simply to infuriate him. He couldn't help the thunderous look that crossed his face. "That's what this is about?"
How slow could he be. "You didn't even bother to defend me." She accused. "You just sat there, letting her insult me."
Kenshin sighed in frustration, "Kaoru."
"No," she interrupted. "What do I mean to you?" She wanted a response, all this time between them living with each other; she wanted to know exactly what she was to him.
"You know," He responded, struggling to keep frustration out of his tone. He hadn't thought they needed a verbal acknowledgement but it seemed she did. "You're important to me."
"Important," she echoed.
He shook his head in irritation, it'd been so easy saying it in his head before but now that she was standing there putting him on the spot, it wasn't so damn easy. "Kaoru I -, You know that I- I." Kami help him. "You know." Damn it she did, she knew.
"I don't." She snapped, looking at him wrathfully a couple of seconds before she turned her back to him. "I need to hear you say it." She whispered. Kenshin looked off to the side, as furious as she made him, he understood. Sighing in defeat he stepped closer.
"Kenshin," the shoji to her room snapped open, revealing a disheveled
looking Yahiko. His eyes opened in relief at having found the redhead. "Some
guy downtown killed two cops" He paused long enough for breath. "Didn't
see who it was but he mention you, called you battousai."
Kenshin nodded, ready to run off but pausing at the door, "We'll talk later." He promised even as she turned away and refused to meet his gaze. Sparing her a few more seconds he then ran off. Rushing out of the house and past the yard. He had to hurry before whoever it was decided they would come looking for him instead.
'Maybe she wouldn't be here later,' she thought. Looking at the door angrily once he was gone. Unconsciously playing with the beads around her wrist.
Megumi entered the clinic, slamming the door closed. Stupid country bumpkin. The way Sano of all people stood up for her, Uurgh. Not to mention the rurouni who seemed glued to her side. It just wasn't fair. Kaoru had tried to kill her. Stupid idiots. Why couldn't they see it?
Stupid Tanuki.
She'd never really hated the girl but now what with this. It would be hard not to hate her after this. She knew what she'd almost done and she didn't feel sorry, not one bit. Megumi strode down the hall angry with herself for even -
She turned at the sound of Dr. Genzai's voice. She looked around until, "Megumi!" She heard her name again. This time she had a better idea as to where he was. She walked down past two more doors and then entered the room on the right. "Dr. Genzai." She greeted.
The old man smiled kindly. "This came for you today. A message from Yokohama."
"Thank you, " Megumi said as she took the note. "Did you need me for anything?"
His eyes crinkled as he smiled again. "No, go enjoy your day off."
She bowed in thanks and left the room, unfolding the paper as she made her way down the hall. She stopped just before she reached the porch.
Romani Jipushi
From what you described in your note I would say it sounds like Amria, Roma curse which can do anything from driving a person mad to stealing their soul. It depends on the curse, in this case it would be wuzho, which means polluted.
It's hard to say exactly what kind of curse it is without seeing her and even then I might not be able to tell what it is. The safest thing would be for her to get the curse lifted by a gypsy. If the curse is not lifted right away it can corrupt her to the point where even if it is lifted, she'll remain tainted. But for something like that to happen she would have to have been under the curse for several years either that or the spell would've had to be really strong but even then it would still take one to two years to corrupt her.
As I said I would need to see her.
Megumi looked over the note a second time. Kaoru was better now so it couldn't mean she was suffering from a curse. Though she had acted out of character and the note did say it could make someone go mad. Hmm, she would have to pay closer attention to her behavior. Maybe Kaoru was really crazy. It would certainly explain her behavior today.
What she didn't understand is why Kaoru would be the only one affected. If the curse pertained to her person alone then the person who had her cursed would have to be someone who hated her, someone like Gohei.
Though when you think about it, the person might have been after Kenshin and since she's the easiest way of getting to him. Of course she would be the one afflicted. This was the point where things got complicated, if Ken-san was the reason then wouldn't they have cursed him too.
The answer is yes but she hadn't seen him acting out of character. She couldn't really say that for sure though she hadn't spent the last couple of days with them. Sighing she tucked the note into her sash and began her walk to the rougher part of town. She would talk to the rooster before she even dared mention it to the rurouni. Just in case she was wrong.
It didn't take long to arrive at the police station. He'd stopped long enough to gather what'd happened and where the incident had taken place before he headed out. Down the same road, running instead of walking.
He'd been running for a while but he was almost there. He kept wondering who it could be. Whoever it was had made it all the way to Tokyo so they knew he was here. The question was, did they know where. He couldn't help but be worried. What if they'd found someone who knew him? Worse than that, where he lived?
