The Things You Do To Me

A/N: For right now, this story is titled " The Things You Do To Me" and the main character is Ginny Weasley. She will go through several mortifying events, and I'm sorry if it offends anyone, but everyone will go through this one day! I have gone through only one of them, and no, I'm not telling! I'm not a HUGE supporter of Harry and Ginny, but it doesn't totally creep me out. I like to write Harry and Hermione stories, and Ron and Hermione still creeps me out. Sorry, I shudder when I think about it. It's like thinking of my best friend kissing her boyfriend; it's disgusting! It will take a little time to get used to it... For now, ENJOY!

Chapter 1: Slipping On Towels

Ginny Weasley silently crept into her private bathroom, hidden with a Fidelius Charm. Only her best friend, Hermione Granger, knew about it, and she swore not to tell anyone. She flicked on the light and grabbed a towel from her cabinet. Knowing that the bathroom would be empty and peaceful, she relaxed and turned on the water. Sighing, she settled down in the hot water and closed her eyes....

Knock! Knock!

Ginny abruptly opened her eyes and panicked. How could Hermione tell? She was silent until she heard Hermione's impatient whisper," Ginny! Open the door!" She breathed a sigh of relief and said, " Alohomora!" The door clicked open and Hermione walked briskly in.

" Harry's here, so you want to be careful going out," she said.

" Thanks, ' Mione!" Ginny said gratefully.

Hermione shot her a smile and walked out, locking the door again. Ginny closed her eyes and made up little tunes in her head. * Has anyone ever done that? I do! LOL*

30 minutes later....

Ginny turned off the water and dried off. Wrapping the towel securely around her chest, she unlocked the door and peeked around her doorway. Good, no one was there. She began to walk back to her room but stopped suddenly when she heard Ron's loud voice.

" Ginny's been asking about you all summer, Harry!" he said loudly and chuckling. She could hear Harry's nervous laugh and she turned bright red. * Note to self: KILL RON! I mean, nobody would mind except for Mum, but I'll talk to her later*

She could hear them getting closer and she squeaked. Hurrying to her bedroom which was across the hall, she slipped and fell on the floor, her towel sliding down. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to get up, but Harry and Ron had already seen her.

Harry's mouth was gaping at her and his cheeks had a bright pink to it. Ron was guffawing loudly and Hermione came to see what all the fuss was about. She noticed Ginny on the floor, half naked and yelled...


Ginny really wished she hadn't. Her face bright red, she jumped up and ran to her room.

Harry's POV

Harry watched Ginny run into her room and slam the door. Hermione hurried after her, after shooting Ron a disgusted look. Harry couldn't stop gaping. The image of Ginny with her legs crossed and ALMOST her chest showing wouldn't get out of his mind. He shook his head slightly. It was only Little Ginny. Wasn't it?....

Ginny's POV

Ginny cried onto Hermione's shoulder, who was hugging her tightly.

" Ssshhh.... it's okay," Hermione soothingly whispered.

' N-No, it-it-it's no-noo-t!" Ginny choked out. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve. " I'll never be able to look at Harry ever again!"

Hermione remembered Harry's awed face and bulging eyes and tried not to chuckle. Ginny was having an embarrasing moment and now wasn't the time.

" I bet it turned him on," she declared.

Ginny stared at her with disbelieving eyes. " Turned him on?" she asked.

" Yep! He hasn't really seen the mature side of you yet. You're still the little girl who squeals whenever somebody's says his name to you," she said happily. She rubbed her hands together.

" Just why are you so happy?" Ginny asked, her eyes narrowed.

" 'Cause I have an idea!" Hermione said with a twinkle in her eyes...

The End of the first chapter. Now, I know that had to be mortifying for Ginny and I'm so sad that I made her experience that, but that's life!