He stopped right outside Karasu no kuroi, a seedy bar in the rougher part of town. Rather than go inside, he walked around to the back. Looking around he sensed nothing but he did smell blood. The smell grew stronger as he reached the alley behind the bar.
Messy, was probably the only way to describe the scene. He looked at the wall noting the splatter marks and the way they were angled. Whoever it was had most definitively used a sword. His eyes drifted up calculating how one would jump to get over the wall and onto the roofs. A possible way out.
Possible but highly unlikely, he didn't think that was the way the other man had gone. He stepped back out of the alley and looked down the street. The wind was much too strong; it interfered with proper tracking procedures. Not just that but the police had already been here and carried the bodies off. All their footsteps overshadowed those of the assailant, destroying any possible lead he might have had.
He tried not to get angry. Still his nostrils flared as he breathed through his nose, the beginning signs of agitation. He would have to step into the bar. He needed a proper description maybe then he'd be able to name the assailant.
Wind whirled around him, blowing dust into his eyes and thrashing against houses before it died off. A drop fell on his nose and he knew this day was only going to get worse before it got better. The storm was on it's way now. Which meant he didn't have much time.
It was just past twelve though it might have just as well been six; the day had grown dim. Dark ominous clouds from earlier had completely covered the sky. A few drops had begun their descent from the sky and Kaoru was hopping that if she walked slow enough then she might still be able to enjoy a few of the water drops.
She dropped her gaze from the sky, somewhat saddened that she had arrived at her destination. Sighing woefully she stepped into the Akabeko.
Kaoru entered the busy restaurant, looking around as she walked in. It was lunchtime so she would have to wait before she spoke to her friend. "Kaoru-chan."
Maybe not. "Afternoon Tae."
"It's good to see you." Tae smiled as she led her friend to a table. "Are the others joining you soon?"
"No," Kaoru shook her head. "It's just me today." She said as she sat down. "I need to talk to you later when you're not busy."
Tae nodded. "It'll be a while."
"I know it'll give me a chance to eat." Kaoru smiled at her friend.
"Sukiyaki," Kaoru agreed, smiling lightly until her friend left. The smile slipped off soon after, no matter how hard she tried her thought always strayed back. Kenshin. She wondered where he was at the moment. Was he all right? Was he thinking about her? It was hard not to think about him, she would know. She had tried.
"There you are."
Confusion settled over Sano's face as he looked at the woman in his room. "What is it? Did something else happen?"
Black hair swooshed to the side as she shook her head. "Nothing like that I wanted to ask you something."
Sano smirked and sat down. "So you've been waiting for me to come home?"
Ignoring his question she went on. "Have you noticed Ken-san acting differently since Kaoru got sick?"
At that, he rolled his eyes, always something with Kenshin. "Not really." He responded. "He always acts the same when she gets sick."
"So NO out of character behavior?"
"None," Sano assured. Though on second thought. "Wait," thinking back on it there was. That night he'd stayed over, the night he'd told Kenshin about the case. "A couple of days ago I noticed he was being kinda weird. I remember thinking he was acting just as cocky as Saitou."
"Has he done anything that you might be forgetting?" Megumi wondered. Sano shook his head; he didn't remember Kenshin doing anything out of the ordinary. Megumi reworded her question. "Is that all you noticed?"
Sano thought a couple of seconds. "No," He frowned. "There was also something he said." He remembered there had been a menacing look in his purple eyes. 'Whoever it is won't get past me.' Kenshin's voice had sounded strangely deep. "It was in the way he said it. I know it sounds weird but it kinda freaked me out. He didn't sound like Kenshin."
So he was being affected. She would have to keep a closer eye on them.
"You wanna tell me what this is about?"
She looked at him. He might make fun of her if she told him. But if he believed her then he might actually be of some help since he did spend a lot of time at the dojo. "I think someone made Kaoru sick on purpose."
"What?" His voice rose as anger settled in his gut. "Who?"
"I don't know who but I think whatever Kaoru was give might have also been given to Ken-san." There she'd told him without making herself sound ridicules.
"I need you to keep an eye on them and tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary, all right." She dusted her hands and stood.
"Sure," he said standing as well. He slid the door open, noting the light sprinkle of rain on the ground. "Did you bring an umbrella?"
"No. Is it raining already?" She asked trying to look over his shoulder. She sighed when she couldn't. "I better hurry then before it really starts to pour." Sano closed the door as soon as she'd stepped out.
"You don't have to walk me." She insisted as he fell into step with her. "Yeah I do." He responded. Afternoon was settling into night and with the weather getting dark, as it was something could happen to her. They fell silent as they walked something for which he was glad. His thoughts were all over the place. Kenshin not acting like the rurouni, jou-chan's illness; it was hard to believe someone would go so far. What kind of illness would render jou-chan sick and Kenshin mean.
Small drops of rain began descending faster, as drizzle turned into a heavy shower. After the incident from earlier in the morning, Megumi felt a need to get out of the rain, away from the water. But if they stopped now it would only take that much longer for her to get home. Still she couldn't shake the feeling off and made a run for a line of trees. The foliage would serve in protecting them from the rain at least for a while.
Sano jogged after her, pausing a moment under the tree. He was quick to notice the rain slipping though. "We have to move back some more." He said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her back with him.
The rain created a soft drumming sound, relaxing in it's repetitive beat. Sano leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes, listening to the soft lull.
"Did you hear that?"
He opened his eyes and spared his companion a glance. "Hear what?"
Megumi strained her ears, waiting for the soft sound to repeat itself. "There did you hear it this time?" She said when she heard it again.
Sano frowned and stood back to his full height. He listened intently trying to hear what fox kept hearing. He couldn't hear anything so he peeked out from behind the tree. Wssh. He heard the noise but he couldn't see from where he was. "Stay here." And with that he was off, sneaking behind trees and making his way back to the road.
His eyes narrowed as he peered into the rain trying to make out shapes out of the haze but it was useless. Still he tried again, shielding his eyes before he squinted. This time making out the shape of a woman and a man. He moved closer to see if she needed any help.
The couple could be married for all he knew and he didn't want to get into the middle of their fight. But if it was something else, well then he'd be glad to beat the guy down. Maybe even get himself a date in the process.
"I knew you would."
Sano felt adrenaline rushing into his veins, jumping out from where he'd stood. He shouted. "Jou-chan!"
Kaoru turned her back to the burly man to see Sano standing under the rain. Blood dripped from a cut on her brow, washing down her cheek.
"Fuck," the man cussed as he turned tail, holding onto his side as he ran off.
Sano rushed to her side. "Jou-chan are you all right?" She nodded as his eyes scanned her face for injury. "Who was it?" He asked turning his head in the direction the other man had run off.
"Gohei." She answered. "Are you going to go after him?"
"Yeah, Megumi's behind the trees over there, get her to fix you up. I'll be by later." With those departing words he ran, chasing after a man they hadn't seen in years.
Kaoru watched him a moment before she began her walk home. She held her palms out allowing the rain to wash the blood off her hands. She was sure Sano wouldn't get him. No one ever did. The only person that could was off somewhere saving someone no doubt.
He would get angry, she knew he would. But then she'd been hopping for that. It's why she'd made it easy for Gohei to follow her. She'd egged him on, hopping he would hit her. She hadn't expected for him to pull out a knife but then he probably hadn't expected to get stabbed with it either. Her lips curved upwards in semblance of a smile.
She hummed as she walked. It was getting darker. She had hopped to get back sometime after midnight but now that she had the cut on her eyebrow plus the split on her lip she could go home. Stir him a little. Sighing she tilted her head and closed her eyes, allowing the rain to wash over her face. Feeling the tingle she loved so much.
There was a flash of something across her eyes and she staggered. Came to a stop and shook her head. What was she doing? She touched the cut over her brow and wondered. Where were all theses spiteful feelings coming from? Had she always been attracted to the demon that was his darker half? Again she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She realized there was something wrong because she wasn't liked that. Feeling a strong pull she half turned, black flashed across her eyes when she opened them, disoriented she looked around. Frowning, she wondered why she'd even stopped. She was almost home.
She began the tread home again, noting she was only four houses away. She pulled the ribbon out of her hair, loosening her locks from the ponytail. She moved her hands over her bangs as well as the rest her strands in an attempt to smooth out her hair. She pinched her cheeks and kept her bottom lip between her teeth. Letting it go when she reached the gate to her home.
The door was yanked open with incredible force. Crimson strands dripped plump rivulets of water, wet and angry he stood in the middle of the gate, blocking the entrance. A menacing look settled over his face. "Where were you?"
His voice was a deep rumble over the rain. She shivered, wanting nothing more than to smile and be led away except she didn't. They weren't yet even. "I wanted to talk with Tae." She said pushing her way past him.
The door closed behind her with an audible bang as it slammed into place. Locking the door, he stalked after her. Grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him. Dripping trails of water into the house as he dragged her to her room.
He slid the shoji close and turned. Eyes narrowing at the sight of blood, he rushed to her side. "What happened?" Deftly touching the cuts.
"It's because you weren't there."
"What?" He rasped taken back by her words. "We'll if you'd been with me," she began but he interrupted. "What?" He growled in disbelief. He'd been out trying to catch a murderer. "So it's my fault," he scoffed.
Anger flared in her eyes at his mocking tone. "I didn't say that."
His hand's settled into fists. "You just couldn't stay home like I asked could you?" Anger chilled his words when he spoke.
Kaoru looked at him condescendingly; "You never said not leave."
Fucking bullshit. His mouth thinned into a line. "Who hit you?"
"Sano already went after him," She informed him. "So you can stay home with me." Reason didn't seem to be helping her too much. Kenshin closed his eyes in an effort to remain calm. "Who?
"Kenshin, it doesn't matter. I'm home." She persisted.
"Who?" He roared, stirring freight with his tone. Kaoru swallowed, feeling her heart darting around. "Gohei." She murmured.
"On my way home but I told you Sano went after him," She insisted as she began to stand.
"Kaoru," he cautioned reading her intent. "But Kenshin," she pleaded taking a step, she didn't want him to leave.
"Stay or so help me," He warned, slid the shoji open and left. Kaoru chased after him. "Wait." She ran a little faster in an effort to catch up.
Damn it. "Kenshin, wait." She said catching his sleeve. He jerked his arm, freeing his sleeve and causing her to trip. Her foot twisted and she stumbled off the last step of the porch. She closed her eyes.
Thinking he should let her fall he continued walking but her frightened cry made him turn, catching her in his arms before she hit the floor.
He looked at her in frustration. Shielding her with his body as rain poured into the yard. Why was she making things so difficult? His muscles flexed as he freed his right arm. He moved wet stands out of her eyes, which drifted, open at the light caress, revealing murky pools of blue. He shook his head lightly. Troublesome woman, he thought. Bending further he caught her lips in a grazing kiss.
Kaoru trembled, wanting more than a chaste press of the lips. She tossed her arms around his neck, pressing closer as she sought to deepen the kiss. He sighed against her mouth, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. He drew back, knowing now wasn't them time. He had to find Gohei. If he allowed her kiss he might not be able to restrain himself not to mention leave.
He picked her up and took her back inside. It took a lot of self-control not to let her have her way; she had become very difficult it seems over the last couple of days. He set her back on her feet once they stood in her room.
"I don't want you to go."
"I know," he acknowledge, cupping her cheeks with his palms. "But I have to." He kissed her pouting lips. "We'll talk when I come back." He said kissing a part of her face after every word. Kaoru sighed in contentment, loving the showering kisses.
"Wait for me." He whispered against her mouth, grazing her lips in a ghostly kiss. She floated in a warm miasma filled with his scent and soft pelting rain. Kaoru's eyes were slow to open after the kiss. Touching her lips as she opened her eyes, her warmth seeped away as she looked around, she was all alone again. "Mou," she protested mildly annoyed. "Kenshin-baka." Still she smiled as she stepped out of her room.
This chapter was slightly longer, four pages longer that I cut out, editing you know. If you want to see the complete chapter it'll be on my website.
I must admit, I had trouble with writing battousai. I kept going back to the manga and ova trying to get a sense of him. I finally did but my wrist gave out. So you guys are getting one chapter instead of two. Sorry.
Still I hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Small Note: As you all now this is an overview of what happened so everyone can follow and so that we're all on the same page.
The men overlook Megumi almost being drowned, considering the incident nothing more than a fluke, a loss of temper on Kaoru's part.
When confronted with the incident, Sano is the only one to defend her. She kisses him in gratitude making Kenshin angry in the process.
In response he corners her in the bedroom, manhandling her as he asks his questions. Resentfully she answers him. Eventually asking him how he feels about her. Just as he's about to answer they get interrupted. A murderer, looking for him was spotted in the rougher part of town. Not waiting to get attacked at the dojo Kenshin runs off. Angry at the interruption Kaoru leaves the dojo, feeling lost and seeking advice she heads for the Akabeko
Megumi's friend in Yokohama finally sends word. Pointing out the possibility of a Roma curse. Still not believing that could be the cause she finds Sano to confirm her suspicion. He does but only to some extent and so she asks him to keep a closer eye on them. Sano agrees and walks her home. On their way home it begins to pour. Megumi hears something and Sano goes out to look.
What he sees is Kaoru and a burly man, who runs of at the sight of him. After checking to see if she's all right, he runs after the man who we find out is Gohei, a man they haven't seen in years.
Kaoru's personality though almost completely obscured by the shadow of the curse is still somewhere inside. Small glimpses of her are caught in the story where she feels there is something wrong but those moments disappear just as fast as they come.
If you remember the curse was to unleash the darkness within the soul.
It's why it set battousai free. But unlike Kenshin, Kaoru has no blood on her hands and no darkness in her heart. So the curse will compensate by corrupting who she was.
I believe that covers everything that happened in this chapter but if you still have questions email me. Thanks for reading and don't forget to review.